Topic: Mind Reading | |
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Mon 05/25/09 04:48 PM
Mind reading (telepathic communication) IS POSSIBLE.
And it is NOT in the form of language (words). It IS the language of images and feelings. Sometimes we do it unconsciously and don't even realize it. Here are some examples. A man knocked on my door. I answered. He said his car broke down and he wanted to use my phone. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and let him into my house although it was against my better judgment. But sometimes we just don't listen to ourselves. (I know, a very stupid thing to do.) But from the first encounter, I did not believe him. I did not believe his car was broken. He came in and I observed him looking around the house. He was not looking for the phone. This confirmed my feelings. (He was casing it for stuff to steal I think.) Then he made a brief call. He also checked me out and sized me up. (Was he thinking of rape?) I didn't think so, but I was ready to fight at that point. Whatever he was up to, he decided this was not the place. To this day, I think he was looking for stuff to steal. Now I did not "read his mind" as in "heard any words being thought of." BUT I did feel and read his intentions. I knew exactly at which point he was satisfied that there was nothing in my house worth stealing, and that he was not there to do me any violence. After he left he went strait to his "broken down" car and drove off. If I knew these things, why did I let him in? Because we are taught that mind reading is NOT POSSIBLE. We are told that telepathy is NOT POSSIBLE. So we tell ourselves that what we are seeing in our inner mind and feeling about the situation is all our "imagination." HORSE HOCKEY. We can sense these things. This is part of the sixth sense. Now, another example. A man I did know came to my door because he was doing some yard work trimming trees. I know him and I like him. As we faced each other at the door, suddenly I saw a picture of him reaching out to me and embracing me in a passionate kiss. The vision and the feeling were very strong. I was surprised that he did not do just that and I started to question my sanity. Later, we were walking across the yard in a business-like manner and suddenly he put his arms around my waist and we walked side by side in this embrace across the yard as natural as if we had been dating for months. It was very strange. Before he actually touched me, I had no idea there was a mutual attraction. I thought it was just me. These are telepathic communications. |
OK, now take the nuclear magnetic imager, or future equivalent, add the real time processor, and reduce it to fit into one arm of a pair of sunglasses. Take the image projector, data storage, and sound transducer, reduce it as a hundred or so years allows, and place it in the the other arm of the sunglasses.
Take all the capabilities discussed as being possible now, and multiply them by ten thousand times. Instead of subtle images that may be imagined, you have hard images formatted for maximum usability.... unless of course they are still using windows. |
Edited by
Mon 05/25/09 06:16 PM
There is no reason to think that the same dimension which allows gravity to act instantly across the universe, could not also allow the transmission of some portion of the energy of thought patterns across space.
Based on the standard model of physics gravity waves propagate at the speed of light. So this was the only statement I could find to correct. Great series of posts otherwise Metalwing! I hope I live long enough to buy my mind reading/sending cap! |
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Mon 05/25/09 06:25 PM
I think the problems that will occur in the type of telepathy I described is in the individual interpretations of the messages being sent. Its just like any other language. They are subject to personal interpretation according to the experience of the receiver, and maybe even the sender.
That is some of the same things I run into while reading tarot cards. Every reader has their own system of interpretation. |
I think the problems that will occur in the type of telepathy I described is in the individual interpretations of the messages being sent. Its just like any other language. They are subject to personal interpretation according to the experience of the receiver, and maybe even the sender. That is some of the same things I run into while reading tarot cards. Every reader has their own system of interpretation. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What is the possibility that this is achievable? I think if it were possible, we would try. |
There is no reason to think that the same dimension which allows gravity to act instantly across the universe, could not also allow the transmission of some portion of the energy of thought patterns across space.
Based on the standard model of physics gravity waves propagate at the speed of light. So this was the only statement I could find to correct. Great series of posts otherwise Metalwing! I hope I live long enough to buy my mind reading/sending cap! Actually I wasn't referring to the effects of gravity waves in four dimensional space, I was referring to the effect of gravity in multi dimensional space which allows for almost instantaneous gravitational effects to occur to satisfy certain elements of the newer overall models of space-time. The "standard model" is being revised as we type but only describes the theoretical "waves" that should be observable to us but are not... at least not yet. Imagine a glass of water half full. Drop an egg into the glass. The level of the water rises instantly as the egg displaces water. This is the muli dimensional instaneous effect of gravity. The ripples that propagate along the surface of the water give an indication that something happened. These would be the standard model effect. The waves rippling back and forth would be limited my the speed of light. Here is a "more current" discussion of how the standard model is evolving. Begin Quote: Dynamics of warped submillimeter extra dimensions A “theory of everything” based on quantum superstrings requires many, as yet invisible, extra dimensions for mathematical consistency. The sizes of the dimensions, their shapes, and how they are stabilized are unknown. If they exist, gravity can penetrate into them, so they must be small or highly “warped” – with sizes or radii of curvature below the submillimeter scale limits set by direct laboratory tests of the gravitational inversesquare law. (The scales probed by Standard Model particles and fields are much smaller than this, but fields other than gravity might be confined to a 3- dimensional subspace or “brane” living in a larger dimensional space.) Since the Hubble length at the Terascale is about a millimeter, the current threshold where possible new effects of extra dimensions might appear happens to be about the same in the laboratory gravity, particle/ field, and cosmological realms: that is, at present, laboratory gravity experiments, accelerator physics, and LISA cosmology converge on the same new regime in very different ways. It is even possible that new properties of gravity on this scale are related to cosmic dark energy (whose energy density is about (0.1mm)−4 in particle units). End quote The key point here is the line "(The scales probed by Standard Model particles and fields are much smaller than this, but fields other than gravity might be confined to a 3- dimensional subspace or “brane” living in a larger dimensional space.)" Please note that gravity is not confined to three dimensional space. Other that that mistake, I take your post as a compliment and thanks. And if anything, such as the effect of gravity, can occur over vast distances (which as described above are actually very small distances in multi dimensional space) then thoughts may be able to do so also. |
I think the problems that will occur in the type of telepathy I described is in the individual interpretations of the messages being sent. Its just like any other language. They are subject to personal interpretation according to the experience of the receiver, and maybe even the sender. That is some of the same things I run into while reading tarot cards. Every reader has their own system of interpretation. ![]() ![]() ![]() You're a big flirt. All talk, no walk. ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 05/25/09 07:57 PM
There is no reason to think that the same dimension which allows gravity to act instantly across the universe, could not also allow the transmission of some portion of the energy of thought patterns across space.
Based on the standard model of physics gravity waves propagate at the speed of light. So this was the only statement I could find to correct. Great series of posts otherwise Metalwing! I hope I live long enough to buy my mind reading/sending cap! Actually I wasn't referring to the effects of gravity waves in four dimensional space, I was referring to the effect of gravity in multi dimensional space which allows for almost instantaneous gravitational effects to occur to satisfy certain elements of the newer overall models of space-time. The "standard model" is being revised as we type but only describes the theoretical "waves" that should be observable to us but are not... at least not yet. Imagine a glass of water half full. Drop an egg into the glass. The level of the water rises instantly as the egg displaces water. This is the muli dimensional instaneous effect of gravity. The ripples that propagate along the surface of the water give an indication that something happened. These would be the standard model effect. The waves rippling back and forth would be limited my the speed of light. Here is a "more current" discussion of how the standard model is evolving. Begin Quote: Dynamics of warped submillimeter extra dimensions A “theory of everything” based on quantum superstrings requires many, as yet invisible, extra dimensions for mathematical consistency. The sizes of the dimensions, their shapes, and how they are stabilized are unknown. If they exist, gravity can penetrate into them, so they must be small or highly “warped” – with sizes or radii of curvature below the submillimeter scale limits set by direct laboratory tests of the gravitational inversesquare law. (The scales probed by Standard Model particles and fields are much smaller than this, but fields other than gravity might be confined to a 3- dimensional subspace or “brane” living in a larger dimensional space.) Since the Hubble length at the Terascale is about a millimeter, the current threshold where possible new effects of extra dimensions might appear happens to be about the same in the laboratory gravity, particle/ field, and cosmological realms: that is, at present, laboratory gravity experiments, accelerator physics, and LISA cosmology converge on the same new regime in very different ways. It is even possible that new properties of gravity on this scale are related to cosmic dark energy (whose energy density is about (0.1mm)−4 in particle units). End quote The key point here is the line "(The scales probed by Standard Model particles and fields are much smaller than this, but fields other than gravity might be confined to a 3- dimensional subspace or “brane” living in a larger dimensional space.)" Please note that gravity is not confined to three dimensional space. Other that that mistake, I take your post as a compliment and thanks. And if anything, such as the effect of gravity, can occur over vast distances (which as described above are actually very small distances in multi dimensional space) then thoughts may be able to do so also. I didn't hear about any experimentalist finding a way to test it. If that's not the case please direct me to the research I always enjoying reading papars I dont have the expertise to understand. |
Does anyone have a relevent response to the following fact?
If(and when) surgically separated, one brain cannot telepathically communicate between it's own left and right hemispheres, so why would two completely separate brains be able to???
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Regarding the brainwave line of thought...
Wouldn't we first have to be able to establish a benchmark of some sort for comparison? Wouldn't that require knowing what every possible combination of thoughts looked like in whatever imaging technique is used. Wouldn't the possibility for the success of 'thinking caps' require that the subjects have the exact same thought waves/patterns for every thought imaginable? If not, then the possibility for gross misinterpretation is inevitable, right? Are brain waves so much clearer than modern language? Are thoughts not merely unspoken language? Am I missing something here??? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 05/25/09 08:12 PM
Does anyone have a relevent response to the following fact? If(and when) surgically separated, one brain cannot telepathically communicate between it's own left and right hemispheres, so why would two completely separate brains be able to???
![]() 1. Since science has not confirmed telepathic communication anyway, there is no way anyone could make the above claim in the first place so the question is a moot point scientifically. 2. Normal communications between one side of the brain to the other can be scientifically confirmed; while telepathic communications cannot. Therefore, even IF one side of a brain could communicate with the other side, telepathically, it could not be confirmed and it would not be the same kind of communication that normally occurs. |
I can't read a mind for specific information. But mood and emotion come through quite clearly.
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Mon 05/25/09 08:30 PM
1. Since science has not confirmed telepathic communication anyway, there is no way anyone could make the above claim in the first place so the question is a moot point scientifically.
False! It takes inference capability, logic and reason. 2. Normal communications between one side of the brain to the other can be scientifically confirmed; while telepathic communications cannot.
It could have in the example I cited... there is no better example which would confirm the existence of it in my opinion. Therefore, even IF one side of a brain could communicate with another telepathically, it could not be confirmed and it would not be the same kind of communication that normally occurs.
It would be confirmed because we do know what each hemisphere does, and we do know what happens when they are surgically separated... if telepathic communication existed it would surely be displayed in this individual... I am unsure of what some warrant as substantiation for belief, but here goes mine!!! ![]() The brain's hemispheres have been surgically separated, and it has been conclusively determined to quite negatively affect the normal brain functioning of the individual. If the brain in that individual would have continued to function normally, then it would have been undeniably done through telepathy alone since the physical connection was surgical severed. Therefore, logic and reason should tell us that if mental telepathy were possible this individual would have as good or better a chance at displaying this conclusively... There is no different example that I can think of which would be able to better establish sufficient warrant to believe that telepathy exists anywhere outside of the imagination. If it doesn't happen between two hemispheres of the same brain, why on earth would anyone believe that it can happen between two separate individuals? ![]() Makes sense to me! |
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Mon 05/25/09 08:31 PM
The problem with telepathy is that it is taken for granted to be immaterial and exist outside the material basis of the world where it cannot be observed by precise scientific measures that can verify the identity of it.
1. Since science has not confirmed telepathic communication anyway, there is no way anyone could make the above claim in the first place so the question is a moot point scientifically.
2. Normal communications between one side of the brain to the other can be scientifically confirmed; while telepathic communications cannot. Therefore, even IF one side of a brain could communicate with another telepathically, it could not be confirmed and it would not be the same kind of communication that normally occurs. The brain's hemispheres have been surgically separated, and it has been conclusively determined to quite negatively affect the normal brain functioning of the individual. If the brain in that individual would have continued to function normally, then it would have been undeniably done through telepathy alone since the physical connection was surgical severed. Therefore, logic and reason should tell us that if mental telepathy were possible this individual would have as good or better a chance at displaying this conclusively... There is no different example that I can think of which would be able to better establish sufficient warrant to believe that telepathy exists anywhere outside of the imagination. If it doesn't happen between two hemispheres of the same brain, why on earth would anyone believe that it can happen between two separate individuals? ![]() Well, for one thing, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. (mine) Anyway, your example assumes that the type of communication is the same as would be in a normal brain's communication. You don't know that-- and neither does science because science assumes that telepathy does not exist, (or at least some scientists do.) Now, assuming that a single brain has a single receiver and a single sender of thoughts and feelings, I don't see how one side of a brain could communicate via telepathy with the other side unless each side had a sender and receiver. I can't see any reason it would since it is a single brain. |
The problem with telepathy is that it is taken for granted to be immaterial and exist outside the material basis of the world where it cannot be observed by precise scientific measures that can verify the identity of it.
There are ways to prove that it exists. If the individual in the example would have continued to maintain the left/right hemispherical connections which are displayed in certain behaviours, then we would have been able to know beyond a doubt that it was being done so through telepathy, because all physical connection had been surgically severed. It did not show those things, therefore telepathy did not happen in that case. I hold that there is no better example which could have or would be able to display telepathy's existence... Therefore it does not exist outside of the imagination. |
Well, for one thing, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. (mine)
This supports nothing. Your experienece shows a lack of reasoning skills, from my point of view. Anyway, your example assumes that the type of communication is the same as would be in a normal brain's communication. You don't know that-- and neither does science because science assumes that telepathy does not exist, (or at least some scientists do.)
My example assumes nothing. Each hemisphere is independently responsible for different types of thinking. They both think independently of one another. That is a fact! Now, assuming that a single brain has a single receiver and a single sender of thoughts and feelings, I don't see how one side of a brain could communicate via telepathy with the other side unless each side had a sender and receiver. I can't see any reason it would since it is a single brain.
You are confused... read the above again. Do you have any logical refutation to offer to mine? Opinions are great and all, but we could, and have gone on and on using those alone. I am more in the mood for something else, like substantive grounding. ![]() I think it would be cool, but so would flying pink elephants. Know whatta mean? |
If a mind want to communicate to another mind, then it must use a series of signs for in order for the other mind to understand the message. Of course both of the minds have to have the similar upbringing on knowing what the signs are first, before any real communication can be served with a purpose. That's just stating the obvious! Just like it is impossible to read the mind of a foreigner... (or that of an animal) But as long as both -- Receiver and Transmitter -- speak and think the same language, mind communication is quite possible! Let's say that both speakers speak the same language, trained in the same schools together from early childhood to adulthood, and then say "dog" to each other. One person might say "what specific dog do you have in mind," and the other replies, "golden retriever." So, there you go. Mind communicated by another mind as long as the signs are precisely given so that one will have somewhat the exact picture as the other mind has thought of. So there can't be mind reading without signs being presented. Perhaps u misunderstood me: if I possessed the gift of Mind Reading, I wouldn't need to be told "what specific dog do you have in mind," -- I would be aware of the kind of dog (read, i.e. sensed, from the mind of the other friend). It wouldn't matter whether I knew the other person... A true Mind Reader can read the mind of any person in his/her vicinity -- if they think in the same language... Have you seen the Mel Gibson's movie "What women want?" That's exactly what happens -- except of he was doing it involuntarily -- while the present level of Mind Reading requires the Reader "tuning in" to the subject being read (and, of course, the subject is a willing participant)... But there's no need for both sharing the same experience! For your own sake -- especially when in public places -- I urge u to control your thoughts.. U never know who might be beside you! |
Well, for one thing, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. (mine)
This supports nothing. Your experienece shows a lack of reasoning skills, from my point of view. Lack of reasoning skills? Anyway it doesn't matter because your point of view is meaningless. The question you asked me was: "If it doesn't happen between two hemispheres of the same brain, why on earth would anyone believe that it can happen between two separate individuals? " I simply said PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Which I do have. I experienced very clear messages in the form of words from someone I knew very well! It was confirmed! I know it exists. What YOU believe "from your point of view" is meaningless to me as far as my reasons for believing it. Just because you have never experienced it and you are a skeptic does not mean that I lack reasoning skills. I just don't reason away my PERSONAL AND CONFIRMED EXPERIENCE just because someone like you comes along and refuses to believe for lack of his own experience with telepathy. Anyway, your example assumes that the type of communication is the same as would be in a normal brain's communication. You don't know that-- and neither does science because science assumes that telepathy does not exist, (or at least some scientists do.)
My example assumes nothing. Each hemisphere is independently responsible for different types of thinking. They both think independently of one another. That is a fact! Now, assuming that a single brain has a single receiver and a single sender of thoughts and feelings, I don't see how one side of a brain could communicate via telepathy with the other side unless each side had a sender and receiver. I can't see any reason it would since it is a single brain.
You are confused... read the above again. Do you have any logical refutation to offer to mine? Opinions are great and all, but we could, and have gone on and on using those alone. I am more in the mood for something else, like substantive grounding. ![]() I think it would be cool, but so would flying pink elephants. Know whatta mean? I am not confused. YOU are. |