Topic: "biblical" marriage
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/29/09 02:44 PM

Letting the thread Die.

I don't think so.

Someone comes on with the least bit of intelligence and you all run for the hills and hope it goes away.

Truth Hurts..Huh...Miles

flowerforyou They don't want answers Miles, they just want people to agree with themflowerforyou

trubeliever's photo
Tue 06/30/09 05:04 PM
I read this whole thread and some of it was very interesting. I do believe in marriage as man and woman. I do believe the Bible and no i dont understand it all. Jesus was not married to anyone but if He was married that would of been ok. I dont think we (Christians) are into excuse making,It's just the reasons are not what you want. Things in this world cant always be explained. I respect all of your views even though I trully dont understand them.
I would like to know something do ya'll believe in the big bang theory?
Just woundering.

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 05:14 PM
Hi true believer, I was not around 4 billion years ago, or whenever it was the big bang happened (how they come up with the 4 billion year figure I have no idea...when it could have easily have been 5 billion or a trillion, or a sextillion years ago)....

Basically I accept the Big Bang theory as the creation of the PHYSICAL universe, as that's what makes sense to me, but the SPIRITUAL universe is a different matter entirely, I believe that what we experience physically and and spiritual matters that transcend our corporeal forms are not really the separate things we imagine them to be...

The only problem I have with the Big Bang theory is that the laws of physics state that everything has to have a cause, so technically that means that the Big Bang has to have had a cause as nothing cannot create more of nothing. Some say that there will be a Big Crunch, and spiritualists in today's world have referred to this as the breathing in and out of God.

Wouldn't it have been nice if someone had painted the black bubble that surrounds us in the night sky white instead of black? Then again, stars would be harder to spot and far less beautiful.

Simply put, I do not believe in the Big Bang per se, in that I accept it as some kind of absolute truth (there's not enough evidence, for all I know the universe we live in has ALWAYS existed)...but I do accept it as the most likely explanation of how the physical universe was formed. How the spiritual one was formed, I have no idea...maybe God just got lonely so decided to split himself into a million pieces to experiecne companionship.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:09 PM

Lol! the bible is one evil book!

Beg to differ... though I am not a 'christian'...

It is a good book.

One with many good things.

But there is also evil things in it.

As do many other 'holy' books.

This does not make it evil. But one must read with proper caution... Knowning it as a human tool written to describe humanity's interaction with something we are not yet advanced enough to completely understand,.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:25 PM
My actual view of the 'biblical' marriege.

It is that point where a man takes a woman as a man takes a wife.

with all it implies... faithfulness to each other, striving as one for the future of both (plus any family additions that may arrive).

A bit rocky at times but... when its right its right.

no photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:47 PM
interesting views...

trubeliever's photo
Wed 07/01/09 06:39 PM
hi stephen for me the big bang theory just dont make sense that one day BANG!!! and this beautiful earth with trees, flowers, people, water just was. but i guess most of ya'll think it dont make sense to believe in a God who created all of this so i guess we will have to just disagree and that is ok nothing wrong with disagreeing with people that is what makes us, us. And I for one am very glad to be me. Ok, sorry babblinglaugh
Anyway have a great week

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 10:54 PM
Truebeliever, don't take this the wrong way, I totally respect your beliefs and everything, but I just find the logic somewhat flawed. Just because I believe in the possibility of a Big Bang, doesn't mean that I assume that the Earth just popped into existence, I believe that the Earth took millions upon millions of years to form into what we recognize today.

TBRich's photo
Thu 07/02/09 11:36 AM

hi stephen for me the big bang theory just dont make sense that one day BANG!!! and this beautiful earth with trees, flowers, people, water just was. but i guess most of ya'll think it dont make sense to believe in a God who created all of this so i guess we will have to just disagree and that is ok nothing wrong with disagreeing with people that is what makes us, us. And I for one am very glad to be me. Ok, sorry babblinglaugh
Anyway have a great week

The Big Bang Theory does not say Bang! everything appeared, nor does Evolution say man evolved from apes. I have taken the time to read your Bible: Gen. Chapter 2: g-d wanted to make a help meet for Adam so he went about creating all the animals, but it just wasn't right, so he made a woman. Personally, I think he could have stopped after making the dog and I do not mind that Gen Chapter 2 contradicts Gen Chapter 1. Do you?

no photo
Thu 07/02/09 05:06 PM
well everything can be proven to be a non-contradiction if you interprit it in a certain way

trubeliever's photo
Fri 07/03/09 04:48 PM

Truebeliever, don't take this the wrong way, I totally respect your beliefs and everything, but I just find the logic somewhat flawed. Just because I believe in the possibility of a Big Bang, doesn't mean that I assume that the Earth just popped into existence, I believe that the Earth took millions upon millions of years to form into what we recognize today.

Nope I didnt take it the wrong way. I try to leave my feeling at the door when i come in here, cause I never know what someone will say.

no photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:43 PM
well I am happy to debate this matter, do you see where I am coming from, that all because I believe the creation of the universe itself might have been like "poof" that was inspired by a creator-such as some sort of God-doesn't mean that I assume that anything that happens from that point on is random?

See, the reason we have a big bang theory is simple, that every single cause has a cause, and that goes all the way backwards to the Big Bang where we can't explain anything that happened before that, at least in physical reality. do you see where I am coming from?

Though the whole concept of Eternity is me, it should go infinitely as far backwards as it does forwards, don't you think?

By the way True Believer, I don't have a problem with debating this matter non-stop at all, nor do I mind having my own beliefs and thoughts challenged. I majored in philosophy at university, and I am trained to think.

trubeliever's photo
Sun 07/05/09 07:09 PM
I'm not a trained thinkersurprised Maybe thats whats wrong with mebiggrin I do see what u are saying and this is one of those things i guess we could talk about until the end of the world and nerver completely agree. We do agree that things are not random. My Pastor has a very good saying for the big bang theory God said let there be and Bang there was :banana:(I like that). Yes the concept of eternity is very confussing it always was to me so, i do completely understand. As u can tell I am not a good debater, all i can do is tell u what i feel.
I tell my family and my church family, I am always right even when i'm wrong I'm rightrofl .Hope u know I'm joking not being a smarty pants. ttyl

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:08 PM
i believe that science and religion can mix when you take a step back and look at the universe around you from a certain interpretation...ultimately Creation and Evolution are not mutually exclusive, to me just because we evolved from chimps or whatever doesn't mean that there's not a God that caused the Big Bang, though it does raise the question in my mind, why would the creator of the whole universe choose such a SLOW, long time for a species to evolve?? maybe so it takes longer for it to destroy itself i guess...

trubeliever's photo
Mon 07/06/09 10:00 AM
See we do kind of agree the only thing i dont agree with is evolution I just refuse to believe we came from monkeys or fish or whatever. I like the idea that God created us. Now i do believe we have changed in our appearance that we can see in bones they have found of people long ago. The purpose to the change i have no idea. Blessings to you.

no photo
Mon 07/06/09 11:11 AM
just one quick question, if evolution did NOT discredit your Creation belief in anyway, would you still reject it?

trubeliever's photo
Mon 07/06/09 06:58 PM
That is a very good question, but I did (reject it) even before i believed, it just never made any sence to me. I didnt become a believer until i was 20yrs old and i was not raised in church at all. So yeah i guess i would still reject it.

TBRich's photo
Tue 07/07/09 11:37 AM
I would be interested in just how you came to your conclusions:1. rejecting a perfectly valid scientific theory 2. accepting a religion which has little to no historical validity?

Foliel's photo
Tue 07/07/09 12:33 PM
Einstein (spelling?) had the theory of a static universe. Basically no big bang or spiritual help, it just was. It has always been here and just evolved as needed. This makes more sense to me that some mystic being or a big bang.

As for the bible, I read the bible as I would read stories from greek mythology. They are stories that are ok to read.

no photo
Mon 07/13/09 03:07 AM
sorry i been away, trubeliever i been sick.

i wish i could be more like you, in that i could just believe something despite the fact that there is absolutely no scientific proof let alone evidence whatsoever, to me i have always admired people that have a strong faith in God, and a Creator, and I have gone to church with friends and family quite often, and I won't deny that I get something positive out of every time that I go,

I guess the only reason I don't fully believe and commit to it myself is because of moral objections to the following things; christian churches generally discriminate against gays and lesbians, not that i am at all gay myself, though i do have lesbian friends, plus i also believe that they pressure people to get married too quickly that aren't necessarily ready for that kind of committment, plus i also have a moral objection to the way that the human body is seen as something perverse, dangerous, evil or whatever...the church seems to condemn sexuality, unless it is expressed in one single particular way, and while i agree with the church that sexuality is most enjoyable in its purest form where there is total unity between body, mind, and spiirt, i don't think that makes it "wrong" for there to be an absence of spirit in a sexual interaction, if both party's are adults that are enjoying the exchange, simply less fulfilling then the greater picture.

That all said though, sometimes I wish i could have the faith of believing in something like Christians do, but my own analytical mind simply spots many things within the bible that is interpreted as contradictions.

Consider the abortion debate; it is said that you are killing a human life to abort, at least that's what the church thinks. But that would assume that ensoulment begins the moment the baby is conceived. This raises the problem for identical twins, when the egg splits in two to form could a soul split in two?? my brain just can't grasp that concept at all. I think it's paradoxes like this is why legally we assume that ensoulment doesn't begin until you come out of your mothers womb...

sorry if this is confusing you trubeliever, i'm just trying to give an example of a paradox that i'm perplexed by, and i find it too hard to follow a particular faith with too many unanswered questions.