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Topic: 'Gay' groups: We have rights to your children!
AndyBgood's photo
Tue 05/05/09 01:48 PM

ya i got a paper that I signed in order for my daughter to get sex education at school..

and yes i signed it ans she attended. and NO they didnt talk about homosexuality at all.

thats fine, your right its the parents choice.

but this is a very sex motivated society that we live in. clthes. tv. radio. friends. let alone natural hormones. I choose to have any informed child rather than a misinformed or uninformed child

That depends on the definition of what is informed, and what is disinformed, and what is uninformed.

Id tell the truth!

Homosexuality is unnatural and its a personal choice!

Let's keep our personal opinions about values out of public schools.

Actually I can raise the argument that Homosexuality is innate to mammals. Just about every flavor of mammal save a scant few actually do engage in homosexual practices in one form over another. The difference is how humans can go so over the top with it. it is one thing for two men or two women to enter a consensual and mutual relationship but for those who are completely flaming and out to spread themselves around, that is not exactly unnatural but is amoral and self centered. NOW, letting kids know ABOUT homosexuality is one thing, telling them they have to accept and be part of it IS COMPLETELY WRONG WRONG WRONG. I would break ANYONE off VIOLENTLY trying to convince my kids of that tripe! The fact is that there is way too much over compensation in the name of tolerance.

Why not drop the age of consent to 8 if we are supposed to be so accepting of the Homosexual life style? If we have to accept (RABID) gays why not pedophiles? How about Bestially inclined folks too? Should we accept it when people are raping animals? (KEEP IN MIND FEMALE ANIMALS CAN SHOW CONSENT! If you have owned a female dog or have been around female horses you would know this to be oh so true! Also tell me when a female animal is swinging her tail aside and backing into you she isn't asking for it! Even better yet is when a female animal starts humping you like crazy becasue she has an itch she can't scratch!)

Without standards and non hypocritical moral guide lines we are just a pack of amoral sex starved simians looking to spew fluids everywhere. We have to have lines where things are kept in good taste. I don't go swinging my weiner around in public boasting how heterosexual I am. That is morally unacceptable.

Now enter the concept of love. Many try to use love as a tool to further agendas like acceptance of alternative lifestyles. Love is too complicated to use as part of any educational subject matter because most of us don't get that right either. Worst still is when one person draws moral guidelines another gets totally offended and they start blowing buzz words up our asses like "Fair" and "Equal."

Frankly Americans are too fuqued up on Victorian values. Walk down the street naked and people get totally freaked out. I love the hypocrisy of "God made us in his image" and yet we try to cover ourselves up. If we are in God's image why do we not celebrate our bodies in more ways than porno and titty mags?

DaveyB's photo
Tue 05/05/09 01:50 PM

again...that is your belief (and yes happens to be mine as well) but not everyone's belief. the alternative choice i suggested was an alternative class or study time etc for the parents that don't want their kids to learn about certain things

No sure why people are having such a hard time grasping this one Rose. I'm with you I would actually prefer the school to include this in their curriculum but that sure doesn't mean I think ever parent should be forced to accept what I prefer. I think the fact that most states do give the parent that right under pretty much all circumstances is confusing some people. To date there is only one state that has officially limited the situations that require parental consent.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 01:51 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Tue 05/05/09 01:54 PM
actually...I am glad Andy said something (whether I agree or not). everyone is busy blaming the religious for this and that it seems to be only the religious' opinion....and last I checked...Andy isn't religious (correct me if I'm wrong Andy)

might I add...I was brought up in the church and was never taught to hate others as people claim religion does. I have no problem with my son learning about different things and letting him forming his own opinion.

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:07 PM

again...that is your belief (and yes happens to be mine as well) but not everyone's belief. the alternative choice i suggested was an alternative class or study time etc for the parents that don't want their kids to learn about certain things

I can't see that we would even be having this discussion if it everyone felt the same, know that already.

Ok so your alternative would be to have an alternative class?

Ok just thinking now..

I remember being very curious as a little kid, I would want to know what I missed and I bet my classmates would be only to happy to fill me in. Now what? Then you would be forced to explain it, if the kid asked at home.

Some parents will choose to give them the biblical line, which will start the whole cycle over again. some will go the Unnatural path and if the kid turns out gay, that kid will be faced with years or self doubt, and those that aren't will be here at mingle calling people unnatural.. ... ugh, it never ends does it?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:11 PM
so we should make everyone elses child learn what you believe? is that not imposing your beliefs? and why does everyone keep mentioning religion as the problem??? not every poster on here that is against forcing this issue is even religious. you have said before all or nothing but that only seems to apply when religions are concerned. should it not be the right of a parent to decide whether their kids are taught about homosexualilty or sex ed?

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:12 PM

ya i got a paper that I signed in order for my daughter to get sex education at school..

and yes i signed it ans she attended. and NO they didnt talk about homosexuality at all.

thats fine, your right its the parents choice.

but this is a very sex motivated society that we live in. clthes. tv. radio. friends. let alone natural hormones. I choose to have any informed child rather than a misinformed or uninformed child

That depends on the definition of what is informed, and what is disinformed, and what is uninformed.

Id tell the truth!

Homosexuality is unnatural and its a personal choice!

Let's keep our personal opinions about values out of public schools.

Actually I can raise the argument that Homosexuality is innate to mammals. Just about every flavor of mammal save a scant few actually do engage in homosexual practices in one form over another. The difference is how humans can go so over the top with it. it is one thing for two men or two women to enter a consensual and mutual relationship but for those who are completely flaming and out to spread themselves around, that is not exactly unnatural but is amoral and self centered. NOW, letting kids know ABOUT homosexuality is one thing, telling them they have to accept and be part of it IS COMPLETELY WRONG WRONG WRONG. I would break ANYONE off VIOLENTLY trying to convince my kids of that tripe! The fact is that there is way too much over compensation in the name of tolerance.

Why not drop the age of consent to 8 if we are supposed to be so accepting of the Homosexual life style? If we have to accept (RABID) gays why not pedophiles? How about Bestially inclined folks too? Should we accept it when people are raping animals? (KEEP IN MIND FEMALE ANIMALS CAN SHOW CONSENT! If you have owned a female dog or have been around female horses you would know this to be oh so true! Also tell me when a female animal is swinging her tail aside and backing into you she isn't asking for it! Even better yet is when a female animal starts humping you like crazy becasue she has an itch she can't scratch!)

Without standards and non hypocritical moral guide lines we are just a pack of amoral sex starved simians looking to spew fluids everywhere. We have to have lines where things are kept in good taste. I don't go swinging my weiner around in public boasting how heterosexual I am. That is morally unacceptable.

Now enter the concept of love. Many try to use love as a tool to further agendas like acceptance of alternative lifestyles. Love is too complicated to use as part of any educational subject matter because most of us don't get that right either. Worst still is when one person draws moral guidelines another gets totally offended and they start blowing buzz words up our asses like "Fair" and "Equal."

Frankly Americans are too fuqued up on Victorian values. Walk down the street naked and people get totally freaked out. I love the hypocrisy of "God made us in his image" and yet we try to cover ourselves up. If we are in God's image why do we not celebrate our bodies in more ways than porno and titty mags?

I don't see anyone here trying to say that kids should accept anthing other than the fact that gays exist and live lives like anyone else. I wouldn't force my gay kid to be straight anymore than I would force a straight kid to be gay. I can't see any teacher teaching they should engage in anything that wasn't who they are. We can go overboard one both sides..

Foliel's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:13 PM
asking someone to accept homosexuality is not the same as asking someone to accept the rape of a child. Homosexuality is generally a consensual act while pedophilia is rape. I was raped as a child from 9-12, I did NOT like it, did NOT want it but i also can never forget that it happened. It is in no way the same as asking someone to accept homosexuality. Thanks to that pedophile my life was ruined and i have spent the last 20 years trying to piece it back together.

Homosexuality is not even close to pedophilia.

Winx's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:17 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 05/05/09 02:21 PM

ya i got a paper that I signed in order for my daughter to get sex education at school..

and yes i signed it ans she attended. and NO they didnt talk about homosexuality at all.

thats fine, your right its the parents choice.

but this is a very sex motivated society that we live in. clthes. tv. radio. friends. let alone natural hormones. I choose to have any informed child rather than a misinformed or uninformed child

That depends on the definition of what is informed, and what is disinformed, and what is uninformed.

Id tell the truth!

Homosexuality is unnatural and its a personal choice!

Let's keep our personal opinions about values out of public schools.

I taught my child about homosexuality. Their Christian School doesn't have sex ed. The parents voted it out before we got there.

My child already know a bit about it. They've seen the "two moms" down the street and other gay people. They've asked about the feminine men that they've seen.

I explained how I wouldn't like to kiss a girl and some girls don't like to kiss boys. I told my child that God made everybody different.

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:19 PM

again...that is your belief (and yes happens to be mine as well) but not everyone's belief. the alternative choice i suggested was an alternative class or study time etc for the parents that don't want their kids to learn about certain things

No sure why people are having such a hard time grasping this one Rose. I'm with you I would actually prefer the school to include this in their curriculum but that sure doesn't mean I think ever parent should be forced to accept what I prefer. I think the fact that most states do give the parent that right under pretty much all circumstances is confusing some people. To date there is only one state that has officially limited the situations that require parental consent.

Who's arguing that? I'm not, Dragoness is not. Neither one of us has said everyone should accept what someone else perfers, we are just adding to the conversation.

I wish parents weren't so afraid or some realities in life, I also wish that teachers would make it very clear about what they intend to teach so that parents can decide before this crap happens.

DaveyB's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:24 PM

Actually I can raise the argument that Homosexuality is innate to mammals. Just about every flavor of mammal save a scant few actually do engage in homosexual practices in one form over another. The difference is how humans can go so over the top with it. it is one thing for two men or two women to enter a consensual and mutual relationship but for those who are completely flaming and out to spread themselves around, that is not exactly unnatural but is amoral and self centered. NOW, letting kids know ABOUT homosexuality is one thing, telling them they have to accept and be part of it IS COMPLETELY WRONG WRONG WRONG. I would break ANYONE off VIOLENTLY trying to convince my kids of that tripe! The fact is that there is way too much over compensation in the name of tolerance.

From what research I've done on the subject that's not what is happening. The books in question simply state that there are different types of relationships and families. Who's in the family is particularly so and is even used in some sunday schools and the like because it talks about all kinds of families ie: mixed race, single parent etc. King and King is pretty basic also though I most definitely do think the school should have informed the parents on that one. Again I would sign off on it myself but that is my right as a parent.

Frankly Americans are too fuqued up on Victorian values. Walk down the street naked and people get totally freaked out. I love the hypocrisy of "God made us in his image" and yet we try to cover ourselves up. If we are in God's image why do we not celebrate our bodies in more ways than porno and titty mags?

Well maybe most American's LOL.

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:25 PM

so we should make everyone elses child learn what you believe? is that not imposing your beliefs? and why does everyone keep mentioning religion as the problem??? not every poster on here that is against forcing this issue is even religious. you have said before all or nothing but that only seems to apply when religions are concerned. should it not be the right of a parent to decide whether their kids are taught about homosexualilty or sex ed?

That is not what I am saying, don't know how I could make it more clear, yes I think parents should have the right to know what their kid is being taught and to avoid it if they choose.

We mention religion for obvious reasons, Where do you think people get this notion of homosexuality being abnormal etc?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:29 PM
again boo...not everyone that has a problem with homosexuality is chrisitan or even very relgious at all if any. so how do you explain this?

and to point out...I am fairly religious....but i personally have no problem with my son studying about different things. i was raised in the church...so how do you explain this?

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:39 PM

again boo...not everyone that has a problem with homosexuality is chrisitan or even very relgious at all if any. so how do you explain this?

and to point out...I am fairly religious....but i personally have no problem with my son studying about different things. i was raised in the church...so how do you explain this?

You think that Christianity and other religions don't have influence on the whole of society? They do, big time and always have. when you demean anyone in society you create fear even in those that are not gay. Fear that someone might think they are, then they would face the same ridicule and anger gays face. Don't tell me you don't know this?

Because some churches don't mention homosexuality means nothing, just means your's doesn't for what ever reason, but you can bet many of them do, and loudly. As they so in some churches here, though some here wouldn't know a gay if they fell over one..

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:42 PM

again boo...not everyone that has a problem with homosexuality is chrisitan or even very relgious at all if any. so how do you explain this?

and to point out...I am fairly religious....but i personally have no problem with my son studying about different things. i was raised in the church...so how do you explain this?

You think that Christianity and other religions don't have influence on the whole of society? They do, big time and always have. when you demean anyone in society you create fear even in those that are not gay. Fear that someone might think they are, then they would face the same ridicule and anger gays face. Don't tell me you don't know this?

Because some churches don't mention homosexuality means nothing, just means your's doesn't for what ever reason, but you can bet many of them do, and loudly. As they so in some churches here, though some here wouldn't know a gay if they fell over one..

i never said it wasn't mentioned. but you keep blaming religion only....guess what...that's not the only reason for people thinking as they do. whatever your personal conflicts with it is....that's yours. i haven't had that and was taught to care about all regardless of whether i agree or not. and to let my son learn as much as possible to make an informed opinion.

as far as i am concerned....i have no problem with them teaching these things but it should be the parents choice to decide if they want their kids to be in the class

DaveyB's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:44 PM
Edited by DaveyB on Tue 05/05/09 02:50 PM

again...that is your belief (and yes happens to be mine as well) but not everyone's belief. the alternative choice i suggested was an alternative class or study time etc for the parents that don't want their kids to learn about certain things

No sure why people are having such a hard time grasping this one Rose. I'm with you I would actually prefer the school to include this in their curriculum but that sure doesn't mean I think ever parent should be forced to accept what I prefer. I think the fact that most states do give the parent that right under pretty much all circumstances is confusing some people. To date there is only one state that has officially limited the situations that require parental consent.

Who's arguing that? I'm not, Dragoness is not. Neither one of us has said everyone should accept what someone else perfers, we are just adding to the conversation.

I don't think I've seen any messages from you that I would say this is directed toward, not sure about Dragoness, but there have been many who have gone on about whether or not it should even be included in school curriculum. But the article really has nothing to do with that. Lot of off topic stuff ya know :wink:

I wish parents weren't so afraid or some realities in life, I also wish that teachers would make it very clear about what they intend to teach so that parents can decide before this crap happens.

Me to but the discussion is about whether or not they should have that choice. As much as I may disagree with them I do believe it is their choice.

DaveyB's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:49 PM

You think that Christianity and other religions don't have influence on the whole of society? They do, big time and always have. when you demean anyone in society you create fear even in those that are not gay. Fear that someone might think they are, then they would face the same ridicule and anger gays face. Don't tell me you don't know this?

I don't see where Rose or anyone else in this thread has said otherwise.

Because some churches don't mention homosexuality means nothing, just means your's doesn't for what ever reason, but you can bet many of them do, and loudly. As they so in some churches here, though some here wouldn't know a gay if they fell over one..

This is so far off topic I don't understand why your posting it. The topic is about "parental rights" not what will or won't kids be shown in school. The books are there, they are in use. Some parents simply want to know so they can make a choice.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:52 PM
and it is the parents right to make the choice of whether they want the kids to learn it regardless

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:54 PM
Ok you guys, I get that it should be a choice already, I said it myself at least 3 times. But if Rose repeats it one more time, I'm going to scream. pitchfork

I know what you guys are saying, but one can't have this discussion with out answering some of the off topic things people bring up, that is related to it.

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:55 PM

You think that Christianity and other religions don't have influence on the whole of society? They do, big time and always have. when you demean anyone in society you create fear even in those that are not gay. Fear that someone might think they are, then they would face the same ridicule and anger gays face. Don't tell me you don't know this?

I don't see where Rose or anyone else in this thread has said otherwise.

Because some churches don't mention homosexuality means nothing, just means your's doesn't for what ever reason, but you can bet many of them do, and loudly. As they so in some churches here, though some here wouldn't know a gay if they fell over one..

This is so far off topic I don't understand why your posting it. The topic is about "parental rights" not what will or won't kids be shown in school. The books are there, they are in use. Some parents simply want to know so they can make a choice.

I am posting it in response to what Rose said!

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 05/05/09 02:56 PM
I wasn't the one that brought up religion. i was responding to that post

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