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Topic: Wiccans - part 3
Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:19 PM

laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:22 PM
I think James will make a great high elvin wizard:smile:

Jill298's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:26 PM

I think James will make a great high elvin wizard:smile:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:27 PM

I put the most beautiful rose quartz "crystal ball" and stand on layaway yesterday... It's so pretty, I'm so excited to get it bigsmile I've looked at it for awhile and each time I touch it, I just get this surge of energy and warmth thru me. People make fun of me for how much I love rocks and stones. I really don't care what they think laugh I've loved them since I was very little. flowerforyou lol I just thought I would share that cuz I'm excited laugh

That's beautiful Jill.

I've been tempted to purchase a crystal ball myself, but I've decided to put it off until I've finished this year-and-a-day course by Penczak.

I know that I'm not truly psychic enough yet to make good use of a crystal ball.

Although, many people, including Penczak, have suggested that there is some benefit in buying things like crystal balls even before you can use them. Just having them sit on your altar will 'Charge' them with your own personal energy everytime you do rituals and meditate.

They claim that this can be important when you do go to use them later. They will already have become attuned to your own personal aura and vibrations.

So with that in mind I might be tempted to purchase a crystal ball somewhere along my path even before I get to the point where owl actually be able to use it. bigsmile

no photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:30 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 12/09/08 02:31 PM

What Ruth is saying is that this belief system wasn't seen as a terrible satanistic practice until the Christians labeled it so.

Oh absolutely.

The Christians even stole the idea of the Wicca Horned God and made him into their devil.

In the Wicca tradition the Horned God was assocaited with both nature (this world manifestation), and the "underworld". However, in the Wicca tradition the "underworld" wasn't evil, nor was it beneath the ground. The "underworld" in Wicca actually referred to the spirits of our ancestors. The very term "underworld" meant "FOUNDATIONAL".

I'm not so sure about that. The royal Draconians all have horns and they were worshiped as Gods way back long time ago.

The reptilian work force all went underground and are said to live in underground cities even today. Reports of these reptilians living and working along side humans in deep underground cities are all over the place.

No, I think "underground" means just what it looks like it means. Under ground.

In the book "The hunt for the skin walker" the ranch purchased by this scientific group had something under it. You could hear the sound of machinery coming from deep under the earth. The old couple who sold it to the guy who bought it from them told him one thing.

Don't do any digging.

Hummmmm. ...

A very interesting book about the study of UFO's, and strange sightings and cattle mutilations on this ranch near four corners.

Jill298's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:30 PM
abra, I got a pretty goo deal on mine... I suggest getting one. I put it off cause I didn't want to spend the money and finally I saw one that just called to me and was a good price laugh but I'm just really excited to bring it home. bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:42 PM

abra, I got a pretty good deal on mine... I suggest getting one. I put it off cause I didn't want to spend the money and finally I saw one that just called to me and was a good price laugh but I'm just really excited to bring it home. bigsmile

I was looking at some on the web.

I saw one for about $40 but it was only 2 inches in diameter. That's about the size of a cue ball.

I mean, I'm sure it will work, but I wanted something larger.

The one I wanted was 6" and $109. But I didn't want to spend that kind of money right now.

And potentially, I might actually like something even bigger like 8 or 10 inches. Although, 6 inch is pretty nice really.

Size doesn't truly matter. It's just that I have a big imagination so I need a big screen to project onto. laugh

Penczak has some crystal ball exercises in his book! Of course, he says that a crystal ball is not necessary and suggests using a water mirror, or incense smoke, and several other mediums for projecting psychic images onto.

So a crystal ball isn't truly necessary, but none the less, they are exciting.

Like you I'm into stone and crystals too.

But I may try the smoke and mirrors first. :wink:

The other thing to use is hot coals in a campfire. I've certainly done that in the past, even without the intention of doing it. Sometimes images can come to life in the fire.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:44 PM
I think the Christians just reinvented the character of "Pan" from a Midsummer's Night Dream into their concept of evil personified.

Jill298's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:45 PM
The one I'm getting is about the size of a cue ball, maybe a little bit bigger but it's really beautiful. I paid 50 for mine, they had a larger amethyst one for 85 but I couldn't afford that ohwell oh and it's really not the size of your balls that matter laugh laugh :wink:

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:49 PM

I think the Christians just reinvented the character of "Pan" from a Midsummer's Night Dream into their concept of evil personified.

That sure looks like the plagiarized image.

I think you have a good case for a lawsuit. bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:51 PM

The one I'm getting is about the size of a cue ball, maybe a little bit bigger but it's really beautiful. I paid 50 for mine, they had a larger amethyst one for 85 but I couldn't afford that ohwell oh and it's really not the size of your balls that matter laugh laugh :wink:

Well, if the size of a witch's balls don't matter, then it must be the size of his wand that's important.


Jill298's photo
Tue 12/09/08 02:57 PM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: rofl

Jill298's photo
Tue 12/09/08 04:06 PM
where did everyone go??huh

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 12/09/08 04:35 PM
I was abducted by a Beautiful Witch who asked me to place my wand in her hot cauldron and stir. blushing

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 12/09/08 04:36 PM
I'm still at work for another hour. And its been a really crappy day here in public safety land. sad

I have been following the posts on and off from my phone though today.

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 12/09/08 04:39 PM

I was abducted by a Beautiful Witch who asked me to place my wand in her hot cauldron and stir. blushing


no photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:05 PM

I was abducted by a Beautiful Witch who asked me to place my wand in her hot cauldron and stir. blushing

LOL rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:19 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 12/09/08 06:20 PM
A note to the Pope,

Vatican City- Today the Pope was shocked to receive a letter from the Wiccans who usually keep to themselves. He was even more shocked when he opened it. Inside was a single page with but one paragraph on it.


Dear Pope,

While we are flattered that you Christians liked some of our own symbols enough to use them for your holiday of Easter, we have to ask that you give them back. Now we don't want to be mean, or put you out, but we sorta would like our holiday back. I mean, Easter is good and all. It's calculated using that phases of the moon, again something you might have borrowed from us. It's just, well; you've kinda taken all of our symbols. Rabbits, eggs, baskets, all that stuff. We are sorta the one that started all that and you guys just kinda took it. Now we aren't accusing you guy of anything, just pointing out that maybe you'd like to come up with some of your own symbols and traditions. Don't worry though, we'll still let you guys come to our egg hunts!

Your Friends,
The Wiccans.


While it has been pointed out many times before that Easter has maybe taken on some of the symbols of Ostara, many Christians steadfastly refuse to acknowledge this. They are even more vehemently opposed to the suggestion that perhaps this was done on purpose by the Church in an effort to overshadow Wicca with Christianity and perhaps steal potential members of that religion over to Christianity.

When reached for comment the Pope had this to say, "It's a very nice letter they sent me, it was done on nice paper. Unfortunately I don't have a clue what they are talking about. Honestly, we Christians developed those symbols on our own." Asked if he could explain further he had this to say, "Look it was well documented that rabbits were Jesus' favorite animal. He always had like four or five pet rabbits. He was crazy for 'em. As for the eggs, Jesus could make a mean omelet. We give them to each other to remind us how awesome Jesus is. And the baskets, well, they're, um....really good for holding stuff."

The Pope went on to say that Easter shifts about the calendar like it does so that families can hold it at different peoples houses each year, "It's a sort of lottery system you see," the Pope pointed out, "Like, Aunt June, if Easter falls between this date and this, we'll have it at your house, if it falls between this date and this we have it at Uncle Bob's" He closed the interview by saying that while he had taken what they had written into consideration he didn't see how there was anything to give back.

A spokesman for the letter writers, Priest Evan, had this to say in response to the Pope's refusal to give up the symbols, "We have every respect for Christians and their holiday of Easter. It's really just not fair that they stole all of our symbols just because they have to be stuck in a stuffy church for hours on their holiday while we get to be outside enjoying spring. I mean if they asked, we'd invite them over!"

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:34 PM

Now that I look at the list I never thought Hindu or Norse would be considered a type of witchcraft.

It would be interesting what the Norse did for witchcraft since that is part of my ancestory:smile:

Norse Traditions

Norse paganism honors and works with Nordic pantheons, mythologies and legends. Nordic traditions stress conservative values of honor, honesty, courage and duty to one's family, kin and friends.

The Norse traditions saw a resurgance of practices in the 1970s when, almost simultaneously, and independently of one another, many groups sprang into being. Across America, England and Iceland, these groups rekindled the ancient belief systems of the Germanic peoples, as described and outlined in the Poetic Eddas.

Arguably the largest group or sect is Asatru. The Asatru Free Assembly, based in Breckinridge Texas was formed in 1972 by Stephen McNallen. At the time McNallen was interested in Witchcraft, but found it missing some of the spiritual foundation he was seeking. He was drawn to the beliefs of the Vikings and Norse deities. he originally named his organization the Brotherhood and began publishing quarterly journals called 'The Runestone'.

Another large sect of Nordic practice is simply called Norse Paganism. Which bases it's beliefs in a combination of Witchcraft which applies Norse mythology and the Eddas to it's practices.

Norse Traditions

There are many variations of Norse traditions. This is by no means a complete listing.


Norse Wicca

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:35 PM

It would be more interesting to spend time about the Wiccan belief system then talk about Christians wouldn't you believe? Perhaps we can continue on that subject? Ruth keep going you are doing good.

I know you are a Catholic Witch and that you have the ability to use magick for good or bad, but you use bad only for defensive situations.

So what magic do you specialize in. Does it have a origin or starting point in Europe somewhere what you study or is it more experimental.

What are your latest spells or experiments as of lately?

I mainly practice candle magick or hoodoo. I don't actually know the origins of candle magick -I'm pretty sure it stems from Celtic magick, but I'm not really sure. Hoodoo is the magick that developed out of black slavery. It is a combination of European, African and Native American techniques.

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