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Topic: Evolution Is it Compatible With THE BIBLE?
no photo
Sat 02/14/09 09:40 AM
Edited by voileazur on Sat 02/14/09 09:55 AM

Here ya go Krisma.....just on time and true to form.

Just about everything said is self contradictory.

To suggest that 'god, christ (as god), and the bible (as word of god) are PROVEN TO BE REAL BY 'FERAL' ... is more than delusional and a gauche blatant lie in its own right, it is deceitful with the specific intent to deceive.

And that is proselytizing in its worst of forms.

To persistently, and stubbornly push one's BELIEFS as though they were REAL, and never make room for the voices that denounce the lie,

... is no longer BELIEVING,


Debbie's answer:

First off voil it is not just believed by me.....so that statement is just plain false.

Not sure what your are referring to here 'feral', but I'll make a wild guess and presume that your inferrence as to do with this comment of mine:

'... To suggest that 'god, christ (as god), and the bible (as word of god) are PROVEN TO BE REAL BY 'FERAL' ... is more than delusional and a gauche blatant lie in its own right, it is deceitful with the specific intent to deceive...'

For you 'feral' to believe whatever it is you believe, belongs to the PERSONAL DOMAIN!!! So it is when it comes to believing, for anyone else. Individual experience, personal, no multiplier need apply.

When you cross the line and claim that you will provide 'PROOF' of the 'REAL EXISTENCE' of

'... god, christ (son of god) and bible (word of god)...'

you are no longer in the domain of ...

... belief: 'assent of the mind'; a personal experience if there is one,


... faith: 'belief not substantiated by proof; acceptance of 'truth for oneself' or realities for oneself not certified by reason'

To even suggest that you have PROOF for a belief, is an OXYMORON, a blatant contradiction.

When you keep repeating it over and over again, in spite of people pointing the OXYMORON, and the blatant contradiction, you are then entering the zone of proselytizing, and willfull deceit.

Whatever you wish to legitametely believe in 'feral',

... the fact that it is written in your book, and that ... what is written in your book, IS THE WORD OF GOD,


It matters none, HOW MANY personally believe. No one knows for sure the exact results of the personal constructs of individual belief!!! That is why it remains strictly a personal experience that cannot be argued, IT DOESN'T BELONG TO THE DOMAIN OF REASON.

Public knowledge; what is REAL for all humanity at this point in its journey, is that there exists no material, physical, or otherwise observable facts that could even start to amount to 'PROOF' for the existence of your god, or anyone else's personal god's existence.

It is a matter of belief (please read definition of belief again), and
... It is a matter of FAITH (please read definition of faith again).

And in that sense, it will remain an invitation, a proposition, like soooooo many others, for you or anyone else to '... construct your personal mental assent of the mind or 'belief'...' (please read definition of believe again here).

No proof whatsoever for the existence of 'god, Jesus (as son of god), or the bible (as the word of god). Possible personal belief for those who choose, YES!!! 'PROOF' for it??? REAL??? simply not so. Simply NOT WHAT IT IS!!!

To keep claiming you will keep providing 'proof', which doesn't exist, points to a delusional stand, and a willful practice of deceit.

For proselytizing, see last paragraph.

Self contradictory to you voil....there is a big difference....If you don't believe the same thing as myself so be it...But "YOU" have no right to call what I believe contradictory or anything else. It is my beliefs and just like with feelings voil I am entitled to mine. When I stated that for whatever you come up with I can take scripture and show my side...That is truth...that is my truth and you have no rights to tell me otherwise.

It is what it is......FOR ME AND THE MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS ON THIS PLANET. I don't tell anyone to believe it voil, and I don't say your going to be struck by lightening if you don't believe as I do...But again to call me delusional with a specific intent to deceive....NOW THAT IS DELUSIONAL.

I don't push my beliefs on anyone....For crying out loud this a religion forum....Would you like me to post Muslim or other beliefs or mine.....get a clue folks. I am never going to say that I am god, you are god, the trees are god, the flowers are god. But I never ever say and please voil just once show me if this is the case.....Believe what I am saying or die....

Now understand one thing.....example Joe Smoe comes into religion threads.....He sees what you abra, and K post....He knows nothing at all about God or anything else. Do you think in a million years I am not going to give him another option. Now here is the key. I don't ever ever ever say joe smoe believe me or die....now do I. I let them read and do with it what they want. And then what goes on behind the scenes is the beautuful part....I don't not once put you down for what you believe....because I don't know what the hell it is you believe....because you spend so much time countering what I say that you never have ever said what it is you believe.

This paragraph above 'feral' could be submitted to 'Webster' as a descriptive example of PROSELYTIZING: 'hunters, their hunting grounds, and their 'prey'!!!

If you prefer that I refer to it as ...


... than I'm willing to make that conciliatory compromise.

Won't change the fact that 'EFFECTIVE OUTREACH MINISTRY' is nothing other than PROSELYTIZING, and proselytizing is DECEIT.

no photo
Sat 02/14/09 09:56 AM
What would Buddha say?

Perhaps he would say....

Evolution is not compatible for those who believe the Bible is the answer.

as of

The Bible is not compatible for those who believe in Evolution as the answer

as of

both are compatible if one has the imagination to make it happen

in the end

everyone has an opinion that works Best for them.

The endlaugh

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:01 AM
I dont see why people cant just use evolution as a "vehicle" for god. It was how he went about creating life on this planet. Thats basically what the Catholics have adopted in their belief system. Whats wrong with that?

ImGary's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:13 AM

Here ya go Krisma.....just on time and true to form.

Just about everything said is self contradictory.

To suggest that 'god, christ (as god), and the bible (as word of god) are PROVEN TO BE REAL BY 'FERAL' ... is more than delusional and a gauche blatant lie in its own right, it is deceitful with the specific intent to deceive.

And that is proselytizing in its worst of forms.

To persistently, and stubbornly push one's BELIEFS as though they were REAL, and never make room for the voices that denounce the lie,

... is no longer BELIEVING,


Debbie's answer:

First off voil it is not just believed by me.....so that statement is just plain false.

Not sure what your are referring to here 'feral', but I'll make a wild guess and presume that your inferrence as to do with this comment of mine:

'... To suggest that 'god, christ (as god), and the bible (as word of god) are PROVEN TO BE REAL BY 'FERAL' ... is more than delusional and a gauche blatant lie in its own right, it is deceitful with the specific intent to deceive...'

For you 'feral' to believe whatever it is you believe, belongs to the PERSONAL DOMAIN!!! So it is when it comes to believing, for anyone else. Individual experience, personal, no multiplier need apply.

When you cross the line and claim that you will provide 'PROOF' of the 'REAL EXISTENCE' of

'... god, christ (son of god) and bible (word of god)...'

you are no longer in the domain of ...

... belief: 'assent of the mind'; a personal experience if there is one,


... faith: 'belief not substantiated by proof; acceptance of 'truth for oneself' or realities for oneself not certified by reason'

To even suggest that you have PROOF for a belief, is an OXYMORON, a blatant contradiction.

When you keep repeating it over and over again, in spite of people pointing the OXYMORON, and the blatant contradiction, you are then entering the zone of proselytizing, and willfull deceit.

Whatever you wish to legitametely believe in 'feral',

... the fact that it is written in your book, and that ... what is written in your book, IS THE WORD OF GOD,


It matters none, HOW MANY personally believe. No one knows for sure the exact results of the personal constructs of individual belief!!! That is why it remains strictly a personal experience that cannot be argued, IT DOESN'T BELONG TO THE DOMAIN OF REASON.

Public knowledge; what is REAL for all humanity at this point in its journey, is that there exists no material, physical, or otherwise observable facts that could even start to amount to 'PROOF' for the existence of your god, or anyone else's personal god's existence.

It is a matter of belief (please read definition of belief again), and
... It is a matter of FAITH (please read definition of faith again).

And in that sense, it will remain an invitation, a proposition, like soooooo many others, for you or anyone else to '... construct your personal mental assent of the mind or 'belief'...' (please read definition of believe again here).

No proof whatsoever for the existence of 'god, Jesus (as son of god), or the bible (as the word of god). Possible personal belief for those who choose, YES!!! 'PROOF' for it??? REAL??? simply not so. Simply NOT WHAT IT IS!!!

To keep claiming you will keep providing 'proof', which doesn't exist, points to a delusional stand, and a willful practice of deceit.

For proselytizing, see last paragraph.

Self contradictory to you voil....there is a big difference....If you don't believe the same thing as myself so be it...But "YOU" have no right to call what I believe contradictory or anything else. It is my beliefs and just like with feelings voil I am entitled to mine. When I stated that for whatever you come up with I can take scripture and show my side...That is truth...that is my truth and you have no rights to tell me otherwise.

It is what it is......FOR ME AND THE MILLIONS OF CHRISTIANS ON THIS PLANET. I don't tell anyone to believe it voil, and I don't say your going to be struck by lightening if you don't believe as I do...But again to call me delusional with a specific intent to deceive....NOW THAT IS DELUSIONAL.

I don't push my beliefs on anyone....For crying out loud this a religion forum....Would you like me to post Muslim or other beliefs or mine.....get a clue folks. I am never going to say that I am god, you are god, the trees are god, the flowers are god. But I never ever say and please voil just once show me if this is the case.....Believe what I am saying or die....

Now understand one thing.....example Joe Smoe comes into religion threads.....He sees what you abra, and K post....He knows nothing at all about God or anything else. Do you think in a million years I am not going to give him another option. Now here is the key. I don't ever ever ever say joe smoe believe me or die....now do I. I let them read and do with it what they want. And then what goes on behind the scenes is the beautuful part....I don't not once put you down for what you believe....because I don't know what the hell it is you believe....because you spend so much time countering what I say that you never have ever said what it is you believe.

This paragraph above 'feral' could be submitted to 'Webster' as a descriptive example of PROSELYTIZING: 'hunters, their hunting grounds, and their 'prey'!!!

If you prefer that I refer to it as ...


... than I'm willing to make that conciliatory compromise.

Won't change the fact that 'EFFECTIVE OUTREACH MINISTRY' is nothing other than PROSELYTIZING, and proselytizing is DECEIT.

Definition given:

Main Entry: pros·e·ly·tize
Pronunciation: \ˈprä-s(ə-)lə-ˌtīz\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): pros·e·ly·tized; pros·e·ly·tiz·ing
Date: 1679
intransitive verb
1 : to induce someone to convert to one's faith
2 : to recruit someone to join one's party, institution, or cause

Proselytizing can be for causes other than religiion as the definition above states.

IF one side of this debate is proselytizing, then both sides are proselytizing.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:15 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 02/14/09 10:23 AM
Well once again. If that is truly the case and you feel that we are proselytizing by stating the scientific data in support of biological evolution, then what are you complaining about here> Get over it and get busy countering our arguments. This is bull and an obvious diversionary tactic.

Or are you simply enraged that we have a workable theory as to the origin to man and you have bupkiss? huh

ImGary's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:22 AM
Edited by ImGary on Sat 02/14/09 10:26 AM

Well once again. If that is truly the case and you feel that we are proselytizing by stating the scientific data in support of biological evolution, then what are you complaining about here> Get over it and get busy countering our arguments. This is bull and an obvious diversionary tactic.

lol You are a piece of work.

You carry on for two pages about non related topics and I post ONE reply on one of the non related topics that you and others have been speaking about for 2 pages and you say that I am using diversionary tactics.

You insinuate that I am complaining when I am merely stating an opinion.

So its ok when you do it but not when I do.

I understand.

Well when your theory stands the test of thousands of years and still can't be disproven-get back to me.

no photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:23 AM
Edited by voileazur on Sat 02/14/09 11:09 AM

What would Buddha say?

Perhaps he would say....

Evolution is not compatible for those who believe the Bible is the answer.

For Buddha's sake, and simply for the pleasure of debating this one with you 'smiless',
if there is anything Buddha left as a legacy, it is 'detachment'.

Based on a Buddha founded sense of detachment, I cannot conceive that he would have condoned the 'attachment to the single answer of a book' in the pseudo quote you have attributed to him

He might have said:

Where attachment reigns, no other knowledge, much less enlightement can enter the head, the heart or the soul.

as of

The Bible is not compatible for those who believe in Evolution as the answer

Believing does not apply in the domain of science. In science, it a matter of verifiable and accepted (by peers) fact, or it isn't.

The 'belief in evolution' thing, is nothing other than a disingeneous constuct of those whom are exclusively attached to a bible inerrant dogma, and feel threatened by aspects of modern thinking and science.

Again, IMO, Buddha would risen above that one.

as of

both are compatible if one has the imagination to make it happen

Compatible wouldn't be the right descrptive in the context. FACT AND FAITH ARE INCOMPATIBLE, and that is not a problem.

The very concept of compatibility exists because the universe is filled with compatible/incompatible construct.
... And where there are no fundamentalists, IT ALL COEXISTS PERFECTLY!!!

That being said, it is a fruitless journey to force everything to be compatible. There is no need for it. It all coexists in spite of our silly personal opinions.

Compatible and incompatible have coexisted forever.

Buddha might have said '... let go, wake-up, and smell the coffee' (this is Buddha saying in general, not to you personally 'smiless'. You are awake, and have smelt the coffee long ago.)

Thanks for the opportunity to counter debate :)

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:24 AM
Alright, go. Let's hear your rebuttal of macro evolution. The floor is yours. Krimsa looks at her watch.

ImGary's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:29 AM

Alright, go. Let's hear your rebuttal of macro evolution. The floor is yours. Krimsa looks at her watch.

If you had read the last 10 pages of the thread you would know it.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:30 AM

Alright, go. Let's hear your rebuttal of macro evolution. The floor is yours. Krimsa looks at her watch.

If you had read the last 10 pages of the thread you would know it.

And this coming from the guy who refuses to read any of the thread. I have been posting since page one, dear.

ImGary's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:32 AM

Alright, go. Let's hear your rebuttal of macro evolution. The floor is yours. Krimsa looks at her watch.

If you had read the last 10 pages of the thread you would know it.

And this coming from the guy who refuses to read any of the thread. I have been posting since page one, dear.

No I have read the thread, I just skip over your posts. Argue with your self.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:35 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 02/14/09 10:36 AM
Alright since you have nothing to state about macro evolution, what says you about 96% similarity between human chromosomes and chimp?


davidben1's photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:51 AM
each one shall see proof that not one word shall fail!!!

what has been spoken is not what is in total, but each WORD WRITTEN IS INFALLIBLE, IN ALL REALMS!!!

is it meant to be doubted???




so worry not for this, but there are few words that have not as already happened, and the remaining days unto the twelth year shall reveal the rest, BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE, THERE BE NO MISTAKE, AND THE REVEALING SHALL SURELY PUT A SMILE ON EACH FACE WHEN IT BE ALL OVER!!!

for only MINDS that deem "two eye's" of self as better than, THAN ALL THE COMBINED EYE'S OF ALL UNIVERSE, can miss what be A "TITANIC" LOOMING IN IT'S PATH???

infinite eye's have declared from the rooftops, and from the heart of pureness and wisdom, that THERE BE MORE???


it is so even as it be now.

dear abra, this shall be the hardest for you to accept, but recall, THE WORDS SPOKEN FROM PAST DAYS HAVE BEEN SPOKEN THRU A "VEIL" OF FEAR, AND REMEMBER, WHAT THOU FIRST BELIEVED, AND ASK TO SEE "WHY"???

indeed, any can find that only but see IT GAVE ITSELF NOT IT'S FIRST THOUGHT???

no photo
Sat 02/14/09 10:57 AM
Edited by voileazur on Sat 02/14/09 11:06 AM
Believe in god, jesus the son of god, and the bible as the only word of the only god NOW!!!

Oh! and by the way,
... anything that is perceived as a threat,


... a contradiction of the word of god, by those whom believe in the word of god,

... like the theory of evolution for example,


We are to understand that this isn't, or maybe isn't proselityzing.

But, if you do not agree with the preposterous proposition above, if you dare point out its unsubstantiatable context, and ...


You get equated to be a proselytizer yourself!!!

This is delusional at best, insanity at worst.

If that were the case, every single human being with an opinion, a belief, a conviction, an idea, would be a proselytizer.

What kind of non sense must we be exposed to from fundamentalists, before dogmatic compulsiveness gets revealed, and some form of reason shows up.

To counteract preposterous statementS will never be equatable to PROSELYTIZING.

If so, close all debating forums on the the planet.
... Abdicate freedom of speach.
... Give-up on democratic principles.
... Close-up all labs, and cancel all science and philosophy teachings,

... and let's all get lobotomized back to the tyranny (imposed truth for all) of the only word of the right and only right god, claimed by fundamentalists, whom amount to 0,00262% of all christians in the world (and even that 0,00262% can't agree on the right god).


Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:02 AM
I guess they just find our "Cult of Reason" to be highly intimidating. happy

no photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:13 AM

I guess they just find our "Cult of Reason" to be highly intimidating. happy

Proselytizers for the 'Cult of Reason'!!!

Papesse Krimsa, and bishop voileazur will 'convince you' of the supremacy of their dogma!!!

Join one, join all!!!

... NOW!!!


ImGary's photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:17 AM
Edited by ImGary on Sat 02/14/09 11:23 AM
Krimsa said:

Alright since you have nothing to state about macro evolution, what says you about 96% similarity between human chromosomes and chimp?

Edited by Krimsa on Sat 02/14/09 10:36 AM

The answer was posted below in my response to a post by TBRich:

Theologians of all stripes have agreed for thousands of years that beginning of Genesis provides a foundation for our faith. It is not "just a faith account," but the primary purpose is to communicate a message of faith.

As a scientific account that describes the present state of our universe, Genesis is not a very good description. One could easily get the impression that planet Earth is at the center of the solar system. Morning and evening happen for three days without benefit of the sun. The firmament sounds like a big blue dome above the atmosphere, or at least a firm demarcation between man's zone and God's realm. In several places rain seems to come from windows in the sky that are opened to let pour out the water that is held up there. You would think that the words "sphere" or "round" would appear somewhere. We are already interpreting Scripture in the light of science.

Remember that in delivering Genesis by means of fallible humans, God had to thread the account through thousands of years of well-meaning scribes who would be tempted to excise nonsense about the earth orbiting around the sun. Also recall that it took great effort to produce a Bible until Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1454. In Genesis God had some very important things to communicate to us, and there was no good reason to include pages of details about the physical layout of the cosmos that He knew we would figure out soon enough anyway.

I believe that the same is true for the natural history contained in Genesis. Genesis is not wrong, it is not simply a myth, it is not just a compelling story with no real basis in history. Genesis happened! All of it! But to try to match up each verse with a scientific finding is to ignore the Author's main purpose in giving this account to us. Genesis 1-2 must be read through the eyes of faith, and that is its most important message. If we concentrate too much on the scientific details or mire these chapters in controversy, we will miss the faith message there.

What I Think About the Soundness of the Theory of Evolution

The theory of evolution sounds pretty good as science, especially the enhancements that were made after Darwin, and are still being made based on continuing research and discoveries. The geological and fossil record shows change over a long period of time. We have a long history of changing life forms. Bugs adapt to poison. Moth populations change color. People get taller. Dogs breed into forms that look much different than the original. In general, the theory sounds pretty reasonable. We can observe evolution happening during our own time in small amounts.

Note that much of the evolutionary action does not involve entirely new structures. New structures are hard to develop. We would all like to see a horse develop wings and fly, but that's unlikely to happen. Plenty of evolutionary mileage can be obtained by modifying and changing the existing structures. For example, most of the mammals have the same basic body plan. Giraffes and humans have the same number of vertebrae in their necks (seven). We have the same bones, but the sizes and shapes are different. The large differences that we see in the animal kingdom can be achieved through small, incremental, useful change.

The term microevolution is used to refer to change at the species level or lower. Macroevolution refers to higher-order changes that cause one species to split into two, or morph into an entirely new species. I do not accept the creationist argument that the small changes we see in microevolution cannot add up to macroevolution under the right conditions. This argument is not even logically reasonable unless a "change barrier" is proposed around every species, and I have heard of no such proposal. Indeed, it is true that microevolution does not prove macroevolution, but it certainly supports it.

However, it is still a evolutionary puzzle how microevolution relates to macroevolution. When do we get stasis, and when do we get change? The old Darwinian idea, that microevolution can be simply be extrapolated to macroevolution over long periods of time, is probably not correct because it is too simple:
microevolution + time = macroevolution (too simple)
More recent research indicates that macroevolution involves additional factors, including the ones present in microevolution (natural selection, mutation). So we can update our equation to express the modern understanding:

microevolution + time + isolation + selection pressure + changing environment = macroevolution

These ideas were discussed at the 1980 Chicago Conference on Macroevolution. For more information, please see the Roger Lewin reprint for the entire text of his Science article "Evolutionary Theory Under Fire."

Transitional Fossils

We have transitional fossils, despite the creationist claim that "there are no transitional fossils". We have transitional fossils for humans, too, in spite of the claim that "there are no ape-men." (see Time magazine, August 23, 1999; "How Man Evolved", by Michael Lemonick and Andrea Dorfman, pp. 54-55). The References section of this essay contains links to transitional fossils, including some with pictures.

It is puzzling that transitional fossils are more rare than we would expect. I think that paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould is on the right track with his theory of evolution through Punctuated Equilibrium. This theory states that major changes occur locally in an isolated population, so that fossils are more rare than would be expected by the slow, stately progress of change predicted by Charles Darwin. Punctuated Equilibrium is not just an excuse for finding no transitional fossils, because many such fossils have been found. Transitional forms are found locally for certain animals, and outside the "evolution zone" the transition looks quite abrupt because of migration of the new species and displacement of the original species.


You have many original thoughts on the topic at hand, which is good, it shows that you are of an open mind and choose to think for yourself. I applaud you for this.

I respect your opinions, and agree with several of them(feral has already countered the ones I don't agree with) but I would like to state that with an open mind one can make evolution fit while taking Genesis literally.

I must first state that, as I am sure you know, some people have literal views of the Bible and its accounts while others have figurative views.
I don't claim to know which is the correct view but I personally am in the center between taking the Bible figuratively and literally. I believe that understanding individual scriptures mandates that a person chose wisely as to which view to employ.

I find it interesting that several others involved in this thread have stated that the Bible's account of man being formed from dust is irrational. No matter which scientific theory one believes to be true, all of these theories state that all lifeforms have evolved from minerals. Whether God's hand created this lifeform or a countless number years mixed with natural selection is responsible, both accounts protray life beginning from dust. Now for arguments sake:

The most beautiful and impressive statue that exists started as a rock. The statue shares the same base ingredient as the rock but obviously appears to be something all together different.

As in Genesis it states that God created Woman from Man, he could have created Man from another living being already designed(chimp), the Bible, in my opinion, as yours, should be looked at figuratively here when it states man was formed from dust. A piece of plywood is formed from a tree and one can build a shelter with plywood; would it be incorrect to state that the shelter in this example were formed from a tree, instead of plywood? No, the explanation basically left out the obvious as it should be ascertained by the reader.

Genesis states that the animals were created first, then man. So even logically(not spiritually) one could theorize why we share such a high percentage of DNA with Chimps and make evolution compatible with the Bible.

Time periods in the Bible are relatively difficult to define with any certainty in some scriptures. It says in the Bible that a 1,000 days on earth is like 1 day in Heaven. Is this to be taken literally or figuratively? I believe both. This means to me, that time is not as relative in Heaven as it is here on earth(literally) but I do not believe that it was meant to be taken so literally that we should use an exact 1,000 to 1 ratio in understanding this.

My point here is that the first few chapters of Genesis could be speaking in terms of Heavenly time versus earthly time. That would mean that the 7 days of creation described in Genesis could literally be millions or even trillions of years of earth time. What is a few trillion years to God? He is the Alpha and the Omega.

I would not expect a skeptical mind(not meaning you here) to accept much less try to understand my view on this(the Bible states that God will trap the wise in their own cleverness), I am merely stating my opinion in case a Babe in Christ stumbles upon this thread and is confused over the issue. Any seed of doubt in the minds of one of these Babes could be destructive. The Bible calls me to attempt to save these from being lost. In Pauls letter to Jude he says:

Jude 1:17-19 "But remember, my friends, what you were told in the past by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, 'When the last days come, people will appear who will make fun of you, people who follow their own godless desires. These are the people who cause divisions, who are controlled by their natural desires, who do not have the Spirit."

Jude 1:22-23 "Show mercy toward those who have doubts; save others by snatching them out of the fire; and to others show mercy mixed with fear, but hate their very clothes, stained by their sinful lusts."

Someone will most certainly twist the last scripture and claim that it preaches a message of hate. It is hatred for sin, plain and simple.

TBRich it is obvious that you have a strong measure of Faith and are unwavering in your beliefs, God bless you.

Oh, and you are not correct in believing there was no light until the forth day, as feral has stated above.

Genesis 1:5 "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."

My example stated above is 90% about how evolution could be compatible with the Bible but the only reply to this post was about the Einstein example in the post that followed in regards to this post- and the point was totally missed even then.

It is a strategy learned in Pre law to pick out what one perceives to be the weakest part of a petition to argue. It is also taught in Pre law that if you do not Deny the other counts of the petition that it will be said that you have agreed with those counts by default.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:24 AM
In the United States, the cross-examining attorney is typically not permitted to ask questions which do not pertain to the facts revealed in direct examination. This is called going beyond the scope of the direct examination. happy

ImGary's photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:27 AM
Edited by ImGary on Sat 02/14/09 11:30 AM

In the United States, the cross-examining attorney is typically not permitted to ask questions which do not pertain to the facts revealed in direct examination. This is called going beyond the scope of the direct examination. happy

Objection- off topic. Objection-diversionary tactic.

Objection- scope.

Once again you have proven my point for me. You ask for on topic content and when I post such you respond with off topic content.

And as you did not deny the content directly related to the topic of the thread; in a court of law with real fact finders it would be said that you agree.

Court adjourned.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 02/14/09 11:30 AM
I was responding to the pseudo "argument of counsel" analogy with one of my own. Thanks your honor. happy

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