Topic: Evolution Is it Compatible With THE BIBLE?
feralcatlady's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:28 AM
Edited by feralcatlady on Tue 02/17/09 11:30 AM
Well to believe that a species changes within itself of course. Look at cats and dogs for example...but to ever believe that a cat was ever a dog or vise versa is silly. Or you take the horse that someone put up a diagram that it branched off from some other animal like a manatee or some crazy thing...well that is just crazy. So for me to comprehend that I came from nothing really because the big bang. Which because of this a flosom fell from the sky, to the water and turned into a tadpole, that climbed out and turned into a chimp then a ape then me. Well first off if that were the case why are they still here. Now some will say chimp some say ape or some type of primate. But if they can't even decide amongst themselves then how or why am I supposed to believe it.

And also for me all is of science with scientist with their own agenda's. I was taught and brought up to believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. Well even that is just no longer taught so think about why that is the case. Now also no matter how you slice or dice it...In science it is all theory.....Now you can say what you want about the Bible as a myth or whatever, but never in the history of the universe has it ever been a theory, or for that matter a myth.

And the reason that it goes against the Bible is for this simple reason. If God created then all was created as God intended it to be and therefore evolution would not be a factor in order to create whole new species.

If one is to believe in creation then evolution from one thing to another is just not an option.

Now what the Bible does say is that God created all....Then he created man and woman.

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:54 AM
... That being said 'Jeannie', I personaly wouldn't be so quick to predict the same of the 99,997% of christians WHOSE FAITH ISN'T FOUNDED ON A LITTERAL WORD-FOR-WORD DOGMA BASED ON A BOOK.

I'm sure there will probably be some hangers on, but I think people will actually become enlightened and the religion itself will morph into something different.

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:00 PM
religion is going to evolve now huh.....ok

that's fine by me....because mine isn't about religion it's about a personal Relationship with the Lord & Savior...

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:23 PM

religion is going to evolve now huh.....ok

that's fine by me....because mine isn't about religion it's about a personal Relationship with the Lord & Savior...

We got it 'feral',

Sort of your own religion:
... The church of 'feral'!!!

Total membership: 1

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:28 PM

religion is going to evolve now huh.....ok

that's fine by me....because mine isn't about religion it's about a personal Relationship with the Lord & Savior...

There, you see, it already has evolved. drinker :wink:

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:40 PM

religion is going to evolve now huh.....ok

that's fine by me....because mine isn't about religion it's about a personal Relationship with the Lord & Savior...

We got it 'feral',

Sort of your own religion:
... The church of 'feral'!!!

Total membership: 1

As all religions should be. drinker
Like my Universal Life Church of Brutal Truth and Honesty.
Membership 1.


no photo
Tue 02/17/09 12:49 PM
As a Gentle Reminder:

The Christian Community WHO DO

Believe in so called "Evolution"....

Believe in the so called MICRO-

Evolution ONLY...

which are changes occurring WITHIN a Species ONLY!!!

(actually , Micro-evolution is not

even the right terminology anyway.....

cause everything is devolving,
not evolving within the species)....

However, There are NO Christians(not REAL Christians)

who Believe in Macro-Evolution...

which is a species Evolving into a


We've covered this already, Voil.....:wink:

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 02/17/09 02:04 PM

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 02/17/09 02:06 PM
Yes MS we have at least 2,345 times...gigglesnort

davidben1's photo
Tue 02/17/09 02:18 PM

... That being said 'Jeannie', I personaly wouldn't be so quick to predict the same of the 99,997% of christians WHOSE FAITH ISN'T FOUNDED ON A LITTERAL WORD-FOR-WORD DOGMA BASED ON A BOOK.

I'm sure there will probably be some hangers on, but I think people will actually become enlightened and the religion itself will morph into something different.

indeed a women with great insight of the future!!!

davidben1's photo
Tue 02/17/09 02:32 PM

religion is going to evolve now huh.....ok

that's fine by me....because mine isn't about religion it's about a personal Relationship with the Lord & Savior...

a religion is a "BELIEF", that one apsires to RPOVE AS CORRECT TO ALL OTHERS???

how is a relationship of "GOD", a "personal nature", if it is debated publicly???


the sky is blue to all, but that is not discussed nor debated, as it is an observed fact, and a proven fact to all, so it is no longer a "belief", SO NOW AS REALITY???

what one is be no problem, but to declare what self "IS" in public shall attract scutiny if one's own words are not consistent???

it is most obvious your belief's go FAR BEYOND JUST A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP DEAREST FEARL???


no photo
Tue 02/17/09 02:42 PM

As a Gentle Reminder:

The Christian Community WHO DO

Believe in so called "Evolution"....

Believe in the so called MICRO-

Evolution ONLY...

which are changes occurring WITHIN a Species ONLY!!!

(actually , Micro-evolution is not

even the right terminology anyway.....

cause everything is devolving,
not evolving within the species)....

However, There are NO Christians(not REAL Christians)

who Believe in Macro-Evolution...

which is a species Evolving into a


We've covered this already, Voil.....:wink:


With all de respect to you personaly; you know I like you, your comments above are just about as wrong and misleading as comments get.

Come on 'Morningsong', what's next:
... so-called cellular biology,
... so-called stem cell research,
... so-called human genome,
... so-called immunization science

Science isn't about 'wheeling and dealing' 'Morning'!!!

There can't be,

'... I'll take 'micro' today, but I don't feel like 'macro', so leave it out!!! ...',


And this comment about '... REAL CHRISTIANS...',
Coming from you, I'll act as if I hadn't read that!!!


I wouldn't know about your dreams 'morningsong' but certainly not EVER covered. Lots of dogmatic denying, but certainly not 'covered'!

But since I like you 'Morning', I'll give you a chance to re-formulate your thoughts, and post anew.

How's that'???

Inkracer's photo
Tue 02/17/09 02:45 PM
However, There are NO Christians(not REAL Christians)

who Believe in Macro-Evolution...

That is a pretty big judgment for a christian...

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:21 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 02/17/09 04:39 PM are absolutley right!!!

There is only One kind of Evolution .

no micro and macro.

Just Evolution.


Cause there is ONLY ONE kind of

Evolution taking place in the first place!!

And it takes place ONLY WITHIN a Species!!!

Christians have no argument with that.

BUT Voil, those changes WITHIN a species ,

that is being called Evolution.......

(which comes as a result of a species adapting to its changing environment },

should actually be called De-volution.:wink:bigsmileflowerforyou

Cause Things are slowly and gradually Devolving...or dying...

not evolving at all.

In fact, that may explain the
mystery behind the "missing pieces of the puzzle".... missing links.

Look at man , for instance....

Man used to live to be over 900 years of age.

Today, if man lives to be 80 or 90, that is considered great.

Because of sin entering into the world, God said man would surely die.

Man died instantly , spiritually ( until he becomes born again,

and his spirit becomes alive once more )....

But this physical dying , which is taking place over a longer period of time , is not only taking place with man......

but with all of creation...

until God comes back, and makes all things God Will do in that day when there will be no more death.

Or night....

Or sin.....

In that day when man and all creation will be restored unto its rightful place with God...once more....

as it was in the beginning....

in that day, when man and all creation will know death No more....

In that day when God and Man and ALL of creation shall live in Perfect Harmony...

In that day.....

when the Lion shall lie down with the Lamb.....

In Perfect Peace...once more.


no photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:25 PM
Morningsong wrote:

However, There are NO Christians(not REAL Christians)

who Believe in Macro-Evolution...

Oh goody! Finally a way to divide "real Christians" from "Fake Christians."

I will simply ask them if they believe in Macro evolution. If they do, I will put them on my fake Christian list, and brand them as impostors. If they don't, I will put them on my "born again fundamental Christian" list.

I'm making a list and checking it twice folks, cause if you are still here after the rapture we are going to take roll call to see who got taken up to heaven.

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:55 PM

Morningsong wrote:

However, There are NO Christians(not REAL Christians)

who Believe in Macro-Evolution...

Oh goody! Finally a way to divide "real Christians" from "Fake Christians."

I will simply ask them if they believe in Macro evolution. If they do, I will put them on my fake Christian list, and brand them as impostors. If they don't, I will put them on my "born again fundamental Christian" list.

I'm making a list and checking it twice folks, cause if you are still here after the rapture we are going to take roll call to see who got taken up to heaven.

If and when this rapture event takes place, I opt to miss the roll call!

But I doubt very much such an event will EVER take place.

Let's assume for a moment that you were right all along and the time comes and God is deciding who goes up to heaven and who doesn't. Well, I know a heathen like me won't be picked, but what about all the Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists and others, who had just as much conviction and faith in their god as you did in yours... What will the only true god (the Christian God) decide to do with them?

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 05:11 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 02/17/09 05:23 PM are absolutley right!!!

There is only One kind of Evolution .

no micro and macro.

Just Evolution.


Cause there is ONLY ONE kind of

Evolution taking place in the first place!!

And it takes place ONLY WITHIN a Species!!!

Christians have no argument with that.

BUT Voil, those changes WITHIN a species ,

that is being called Evolution.......

(which comes is a result of a species adapting to its changing environment },

should actually be called De-volution.:wink:bigsmileflowerforyou

Cause Things are slowly and gradually Devolving...or dying...

not evolving at all.

In fact, that may explain the
mystery behind the "missing pieces of the puzzle".... missing links.

Look at man , for instance....

Man used to live to be over 900 years of age.

Today, if man lives to be 80 or 90, that is considered great.

Because of sin entering into the world, God said man would surely die.

Man died spiritually instantly( until he becomes born again,

and his spirit becomes alive once more....

as man's spirit was before the fall).

But this physical dying is not only taking place with man......

but with all of creation...

until God comes back, and makes all things that day when there will be no more death.

Or night.

Or sin....

and man and all creation will be restored unto its rigthful place with God...

once it was in the beginning....

where man and all creation will know death No more....

where all of creation shall live in Perfect Harmony...

in that day,

where the Lion shall lie down with the Lamb.....

In perfect peace...once more.



I'd like to save you from this madness.

This life of waging already lost battles, hoping to see the dead troops resurrect. Isn't going to happen 'Morninsong'.

You been sold a rotten bill of goods. This horse they have asked you to beat, is dead.

Your beliefs in Jesus, god, and '... good solid 'loving your neighbor' principles...', as taught by Jesus himself, CAN ALL SURVIVE AND PROSPER WITHIN YOU.

But your attacks against progress, and scientific expansion of knowledge, is hoping for this dead horse to take you to town. I want to save from that profound deception 'Morning', you're going to have to walk to town, and I'll walk with you.

That dead horse ain't gettin' up anytime soon!

A 'staid' way of thinking that still tries to impose a 2 000+ years old litteral view of the 'then' world, is a fossilized dead horse.

And they'll keep asking to jump from fossilized dead horse, to fossilized dead horse.

That right 'Morning', next thing you know, they'll train you and apologize you staight into another lost battle.

The next 'lost battle' those fundamental freaks are going to ask good people such as yourself to fight, is the 'INTELLIGENT FALLING' THEORY, lost battle.

That's right 'morningsong', the 'INTELLIGENT FALLING' THEORY!!!

This one goes agaisnt THE THEORY OF GRAVITY!

They have just found passages in the bible that the theory contradicts, so guess what 'Morning', according to MAD DELUSIONAL FUNDAMENTAL FREAKS:



Same dead-horse-beating DEAD-END as the 'Intelligent Design'. A divine waste of time, energy and good spirit.

And then you've got to go out there and fight
... the 'GAY 'lifestyles'dead horse!!!
... and the 'PRO-LIFE' dead horse !!!
... and the 'STEM-CELLS' dead horse !!!

And think of all the progress science is going to make through Quantum Physics, that the fundamentalists can't even supect is going to disagree with the 2 000+ year old word of the book.



I want to save you from that horrible 'lifestyle' morningsong.

Have your faith in Jesus!
Have your faith in god!
Have your faith in doing well unto others!


Jesus pointed forward, not backward!

Let me extend a fraternal hand and rescue you from this madness!

You are worth it Morningsong!

You are a good soul!

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 05:56 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 02/17/09 06:06 PM

Morningsong wrote:

However, There are NO Christians(not REAL Christians)

who Believe in Macro-Evolution...

Oh goody! Finally a way to divide "real Christians" from "Fake Christians."

I will simply ask them if they believe in Macro evolution. If they do, I will put them on my fake Christian list, and brand them as impostors. If they don't, I will put them on my "born again fundamental Christian" list.

I'm making a list and checking it twice folks, cause if you are still here after the rapture we are going to take roll call to see who got taken up to heaven.

If and when this rapture event takes place, I opt to miss the roll call!

But I doubt very much such an event will EVER take place.

Let's assume for a moment that you were right all along and the time comes and God is deciding who goes up to heaven and who doesn't. Well, I know a heathen like me won't be picked, but what about all the Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists and others, who had just as much conviction and faith in their god as you did in yours... What will the only true god (the Christian God) decide to do with them?

As soon as man seeks God.....and eventually each man will want to know God..

( God placed a hunger in every man's soul to know God)...

that is why man one day will begin to seek after God ....and will want to know God...

and that is WHEN God will gently draw man unto Him....

and that includes people of EVERY

religion, creed , and race.

God is no respector of persons.

God Loves all mankind....

and longs to see all mankind saved.....

and therefore crosss over into every religion...

to bring those people that seek Him,

back into rightful relationship

with God ...once more.

Man seeks God.....God reaches back

to man in return....

and btw....

God will even snatch a man back from the snares of death , for instance....

to give man a chance to know God .

God knows that day when each man is ready to believe and recieve God.

Until that moment comes, God sends

laborers, messengers, his body of

believers ,other people,friends,

even angels...

across man's path....

to prepare man's heart for that day when man will believe...

and that includes every person of every language and every religion.

Again....God is not about Religion....

but Relationship..

Relationship back with Mankind that He Created.

God is Just Waiting For Us All to Come Home.

The Power of God is Able to Draw All Man Unto Him...

but God stil will Wait For Man to Seek Him.


God won't Go Against Man's Free Will.

MahanMahan's photo
Tue 02/17/09 05:59 PM
Hey, how about them Yankees?

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 06:10 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 02/17/09 06:16 PM

Must grab a few winks ...

Everyone Have a Good Night Now....


don't forget to

bigsmile D:banana: A :banana: N :banana: C :banana: E!!bigsmile
