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Topic: Opinions about 9-11
jeanc200358's photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:17 AM
As to the boxcutters, to that all I can say is I worked at Walmart in
the mid 80s and at one time was in the stockroom, was cutting open a
box, slipped, cut right through my thick pair of jeans and sliced my leg
open in a matter of seconds. Fortunately, not very a bad cut. But they
are sharp as hell RAZORS. In the hands of a person hell bent on doing
damage ..they are, of course, VERY dangerous weapons.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:20 AM
In fact, the consolidated dictatorship would be easier than dealing
with the lunatics. I could PROVE to the same certainty as GRAVITY that
9/11 was without conspiracies or coverups- and they still wouldn't
believe it.

After all, they'd proven there was no "magic bullet" in the Kennedy
assassination. Absolute, incotrovertable, PROOF. And people still
believe the conspiracy.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:21 AM
well where are the pictures of the Boeing 757 that this government said
hit it. Just show me the pictures, esp. the engines and landing gear,
they dont melt.


like I said, war vet pilots dont give up 757s to kids with box cutters.


Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, U.S. Army Reserve – Commander of Special
Troops Battalion, 9th Theater Support Command. Former Chief of the
Army’s Controlled HUMINT (Human Intelligence) Program, overseeing Army
Intelligence and Security Command’s global controlled HUMINT efforts. A
former member of the Able Danger data mining program that targeted Al
Qaeda’s global structure. Awarded the Bronze Star for bravery. Fellow,
Center for Advanced Defense Studies. 23-year military intelligence

Testimony before the House Armed Services Committee 2/15/06: Regarding
the Able Danger project - “... basic law enforcement investigative
techniques, with 21st Century data mining and analytical tools ...
resulted in the establishment of a new form of intelligence collection –
and the identification of Mohammed Atta and several other of the 9-11
terrorists as having links to Al Qaeda leadership a full year in advance
of the attacks. ...

After contact by two separate members of the ABLE DANGER team, … the
9-11 [Commission] staff refused to perform any in-depth review or
investigation of the issues that were identified to them. … It was their
job to do a thorough investigation of these claims – to not simply
dismiss them based on what many now believe was a “preconceived”
conclusion to the 9-11 story they wished to tell. … I consider this a
failure of the 9-11 staff – a failure that the 9-11 Commissioners
themselves were victimized by – and continue to have perpetrated on them
by the staff as is evidenced by their recent, groundless conclusion that
ABLE DANGER’s findings were “urban legend”. http://www.abledan

Editor's note: The 9/11 Commission Report asserts that only three of the
alleged hijackers were known to U.S. intelligence agencies prior to
9/11; Nawaf al-Hazmi, Salem al-Hazmi, and Khalid al-Mihdar. There is no
mention in the Report that the names and photographs of alleged hijacker
Marwan al-Shehhi and alleged ring-leader Mohamed Atta had been
identified by the Department of Defense antiterrorist program known as
Able Danger more than a year prior to 9/11 and that they were known to
be affiliates of al-Qaida. Able Danger also identified Nawaf al-Hazmi
and Khalid al-Mihdar. http://www.foxnews.com. See also Rep. Curt
Weldon , Louis Freeh, Capt. Scott J. Phillpott , Major Erik Kleinsmith,
and James D. Smith.

Bio: http://www.c4ads.org/anthony.shaffer

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:25 AM
Say it all you like, you're still wrong. Many veterans had done exactly
that. In every hijacking in american history that had a former military
man in the cocpit. 9/11 had the only (civilian) hijacking in history
where the hijackers met any real resistance. And that was the one that
dropped in Pennsylvania- after the passengers realized what the problem

Oh- and check that link I provided that showed tests of
planes-impacting-buildings.... which showed that even the landing gear
and engines disintigrated when colliding.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:27 AM
Hey I gotta go to work, talk to you later.


Major John M. Newman, PhD, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Executive Assistant
to the Director of the National Security Agency. Former military attaché
in China. 21-year career in U.S. Army Intelligence. Currently, professor
of history and international relations at the University of Maryland.

Congressional briefing testimony 7/22/05: "It falls to me this morning
to bring to your attention the story of Saeed Sheikh, whose full name is
Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, and his astonishing rise to power in Al Qaeda,
his crucial role in 9/11, which is completely, utterly, missing from the
9/11 Commission report…

The 9/11 Commission which studied US intelligence and law enforcement
community performance in great detail, (maybe not so much great detail,
but they did), neglected to cover the community’s performance during the
weeks following the attacks to determine who was responsible for them,
not a word about that in the Report.

The Report does discuss the immediate US responses but the immediate
investigation is never addressed, and anyone who has closely studied the
post-9/11 investigation knows that the first breakthrough came two weeks
into the investigation when the money transfers from the United Arab
Emirates to the hijackers were uncovered.

Furthermore, if you have studied that investigation, you know there is
no disputing that while investigators may have struggled with the
identity of the paymaster, they were clear about one thing, he was Al
Qaeda’s finance chief. For this reason alone you have to ask why the
9/11 Commission Report never mentions the finance chief’s role as the
9/11 paymaster." http://www.vt911.org

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:27 AM
Which, actually, is no surprise. A low-speed bullet out of a handgun
will hit and travel through water, including a potentially fatal wound
up to 5 feet underwater.

But a high-powered armor piercing one will shatter on impact- big
splash, but it couldn't even bruise someone half a foot under the water.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:30 AM
Poet I doubt he even went to the link you provided.

There was a clear picture of the pentagon with parts of the tail section
or perhaps the wing roots and other strewn wreckage partially buried in
the rubble at the base of the building.

and B&W in all the web sites I have checked the planes in question are
not refered to as 757's. Most of them refere to the as 767's.

let me put some words out here for you so you can leave them out of your
next couple of posts.


There now you can post something revelant in your next 4 posts.

karmafury's photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:33 AM
bearandwhiskey, try talking to a vet. You'll find that even a vet in the
position of one of these pilots would not have taken a chance where he
had no mobility, little chance of success and placed lives in danger. If
you are an ex member of the military then you are the guy Murphy's Laws
of Combat warn about. All your succeeding in doing is making vets look
like idiots who place others at risk for personal bravado.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:38 AM
Plus the terrorists shanking like 10 or 15 passengers because you
weren't willing to let them try to extort a couple mil from the airline
or the release of a political prisoner from the government. And that's
what any person of the time would have thought the hijackings were
about- either money, or politics. No one before then had EVER used a
civilian plane as a weapon. And the last time even military planes were
used in a suicide attack was WW2. And I doubt a WW2 vet would be
piloting much of ANYTHING.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:40 AM
Of course, after 9/11- the mindset changed. Now if you try to take a
plane for extortion purposes- you're dead before you get to the sentance
where you tell them you're not planning a suicide attack.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:41 AM
I wish I didn't have a headache, cuz otherwise I'd be reading all this

Oh well. Maybe later.

nusalor's photo
Wed 04/18/07 11:11 AM
jean-did you have the headache before or after reading this stuff?

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 11:11 AM
Not only am I a vet but I was in special operations for close to 7
years. Know what I would of done if I was on that plane? I'd of kept my
down and gathered intel so I could provide a good debrief upon release.
Why would I of done that? Because prior to that event, most hijackings
ended with the majority of passengers being set free. I'm not going to
risk the lives of everyone on that plane so I could get a medal. Heroes
are for Hollywood, in real life they get people killed.

Now what my actions would be post 9/11 is a different story.

Like I said...how can our government keep a 9/11 conspiracy a secret if
they can't even keep misleading intel reports for Iraq a secret? It's
impossible. The only way a secret never gets told is if only two people
know it and one of them is dead.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 11:23 AM
Yeah. My neighbor is a Korean vet. Former marine. Former SEAL. He
pretty much said the same thing as you. With a few colorful profanities,
and maybe a little anti-arab racism, mixed in.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 01:45 PM
Im glad your all vets and apprciate them thats why im in great company
with over 200 decorated vets who say 911 was an inside job. Are you
suggesting that all these vets Im posting about are liars?


Capt. Gregory M. Zeigler, PhD, U.S. Army – Former U.S. Army Intelligence

Statement to this website 9/19/06: "I knew from September 18, 2001, that
the official story about 9/11 was false. ... [A]nomalies poured in
rapidly: the hijackers' names appearing in none of the published flight
passenger lists, BBC reports of stolen identities of the alleged
hijackers or the alleged hijackers being found alive, the obvious
demolitions of WTC 1 and 2 [each 1300+ feet tall, 110 stories], and WTC
7 [610 feet tall, 47 stories, and not hit by an airplane], the lack of
identifiable Boeing 757 wreckage at the Pentagon ... Link to full

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement:
"Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization
consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in
uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks."

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 02:23 PM
No, I'd ask you to first define "decorated".

Then I'd remind you that 200 vets is less than a fraction of a percent
of all the vets out there.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 04/18/07 02:31 PM
"jean-did you have the headache before or after reading this stuff?"

No, I got the headache after my hormones went all stupid on me. I'll bet
I can't count on one hand the number of times I've ever had a headache
in my life. Even hungover, I didn't have headaches.

nusalor's photo
Wed 04/18/07 02:33 PM
Stupid hormones, but necessary. Hope you feel better!

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 02:39 PM
Well DS

why dont you tell me which ones that ive posted are not of great
character and why.


Capt. Eric H. May, U.S. Army (ret) – Former U.S. Army Intelligence
Officer. Former inspector and interpreter for the Intermediate Nuclear
Forces Treaty team.

Essay 9/11 and Non-investigation: "As a former Army officer, my tendency
immediately after 911 was to rally 'round the colors and defend the
country against what I then thought was an insidious, malicious all-Arab
entity called Al-Qaida. In fact, in April of 2002, I attempted to
reactivate my then-retired commission to return to serve my country in
its time of peril. ...

Now I view the 911 event as Professor David Griffin, author of The New
Pearl Harbor, views it: as a matter that implies either

A) passive participation by the Bush White House through a deliberate
stand-down of proper defense procedures that (if followed) would have
led US air assets to a quick identification and confrontation of the
passenger aircraft that impacted WTC 1 and WTC 2, or worse ...

B) active execution of a plot by rogue elements of government, starting
with the White House itself, in creating a spectacle of destruction that
would lead the United States into an invasion of the Middle East ..."

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we
ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry."

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:42 PM

I would like to hear what YOU have to say not the postings by someone on
another site that I can read for my self. (and I have read a number of

I am not posting other peoples opinions on things I am posting my

It becomes tiring to read through your posts cause they are cut and

One of the best techniques in propaganda is to get a person to spout
what the originator has misrepresented as though it is there own work.
You are being used.

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