Topic: I Have To, Why Shouldn't They?
papersmile's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:54 AM
so do you like the money you earn being spent by someone eles whos buying cigs, beer, weed, and flat screen tvs with it?

The thing is, it isn't only the poor (and ALL the poor) who are scamming the system.

I had a manager at the Board of Education who had the trades people re-do his house, using Board material. Who do you think supplemented that? That is just one example in the many.

I've seen a lot of rich people committing health fraud, welfare fraud, tax fraud, etc. It isn't limited to poor people and, by assuming so, it's incredibly stereotypical, judgemental and erroneous.

Report those that you know of who are abusing the system. That is the best way to beat fraud.

MahanMahan's photo
Wed 02/18/09 04:27 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Wed 02/18/09 04:28 AM

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 02/18/09 05:38 AM
Ya got that right mahan.

MahanMahan's photo
Wed 02/18/09 05:44 AM

willing2's photo
Wed 02/18/09 07:46 AM
Most of the welfare eligible folks who would complain about drug screening would be the illicit drug users.
I would suggest cutting off welfare if there is alcohol or nicotine detected, as well.

duckiegiggles's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:21 AM

so do you like the money you earn being spent by someone eles whos buying cigs, beer, weed, and flat screen tvs with it?

The thing is, it isn't only the poor (and ALL the poor) who are scamming the system.

I had a manager at the Board of Education who had the trades people re-do his house, using Board material. Who do you think supplemented that? That is just one example in the many.

I've seen a lot of rich people committing health fraud, welfare fraud, tax fraud, etc. It isn't limited to poor people and, by assuming so, it's incredibly stereotypical, judgemental and erroneous.

Report those that you know of who are abusing the system. That is the best way to beat fraud.

did you see wealthy or poor in my statement?
point is if my money is taken out of my hard earned check every week i want it to go to people who need it and are going to help pay their bills or feed their kids with it not piss it away.
hell if i dont piss my money away like that why the hell should they be allowed to?

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:31 AM
In what form does welfare pay cash?

Seakolony's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:33 AM
Actually, anyone receiving welfare checks, must reimburse the state through either Child Support or eventually a diminished SSN check later on. So, if you aren't paying Child Support they get you eventually.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:35 AM
I can understand why people are disillusioned by this whole thing.

I have always been willing to help those in need...but I understand that the scammers make me want to throw in the towel at times.

there are good people and bad people on welfare

I have reported people but the system doesn't have the resources to do much.

we need to reform the qualifications and give the system the resources to weed out the bad apples

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:38 AM

I can understand why people are disillusioned by this whole thing.

I have always been willing to help those in need...but I understand that the scammers make me want to throw in the towel at times.

there are good people and bad people on welfare

I have reported people but the system doesn't have the resources to do much.

we need to reform the qualifications and give the system the resources to weed out the bad apples

Now you're talking.
Instead of trashing the system and leaving everyone hungry and on their own. Let's improve it.

duckiegiggles's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:39 AM

Actually, anyone receiving welfare checks, must reimburse the state through either Child Support or eventually a diminished SSN check later on. So, if you aren't paying Child Support they get you eventually.

here in pa
they take your child support only if you are receiving cash assistance they do NOT take it if you are receiving
food assistance or medical
people sell those food cards just like they used to do with food stamps

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:39 AM
In what form does welfare pay cash?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:39 AM

I can understand why people are disillusioned by this whole thing.

I have always been willing to help those in need...but I understand that the scammers make me want to throw in the towel at times.

there are good people and bad people on welfare

I have reported people but the system doesn't have the resources to do much.

we need to reform the qualifications and give the system the resources to weed out the bad apples

Now you're talking.
Instead of trashing the system and leaving everyone hungry and on their own. Let's improve it.

I never said we should trash it and leave them hungry frustrated damn fantas

duckiegiggles's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:40 AM

I can understand why people are disillusioned by this whole thing.

I have always been willing to help those in need...but I understand that the scammers make me want to throw in the towel at times.

there are good people and bad people on welfare

I have reported people but the system doesn't have the resources to do much.

we need to reform the qualifications and give the system the resources to weed out the bad apples

Now you're talking.
Instead of trashing the system and leaving everyone hungry and on their own. Let's improve it.

got any ideas how?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:41 AM

Actually, anyone receiving welfare checks, must reimburse the state through either Child Support or eventually a diminished SSN check later on. So, if you aren't paying Child Support they get you eventually.

I have never heard of that happening here

Fanta46's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:42 AM
My State does it just fine!

Model yours after ours.......

Damn these rose thorns..:wink:

jdcolvin's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:51 AM
everyone has a choice in everything they do...Some people abuse their choices..Drug testing is a great idea for anyone on welfare..Bill Cosby was the first celebetity that I saw make this statement..I like bill cosby feel that if you want to smoke dope then get a job and buy your own, dont use welfare money to buy drugs...I also feel that if you are on welfare that your prescription drugs should be free so that your welfare check can be spent on food clothing houseing and retraining so you can one day find a new job...too many dope heads are collectong benefits that could be used to help people who cant help themselves...I did repairs for HUD several housing authorities,and government subsidized houseing for 20 years and half of the recepiants dont deserve what they get and the other half doesnt get enough to make ends meet....About once a year for a couple of weeks the authoritys come in and crack down and the rest of the time you will see the inspectores drop by to pick up their cut whether it be cash drugs or sexual favors...Its gone on so long that its just the way it is and everyone accepts it...

Seakolony's photo
Wed 02/18/09 08:59 AM

everyone has a choice in everything they do...Some people abuse their choices..Drug testing is a great idea for anyone on welfare..Bill Cosby was the first celebetity that I saw make this statement..I like bill cosby feel that if you want to smoke dope then get a job and buy your own, dont use welfare money to buy drugs...I also feel that if you are on welfare that your prescription drugs should be free so that your welfare check can be spent on food clothing houseing and retraining so you can one day find a new job...too many dope heads are collectong benefits that could be used to help people who cant help themselves...I did repairs for HUD several housing authorities,and government subsidized houseing for 20 years and half of the recepiants dont deserve what they get and the other half doesnt get enough to make ends meet....About once a year for a couple of weeks the authoritys come in and crack down and the rest of the time you will see the inspectores drop by to pick up their cut whether it be cash drugs or sexual favors...Its gone on so long that its just the way it is and everyone accepts it...

Thats not true, though, Social Services works hard to weed out the bad ones. I know I see the reports that go for investigation everyday. The problem is catching them and drug testing doesn't help it is too expensive in an already overwhelmed system. There is a new law where I am from. That if the person has a job and can keep up payments, in lieu of cash benefit we give the car dealer a down payment for a car to keep people working. Otherwise they might lose their job. Of course, only for those with that issue. Just one way this state tries to keep people working. Of course, we are total country and do not have public tranportation.

nogames39's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:09 AM
I don't want to keep people working. I don't give a crap about what they do. It is not my business, but only their own.

All I want, is for them to stop stealing my money. An as long as they keep stealing my money, I am going to remain hostile to them.

I don't really care how they spend the check. I only want them to pay for the drug test to make it more miserable. It's my money after all. They treat me bad, they steal my money, I should be able to treat them bad too. Eye for an eye, damn it.

It doesn't matter if they poor or rich, smart or stupid, chinese or mexican. Do not steal the money I work for. That is all I ask. Apparently, this is too much to ask for.

Winx's photo
Wed 02/18/09 10:50 AM

Most of the welfare eligible folks who would complain about drug screening would be the illicit drug users.
I would suggest cutting off welfare if there is alcohol or nicotine detected, as well.

And how do you know this?