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Topic: 'Gay' groups: We have rights to your children!
franshade's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:20 PM

informing is not forcing

It is if its in a public school!

Have you ever heard of truancy laws?

What would truancy have to do with this? If you or any other parent wishes their child not to partake in this class, you can sign them out of that class, not the whole day. Don't they substitute the class with another, assembly or the like?

Foliel's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:23 PM
Parents should have the right to have their children learn something when they feel the child is ready. My mom wasn't going to let me attend sex ed class when I hit the 6th grade but my grandmother told her that it was the right thing to do. I think sex ed should have been a warning for me when I got nauseus when it came to the topic of intercourse with a woman.....

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:24 PM
Edited by Thoughtfulthug on Tue 05/05/09 12:28 PM
To me, I had the benefits of being taught at home by parents who strongly believed that it isn't about a person's sexual preference, politics, religion, rank of station in life, ethnicity, nationality, and occupation. The only thing they warned me was to understand and observe the person's conduct and character, and find it in your heart to see the humanity in them even if you only see the hatred in their eyes.

When I see people finding that it is ok to teach children hate, then normally my response is that they really need to look in themselves about how hate continue to exist.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:26 PM

Parents should have the right to have their children learn something when they feel the child is ready. My mom wasn't going to let me attend sex ed class when I hit the 6th grade but my grandmother told her that it was the right thing to do. I think sex ed should have been a warning for me when I got nauseus when it came to the topic of intercourse with a woman.....

my daughters freind is 13. and very gay. almost flaming gay....
I asked him and i hes never kissed a boy or anything. Im not sure what amkes him now hes gay.

but most gay people tell me that smae thign...the opposite sex just makes them nauseus. (or they were burnt by the opposite sex horribly)

Foliel's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:26 PM
That is how a child should be raised, to respect others and think about a persons character not all the other non important stuff.

Foliel's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:27 PM
I've never really understood how someone who has never has a sexual encounter can be absolutely certain that they are gay or str8 lol, but that is not my business.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:27 PM

To me, I had the benefits of being taught at home by parents who strongly believed that it isn't about a person's sexual preference, politics, religion, rank of station in life, and occupation. The only thing they warned me was to understand the person's conduct and character, and find it in your heart to see the humanity in them even if you only see the hatred in their eyes.

I was taught the same thing (but i went to public and private schools) by my family. that is why my beliefs, opinions, whatever aren't threatened if my son is taught something different. he learns how people are in the world we share and helps him be more open minded. but some people disagree with my beliefs and it is their right

DaveyB's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:30 PM
Edited by DaveyB on Tue 05/05/09 12:54 PM

informing is not forcing

But you dont have the right to be the informer on certain topics when it pertains to another's children!

You can inform your own by your views all you want, but you dont hold a universal right to the values another parent wishes to instill in theirs!

I agree. it should be the parent's rightsto decide whether they want their child to be informed. most sex ed classes i know of, send out a notice to the parents in case the parents don't approve...then they can pull their child from the course if they wish to

Agreed, sadly this is one case where I think the courts have overstepped a parents rights. Fortunately it is appears to be the only case. So far in Ca (and I think in most states) the courts have sided with parental rights taking priority. I was pretty annoyed when the rr used this single case to push through the recent amendment banning same sex marriage. It's really not completely related but they keep acting as if it is. I say this because there are other states that allow gay marriage that haven't had this problem. We had legal gay marriage in CA and it was never an issue.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:32 PM
I believe in my son learning about all sorts of things but that is my right and my opinion and i respect those that don't want their kids to learn certain things.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:33 PM
guess what I am saying is....me telling others they SHOULD let their kids learn everything is pushing my opinions on others and i don't think that is right

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:33 PM

Id tell the truth!

Homosexuality is unnatural and its a personal choice!

Let's keep our personal opinions about values out of public schools.

Until you can prove that homosexuality is UNnatural, it's just your opinion. I doubt you have read many studies that weren't biased toward your personal or religious views.

Even if it was personal choice, that would simply mean it's non of you business, for some of us it is personal choice, for others it is not and many families can tell you that. I think the families of gays would have a field day with that shortsighted comment.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:34 PM

That is how a child should be raised, to respect others and think about a persons character not all the other non important stuff.

ya hes a cool kid...and one of the only boys that is allowed to come to the house, lol.

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:43 PM

Sad thing is that those parents who prevent children from learning that there are homosexuals in the world and they are normal too, just like heterosexuals run the chance of having a gay or lesbian child that does not feel really accepted at home.

I taught my kids about homosexuality early. I have gay friends and the kids wanted to know. So I told them that some people fall in love with the same sex, nothing wrong with it, it is perfectly normal.

Now if my children had been gay or lesbian, they would have known that I did not judge them for who they love. My relationship with my children would have been solid from the get on it.

My children have experimented but they are attracted to the opposite sex so they luckily will not have to deal with the prejudice on that level in this world. But I would have loved them the same regardless.

This is my view on it. But I have to reiterate the graphic explicit stuff is not necessary at any level and that should be pulled from the curriculum if they are teaching at that level.

Good for you. Actually I was ticked off for a long time about what my parents didn't bother to trust me with. I had a gay uncle I was never allowed to be around.. Course I never told them that I hung around him anyway, and that was way before I knew what gay was, and he was the most loving person I knew in my childhood besides my grandmother. It wasn't until years later that I found out he was gay and that is why my parents didn't want me around him..

They ended up with a gay daughter and a gay son, talk about clueless.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 05/05/09 12:59 PM

Sad thing is that those parents who prevent children from learning that there are homosexuals in the world and they are normal too, just like heterosexuals run the chance of having a gay or lesbian child that does not feel really accepted at home.

I taught my kids about homosexuality early. I have gay friends and the kids wanted to know. So I told them that some people fall in love with the same sex, nothing wrong with it, it is perfectly normal.

Now if my children had been gay or lesbian, they would have known that I did not judge them for who they love. My relationship with my children would have been solid from the get on it.

My children have experimented but they are attracted to the opposite sex so they luckily will not have to deal with the prejudice on that level in this world. But I would have loved them the same regardless.

This is my view on it. But I have to reiterate the graphic explicit stuff is not necessary at any level and that should be pulled from the curriculum if they are teaching at that level.

Good for you. Actually I was ticked off for a long time about what my parents didn't bother to trust me with. I had a gay uncle I was never allowed to be around.. Course I never told them that I hung around him anyway, and that was way before I knew what gay was, and he was the most loving person I knew in my childhood besides my grandmother. It wasn't until years later that I found out he was gay and that is why my parents didn't want me around him..

They ended up with a gay daughter and a gay son, talk about clueless.

Having been around gay people and hearing the stories of how their families taught and treated them, I did not want my children to feel that way. I heard too many times how as children the gay folks were so confused and guilt ridden because they were attracted to the same sex. With the religion beating them down and the parents beating them down, it is a wonder any of them have mental health after all of that. And the lives that get wrecked from it too. One of my gay friends tried to please his parents and married and had a child and tried to carry off the "norm" being miserable the whole time and sneaking around on his wife because of this charade. We cannot help what we are attracted to, no matter hwo hard we try.

If there is nothing else you have in this world, you whould alwsys feel love from your parents IMO

I think fate has a way of "helping" those with little understanding to understand better by bringing it home...lol

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/05/09 01:13 PM
:banana: I got my sex ed from television and movies:banana:

ThomasJB's photo
Tue 05/05/09 01:14 PM
It washes out in the end. The parents that pull their kids out of that class will have their children educated on the subject by that child's peers the next day.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 01:14 PM
dragoness....which is your right to your opinion on raising kids...but it still shouldn't be forced on those that might disagree. they are entitled to their rights as well and should have an alternative choice

ThomasJB's photo
Tue 05/05/09 01:17 PM

:banana: I got my sex ed from television and movies:banana:

Me too, along with a few science books and porn. The only sex ed I got from my parents was my father saying if I ever have sex make sure I wear a condom. A few years ago my uncle suggested that the only reason my father married my mother was that he knocked her up. That remark makes so much sense in light of that,

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 01:43 PM

dragoness....which is your right to your opinion on raising kids...but it still shouldn't be forced on those that might disagree. they are entitled to their rights as well and should have an alternative choice

I don't beleive that is what she is saying. I came from a christian family in complete denial, it hurts everyone in the end for years to come. I have absolutely no relationship with my parents, that's not good either, but that is the way it played out from the ignorance in my own parents. We all know our rights. The only alternative is ignorance and we can see how that works.

I can't see any other alternative, can you?

We have the right to remain stupid or educate our kids to the differences they will come into contact with either from their piers or where ever. You and dragoness are one leg up, unlike most. Still there is such a thing as to early to learn about some things.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 01:45 PM
again...that is your belief (and yes happens to be mine as well) but not everyone's belief. the alternative choice i suggested was an alternative class or study time etc for the parents that don't want their kids to learn about certain things

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