Topic: Opinions about 9-11
no photo
Sat 04/21/07 01:24 PM
First of all- I don't like bush any better than you do. But I'm not
going to sit around making stuff up in order to make him look bad. I
rather think he does a good enough job of that without my help.

And second- you're still not addressing our points in any manner that
could be considered remotely relevant. You have no defences, no ideas of
your own, and thus you resort to sarcasm and insults.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 04/21/07 01:32 PM
I have responded to this particular comment several times.

Fighter pilots... Hello!

If I want to know about how the planes were flown I will listen to their
respected expert opinion.

However AS IT PERTAINS TO THE BUILDINGS they are no more an expert on
falling buildings than you or I.

the quotes you have posted from them are not about flying they are about
the falling buildings.

And the ones that signed that petition you keep pasting out of are a

over and over and over and over ad infintium and nauseum.

If a person keeps continually telling me I have not responded I am left
wondering if they ever actually looked at my previous responses.

Alada's photo
Sat 04/21/07 01:41 PM
I am self proclaiming myself the mediator in this debate... and viewing
that on e of the debaters lacks the appropriates tools and opinins to
carry out an intelligent debate - namely Mr. BeardandWhiskey - I think
we should conclude this debate.

He has selective visuals and limited understanding. I, for one, am eager
to hear his own opinions and ideas to the responses repeatedly given to
him by AB and Poet, yet, he refuses to respond and continues to drag in
by copying and pasting, the opinions of experts, but not experts on the
debated issues, which takes all credibility from the responses offered.

Is up to the debaters to keep wasting time and energy.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 01:43 PM

I already gave you a link to engineers that know about how steel reacts
to fires and I already gave you links to other experts who stated that
this governments story is full of holes and complete BS.

and I already gave you links that you and others could get 2-3 million
dollars if you can prove this governments "story" wrong, and you wont
because you dont like money or only want money from you own "hands" even
though I told you, that you could give it to charity.

you phoo phooed it all including honerable war vets. You said you didnt
have the time to research things and so forth.

but like you said this thread is all about your opioins, but the sad
thing is people will just sit and wait and maybe research or say they
dont have time to research and our soldiers die and kill others and get
depleted urainium on them (worse that agent orange) while good people
could just put down there beers and do some reaserch......but its only
been what, 6 years, since 911 we can go another 50 right?

Hitler said its a great thing that people cant think. and I guess he
was right.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 01:46 PM
You do have a point there. So. Shall we ignore bear and wait until a
credible conspiracy theorist wanders along to play? Or until he actually
does as a debater is supposed to do and address his opponents' issues.
Whichever happens first.

Wait a second. I know someone else who loved to ignore his critics and
spout incomprehensible mumbo jumbo and recycled rhetoric! President
Bush. Remember how he used to love to skip over media questions that
made him uncomfortable?

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 04/21/07 01:59 PM

I responded to the link you gave me for engineers. I posted that
response in the thread above. As did others.

I will not bother posting it again just to have to post it again and
again and again.

Once again those engineers that were commenting in that link are a small
percentage of the total number of engineers in this country.

I also am an honerable veteran. I have stated my opinion as did they.
Because my opinion does not agree with theirs does not mean I have 'poo
pooed' their opinions.

I have worked in steel. Bridge steel but steel non the less. When
subject to extream heat, compression, impact and loss of structural
integrity steel does not have to 'melt' to fall. It merely has to
slump. Once the restraining bolts and other support structure starts to
give way it will follow the path of least resistance till stopped by
another force (in this case straight to gravity and stopped by the force
of the ground).

nuff said.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 02:15 PM
lots of links I gave you proved the bolts and steel did not bend, melt,
crumple or slump. and kerosene does not compromise 46 inch beams in less
than 2 hours......


but go get the 3 million and give it to charity, im sure with your honor
and wisdom you can find someplace that the money could go too.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 02:17 PM
But slam a multi-ton vehicle into steel, and the steel is damaged
beyond repair. Those towers would have collapsed even without the

And we told you repeatedly why the money means nothing. Because it's a
LIE. Even if it existed (which I doubt)- human denial would prevent the
truth from being heard by those who offered it.

Prove to a blind man that light exists. Then get back to me. If he does
not wish to believe, and cannot see for himself, then it's impossible.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 02:23 PM
to PA

you said liars.

You said, in another post that I called people names but you never
proved it, because I never did.

Just who is the lier?

I got to go now.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 02:24 PM

can you show us all this lie?

Alada's photo
Sat 04/21/07 02:25 PM
Quoting bearandwhisky: "Hitler said its a great thing that people cant
think. And I guess he was right"

One thing is when a person can't think, another is when they refuse to
think and a totally different monster is when they truly believe that
they are thinking, by copying and pasting others opinions. It is
plagiarism. Dellusion, et seq.

If you can't think for youself, please, at last read and try to
interpret the questions and come up with an answer, one answer but it
has to be yours.

Otherwise, this is just "ring around the rosies" with you.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 02:27 PM
thanks alda

to PA

Please show us the lie you are refering too, and that will settle your

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 02:56 PM
Well, everyone that claimed that there wasn't enough wreckage in the
pentagon crash. I showed you the proof that there was. From uncontested
photographs. That no one, not the (respectable) conspiracists- nor, of
course, the normal investigators- has stated problems with. That enough
of a "liar" for you?

You called me a "friend" of Clinton and Bush. If THAT isn't an insult,
then nothing is. Except maybe accusing me of being a child molester.
Yeah, that'd be more insulting. Not much more, but more.

You also compared us to.... what was it.... ah, yes- stubborn mules.
Because calling someone a foul tempered, sterile, stinking half-bred
horse/donkey is exactly the compliment that gets you into everyone's

You've also claimed we did not read the stuff you wrote, though we said
we did. Thus calling us liars. You claim you read our posts, and yet you
have yet to respond to any of our counterpoints. Which is pure

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 03:12 PM

can you show me the lies that you posted too.

you said
And we told you repeatedly why the money means nothing. Because it's a

In another thread you said I called you names but I never did.

just who is lying?

Alada's photo
Sat 04/21/07 04:27 PM
Oh, please, get a life!yawn

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 04:52 PM
ohh I see, the tools of debate are just for you.

of course.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 05:02 PM
Sat 04/21/07 03:12 PM

can you show me the lies that you posted too.

.... nope, I've lied nowhere, any errors I may have posted were just
that, errors....

you said
And we told you repeatedly why the money means nothing. Because it's a

.... It *is* a lie. They'd never surrender it, no matter the amount of
proof you provide. One doesn't PAY someone to prove them wrong. They pay
them to prove them right. (basically mocking example- I'll give you a
million dollars to PROVE I'm not God) See how that works....

In another thread you said I called you names but I never did.

just who is lying?

.... I already showed you the insults you slung at me. Don't recall ever
saying you called me names. Just accused you of hurling insults and
mud-slinging. If I actually said you "called me names"- then I was
probably mistaken- but you'll have to point out exactly where I said
that, first....

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 05:09 PM
that dont fly dude.

try agian.


no photo
Sat 04/21/07 05:10 PM
hey I got to go, but thanks for your thoughts.

no photo
Sat 04/21/07 05:10 PM
Flies better than anything you've come up with. I've gotta be up
somewhere around hang glider, at least.