Topic: "biblical" marriage
Thomas3474's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:32 PM

So whilst you agree that all of the bible was written by man, you are also saying the parts that man wrote that were SUPPOSEDLY words from Jesus or God are all undoubtedly true and cannot be interpreted?

There is not a single solitary word in the Bible that came directly from Jesus. The entire New Testament is all hearsay.

Therefore the entire New Testament is open to both interpretation as well as suspicion for added demagoguery.

Anyone who claims that the Bible contains the words of Jesus has no clue. It most certainly does not. It's all hearsay written decades after Jesus was dead. Assuming he every even existed.

Some people believe the entire thing was just made up from bit and pieces of previous myths. That's a plausible view since there were many myths of messiahs having been born of a virgin, and doing all of the things that Jesus supposedly did. So that's a viable interpretation too.

For anyone to tell other person what is open to interpretation and what is not is truly laughable. The whole thing is open to interpretation. No one knows if any of it can be trusted.

I don't believe that any God had anything to do with the book at all personally. So as far as I'm concerned the whole thing was made up and written by men.

You know what is laughable?

Debating a God you say doesn't exist but using the same God for your arguments.

Using the bible which you say is wrong,made up,inaccurate,and false and using it to your advantage as proof for your claims because it was written.

Claiming Jesus never lived but impossible for you not to mention his name in your posts.

Looking forward to your next..."God is not real because this is what he said in the bible I don't believe in".

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:35 PM

:smile: Is the modern institution of marriage the same institution it was in the past?:smile:

Dragoness's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:38 PM

You know something I really feel for you people who I see posting here day after day night after night and accomplishing what?Absolutly nothing!Nothing you post or anything you say is going to have any affect on very religion you hate so much.You really think a Christian is going to join your cause because you think you have something better to offer them?What do you have to offer?A world full of nothing,thats what you have.When you die and you look back at your legacy what are you going to be proud of?The fact you spent hundreds of hours debating a book and God you say doesn't exist.You know how stupid you come across when you say the bible is fake and made up and then quote the bible in your defense.It's absurd.The only reason Christians debate you to begin with is because you look so desperate,confused,and lost that we feel sorry for you.

I just asked you to make a difference in the world and start talking about the atrocities that go on in the Muslim world.By better educating people we can bring to light these horrible practices.I have read stories of Muslims converting in record numbers to the Christian religion.They are hungry for the peace,love,and sanity the Christians can bring.I do my part by speaking up for the Christians and against the Muslims.I have brought many people to Christ and their lives have been changed forever because of it.I will continue to do Gods work and my life is fulfilled because of it.

You can keep posting these stupid topics which nobody really cares about or you can join us in doing something that is really important that gives people hope and life.Time is running out.Do something important with your life!

I have religious folks in my family that I love very much. I don't hate religion.

I don't like religion being projected as the only truth. I don't like religion being used against people who are different, like gay marriage, to stop them from living their lives. I don't like religion being put forth as unfallible, undisputable, the end all, etc... becaus it isn't. It is a creation of man used for mostly the purpose of easy control of the masses.

If you make them fear, they will follow.

JasmineInglewood's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:40 PM
Edited by JasmineInglewood on Sat 05/09/09 10:43 PM

Yes I am serious.If you are going to make accusations against me I would like some names of the people you say I am insisting on converting.And where did this bible thumping nonsense come from?Who started this topic?Do you usually start a topic involving Christians and then get upset when someone uses the bible to back up what they are debating?Or could it be that my responses don't fit into your usual Christians are worthless,ignorant,stupid,nazi's who want to take control of the world theory?


seriously thomas... are you ok?!?

or have you been reading a completely different thread and accidentally posted in this one? surprised

first you're talking about banding against muslims and me joining you, then 5 minutes later you can't remember being hateful and asking that someone join your ways...

and now your going off on a completely flabberghastingly senseless tangent about me being upset and thinking christians to be "worthless, ignorant, stupid nazis"???

wtf have you been smoking? surprised


in an effort to bring you back up to speed, let me recap...

i started this thread from an excerpt of an article i found online... i later asked a question and respectfully asked that someone explain to me the religious rationale against gay responded in a very condescending manner calling this "laughably stupid" and pointless ... and i responded to you explaining my point of view of what the point was and suggested you refrain from denigrating your religion by being rude.

hopefully this helps ohwell

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 05/09/09 11:10 PM

Yes I am serious.If you are going to make accusations against me I would like some names of the people you say I am insisting on converting.And where did this bible thumping nonsense come from?Who started this topic?Do you usually start a topic involving Christians and then get upset when someone uses the bible to back up what they are debating?Or could it be that my responses don't fit into your usual Christians are worthless,ignorant,stupid,nazi's who want to take control of the world theory?


seriously thomas... are you ok?!?

or have you been reading a completely different thread and accidentally posted in this one? surprised

first you're talking about banding against muslims and me joining you, then 5 minutes later you can't remember being hateful and asking that someone join your ways...

and now your going off on a completely flabberghastingly senseless tangent about me being upset and thinking christians to be "worthless, ignorant, stupid nazis"???

wtf have you been smoking? surprised


in an effort to bring you back up to speed, let me recap...

i started this thread from an excerpt of an article i found online... i later asked a question and respectfully asked that someone explain to me the religious rationale against gay responded in a very condescending manner calling this "laughably stupid" and pointless ... and i responded to you explaining my point of view of what the point was and suggested you refrain from denigrating your religion by being rude.

hopefully this helps ohwell

Yes I am fine and no I am not replying to a different tread.I don't remember asking you to do anything with me.Yes I am against the Muslims as I am against any false religion that goes against the the teachings of Christianity.I do not hate the Muslims nor do I hate any religion.I think the Muslims are evil and twisted but I don't go around calling them names and sending hate mail to them.I think the Muslims are confused and I hope instead of them going up in a ball of flame they can convert to Christianity.

I went on a rant because I am being accused of things which are nothing but lies.As far as gay marriage...I started a post on gay marriage in the politics forum and you can read my views on gay marriage there.I also am not buying you started this thread to somehow get a honest discussion on Christian marriage.It is obvious you started this thread for nothing but slander on the Christians.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 05/09/09 11:12 PM
Can't get through to them sometimes.slaphead

It is too bad too.

Good minds wasted totally.noway

Dan99's photo
Sun 05/10/09 12:05 AM
Edited by Dan99 on Sun 05/10/09 12:14 AM

So whilst you agree that all of the bible was written by man, you are also saying the parts that man wrote that were SUPPOSEDLY words from Jesus or God are all undoubtedly true and cannot be interpreted?

There is not a single solitary word in the Bible that came directly from Jesus. The entire New Testament is all hearsay.

Therefore the entire New Testament is open to both interpretation as well as suspicion for added demagoguery.

Anyone who claims that the Bible contains the words of Jesus has no clue. It most certainly does not. It's all hearsay written decades after Jesus was dead. Assuming he every even existed.

Some people believe the entire thing was just made up from bit and pieces of previous myths. That's a plausible view since there were many myths of messiahs having been born of a virgin, and doing all of the things that Jesus supposedly did. So that's a viable interpretation too.

For anyone to tell other person what is open to interpretation and what is not is truly laughable. The whole thing is open to interpretation. No one knows if any of it can be trusted.

I don't believe that any God had anything to do with the book at all personally. So as far as I'm concerned the whole thing was made up and written by men.

You know what is laughable?

Debating a God you say doesn't exist but using the same God for your arguments.

Using the bible which you say is wrong,made up,inaccurate,and false and using it to your advantage as proof for your claims because it was written.

Claiming Jesus never lived but impossible for you not to mention his name in your posts.

Looking forward to your next..."God is not real because this is what he said in the bible I don't believe in".

Nobody is really saying that there isnt a god(some may believe this, i dont go as far to say it), but that the god portrayed in the bible is not he. At least, the words in the bible are not his. Usually the believers would be arguing using the book as proof, but what most of us are saying, is that the book disproves itself. So its fair enough to point out these contradictions and use the book at our will. We dont have much else to go on. If something did not exist, no evidence of it exists, and no evidence of it not existing exists either. We can only use your proof as our proof. Plus common sense.

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 12:39 AM
Excellent sharing, Thomas3474.

And to others here.....maybe Thomas did not deliver his message in the most eloquent fashion...

but God is not done perfecting Thomas as a christian...

neither is God done with me....

but what Thomas shared here was some good info.flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

And as far as the different marriages listed by the OP , they were part of the mossaic laws.

Christians are not under mossaic law.

There is something one needs to understand about the bible....

The bible ALSO tells of the history of the well as gives us the Word of God.

And part of that history tells us of mossaic laws being practiced at THAT TIME mentioned in the bible....

but are not practiced stoning for instance...or those certain marraigwe practices mentioned.

Although Jesus did not do away with the law, He fulfilled the offering us a better way.

Jesus said NEW Commandmwnt I give you:

" Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart mind soul..and love thy neighbor as thyself."

See....Jesus did not do away with the law.....but he fullfilled the offering us a BETTER WAY !!!!


And when God's law is written on the tablets of our hearts,
because of God's Love now dwelling in us, we won't have a desire to go around stoning anyone anyway...or breaking Gods laws

(notice I said Gods'laws, not old mossaic laws).

We obey God's laws , simply because of LOVE dwelling in us.

(But let's not confuse God's laws with old mossaic laws . )

But back to the OP....That was part of old mossaic law...that applied to the people of that time......

and is now done away with....even jewish people don't practice these practices anymore.

But we can still learn from the WHOLE bible...including the old testament.

There are many types and shadows of Christ in the old testament teaching....
which is why we can still learn from the old testament today.

One has to read and study the whole order to get a full understanding of the Word of God.

For instance, In the new testament , some of the books are directed to the church....and are written SPECIFICALLY as a word ....directed TO THE CHURCH.

Just another example of why the WHOLE bible has to be read and order to be properly understood.

Have a good weekend everyone..just has a moment here to stop by .....

Be Blessed Everyone Now.

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 12:59 AM
Some of the harsh islamic laws practiced in some islamic countries ( that thomas mentioned),

are examples of what happens,

when one has RELIGION and not RELATIONSHIP.:cry:

Chrstianity is about RELATIONSHIP..not religion.....

although sadly, you will always still have those people who practice christianity as some religion...

simply because they have no relationship yet with God.
At all.

Just religion.

Also..not all muslims follow these harsh islamic laws mentioned above..just those countries under harsh religious islamic rule.

We need to pray for those countries under these harsh religious be set free.

The world need RELATIONSHIP back with God ..not religion.

The world is hungry.

For Truth.

That Truth is Jesus Christ....

The ONE Who brings us back into Relationship with God...not religion!!


is Offered and Available to ALLLL people ...of every nation, creed and race.
:heart::heart: :heart:

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 05:10 AM
yo Thomas, I just wanted to say that you're a Christian that actually makes sense, you're saying that divorce is wrong except in a situation where morality justifies it, you're basically saying it's okay to divorce someone and break up with them if they cheat on you and bash you up and hurt you,

the general outcry against Christianity is that most people think that this is NOT the case. Thanks for being an open minded Christian.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 05/10/09 09:45 AM

:smile: Is the modern institution of marriage the same institution it was in the past?:smile:

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 05/10/09 11:17 AM

Some of the harsh islamic laws practiced in some islamic countries ( that thomas mentioned),

are examples of what happens,

when one has RELIGION and not RELATIONSHIP.:cry:

Chrstianity is about RELATIONSHIP..not religion.....

although sadly, you will always still have those people who practice christianity as some religion...

simply because they have no relationship yet with God.
At all.

Just religion.

Also..not all muslims follow these harsh islamic laws mentioned above..just those countries under harsh religious islamic rule.

We need to pray for those countries under these harsh religious be set free.

The world need RELATIONSHIP back with God ..not religion.

The world is hungry.

For Truth.

That Truth is Jesus Christ....

The ONE Who brings us back into Relationship with God...not religion!!


is Offered and Available to ALLLL people ...of every nation, creed and race.
:heart::heart: :heart:

I for one am rather confused by this statement that you continue make over and over. How is that you can separate you relationship with Jesus from religion? Clearly you are a practicing christian, so what is the difference between your beliefs and religion? If you would kindly leave out the rhetoric and explain it in a straightforward manner that even us blasphemous, heretical, satanistic non believers could understand it would help to understand what your saying.

creativesoul's photo
Sun 05/10/09 11:55 AM
What is the difference between 'Truth' and truth?

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 12:43 PM

laugh Why do straight people try to say marriage in a "traditional institution" when people did not get married for love until a couple hundred years ago?laugh The way people get married now isnt the way people in the past did it.laugh

careful mirror, ppl will talk! rofl

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 05/10/09 12:46 PM

:smile: Is the modern institution of marriage the same institution it was in the past?:smile:


no photo
Sun 05/10/09 12:49 PM

Lol! the bible is one evil book!

i love fiction personally but try as i might i can never get to the end.
still i love the bit where it states that it's a sin for women to cut their hair and then shorthaired fascist wanna be lezzy christians call me a sinner! lol

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 05/10/09 01:21 PM
Thomas3474 wrote:

Claiming Jesus never lived but impossible for you not to mention his name in your posts.

I've personally never claimed that Jesus never lived. On the contrary if you have ever taken the time to read my posts you would know that this isn't even close to my position.

I have a very plausible explanation for who Jesus was and how and why he was abused by the unscruplous authors of the New Testament.

Looking forward to your next..."God is not real because this is what he said in the bible I don't believe in".

Again, if this is what you think I'm saying you haven't understood my position at all. You obviously never even make an attempt to actually understand what I'm saying. As soon as you see someone who isn't thoroughly thrilled and supportive of modern day Christian bigotry you jump all over them with completely false accusations.

I have never stated, "God is not real because this is what he said in the bible I don't believe in".

That truly would be an utterly stupid and meaningless claim for anyone to make.

You totally miss the point because you are completely unable to consider that the Bible might not have been written by God.

When I show how absurd the things are that the authors of the Bible wrote, I'm not claiming that God said these things. On the contrary, I'm demonstrating how they are so absurd that they totally fly in the face of the idea that any supposedly all-wise God could have ever said them, or even supported those ideas.

You're simply rebelling against the idea that anyone would dare to question that the Bible is the word of God. But this is the whole thesis that is being questioned.

If you perfer not to discuss this possiblity then perhaps you should join a bible study group where devout believers get together and support any and ever absurd excuse you are willing to offer that supports that the Bible is the word of God. They won't even question that it makes sense. It's not there place to question anything. Just support the biblical myth at all cost and totally ignore any and all evidence and rationale that shows how truly absurd it is.

In the meantime, your synopsis of my position is totally false and does not even come close to the truth of my position.

I suppose this is the kind of thing you are used to doing when you just blindly support the Bible in the face of genuine conflicts and inconsistencies.

I've made a concrete case that Jesus could not have been the son of the God of Abraham. And whilst I would love to claim credit for this discovery I'm afraid I'm a bit late as Isaac Newton had already come to the same conclusion hundreds of years ago.

If you are interested in discussing the issue intelligently with an open mind I'm sure that you would be forced to the same conclusions.

But let's face it, you're not the slightest bit interested in the possiblity that the Bible might be false. All you're interested in doing is attempting to discredit anyone who claims that it might be.

That's always been a very strong tactic of the Christian movement. They know they can't address the issues head-on, so they attempt to belittle the people who are making the points that they can't refute.

Jesus could not possibly have been the son of the God of Abraham.

But even that is a moot point, because the mythology that claims that such a God exists is clearly false as well. It as absolutely no more credibility than the mythology of Zeus. In fact, it's truly just a hangover from that very same historical period.

The God of Abraham has very much in common with Zeus. He's a jealous egotistcial pig (my apologies to the animal kingdom for using this commong term), and he lusts for, and is appeased by, blood sacrificies. He's not all that much different from Zeus at all actually. In fact, in many ways he's worse. At least Zeus never had his own son nailed to a pole. slaphead

The God of Abraham isn't even close to being as intelligent as Zeus.

And please recognize that I'm just comparing two entirely mythological Gods. Neither of them exist nor ever did exist.

When I refer to the Bible I'm referring to mythology. When I speak of the God of Abraham, I'm referring to an entirely mythological God.

When I say that it would be stupid for God to be appeased by blood sacarifices this is absolutely no different from my saying that it would be stupid for Zeus to be appeased by blood sacrifices.

Everytime I refer to the Bible and what it claims that God said, I'm merely pointing out why this would make no sense in terms of a genuine divine being.

The Bible is a book that claims to speak for the creator of all humanity.

I'm a human.

That gives me every right to comment on the absurdly of this stupid book and say precisely what I feel about it.

Being a human gives me that right because this book claims to speak for my creator.

I totally denounce the idiots who wrote this book and made these false claims. They were clearly a very rude and crude male-chuavinistic society who were using a ficticious God to justify murdering anyone who disagreed with their bigotries or dared to claim that they don't speak for God.

They may have pulled the wool over your eyes, but I didn't fall for their lies.


Abracadabra's photo
Sun 05/10/09 01:32 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Sun 05/10/09 01:33 PM

Some of the harsh islamic laws practiced in some islamic countries ( that thomas mentioned),

are examples of what happens,

when one has RELIGION and not RELATIONSHIP.:cry:

Chrstianity is about RELATIONSHIP..not religion.....

That's what you'd like Christianity to be MorningSong.

And that's a beautiful dream.

But that's just not the reality of the situation on the ground.

Modern Christianity is not about a religion with God but rather it's ALL ABOUT JUDGING other people's RELATIONSHIP with GOD!

Christians denounce non-believers, and Gays, as HEATHENS and SINNERS.

So you're dream of what Christianity SHOULD BE simply doesn't hold up to what it actually is MorningSong.


Until you let go of the idea that everyone must recognize Jesus as the sacarifical lamb of God and that the Bible is the word of God, you can never realize your DREAM!

If you want Christianity to be about a RELATIONSHIP with God then you must RESPECT everyone's relationship with GOD including Wiccans and Atheists!

Even non-belief is a relationship.

And you must totally reject the idea that anyone must worship a BOOK as the "word of God" because there's no relationship to be had there. That's just accepting someone else's idea of what they claim a relationship with God should be!

If you want to have a religionship with God you must first toss out all of the graven images and idols that you worship. flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 05/10/09 02:00 PM

:smile: Is the modern institution of marriage the same institution it was in the past?:smile:

bigsmile Thank you for answering meflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/11/09 10:05 AM
bigsmile BUMPbigsmile