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Topic: Witchcraft and Shamanism
Maikuru's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:58 AM

Herbal Medicine
Physical Exercise - includes Yoga etc.
Feng Shui
Art and Music
Color, Sound and Crystals
Aromatherapy, bathing, clothing and general hygiene

This may not make sense to anyone else, but overall this organization is precisely what I needed. I now have 3 notebooks, one for each main topic, Witchcraft, Shamanism, and Chakras. And I can now organize my path and know precisely where to go to store or retrieve information on any particular topic.

Actually abra i think you sort of have two seperate categories in this system of organization of yours, I think you are grouping Eastern shamanism and mysticism together with what might be considered by most western pagans as green magic and or healing and medicinal magic. As a Taoist and someone who practices eastern methods, i think a you would do better to clarify some things and divide the category into Eastern Shamanism and Homeopathic or Medicinal magic. Feng shui is actually better known as Geomancy and has nothing to do with traditional western medicine or magic. Similar forms of geomancy in the west correlate to the use of ley lines and the natural energy channels across the earth's surface. Western magic also uses only four elements where as eastern magic and medicine correlates to five elements. (west):Earth, Fire, Air and Water while (east) Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. Some occultist make the mistake of claiming spirit or soul as a fifth element in western mysticism to try ans correlate eastern and western magic. The fallacy in this is realized when the spirit/soul is recognized in both systems. The west would have five elements and the east would have seven. In Taoism there is Hun and Po. A Heaven spirit and a Earth spirit that resides in each human, the Yin and the Yang that the essence of the soul. In fact the western compass is reversed when compared with the east. Western astrology is based on the eliptical cycles and the eastern calendar and astrology system is based on the lunar cycles. Eastern medicine and martial arts differ in great detail to its western equivalents. Acupuncture, Chi Kung, Tai Chi, and meditation encompass working with Ki,Chi or Qi as it sometimes called in the body in way that strengthens, heals and sustains the three treasures of the body. (jing) the life force or generative chi that is stored in kidneys and reproductive organs. (Chi) or the universal energy that flows through the human body along the meridians.(Shen) which is the spiritual essence which resides in the upper dan tien, aka the third eye.
Ironically the seven chakras in hinduism are aligned among the meridian that goes from the top of your head down your center to the sacral point and then back up the spine to the top of the head. This is known as the microcosmic prime meridian and is just one of twelve primary meridian channels in the body. Western medicine is still stuck treating sickness with herbs, manufactured drugs, radiation and surgery. These methods are considered drastic in eastern medicine and are refered to only as a last resort. When you compare east and west magic you will also find such clear distinctions.
Throwing Herbalism, Diet and Nutrition, Eastern Mysticism, Medicine and Magic and there western equivalents together under the heading of "Chakras" can be very confusing and perhaps misleading to those studying such arts. That is just my opinion, not trying to be critical or anything.:wink:

Jill298's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:07 AM


Thanks abra... I like that picture, it makes me look hot :wink:

What are you joking?? I would kill for those lips. Mine are on the thinner side. I use that "Lip Venom" which is supossed to "plump" them. It works for about 10 minutes and then they are back to their skimpy, anorexic selves. laugh
laugh These lips get me into trouble tho. And I don't think yours are that little :wink:

Jill298's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:15 AM
Abra, on Chakras... I don't know much about them but I have heard of many people getting scammed over this. I even had a "pyschic" tell me that I needed to keep coming back to her to "cleanse my chakras". Apparently my dirty chakras were the source of all that was wrong in my life. If I don't have them cleansed than I would continue to have bad things happen to me. Of course a good "chakra cleansing" is done in many visits and runs around 5 grandnoway

Maikuru's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:24 AM
Oh by the way Abra.. here is how i divide my info and knowledge up.
i know its kinda silly but i like to color code things....

Red: Western Elemental Magic.

Blue: Eastern Elemental Magic.

Yellow: Divination

Brown: Animal and Fimiliars

Green: Herbalism, Homeopathic, or Medicinal

Orange: Alchemy and Chemistry

Purple: Geomancy

Teal: Meditation, Martial Arts, Energy work

Black: Protection, Talismans, Amulets,

Silver: Intuition, Empathy, ESP

Gold: Astral Travel, Dreams, Spiritual Essence Work

White: Theurgia, Holy or Divine magic, Ceremony

Thats the way i like to arrange things when doing my studies, practice and research. I know it seems rather lengthy but i find it rather useful for referencing specific knowledge.spock

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:52 AM
I've noticed that some people practice Alchemy.

Once upon a time Alchemy was an attempt to transmute lead to gold but i know it also was an attempt at chemistry without the understanding of sub atomic forces Chemistry encompasses.

Personally I always took it as a dead end.

How does it apply these days?
Is it used to make the various preparations, unguents, and materials needed for rites or is it something else?

I know Alchemy lead to Chemistry and WAY back if you needed Acids, purified substances, or special Chemicals the Alchemist was the person you had to seek.

Please expand my awareness!

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:53 AM

Throwing Herbalism, Diet and Nutrition, Eastern Mysticism, Medicine and Magic and there western equivalents together under the heading of "Chakras" can be very confusing and perhaps misleading to those studying such arts. :wink:

Yes, I'm in total agreement with you Maikuru. flowerforyou

I'm building my own system of spirituality. bigsmile

Perhaps I should stated that as such.

I don't believe in dogma of any kind.

I view myself as a human being on a rock with a bunch of other human beings.

Everyone is guessing.

That's my ultimate belief. flowerforyou

I'm building a systems of spirituality that works for me. And I'll be glad to share what I do with anyone who might be interested.

If I were going to "teach" someone spirituality I would tell them first and formost that they must go with whatever feels right for them.

Then if they are interested in what I do I will be more than happy to explain why I do what I do.

I offered my organization as precisely that, and nothing more.

In fact if this site had signatures at the bottom of the posts, I'd probably include a statement about that. :wink:

I confess, that what I am doing is a combination of Eastern Mysticism, Elements of European Witchcraft, and many ideas of various other cultures that practice shamanism in a myriad of forms.

I take what works for me and leave the rest.

I like the phsychology behind the ideas of "Chakras".

From my point of view that's precisely what they are; they are a psychological invention of mankind.

I don't believe that there is any such thing as a 'Chakra' in the phsyical world, or physical body.

What does that mean to me? That means to me that Chakras exist only in the 'spiritual world'.

And what is the 'spiritual world', well to me, the spiritual world is the world of mind (universal consciousness and ultimate imagination).

Therefore, in the spiritual world truly anything goes. Whatever you can imagine you can create. The spiritual world is created via imagination.

That's my fundamental belief.

So in a sense, yes, I'm making up my own system of spirituality that works for me.

As I've said, it is my belief that this is all any human has ever done. Well, not entirely true as many humans just follow the lead of other humans. But if there is any consistency in any thing it is only because a lot of people start following someone else's idea dogmatically. laugh

So yes, you are perfectly correct, the things that I do are entirely of my own making.

However, to defend myself just a tad (and to defend my right to be original), I offer that both Scott Cunningham, and Christopher Penczak have also been quite freestyle.

In fact, Penczak himself confesses that he includes many ideas from all around the globe which many "Traditional European Witches" denounce.

I like Penczak's style, and I will will take bits and pieces from hither and thither without hesitation.


Just as a final note, not that I feel a need to defend my free spirit, but rather to suggest that I'm not alone,...

As I've been studying Chakras and Crystals on the Internet, I've noticed that many people assign different colors to the Chakras, and different meanings to the different crystals.

In fact, I'm working up from the bottom. Starting with what most people call the "root chakra" and most people might associate that with the color red. Although I've seen earth colors such as black and brown assigned to it as well.

I've also seen a myriad of crystals and gems assigned to the root Chakra.

So far, in my studies, I've decided on the following things,...

1. I will call the "Root Chakra" the "Life Chakra" because for me that has more meaning of how I see it functioning.

2. I will assign to it as its major "gem", Amber, which isn't even a crystal.

3. I have also decided that the primary color of my "Life Chakra" will also be Amber.

Why did I choose Amber?

Because I found someone who said this about Amber:

With an energy like liquid sunshine, amber is the fossilized resin of pine trees. Amber is said to enhance the beauty of the wearer. It is used to tap into the power of the Sun, and is good for success, abundance, healing, vitality and joy. A powerful stone for manifestation, Amber is also used for healing of the physical body. It carries a negative electrical energy charge and therefore is good to draw power and energy into its bearer. Promotes mental and emotional strength. Very calming. Use for protection in psychic attack.

I accept. laugh

I like the look of amber, I like its earthy golden color, I like what the above human being said about amber, and this description fits in perfectly with what I want my Life Chakra to do for me. And so this is what my "Life Chakra" will be. bigsmile

You see, I prey on ideas. I slurp up food for thought. I suck in creativity that I find attractive.

I could go on, and on, and on, about how I'm creating my own spirituality using various ideas from all my human brothers and sisters, but I think you probably get the point after this long-winded ramble. laugh

But you are right sir, what I am doing has very little to do with what other people might do.

I'm wide open to ideas, but totally closed to rigid dogma of any kind. :wink:

That's just the way I am. flowerforyou

I thank you for presenting me with the opportunity to display my lunacy.

Hey? Is lunacy related to the moon?

I love the moon Goddesses! love

I invented three of them, Leah the Maiden, Namoi the Mother, and Dorthea the Crone.

See, I use some traditional ideas, and then create the details using my own spirit. :wink:

You may worship my Moon Goddesses if you like, or get your own. I'm easy. drinker

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:59 AM

Oh by the way Abra.. here is how i divide my info and knowledge up.
i know its kinda silly but i like to color code things....

Those look like very nice associations. drinker

Whatever works for you is what you should do. flowerforyou

Jill298's photo
Sun 01/04/09 12:00 PM
Edited by Jill298 on Sun 01/04/09 12:06 PM

I've noticed that some people practice Alchemy.

Once upon a time Alchemy was an attempt to transmute lead to gold but i know it also was an attempt at chemistry without the understanding of sub atomic forces Chemistry encompasses.

Personally I always took it as a dead end.

How does it apply these days?
Is it used to make the various preparations, unguents, and materials needed for rites or is it something else?

I know Alchemy lead to Chemistry and WAY back if you needed Acids, purified substances, or special Chemicals the Alchemist was the person you had to seek.

Please expand my awareness!
I agree. From what I know of Alchemy it was more of a early age scientist or a "wizard". Alchemists also studied metals from what I understand. I have not encountered anyone practicing Alchemy these days but I sure think it would be interesting to meet someone that does.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/04/09 12:04 PM

I've noticed that some people practice Alchemy.

Once upon a time Alchemy was an attempt to transmute lead to gold but i know it also was an attempt at chemistry without the understanding of sub atomic forces Chemistry encompasses.

Personally I always took it as a dead end.

How does it apply these days?
Is it used to make the various preparations, unguents, and materials needed for rites or is it something else?

I know Alchemy lead to Chemistry and WAY back if you needed Acids, purified substances, or special Chemicals the Alchemist was the person you had to seek.

Please expand my awareness!

I practice spiritual Alchemy, which is how I personally view magick. So for me the words are totally interchangeable and mean precisely the same thing.

For an explanation of "Alchemy" in the sense that I use it I would recommend Deepak Chopra's "The Way of the Wizard", he gives a nice explanation using the tale of Merlin and King Arthur.

Maikuru's photo
Sun 01/04/09 12:14 PM
Oh sorry if came off as critical, dogmatic or casting some heaven forbid judgement on the way you practice Abra, that was sincerely not my intent. I am probably the biggest advocate of spiritual and philosophical freedom. I was just saying for the posteriety of those who would follow in your footsteps that such clarifcations may have been needed. The books, the texts and the knowledge from them is all that remains to pass on to others seeking to carve their own path. I guess that is why i am so detailed in my research and practices. I in no way meant to judge or criticize you. Can you forgive an old soul for lacking the verbal eloquence to state clearly what i intended when i was trying to suggest said clarifications.

May the wind be with you..:wink:

Maikuru's photo
Sun 01/04/09 12:37 PM
Edited by Maikuru on Sun 01/04/09 12:38 PM

I've noticed that some people practice Alchemy.

Once upon a time Alchemy was an attempt to transmute lead to gold but i know it also was an attempt at chemistry without the understanding of sub atomic forces Chemistry encompasses.

Personally I always took it as a dead end.

How does it apply these days?
Is it used to make the various preparations, unguents, and materials needed for rites or is it something else?

I know Alchemy lead to Chemistry and WAY back if you needed Acids, purified substances, or special Chemicals the Alchemist was the person you had to seek.

Please expand my awareness!

It all depends on what kind of alchemy you practice, there is philosophical and psychological alchemy. There is spiritual alchemy.
As a Taoist i practice internal alchemy. What you refered to is external alchemy. Alchemy is the magic or process by which one thing transformed into another. Every form of alchemy follows the same basic rules and principles and the all lead to the "philosopher stone". 1# In order to create something of equal or greater value must be lost. #2 That which is above is also below. #3 In order to transmute something to its highest quality you must refine out the impurities. Even Issac Newton was an alchemist. Where do you think he got the idea that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction? In Taoist Internal Alchemy, the philosopher's stone is Ultimate Unification with the Tao or Source for lack of better words. In order to do this we refine the energy(chi) in our bodies and refine our hearts, minds and then ultimately our soul. The same is true in Kabblahistic (Jewish Mysticism) Alchemy or why the buddhists are trying to reach nirvana. People who achieve such things and still existed in mortal form for a period were called saints, holy men and women, sages, hermits, angels and yes to those who feared them witches and wizards. Alchemy is all around you my friend, you have just but to look, good luck

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:44 PM
Alrighty then, here is a question,

now in physical transmutation the change was to make one thing to another.
I think a biblical account of this is Jesus turning water to wine.spock

Now in Spiritual Alchemy (and I think that Philosophical fits in this area as well) I have to wonder what you are trying to change?

AS I understand the nature of energy is that it is mutable. Electrical energy can be used to make radio waves for example.

IN the Animation Full Metal Alchemist they mention a Law of Equivalent Exchange wherein: to achieve something something of equal or greater value must be exchanged.

Does Spiritual Alchemy operate on a principle of exchange in a sense of "something of Value" as in putting in spiritual energy to achieve a net result or is it to make a change on you somehow personally?
I never understood the concept fully for Spiritual Alchemy.

I do know this at least. Everything that happens in this universe requires an expenditure of some kind. Nothing operates on the Something for nothing principle.

Also, is Spiritual Alchemy and Psychokinetics similar if not the same?

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 03:40 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 01/04/09 03:42 PM
Since I joined this free dating site I've met some really neat people and enjoyed some great conversations, pissed some people off and wasted a lot of time.

In addition to that, I noticed the junk mail coming to my home email more than tripled. I suspect my being in this club had something to do with that.

I just spent an hour blocking junk email senders. I am going to cancel my account here. Mostly because I have just been sort of wasting too much time on this addiction, and it is an addiction. Sort of like hanging out at your favorite local tavern just to see who is there and what they are talking about.

It is not an easy thing to do but I really do feel I am somewhat addicted and distracted by this activity. I just wanted to say goodbye to my best friends here so I am posting this only in this thread.

my home email is gjean@centurytel.net

I am hoping the junk mail will slow down after I drop out of this club. But feel free to drop me an email if you want.


waving flowerforyou love

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/04/09 03:45 PM
Ahh sorry to see you go JB. I know we have gotten into it a few times but great minds will do that. laugh Good luck with your art and what other endeavors you choose to enter into. I know you dont require luck though. You have enough talent and brains to supersede all of that. :banana: flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 03:48 PM

Ahh sorry to see you go JB. I know we have gotten into it a few times but great minds will do that. laugh Good luck with your art and what other endeavors you choose to enter into. I know you dont require luck though. You have enough talent and brains to supersede all of that. :banana: flowerforyou

Thanks Krimsa! Like someone said, if we ever joined forces, we could rule the world. LOL laugh

causality's photo
Sun 01/04/09 03:51 PM
In spiritual alchemy, you must work on yourself, and increase your discipline and will, until the point where you dethrone the ego, and after that the lead into gold becomes possible. It has multiple stages of alchemy. Each one of the first couple steps happens to match up to one of Tool's albums. It's been a while since I was into alchemy though. That's most of what I remember.

Jill298's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:39 PM
JB, tho I completely understand where you're coming from, it's sad to see you go. I'm not one of those people you ever pissed off laugh I hope you will let us know how you're doing from time to time. Even tho it's justa webite, we're still all real people here flowerforyou You will be missed. Take care of yourself. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/04/09 07:03 PM
I should deactivate also and just take down the emails of people I want to talk with. These forums occupy too much time. sad2

Jill298's photo
Sun 01/04/09 07:09 PM

I should deactivate also and just take down the emails of people I want to talk with. These forums occupy too much time. sad2

Krimsa's photo
Sun 01/04/09 07:10 PM
Na, I wont do it. I dont have the willpower. Im just saying I should do it. laugh

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