Topic: Christianity is it a religion, a lie, or simply the truth?
Nubby's photo
Sun 01/18/09 07:50 AM

The bible cant even get it right.

Heres another short vid that blows holes all threw your so called facts and again it's all from the bible.

Apparent Contradictions? Blows holes in my facts?

yes because they are not facts, the bible can not get the story strait and is supossedly the word of god.
So these "eye witnesses" can not be trusted.
There are many people that say they have seen alien space ships but does that make it so?
And there are alot of people that say they have been on them, there are many people that say they have been cured of illnesses because they touched a stain that if you looked at it from the left and scwinted it kinda looked like the virgin mary, is that real?
What you have are not facts.

And those were not Apparent Contradictions they were Glareing Cnotradictions.

I believe the Bible is the word of God, but a Christian does not have to believe in the inerrancy of scripture to believe Christ rose from the dead. That is why apparent contradictions have nothing to do with the four facts.

your facts are based on hearsay and rumour.
That is not how we get facts.

And jesus was not the first to die and rise from the dead 3 days later it has been in religions thousands of yrs before jesus.
So it is realy nothing that special or diffrent anyway.

My facts are based on Scholarship.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/18/09 07:53 AM
Well its also biblical scholarship that profess that Mary was raped by a Roman centurion and also that there are two conflicting versions of creation in Genesis.

You can’t pick and choose the biblical scholarships that support what you want to believe.

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 07:55 AM

The bible cant even get it right.

Heres another short vid that blows holes all threw your so called facts and again it's all from the bible.

It seems you either see the contradictions in the bible, or you don't, or you justify them as we often see here.. Good video for those who prefer to question.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 01/18/09 08:02 AM

The bible cant even get it right.

Heres another short vid that blows holes all threw your so called facts and again it's all from the bible.

Apparent Contradictions? Blows holes in my facts?

yes because they are not facts, the bible can not get the story strait and is supossedly the word of god.
So these "eye witnesses" can not be trusted.
There are many people that say they have seen alien space ships but does that make it so?
And there are alot of people that say they have been on them, there are many people that say they have been cured of illnesses because they touched a stain that if you looked at it from the left and scwinted it kinda looked like the virgin mary, is that real?
What you have are not facts.

And those were not Apparent Contradictions they were Glareing Cnotradictions.

I believe the Bible is the word of God, but a Christian does not have to believe in the inerrancy of scripture to believe Christ rose from the dead. That is why apparent contradictions have nothing to do with the four facts.

your facts are based on hearsay and rumour.
That is not how we get facts.

And jesus was not the first to die and rise from the dead 3 days later it has been in religions thousands of yrs before jesus.
So it is realy nothing that special or diffrent anyway.

My facts are based on Scholarship.

You still want to beat a dead horse? LOL

Since most here completely ignore the faith aspect of the Christian walk it is impossible to think they will get it without some "good" faith.

God will always find those with an opened mind. Just as Jesus found us when we were lost. :smile: flowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/18/09 08:03 AM
So god prefers the gullible in other words?

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/18/09 08:07 AM
Jesus thanks God that only the ignorant and foolish will listen to him

Luke 10

10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

"Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."

laugh laugh

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 08:33 AM

The bible cant even get it right.

Heres another short vid that blows holes all threw your so called facts and again it's all from the bible.

Apparent Contradictions? Blows holes in my facts?

yes because they are not facts, the bible can not get the story strait and is supossedly the word of god.
So these "eye witnesses" can not be trusted.
There are many people that say they have seen alien space ships but does that make it so?
And there are alot of people that say they have been on them, there are many people that say they have been cured of illnesses because they touched a stain that if you looked at it from the left and scwinted it kinda looked like the virgin mary, is that real?
What you have are not facts.

And those were not Apparent Contradictions they were Glareing Cnotradictions.

I believe the Bible is the word of God, but a Christian does not have to believe in the inerrancy of scripture to believe Christ rose from the dead. That is why apparent contradictions have nothing to do with the four facts.

your facts are based on hearsay and rumour.
That is not how we get facts.

And jesus was not the first to die and rise from the dead 3 days later it has been in religions thousands of yrs before jesus.
So it is realy nothing that special or diffrent anyway.

My facts are based on Scholarship.

You still want to beat a dead horse? LOL

Since most here completely ignore the faith aspect of the Christian walk it is impossible to think they will get it without some "good" faith.

God will always find those with an opened mind. Just as Jesus found us when we were lost. :smile: flowerforyou

of course faith is ignored, faith is the opposite of facts.
faith is what you have when you just want to believe something, it has no room in a fact based conversation.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/18/09 08:49 AM

Jesus thanks God that only the ignorant and foolish will listen to him

Luke 10

10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

"Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes."

laugh laugh

Truly some of the stuff that's in the Bible can only be described as utterly stupid.

Of course, if the Bible is true, then God is utterly stupid too. So it makes sense that he wouldn't want any wise men in heaven. They would clearly be wiser than him.

So it makes sense that the biblical God would only be interested in harvesting idiots.

The only thing is that if it were true, then God would have stopped with the monkeys.

No need to create humans if all he wants in heaven are the unwise and the foolish.

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 08:49 AM

The TRUTH... but anyone can find that out by reading & testing it for themselves. :smile:

tell that to the next parents of a child that died in pain from cancer after they prayed over them.

I think they did test and the test faild.

There is no REAL evidence for any of this in fact the evidence points the other way.

I have a question. What does the Atheist say to the parents of that child. So what, thats it, to bad. ?????????

In truth, there is nothing you can say to console someone who has lost a loved one, no matter what you believe. The best thing to do is to just be there in silence. A touch or a hug says it all.

Funerals and death is no time to preach someone's gospel. I hate to go to a funeral of a friend or community member only to be accosted by some hell fire preacher trying to put the fear of death into people so they will join their church. I hate that. :angry:

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:08 AM

Since most here completely ignore the faith aspect of the Christian walk it is impossible to think they will get it without some "good" faith.

Faith in what?

Why would I want to place faith in the idea that our creator is a male chauvinist pig?

Why would I want to place faith in the idea that our creator lusts for blood sacrifices and can't forgive people unless someone is nailed to a pole? huh

Why would I want to place faith in the idea that I fell from grace from my creator just because a bunch of clearly uncivilized idiots from the Middle East say so? huh

Why would I want to have faith in the idea that I was the reason my creator had to have his only begotten son nailed to a pole to pay for my arrogant rebellion against him?

Why would I want to place my faith in the idea that God is utterly stupid and can only solve problems though VIOLENCE!

That's absurd.

You speak about "Good Faith".

I HAVE "Good Faith". Far more faith than any Christian.

I have faith that God is GOOD.

I have faith that I am GOOD!

I have faith that those dastardly idiots who blasphemed themselve by claiming to speak for God were indeed ungodly jerks.

Why would I want to lower my creator down to their male-chuavinistic heathen-hating level? huh

I have "Good Faith" the the dogma that came from the Middle East is highly ungodly and not the slightest bit divine.

Anyone who supports that horrid dogma has not faith in a decent God at all.

Instead they are placing their faith in the hatred and bigotry of a very crude and unruly male chauvinistic culture.

To even remotely suggest that those unruly crude bigots speak for our creator is to insult our creator in the most despicable way imaginable.

I have "good Faith" that our creator is far smarter than the idiots who lived and lied in the Middle East.

To worship the Bible is to put your faith in ungodly men, and to give up on the idea of a genuinely divine being even existing.

To put your faith in the Bible is to have no faith at all.

Nubby's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:11 AM
For the Christian He or she goes onto a better place. The new Testament authors call this Falling asleep. I could tell that mother or father that your son or daughter went HOME to a better place to be with its maker.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:12 AM
Why would I want to place faith in the idea that our creator is a male chauvinist pig?

Genesis 24

24:16 And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up.

"And the damsel was fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her." (Oh boy!)
laugh huh

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:15 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 01/18/09 09:17 AM

For the Christian He or she goes onto a better place. The new Testament authors call this Falling asleep. I could tell that mother or father that your son or daughter went HOME to a better place to be with its maker.

You could but you have no way of knowing that. At least Atheists are being straight shooters. And the "maker" of that child was his mother. A little credit where credit is due would be nice. Males don’t create anything.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:16 AM

Funerals and death is no time to preach someone's gospel.

But that's what evangelists do!

They prey on people when they are emotionally distraught.

That's the only time anyone is in a state of mind to fall for the biblical baloney.

In fact, most people who have converted to Christianity did so when they were down and out.

No sane emotionally healthy person falls for this stuff.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:18 AM

For the Christian He or she goes onto a better place. The new Testament authors call this Falling asleep. I could tell that mother or father that your son or daughter went HOME to a better place to be with its maker.

You could but you have no way of knowing that. At least Atheists are being straight shooters. And the "maker" of that child was his mother. A little credit where credit is due would be nice. Males don’t create anything.


Why Christians think it's ok to lie to people I'll never know. huh

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:22 AM

It also doesn't come down to Christianity or Atheism.

That's what Christians would LOVE everyone to believe! love

They constantly talk like either you believe in the Biblical picture of God, or you're an atheist and there is no God.

That's utter hogwash.

I'm not an atheist, yet I denounce the Biblical picture of God as being clearly false and ungodly.

The Biblical picture of God spits in the very face of what a God should even be!

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:26 AM
Edited by Abracadabra on Sun 01/18/09 09:31 AM

For the Christian He or she goes onto a better place. The new Testament authors call this Falling asleep. I could tell that mother or father that your son or daughter went HOME to a better place to be with its maker.

What are you going to tell that mother or father if their child had rejected Christianity?

Are you going to tell them, "Sorry but the little bastard went to hell were he or she BELONGS!" pitchfork


Seriously, what would you tell the parent in that case?

The God I believe in welcomes EVERYONE HOME!

Not just those who chose to become bigots in the name of Jesus.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:28 AM
James I think they consider anyone who is not a Christian to be an Atheist. It doesn’t matter what other religion you profess to follow because in their eyes there is ONLY Christianity and their god and his son. So that means that we could be polytheistic and observe many gods but we might as well be Atheists or Satan worshipers as far as they are concerned. Even though Satan is their own invention.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:30 AM
What if that child who died was a little older and a professed homosexual? What can you tell the parents then?

Nubby's photo
Sun 01/18/09 09:34 AM

For the Christian He or she goes onto a better place. The new Testament authors call this Falling asleep. I could tell that mother or father that your son or daughter went HOME to a better place to be with its maker.

What are you going to tell that mother or father if their child had rejected Christianity?

Are you going to tell them, "Sorry but the little bastard went to hell were he or she BELONGS!" pitchfork


Seriously, what would you tell the parent in that case?

The God I believe in welcomes EVERYONE HOME!

Wow, your really talking nasty about my worldview. Do you hear anyone doing this to yours? Your the one looking bad.

Not just those who chose to become bigots in the name of Jesus.