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Topic: Secession....view points please...
krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 04:54 PM
This is an option that is gaining real momentum locally and I personally am for it.

Please do not misunderstand...

I love the United States of America and I would like to see the States exist in prosperity and happiness. I have served them in the military and I feel I have the right to an opinion as well as an honest and intelligent dialogue on this subject.

Texas does maintain the legal right to secede from the Union and I believe that we should. I have absolutely nothing against the American way of life...I am really dead set against the avalanche of U.S. taxation policies and free-for all spending/bail out policies as well as dictations of legalities and foriegn policies. (Yeah, I know that The Bushes got this ball rolling)

I firmly believe that as an independant nation, Texas can indeed prosper.

The down side is that I do understand that the other states would suffer from trying to shoulder the fiscal void secession would bring as well as limiting access to huge seaports..petroleum stocks, refineries...some agricultural venues and nuclear weapon making facilities...(pretty sure that the U.S. citizenry wouldn't bat an eye at losing NASA)

Suppose Texas did do you think it would affect you or your states economy?

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:00 PM
So, does this mean I would have to buy a new flag?


willing2's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:01 PM
I heard Perry said it's a real possibility. Don't know if he's for real or it's just a pacifier.
If it happens, I think we can expect the possibility of a Union invasion. That's talk around town.
I, too wish a secession. DC has gone nuts.

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:01 PM
I am going to move to TEXAS if they do:banana: drinker

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:01 PM
we could join OPEC

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:02 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Fri 04/17/09 05:03 PM

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:03 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Fri 04/17/09 05:03 PM

This is an option that is gaining real momentum locally and I personally am for it.

Please do not misunderstand...

I love the United States of America and I would like to see the States exist in prosperity and happiness. I have served them in the military and I feel I have the right to an opinion as well as an honest and intelligent dialogue on this subject.

Texas does maintain the legal right to secede from the Union and I believe that we should. I have absolutely nothing against the American way of life...I am really dead set against the avalanche of U.S. taxation policies and free-for all spending/bail out policies as well as dictations of legalities and foriegn policies. (Yeah, I know that The Bushes got this ball rolling)

I firmly believe that as an independant nation, Texas can indeed prosper.

The down side is that I do understand that the other states would suffer from trying to shoulder the fiscal void secession would bring as well as limiting access to huge seaports..petroleum stocks, refineries...some agricultural venues and nuclear weapon making facilities...(pretty sure that the U.S. citizenry wouldn't bat an eye at losing NASA)

Suppose Texas did do you think it would affect you or your states economy?

Well considering that all who are for the secession will lose their US citizenship and will be enemies of the states should their secession attempt be successful.

I would guess that there are alot more not for it then for it.

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:08 PM
Ironically...we could join OPEC...

as far as wouldn't be a good thing...but, it is no secret that Texas has more guns per capita than any population on earth..(last time I checked it was 5 guns per citizen) we got red necks, so our militia would be no joke...but, I would hate the concept of aiming at an American.

Honestly, when our governer is discussing it means public opinion is boiling to the surface.

Don't worry about a flag scatter....I am pretty sure we would just fly Texas flag themed g-strings from the flag poles and our antennas.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:11 PM
rofl why would those people become enemies of the united states

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:13 PM
Not so sure about that Dragoness....

a peaceful (and completely legal secession) is not the same as civil war.

If anything..I believe that our ties would make Texas a firm ally of the United States...(we got family/ friends/ business ties in the other states too)

As far as loss of what? Ain't that what passports and travel visas are for?

no photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:15 PM
Would we finally get to take care of our borders with Mexico in a more forthright manner?
Yeah, I'd have to move out of Texas. I pledged allegiance to the United States and chose US citizenship when I had turned 18.
I think it's odd and retarded how in Texas the kids have to learn ALL ABOUT Texas history, as a priority over US History. Although there is interesting enough stuff about Texas, they should focus on all states, not just Texas. Texas has always maintained a false sense of snobbery. I remember some dude in the 80's wanting to build a fence around Texas so nobody else could get in. The joke was, sure, and then someone would fill it with water and let them all drown. And if Texas secedes, they'd HAVE to do something about those aliens since they SUCK our resources and drive uninsured.

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:15 PM
:smile: It is illegal for any state to secede and last time it was tried a LOT of people died.:smile: It was called the Civil War:smile:

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:16 PM

rofl why would those people become enemies of the united states

I assume it would be the same indignation of a couple going through a divorce....some deal with it better than others...some can oberve legalities...some resort to violence.

krupa's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:18 PM

:smile: It is illegal for any state to secede and last time it was tried a LOT of people died.:smile: It was called the Civil War:smile:

Naw man...Texas never gave up the right to legal secession...all the other states least that is what they teach in Texas History classes.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:19 PM

rofl why would those people become enemies of the united states

I assume it would be the same indignation of a couple going through a divorce....some deal with it better than others...some can oberve legalities...some resort to violence.

The anarchy that would ensue in Texas would make it an enemy of the states around it.

It would no longer be a part of this country. No loyalty, no military help, no support of any kind. Trading with them would require political agreements instead of regular state to state agreements.

Losing their citizenship would be mandatory. They would no longer be US citizens.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:20 PM
I don't know how it would all work and come out but maybe it could be a wake up call. and Texas is pretty self sufficient right now (oil, cattle, tropics, cottons etc)

willing2's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:21 PM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 04/17/09 05:25 PM
We're not really alone. 20 some odd other States have or are doing the paperwork to restore their Sovereignty, a prelude Secession.

February 6th, 2009
States including Washington, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Hawaii and New Hampshire have drafted bills reminding the Federal Government of their voluntary submission under the Tenth Amendment.
Here is a list of the others claiming their Sovereignty;

Anybody here posting from Oklahoma?laugh laugh laugh

DaveyB's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:23 PM

This is an option that is gaining real momentum locally and I personally am for it.

Personally I'm against it because I think it'll be a blood bath that will make the civil war look like a childs game.

Please do not misunderstand...

I love the United States of America and I would like to see the States exist in prosperity and happiness. I have served them in the military and I feel I have the right to an opinion as well as an honest and intelligent dialogue on this subject.

Texas does maintain the legal right to secede from the Union and I believe that we should. I have absolutely nothing against the American way of life...I am really dead set against the avalanche of U.S. taxation policies and free-for all spending/bail out policies as well as dictations of legalities and foriegn policies. (Yeah, I know that The Bushes got this ball rolling)

I firmly believe that as an independant nation, Texas can indeed prosper.

The down side is that I do understand that the other states would suffer from trying to shoulder the fiscal void secession would bring as well as limiting access to huge seaports..petroleum stocks, refineries...some agricultural venues and nuclear weapon making facilities...(pretty sure that the U.S. citizenry wouldn't bat an eye at losing NASA)

Suppose Texas did do you think it would affect you or your states economy?

Hard to say California would probably follow suit as would a number of other states who have been working to gain the right.

willing2's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:26 PM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 04/17/09 05:27 PM

This is an option that is gaining real momentum locally and I personally am for it.

Personally I'm against it because I think it'll be a blood bath that will make the civil war look like a childs game.

Please do not misunderstand...

I love the United States of America and I would like to see the States exist in prosperity and happiness. I have served them in the military and I feel I have the right to an opinion as well as an honest and intelligent dialogue on this subject.

Texas does maintain the legal right to secede from the Union and I believe that we should. I have absolutely nothing against the American way of life...I am really dead set against the avalanche of U.S. taxation policies and free-for all spending/bail out policies as well as dictations of legalities and foriegn policies. (Yeah, I know that The Bushes got this ball rolling)

I firmly believe that as an independant nation, Texas can indeed prosper.

The down side is that I do understand that the other states would suffer from trying to shoulder the fiscal void secession would bring as well as limiting access to huge seaports..petroleum stocks, refineries...some agricultural venues and nuclear weapon making facilities...(pretty sure that the U.S. citizenry wouldn't bat an eye at losing NASA)

Suppose Texas did do you think it would affect you or your states economy?

Hard to say California would probably follow suit as would a number of other states who have been working to gain the right.

Ca. has already done the initial paperwork for Sovereignty.

We're not really alone. 20 some odd other States have or are doing the paperwork to restore their Sovereignty, a prelude Secession.

February 6th, 2009
States including Washington, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, Hawaii and New Hampshire have drafted bills reminding the Federal Government of their voluntary submission under the Tenth Amendment.
Here is a list of the others claiming their Sovereignty;

Anybody here posting from Oklahoma?laugh laugh laugh

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/17/09 05:28 PM

I don't know how it would all work and come out but maybe it could be a wake up call. and Texas is pretty self sufficient right now (oil, cattle, tropics, cottons etc)

One should never threaten that which they cannot or will not do.

Texas would be the worst place to live if they left the US. Government control as they know it would end. Power struggles would ensue. The texans are fooling themselves into believing they are somehow better than the rest of the country at some level.

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