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Topic: Evolution Is it Compatible With THE BIBLE?
Seamonster's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:12 PM
Evolution has proven the bible false and obsolete.
So no, they are not compatible.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 02/16/09 07:53 AM

Evolution has proven the bible false and obsolete.
So no, they are not compatible.

Creation proves the Bible and ever will it be obsolete so yea.....But believe you came from an ape...ok by me.

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 02/16/09 08:54 AM

Blind Faith...

...because thinking is too hard!

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 09:46 AM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 02/16/09 09:47 AM

Blind Faith...

...because thinking is too hard!

Love the picture 'MahanMahan'!!!

And while I suspect we're on the 'same page', I'd like to take this opportunity to take a look at this 'blind faith' statement from the 'blind sheeps' perspective, and toss it around a bit.

'... Faith can only be blind!!! ...'
... let's say!

It is when it transgresses that 'blind' state, that faith is no longer faith (based on beliefs for which there exists no evidence, nor fact, no reality as we imply 'consensus for material reality).

When faith is stricly 'blind' from that which we call 'real', and the 'faithful' responsibly distinguishes his faith from what we refer to as this shared 'reality', life flows.

However, when the 'real' factor kicks in, and confuses the unsubstantiatable nature of faith, where for example, 'My god is real', 'The word of MY bible is without error', than we are no longer dealing with 'blind faith' or 'faith' as it is intended to be, and are no longer dealing with faith at all, but a serious perversion of faith.

Maybe 'BLIND FAITH' is exactly what faith ought to be!!!

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 02/16/09 09:54 AM
"In the realm of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."

Thank you Voileazur for your response to my last post!

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 12:17 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Mon 02/16/09 12:19 PM

Evolution has proven the bible false and obsolete.
So no, they are not compatible.

Creation proves the Bible and ever will it be obsolete so yea.....But believe you came from an ape...ok by me.
We ARE apes.

I think I understand now. FCL is racist? Or is the proper term Specist?

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 02/16/09 02:13 PM

Evolution has proven the bible false and obsolete.
So no, they are not compatible.

Creation proves the Bible and ever will it be obsolete so yea.....But believe you came from an ape...ok by me.
We ARE apes.

I think I understand now. FCL is racist? Or is the proper term Specist?

Specist is correct. Religions in general, tend to place man in a very special place in the world.

After all, supposedly God created man to roam the Earth and all the other living creatures are just created for our enjoyment, pleasure, amusement and consumption!

The idea that we are primates, same as baboons, chimps, and gorillas, goes against the whole Adam and Eve story.



yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/16/09 02:19 PM
things can evolve....or they die out. I can be a christian but still keep an open mind

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 02/16/09 02:32 PM

things can evolve....or they die out. I can be a christian but still keep an open mind

We all have to evolve... As humans evolve, so should their religious beliefs. Surely even the Biblical God of 2,000 years ago must have evolved by now. I don't believe he is still the same old vengeful and jealous God who would destroy whole villages and Anhialate whole civilizations for not worshipping him!

Agree with me or not, I believe that evenutally we'll get to a point in the not so distant future, where we'll denounce all religions and be done with it.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/16/09 02:35 PM

things can evolve....or they die out. I can be a christian but still keep an open mind

We all have to evolve... As humans evolve, so should their religious beliefs. Surely even the Biblical God of 2,000 years ago must have evolved by now. I don't believe he is still the same old vengeful and jealous God who would destroy whole villages and Anhialate whole civilizations for not worshipping him!

Agree with me or not, I believe that evenutally we'll get to a point in the not so distant future, where we'll denounce all religions and be done with it.

some may denounce it...some not. I know I have evolved since I was a baby until now. I have grown from my mistakes and seeing other people's. But we can all believe what we want. that's another way to evolve....

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 02/16/09 02:40 PM

things can evolve....or they die out. I can be a christian but still keep an open mind

We all have to evolve... As humans evolve, so should their religious beliefs. Surely even the Biblical God of 2,000 years ago must have evolved by now. I don't believe he is still the same old vengeful and jealous God who would destroy whole villages and Anhialate whole civilizations for not worshipping him!

Agree with me or not, I believe that evenutally we'll get to a point in the not so distant future, where we'll denounce all religions and be done with it.

some may denounce it...some not. I know I have evolved since I was a baby until now. I have grown from my mistakes and seeing other people's. But we can all believe what we want. that's another way to evolve...

That's all fine and dandy... Until religious beliefs of a few start to be forced on others. For example, The Mormon church of Utah spending millions of dollars for advertising, campaigning and propaganda to get California residents to vote for a ban on same sex marriages.

Or the religious right wing nut jobs campaining against abortions.

Yes, it'd be nice if we were all given the freedom to believe in what we want to believe and not force it on others.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/16/09 02:43 PM

things can evolve....or they die out. I can be a christian but still keep an open mind

We all have to evolve... As humans evolve, so should their religious beliefs. Surely even the Biblical God of 2,000 years ago must have evolved by now. I don't believe he is still the same old vengeful and jealous God who would destroy whole villages and Anhialate whole civilizations for not worshipping him!

Agree with me or not, I believe that evenutally we'll get to a point in the not so distant future, where we'll denounce all religions and be done with it.

some may denounce it...some not. I know I have evolved since I was a baby until now. I have grown from my mistakes and seeing other people's. But we can all believe what we want. that's another way to evolve...

That's all fine and dandy... Until religious beliefs of a few start to be forced on others. For example, The Mormon church of Utah spending millions of dollars for advertising, campaigning and propaganda to get California residents to vote for a ban on same sex marriages.

Or the religious right wing nut jobs campaining against abortions.

Yes, it'd be nice if we were all given the freedom to believe in what we want to believe and not force it on others.

not sure that is forced. if people want to protest (regardless of what it is...on any side)...it's not forcing it. I have evolved enough to not let people influence what I believe in...and I can ignore them or walk away...very simple. things can only get to you if you let it

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 02/16/09 02:44 PM

things can evolve....or they die out. I can be a christian but still keep an open mind

We all have to evolve... As humans evolve, so should their religious beliefs. Surely even the Biblical God of 2,000 years ago must have evolved by now. I don't believe he is still the same old vengeful and jealous God who would destroy whole villages and Anhialate whole civilizations for not worshipping him!

Agree with me or not, I believe that evenutally we'll get to a point in the not so distant future, where we'll denounce all religions and be done with it.

some may denounce it...some not. I know I have evolved since I was a baby until now. I have grown from my mistakes and seeing other people's. But we can all believe what we want. that's another way to evolve...

That's all fine and dandy... Until religious beliefs of a few start to be forced on others. For example, The Mormon church of Utah spending millions of dollars for advertising, campaigning and propaganda to get California residents to vote for a ban on same sex marriages.

Or the religious right wing nut jobs campaining against abortions.

Yes, it'd be nice if we were all given the freedom to believe in what we want to believe and not force it on others.

not sure that is forced. if people want to protest (regardless of what it is...on any side)...it's not forcing it. I have evolved enough to not let people influence what I believe in...and I can ignore them or walk away...very simple. things can only get to you if you let it

Fair enough...

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/16/09 02:47 PM
lol ... ok the quote thingy was getting bad lol. we always have choices in life. we may not like the choices, but they are there...hopefully we have evolved enough from history and personal experiences to make a good choice. but I have always though evolution and creation can go hand in hand (from my christian aspect)

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 03:52 PM

"In the realm of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."

Thank you Voileazur for your response to my last post!

Yeh and like that commercial on television, when he sees something amazing he says:

"I could hardly believe my eye!"

rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:00 PM

"In the realm of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."

Thank you Voileazur for your response to my last post!

Yeh and like that commercial on television, when he sees something amazing he says:

"I could hardly believe my eye!"

rofl rofl

Exactly 'Jeannie',

And given the nature of the visual cortex, that is much closer to the truth than whatever he thought he was seeing!!!

rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:16 PM

things can evolve....or they die out. I can be a christian but still keep an open mind

You're absolutely right about that 'yellowrose',

... just like 99,997% of all christians on the planet whom do not see the theory of evolution as a threat to their personal faith and beliefs.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:19 PM

things can evolve....or they die out. I can be a christian but still keep an open mind

You're absolutely right about that 'yellowrose',

... just like 99,997% of all christians on the planet whom do not see the theory of evolution as a threat to their personal faith and beliefs.

me and alot of christians i know aren't closed minded. evolution is not a threat to what i believe at all

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 05:02 PM

things can evolve....or they die out. I can be a christian but still keep an open mind

You're absolutely right about that 'yellowrose',

... just like 99,997% of all christians on the planet whom do not see the theory of evolution as a threat to their personal faith and beliefs.

me and alot of christians i know aren't closed minded. evolution is not a threat to what i believe at all


That's what I meant by ...

... 'You're absolutely right about that 'yellowrose' ,

... right along with 99,997% of all christians on the planet!!! ...'

... it is a very small number of fundamentalists, whom insist on imposing a bible inerrant, or litterate bible interpretation of evil evolution dogma on all, that makes up the other 0,00267% of christians.

MahanMahan's photo
Mon 02/16/09 06:21 PM
0,00267%... Is that an exact figure?

Seems like the other 99,997% of Christians who are NOT threatened by the evolutionary theory happen to be the silent majority!

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