Topic: Hitler On Christianity
Krimsa's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:17 PM

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Eljay's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:41 PM

Provided by Seamonster

A sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, amoug others - non of which is Christianity.

Symbol of Nazism.

The for-runner of New Age.

One of the stories amoungst thousands.

Thanx for pointing this out. We now have clarity.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 12/13/08 04:23 PM
Whatever the hell that statment means? Im not even bothering. huh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:25 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 12/13/08 05:26 PM
laughIm a "good ole boy" and I know these "nazis" and I know how to deal with them when they start some ****.laugh

:tongue: You dont wait for them. You go getcha a couple 4 by 4 pickup trucks and about 8 big cornbread eatin country "cousins" and take it straight to their azzez, right to their front doorlaugh Ive seen it done several times.laugh

no photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:47 PM

laughIm a "good ole boy" and I know these "nazis" and I know how to deal with them when they start some ****.laugh

:tongue: You dont wait for them. You go getcha a couple 4 by 4 pickup trucks and about 8 big cornbread eatin country "cousins" and take it straight to their azzez, right to their front doorlaugh Ive seen it done several times.laugh

Violence cannot be the answer in dispelling racism in our country. Would I like to shoot a neo-Nazi in the head...sure, but the fact of the matter is that life cannot be about beating people to prove that "our stance" is right. I recall MLK's nonviolent approach to fighting racism. At the same time, if 10 KKK members start jumping a Black man, do I think it is okay to use semi-lethal to lethal force? Of course I do; Malcolm X would have agreed.

But really, life has to be about letting love transform people. Sure, sometimes people like MLK end up getting killed. And I think that was one of the worst things to ever happen to America...but truthfully, his love made an impact. The "I have a dream" speech is one that may never be surpassed.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:12 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 12/13/08 06:36 PM

laughIm a "good ole boy" and I know these "nazis" and I know how to deal with them when they start some ****.laugh

:tongue: You dont wait for them. You go getcha a couple 4 by 4 pickup trucks and about 8 big cornbread eatin country "cousins" and take it straight to their azzez, right to their front doorlaugh Ive seen it done several times.laugh

Violence cannot be the answer in dispelling racism in our country. Would I like to shoot a neo-Nazi in the head...sure, but the fact of the matter is that life cannot be about beating people to prove that "our stance" is right. I recall MLK's nonviolent approach to fighting racism. At the same time, if 10 KKK members start jumping a Black man, do I think it is okay to use semi-lethal to lethal force? Of course I do; Malcolm X would have agreed.

But really, life has to be about letting love transform people. Sure, sometimes people like MLK end up getting killed. And I think that was one of the worst things to ever happen to America...but truthfully, his love made an impact. The "I have a dream" speech is one that may never be surpassed.
:smile: I agree.:smile: But around here in the south, we have to deal with the reality.:smile: And we have learned over the many decades how to deal with these people that used to terrorize us.:smile: We dont call the cops, we fight fire with a bigger fire.:smile: And so the KKK zombies know better than to mess with us local boys.:smile: They go outta town to mess with people or they are gonna be in for a world of pain.:smile: Maybe things are different up north where you live but down here we have had to deal with this infestation for over a century.:smile: We DONT back down.:smile: We dont show fear.:smile: If there is a problem with them, we take it to them immediatly in a show of force.:smile: They are a bunch of chicken****s anyways.laugh It aint about stopping racism, its about putting them in their place.:smile:

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:37 PM
Christianity has enough of it's own blood on it's hands without any need to worry about the Hitler association.

The Crusades

The witch burnings

The murder of Hypatia ordered by the early Christian monks.

The Pope's order to mass murder the Cathers.

Christianity has a rock solid history of brutally murdering anyone who gets in it's way.

The only thing that keeps the leftover modern Christian fanatics in line are the laws of the State. Not any laws of God from their godforsaken Bible.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:42 PM
"The only thing that keeps the leftover modern Christian fanatics in line are the laws of the State. Not any laws of God from their godforsaken Bible."---Abra

:smile: Yep :smile:

Krimsa's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:48 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 12/13/08 06:49 PM
I agree Abra. That is kind of what I was referring to when I mentioned that Hitler's beliefs, even if they were a very warped interpretation of the god of the bible, were still his own assessment of Christianity or Catholicism at least. Christianity from a historical standpoint has really not had a problem with the mass murder of thousands upon thousands of human beings.Not only has it not taken issue with it, it has in fact demanded it of its own followers.

Thomas3474's photo
Sat 12/13/08 07:52 PM

You people truly live in a world of fantasy.I'm sure the only thing that keeps Christians from going on a murdering rampage is the laws of the state frustrated such nonsense is laughable even from the perspective from a child.Let me tell you something,if the Christians ever did get pissed off to the point where we wanted to kill everyone I'm fairly sure nobody would be left alive.

Krisma the more I read your posts the more nauseated I get.Christianity is responsible for murders of thousands and thousands of human beings???And it was in FACT demanded it of it's own followers?What are you smoking?Did Jesus and his followers(which were in the millions)ever kill a single soul when they were alive?Also you did not find a single shred of evidence that backed up your connection of the Nazis and the Catholics.Your beating a dead horse.

You need to get your mind set into modern Christianity.If you must insist on talking about Christians and events that happened thousands of years ago we might as well look at the records of every religion and non religious orgination in that time era and see how they compared to the Christians.Christianity certainly has not committed mass murder in America since this country was founded,nor has it stoned people,nor has it commanded people in mass numbers to seek out and kill anyone who disapproves.Christians if anything has stood up to evil dictators over the centuries who tried to take over the world through war.

Here is your list of anything but Christian leaders who have done more damage to the world than any Christians ever did.

An attempt by Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot to form a Communist peasant farming society resulted in the deaths of 25 percent of the country's population from starvation, overwork and executions.Over 2,000,000 dead.

Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, set in motion events designed to cause a famine in the Ukraine to destroy the people there seeking independence from his rule. As a result, an estimated 7,000,000 persons perished in this farming area, known as the breadbasket of Europe, with the people deprived of the food they had grown with their own hands.

Kim Jong Il, North Korea. Age 61. In power since 1994.He has allowed vast numbers of his citizens to starve to death. Since he assumed power, almost 300,000 North Koreans have fled to China to avoid food shortages. An estimated 150,000 citizens are incarcerated in labor camps. In some cases, their only crime was being born: Kim’s father had ordered that three generations of a political prisoner’s family must stay in prison.

King Fahd and Crown Prince Abdullah, Saudi Arabia. Ages 80 and 79.

In power since 1982 and 1995.In Saudi Arabia, one must not criticize the royal family. Trials often are held in secret. Adultery and abandoning Islam are crimes punishable by beheading, and people given the death penalty often are not told their sentence until the execution itself. Lesser crimes are punishable by flogging: Using a cell phone on an airplane earns 20 lashes. Floggings often are given in shopping malls and announced on the public-address system.Saudi women may not drive. If they walk alone in the street, they risk being stopped, beaten or detained as suspected moral offenders. Last March, at a girls’ school in Mecca, 15 students died in a fire. Witnesses said the religious police prevented the girls from escaping because they hadn’t put on their headdresses and denied male rescuers access because they are not allowed to mix with females.

Saddam Hussein, Iraq. Decased.In power since 1979.
Throughout his reign, Saddam has tortured and murdered political opponents. An appalling example occurred in March 1988: During a campaign to repress the Kurdish people, he ordered the use of poison gases to kill 5000 civilians.He invaded Iran, committing his people to a disastrous war that lasted eight years and claimed the lives of at least 100,000 Iraqis and 250,000 Iraniansthan 50,000 Iraqis. After the war ended,Saddam’s forces killed 20,000 to 30,000 Iraqi Kurds in the north and Shi’ites in the south.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:32 AM
Thomas wrote:

Let me tell you something,if the Christians ever did get pissed off to the point where we wanted to kill everyone I'm fairly sure nobody would be left alive.

Well, I'm sure you speak for yourself on that one.

The truth is that there is no such thing as 'Christianity' today. The very title is basically meaningless.

Sure, it's true that all Christians have one thing in common; They all use the name of Jesus to back up their bigotry, but other than that they seldom agree on much of anything else.

Jesus himself denounced the teachings of the Old Testament.

Jesus would never condone the Bigotry of modern day "Christianity".

In fact, many "Christians" don't even condone it.

I see Christians posting all the time that they often want to throw-up at what other 'Christians' say on these very forums.

It's crystal clear that the label iself is a meaningless checkbox on a religious survey form. Anyone can check it or not.

I refuse it check it. I refuse to even acknowledge Christianity as a valid representation of Jesus.

I wouldn't insult Jesus by condoning Christianity. As far as I'm concerned Christianity is about as anti-Jesus as a person can get.

That's my position. flowerforyou

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:55 AM

Thomas wrote:

Let me tell you something,if the Christians ever did get pissed off to the point where we wanted to kill everyone I'm fairly sure nobody would be left alive.

Well, I'm sure you speak for yourself on that one.

The truth is that there is no such thing as 'Christianity' today. The very title is basically meaningless.

Sure, it's true that all Christians have one thing in common; They all use the name of Jesus to back up their bigotry, but other than that they seldom agree on much of anything else.

Jesus himself denounced the teachings of the Old Testament.

Jesus would never condone the Bigotry of modern day "Christianity".

In fact, many "Christians" don't even condone it.

I see Christians posting all the time that they often want to throw-up at what other 'Christians' say on these very forums.

It's crystal clear that the label iself is a meaningless checkbox on a religious survey form. Anyone can check it or not.

I refuse it check it. I refuse to even acknowledge Christianity as a valid representation of Jesus.

I wouldn't insult Jesus by condoning Christianity. As far as I'm concerned Christianity is about as anti-Jesus as a person can get.

That's my position. flowerforyou

Abracadabra checking Christian on the check box!!!!ha,ha,ha thats a hot one! laugh rofl slaphead

Well Abra not sure if you have been in a church on any Sunday but I can assure you that they are always full of people no matter what church you go to.Recently their have been huge megachurches in old sports arenas that can easliy sit over 10,000 and you know what?They are full!If Billy grahm would make another tour he could easily sell out any arena in America.Christianity is thriving in America as people want answers to real questions.Abra you might as well give up on fighting the bible and Jesus.It's a fight you will never win because we have God on our side and to quote the bible...

Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died -- more than that, who was raised to life -- is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. (Romans 8:33-34 NIV)

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 12/14/08 02:05 AM

I agree Abra. That is kind of what I was referring to when I mentioned that Hitler's beliefs, even if they were a very warped interpretation of the god of the bible, were still his own assessment of Christianity or Catholicism at least. Christianity from a historical standpoint has really not had a problem with the mass murder of thousands upon thousands of human beings.Not only has it not taken issue with it, it has in fact demanded it of its own followers.
:smile: They would kill all the gay people for one thing. :smile: Something we will NEVER allow.:smile:

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 12/14/08 02:14 AM

It's a fight you will never win because we have God on our side and to quote the bible...

Well, I'm glad that you have God on your side, because you're the one who seems to think you're in some kind of war.

This is why I refuse to even acknowledge the religion anymore. It's just a war-mongering institution.

It creates an "us against them" mentality.

Most of the people who attend those chruches only do it because they are taught that if they don't do it they'll go to hell.

As you point out, God is on their side and if you quit going to church that can only mean that you are joining forces with the 'other side'.

It's a religion that's driven by paranoia and fear.

That's why the religion spreads such a war-mongering attitude. It keeps all it's followers living in the fear that if they dare to entertain the thought that it might not be true they will be rejected by God.

That's the brainwashing tactic of the Bible the whole way through.

"Thou shalt have no other God's before me! For I am a jealous God and will get very peeved if you don't worship me!"

Someone just posted the following in another thread:

psalm 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.

Yep, the religion threatens everyone who dares to even consider not worshiping their God.

It's defintely a thread-based religion.

"God is on OUR SIDE you heathens!"

Yeah right. ohwell

Any religion that claims to be on its 'side' is already topsy turvy. laugh

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 12/14/08 04:45 AM
Abra I don't know if you are kidding or just mental when you make some of these statments.What war are you referring to?When was the war started and who are will killing in mass numbers.How many soldiers are in this war and who is supporting it?Does the government or United nations know about it?The only war I am involved with concerns a man named Satan and the demons he sends my way.

I don't think there is any Christians that believe that if they don't go to church they will go to hell.There is nothing written in the bible about how many times to pray or how often to go to church.As a matter of fact it says "if your are going to church just because you want people to see you in church you are better off worshiping in your closet".I only go to church about once a month but I think about and pray to God very often.Also going to church doesn't make you a better Christian as you can daydream through the entire service and never hear a thing.

Your right God said not to worship other Gods.I see nothing wrong with that.There is only one God anyways.Are you expecting God to live around your schedule-forget it!

Your brainwashing theory is a lame one.Christianity is one of the most laid back religions of all of them.The 10 commandments are simple and easy to follow.Christians are free to leave their religion at any time with no consequences.Nobody forces anyone to go to church or to pray like the Muslims do.Nobody forces anyone to read the bible.

Abra you keep knocking Christians but when was the last time a Christian killed in the name of Jesus?When was the last time someone broke a Christian law and was prosecuted by Christians for it?You keep saying over and over that it's dangerous and threatens everyone and blah blah.Yet this is a flat out lie.It's time to stop blaming Christians for all the worlds problems and accept the fact that Christians are a peaceful religion who live and let live.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/14/08 05:31 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 12/14/08 05:35 AM
Abra you keep knocking Christians but when was the last time a Christian killed in the name of Jesus?

Are you proposing that this simply makes up for thousands of years of past torments, abuse and oppression? No one has that right. Most Pagans today have to simply conceal their beliefs out of the fear that they will be attacked or that their form of worship will subject them and their families to dangers and potential mistreatment or discrimination.

That is the least of what they can face. Yes in 2008 sir. Very little has changed except that we expect the law of the land to be obeyed.

no photo
Sun 12/14/08 05:46 AM
How does it change anything Christianity has done since it's beginning when you put Hitler this or the other way?
It doesn't matter where he was standing politically, he murdered people, and so did Christianity.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/14/08 05:47 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 12/14/08 05:49 AM
What the hell Thomas? I dont understand your examples there at tall. For one thing, Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim as far as I know from watching news broadcasts. What difference would that make? I might be wrong on that but I sincerely fail to see the relevance of these people you have included on your list unless you are just trying desperately to assign blame to people.

The Christians got stuck with Hitler so now we are simply going to play "I will see your Hitler and raise you a violent Communist regime." ?

Thats a very foolish game to play and I wont be part of it.

I have no personal connection to Communism beyond studying the political movement in college. Even if I did, that sounds like another Christian bullsh1t argument. The communists were never killing anyone in the name of god.

no photo
Sun 12/14/08 06:09 AM

What the hell Thomas? I dont understand your examples there at tall. For one thing, Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim as far as I know from watching news broadcasts. What difference would that make? I might be wrong on that but I sincerely fail to see the relevance of these people you have included on your list unless you are just trying desperately to assign blame to people.

The Christians got stuck with Hitler so now we are simply going to play "I will see your Hitler and raise you a violent Communist regime." ?

Thats a very foolish game to play and I wont be part of it.

I have no personal connection to Communism beyond studying the political movement in college. Even if I did, that sounds like another Christian bullsh1t argument. The communists were never killing anyone in the name of god.

It's called diversion.
Let people look in any direction but the right one.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/14/08 06:11 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 12/14/08 06:21 AM
I agree invisible. Also, Pol Pot was killing everyone who had beyond a 4th grade education. That would have included both you and I, Thomas. You better take a closer look at who you are attempting to conduct a campaign of blame with here huh