Topic: Christianity is it a religion, a lie, or simply the truth?
davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/09 02:03 PM

all religions are true, and all added together first as one, show the piece of each one that was added by self interest seeking to prove itself as the only truth......

That's self-refuting nonsense.

then eyes that read see thru perception that is self refuting, which lead to believing in time all things heard be nonsense.....

No, what you posted is self-refuting. It's a logical contradiction.

If Islam claims to be the one true religion and so does Christianity, then only one can be right. You say that they are both right, which is self-refuting. If Islam is correct, then Christianity is wrong. If Christianity is right, then Islam is wrong. They both can't be true. Maybe neither one is true, but they both can't be. It's self-refuting nonsense.

If I understand DavidBen right, then all religions are right in the sense of the believing in God. Not in believing in a bible or any other books, but believing in God, and there is only one, though he carries many names.

yea indeed invisible......

as in a human beginnning, all believe rightfully so in something more, and in trying to define it and become it, from definitions of words and actions aquired from things seen while human, create greater and more elaborate mindful embellishments of human imagination as to what "it" may be.....

the same as to say, "who can know the mind of god".....

the heart of the wise say to itself, none my lord......

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 02:03 PM

The first human recording of God-like Savior born of Virgin mother and later being Resurrected from the dead is found in Egypt, 3-4,000 years before Christ. The Story focuses on Osiris, Isis, and Horus, reputably known as the original Holy family; the father, the mother, the son

Horus originates in Pre-history, we can only date him to Egyptian times because we have no real records before that period of antiquity. The Egyptian “Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever” written over 5,000 years ago contains The Story of the Egyptian Horus and has remarkable similarities to the Story of Jesus Christ.

In fact if you compare the Egyptian book of knowing the Evolutions, you can see very strong parallels to the Book of Genesis which came from God to Moses, who was raised in the household of the Egyptian Pharaoh, and later became the King of the Jews.

Most later religions purporting Christ-Like saviors have their roots in the Early Egyptian religious system, which itself dates from an unknown source prior to any recorded History.

That may be but these myths were not circulating in first century Palestine.

Of course they were not "circulating." It is not as if they had invented a printing press. Only a select few people in high places had privy to this kind of information. Not only that, very few people could even read and write.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/18/09 02:04 PM
I actually posted how the connection was made but I doubt he took the time to read it. :tongue:

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/09 02:06 PM

all religions are true, and all added together first as one, show the piece of each one that was added by self interest seeking to prove itself as the only truth......

That's self-refuting nonsense.


may two people learn the SAME pain and experience of a lie, from two distinct individual totally unique sets of human scenarios?

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/18/09 02:35 PM
Any religion that claims that the creator of this universe sides with any particular culture or nation is obiously false.

Religions that claim that they hold the only word of God that can be used to judge the morality of others is nothing more than the epitome of human arrogance.

Obviously if this universe has a creator it is the God of all of the inhabitants. Not just some group of billigerent bigots who are grossly ungodly how they apply their bigotry.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/18/09 02:47 PM
And what about in the Superbowl when each team claims that "god was on their side." huh

davidben1's photo
Sun 01/18/09 05:39 PM
and in the beginning was AWARE.....

and in the days of the opening of the minds at the end of days of all troubles, came salvation from LIMITED AWARENESS.....

opening the minds of all mortal beings unto ALL KNOWING.....

the age of aquarious stike lightening and thunderings from the four corners of the once simpleton place called earth.......

free fallin climb the stairway to heaven, and heavens and hells pass away, and paradise is created by united equal "beings"......

the dawn of enlightenment, that see no evil, hear no evil, as MANKIND WALKS INTO WISDOM THAT SOLVES ALL "EVILS", THAT MAN once in innocent ignorance CREATED with sad eyes of unknowing.........

and the hands that once tied the other, now bind all in love together, as all and each meet their own gaurdian greater self that guided along the treacherous human path toward equality and soverignty......

and john the seer once say no heaven and no hell, as GOD be within, and come forth from one and all, and the hell that IGNORANT MAN ONCE CREATED, is cast down to the bowls of the earth.....

the seeing be born of HOW, that IF god be the "light" of the world, and GOD was said to reside in the hearts of MANKINK, then the "HUMAN AWARENESS" POWER THE EARTH AND UNIVERSE, and the human body be only the "disguise" of all that man is to be......

even so......

if each human born be a standard 10 watt lightbulb upon arrival, or just "thought energy", that power all brain awareness and motor skill function, with the "energy or power" for human existence

total power or energy then be 6.6 billion x 10 watt.........

each lightbulb that makes contact with another, either dim that lightbulb, or increase it.....

collective "negative" thought create the collective energy or power draw, or a collective depletion of all energy.......

collective "positive" thought create all adding to collective energy, raising towards maximum 100 watts total possible "energy"......

being that the 10 watt standard "energy" drive "standard awareness", collective "adding" energy or power, actually INCRREASE AWARENESS, ALONG WITH ALL MOTOR SKILLS......

self interest of self alone not met, be the only drain on collective "positive" energy, creating the only "negative depletion" of each individual lightbulb, and all lightbulbs collectively as ONE.....

the collective ENERGY of the ENTIRE EARTH added together, dimmed by the collective
trying to "take" of another for self interest, and the collective "positive" energy be "added to" with the laying down of self interest....

if there be no greater love than to lay down one's life for a friend, then there be EVEN GREATER LOVE UNLEASHED FROM ALL OLD MORTAL SOULS, by laying down one's life, or the "right to be right", for one's enemey.....

peace unto the new dawn that adom usher unto profound knowing of infinite best great good....

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:24 PM
Edited by iamgeorgiagirl on Tue 01/20/09 12:24 PM
Is there such a thing as a Christian without a religion?

TBRich's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:25 PM
Yes, they are referred to as the Church of the Catacombs.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:26 PM
Could a Christian not believe in the bible as being the word of god?

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:26 PM

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:27 PM

Could a Christian not believe in the bible as being the word of god?


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:30 PM
The 5-7 minutes when I died was enough to convince me The Creator of Light is real. Religion or not.

TBRich's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:36 PM
So you believe in the Bringer of Light, what was his name again? Satan!!! Sorry I was channeling Dana Carvey as the Church Lady

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:37 PM
The man beside me in this photo is my grandfather who turned me upside down and patted the water out of my lungs and brought me back to the flesh world. The Creator of Light already had me in the light headed upwards toward him.

TBRich's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:40 PM
That's wonderful i hope you are taking advantage of your second chance.

davidben1's photo
Tue 01/20/09 12:43 PM

Is there such a thing as a Christian without a religion?

yea indeed, and freedom from what once shackled to the ground, free the spirit to leave the human soul that serve images of good....

the mind be as the student, hearing NOT COMMANDMENTS OF GOOD, but rather QUESTIONS, and the heart be the teacher that give back the rest of the answer.......

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:03 PM

So you believe in the Bringer of Light, what was his name again? Satan!!! Sorry I was channeling Dana Carvey as the Church Lady

I didn't ask him his name

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:05 PM

That's wonderful i hope you are taking advantage of your second chance.

Thanks I hope I am too.


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:07 PM

Is there such a thing as a Christian without a religion?

yea indeed, and freedom from what once shackled to the ground, free the spirit to leave the human soul that serve images of good....

the mind be as the student, hearing NOT COMMANDMENTS OF GOOD, but rather QUESTIONS, and the heart be the teacher that give back the rest of the answer.......

My mind was too young to know much about religion but I knew right away what was going on