Topic: "biblical" marriage
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Mon 05/11/09 03:02 PM
is it the same as being together in the biblical sense? :wink:

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 05/11/09 06:09 PM

:smile: Is the modern institution of marriage the same institution it was in the past?:smile:

bigsmile Thank you for answering meflowerforyou

Welcome! bigsmile Now, here's a question.

Should it be done away with?

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 05/11/09 06:10 PM

is it the same as being together in the biblical sense? :wink:

BORING!! I prefer the wild, much fun, keep coming back for more, kind....

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:09 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:29 PM

:smile: Is the modern institution of marriage the same institution it was in the past?:smile:

bigsmile Thank you for answering meflowerforyou

Welcome! bigsmile Now, here's a question.

Should it be done away with?
:smile: It practically has already for most people:smile:

no photo
Tue 05/12/09 01:18 AM

is it the same as being together in the biblical sense? :wink:

BORING!! I prefer the wild, much fun, keep coming back for more, kind....


no photo
Wed 05/20/09 06:49 AM
My only concern with biblical marriage is that it focusses too much on what can go wrong if you don't follow it, rather then focussing on the many benefits for you as a person by following the bible to the letter on what it's saying. I mean, let's face it, doesn't the idea of one person being there for you, and you being there for that one special person, strike anyone here as pretty cool and AWESOME???

no photo
Wed 05/20/09 07:40 AM

While the OP 'may' describe certain aspects related to particular cultures with reference to "religious" marriage, there is something totally missing.

What about the political aspects? First of all while marriage is often considered complemetary to religion, it has been kept alive by throughout history by governments and political structures, WITHOUT, any religious relevence.

Political structures wanted marriage recorded for several purposes. Over the centuries they included, a means by which to assess taxation, keeping caste systems pure, keeping lineages pure, or broadening liniages for the purpose of adding more wealth to the government.

As Mirro mentions, "arranged" and "forced" marriage were the norm until the Western world changed that. Even in early America, arranged marriages were quite normal.

More recent adaptations to the secular marriage 'agreement' I think in the 1600's (which were adopted by our American forefathers) included laws of inheratance and proper benefactors and so on. This was done in good consciounce and WHOLLY APART from anything religious. It was simply a quick way for "new" citizens to understand that 'marriage' was tied to certain legal aspects and it mattered not whether the 'marriage' was religious in nature, only that it was NOTED in legal registries.

Not to mention that so many seem to think 'Christian marriage' in an inherent part of the American political system?????

In fact

Good post, however people that don't want gay marriage most often don't care to learn what you posted, much less to understand it from a practical point of view.

no photo
Wed 05/20/09 07:49 AM

Like I said if it isn't Gods or Jesus word it can be left up to interpretation.The bible wasn't written till some 20 years after Jesus death so it is probably fair to say that their stories may differ slightly from book to book.Also the language they spoke back then was very complicated and hard to translate.It is this reason why you have so many different versions(such as the king james)of what was said in the bible.

I believe it was many more years than that after the fact. But you might as well be admitting that you make up your own rules. Which I have no intention of going by of course.

no photo
Sat 05/23/09 06:12 PM
This all reminds me, that I'm a bit annoyed with the political aspects of marriage at the moment. See, here in Australia, there are more women then ever before entering better, more executive kind of positions in the workforce, which means if you so happen to be a poorer man with little wealth, or currently not working, you can't claim benefits from Centrelink (our welfare system) if the woman is too rich.

The problem with that is that I don't know many women that would be too happy giving their hard earned cash to support a man, which is understandable, when there's rent and bills to pay. It makes finding a relationship very hard unless you've got a full-time job, which is next to impossible for most Australians because of this recession going on.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Wed 06/03/09 11:39 AM
Marriage has been going on since way before the bible....

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Wed 06/03/09 11:42 AM

This all reminds me, that I'm a bit annoyed with the political aspects of marriage at the moment. See, here in Australia, there are more women then ever before entering better, more executive kind of positions in the workforce, which means if you so happen to be a poorer man with little wealth, or currently not working, you can't claim benefits from Centrelink (our welfare system) if the woman is too rich.

The problem with that is that I don't know many women that would be too happy giving their hard earned cash to support a man, which is understandable, when there's rent and bills to pay. It makes finding a relationship very hard unless you've got a full-time job, which is next to impossible for most Australians because of this recession going on.

So it isn't just the USA in a recession....yikes!

no photo
Thu 06/04/09 05:25 AM
no, actually, we just avoided it...JUST. we nearly were in one.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:59 AM
lets see Todays world.

measle breakout. Quaranteen when very unlikely could cuase death.

Gays.. Get AIDS can kill anyone who has in the least sex with them.

Solution..Give them rights that you can not know they have deadly disease.

yes We are so smart.. Go to work fellow worker gets arm cut bad you try to help and dies several years later because we made laws because gays said we are better than the Straight people or the Amish.

family left fatherless because gays demand special treatment.

Yes the World we live in.

The Bible is Evil because people do not understand it and takes any critism of it as fact.

When facts are shown Humanists say you made that up.

You have become your own diety knowing right from wrong.

Do not even realize as we breatnh we are becoming slaves as the ones who gave you rights degrade your morals then make you thimk you came up with the idea.

Good Salesman..Huh? Miles

no photo
Sat 06/06/09 05:02 AM

I like the idea of being with one woman only for life

Me too.... Sorry just could not help myself.

no photo
Sat 06/06/09 05:14 AM

Like I said if it isn't Gods or Jesus word it can be left up to interpretation.The bible wasn't written till some 20 years after Jesus death so it is probably fair to say that their stories may differ slightly from book to book.Also the language they spoke back then was very complicated and hard to translate.It is this reason why you have so many different versions(such as the king james)of what was said in the bible.

So whilst you agree that all of the bible was written by man, you are also saying the parts that man wrote that were SUPPOSEDLY words from Jesus or God are all undoubtedly true and cannot be interpreted?

Yes the words of God and Jesus are absolute and should never be questioned.Those words were not supposedly written.They were spoken and proof that they were spoken are simple.You have the same words written in different books despite the fact these men were seperated by large distances and had no communication with each other.Is not the dead sea scrolls enough evidence that who ever wrote that scroll buried it so secretly nobody ever found it until after the bible was written nearly two thousand years earlier?Yet the dead sea scrolls line up perfectly with what the bible says.

Also so what if the bible was written by man?It still doesn't change the fact that what happened happened and what God and Jesus said is what they said.I could have cared less if a 4 year old child wrote it.

You would be ok if it were written by a 4 year old child?! haha. Now that i do believe.

Some folks tend not recognize contraditions. It would be true even if it was proven not to be. It's a control issue.

no photo
Sat 06/06/09 05:19 AM

You know something I really feel for you people who I see posting here day after day night after night and accomplishing what?Absolutly nothing!Nothing you post or anything you say is going to have any affect on very religion you hate so much.You really think a Christian is going to join your cause because you think you have something better to offer them?What do you have to offer?A world full of nothing,thats what you have.When you die and you look back at your legacy what are you going to be proud of?The fact you spent hundreds of hours debating a book and God you say doesn't exist.You know how stupid you come across when you say the bible is fake and made up and then quote the bible in your defense.It's absurd.The only reason Christians debate you to begin with is because you look so desperate,confused,and lost that we feel sorry for you.

I just asked you to make a difference in the world and start talking about the atrocities that go on in the Muslim world.By better educating people we can bring to light these horrible practices.I have read stories of Muslims converting in record numbers to the Christian religion.They are hungry for the peace,love,and sanity the Christians can bring.I do my part by speaking up for the Christians and against the Muslims.I have brought many people to Christ and their lives have been changed forever because of it.I will continue to do Gods work and my life is fulfilled because of it.

You can keep posting these stupid topics which nobody really cares about or you can join us in doing something that is really important that gives people hope and life.Time is running out.Do something important with your life!

No one is trying to change you Thomas, you can still be as contradictory as you please, you can continue to think that no one does any good in the world but those you agree with.. If this isn't important then why do you continue to argue it. You won't gain any converts here, you'd have to make a lot more sense to accomplish that.

no photo
Sat 06/06/09 05:24 AM

Some of the most hateful people I’ve met in person or on-line are the bible thumpers that insist everyone must follow their ways and everyone else is wrong.

sadly, so true, as evidenced right here... ohwell

Two questions

1.)Who am I hating here?

2.)Who am I insisting follow my ways?

I would be nice to get a name of both of these questions.

Geezuz, do you even read your own posts? Come on Thomas..

no photo
Sat 06/06/09 10:44 AM
Well, in all honesty, if I WERE opposed to gay marriage on the basis of Christianity, I wouldn't want to post in this thread. I've only been vegan for eight months and already posted in too many threads made up of 99% meat-eaters ready to jump all over me without giving my words a second thought. Granted, gay marriage is a different issue, and whereas meat-eating is the conservative, here opposition to gay marriage is it. Still, who wants to be the lone person arguing their opinion in a thread full of many people?

I agree, though, that the arguments against Biblical opposition to gay marriage are highly compelling, and neither do I understand the arguments for...

I appreciate this thread.


no photo
Sat 06/06/09 07:55 PM
Jesus taught to love your fellow man but if I said the words "I love you" to another bloke I'd be dismissed as a "gaybo".