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Topic: why would a God have the "need" to create
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Sat 11/29/08 06:59 AM

Or people just did not want to convert. You are right in that even today, the Jews still reject Jesus as Messiah. They are waiting on someone else. He did not meet their personal requirements for savior.

Normally I would agree with you but the original old testament bible said a messiah(Jesus)would come and save the world.It talked in great detail exactly what happened(and it did happen according to the old testament)So unless you want to pick and choose what you want to believe,God already talked about Jesus and more to the point that after Jesus died the only way to get to heaven was to believe in him.Jews have been known to be incredibly stubborn.There is more than a few verses where God scornes the Jews and their refusal for change.

A good topic to debate would be...do Jews go to heaven?

"Thomas" Jews probably reject Jesus because Christians have proclaim him as being God and God said do not worship any other God but him and the Jews stuck to doing that ...probably one of the reasons why they are "The Chosen Ones"

martymark's photo
Sat 11/29/08 08:29 AM
Edited by martymark on Sat 11/29/08 08:44 AM
GAWD, did someone call me, sorry I was busy trying to figure out why all these people are so worried about whether or not I exist. I can only come up with one answere. There must be alot of guilty consciences on earth. Guess it's time for a meteor shower again. But wait, this time around the diasours will thrieve again. Well thats good, that will keep the few humans busy enough to not make up any B.S. about what they should or should not be doing! Yep that its, people with to much free time cause they won't get out and be productive must be the real problem. Maybe if a few of the new ones get eaten up by the dinasours, the rest will not allow themselve to become complaciant about doing something for the preservantion of the hunam race. Yep, we'll try that one this time around, People and dinasours at the same time. That will be a lot of fun to watch. At lest that way they won't be trying to blame me for all the bad things that happen so they can scare others into paying for some kind of salvation when they get back here. Is there any way we can let them remember what is really going on up here. Yea, but that didn't do any good the first time. People just killed each other at the drop of a hat to get back up here where all the virgins are. Ya guess you're right, humans will always be in pursuit of sex first an formost. Is there any way we can just make them all real ugly so they won't do that. You mean uglier than they are now, wheesh, I doubt it. They already try to cover themselves up with a bunch of crap all the time. No that ain't just cause they're ugly, that so thet can charge for sex. Oh ya. it's hard to keep up with all there silly ass rules and why they have them, I forgot about that love of stuff/money thing. thanks Shakes.

hunky62's photo
Sat 11/29/08 08:29 AM

Krimsa's photo
Sat 11/29/08 08:42 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 11/29/08 08:45 AM

GAWD, did someone call me, sorry I was busy trying to figure out why all these people are so worried about whether or not I exist. I can only come up with one answere. There must be alot of guilty consciences on earth. Guess it's time for a meteor shower again. But wait, this time around the diasours will thrieve again. Well thats good, that will keep the few humans busy enough to not make up any B.S. about what thet should or should not be doing! Yep that its, people witht to much free time cause they won't get out and be productive must be the real problem. Maybe if a few of the new one get eaten up by the dinasours, the rest will not allow themselve to become complciant about doing something for the preservantion of the hunam race. Yep, we'll try that one this time around, People and dinasours at the same time. That will be a lot of fun to watch, thanks Shakes.

Evangelical Christians do not accept that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old and so therefore they reject the notion of the ages including the entire Mesozoic period which would include the Cretaceous and Jurassic. This means that according to their beliefs, dinosaurs would have either never existed and are a vast conspiracy perpetrated by our scientists, paleontologists and public school teachers, or else they think that these highly predatory carnivores existed alongside man much like Raquel Welch in the classic film, "1 Million Years BC"

martymark's photo
Sat 11/29/08 08:46 AM

GAWD, did someone call me, sorry I was busy trying to figure out why all these people are so worried about whether or not I exist. I can only come up with one answere. There must be alot of guilty consciences on earth. Guess it's time for a meteor shower again. But wait, this time around the diasours will thrieve again. Well thats good, that will keep the few humans busy enough to not make up any B.S. about what they should or should not be doing! Yep that its, people with to much free time cause they won't get out and be productive must be the real problem. Maybe if a few of the new ones get eaten up by the dinasours, the rest will not allow themselve to become complaciant about doing something for the preservantion of the hunam race. Yep, we'll try that one this time around, People and dinasours at the same time. That will be a lot of fun to watch. At lest that way they won't be trying to blame me for all the bad things that happen so they can scare others into paying for some kind of salvation when they get back here. Is there any way we can let them remember what is really going on up here. Yea, but that didn't do any good the first time. People just killed each other at the drop of a hat to get back up here where all the virgins are. Ya guess you're right, humans will always be in pursuit of sex first an formost. Is there any way we can just make them all real ugly so they won't do that. You mean uglier than they are now, wheesh, I doubt it. They already try to cover themselves up with a bunch of crap all the time. No that ain't just cause they're ugly, that so thet can charge for sex. Oh ya. it's hard to keep up with all there silly ass rules and why they have them, I forgot about that love of stuff/money thing. thanks Shakes.
This is probobly not real

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:28 PM

Did you ever read your Bible,
shake your head,
and think to yourself,
based on what I've been taught in church,
many of the things I read
just don't seem to fit or make sense?
lay aside conventional church teaching
and consider what you are about to read.

You will be amazed.

Based on the following,
all of a sudden,
everything you read in the Word of God
will become clear.
It fits!
It makes sense!

"SharpShooter" so do you mean that it has become crystal clear to you why you should stone adulterers and unruly children to death

I suppose there may be some type of morbid benefit in being able to induce oneself to commit pre-meditated murder

well, God demands the death penalty for murderers and adulterers, I have no problem with that, If we did that without fail, people would see and these things would cease to exist amongst us.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:29 PM

Or people just did not want to convert. You are right in that even today, the Jews still reject Jesus as Messiah. They are waiting on someone else. He did not meet their personal requirements for savior.

Normally I would agree with you but the original old testament bible said a messiah(Jesus)would come and save the world.It talked in great detail exactly what happened(and it did happen according to the old testament)So unless you want to pick and choose what you want to believe,God already talked about Jesus and more to the point that after Jesus died the only way to get to heaven was to believe in him.Jews have been known to be incredibly stubborn.There is more than a few verses where God scornes the Jews and their refusal for change.

A good topic to debate would be...do Jews go to heaven?

"Thomas" Jews probably reject Jesus because Christians have proclaim him as being God and God said do not worship any other God but him and the Jews stuck to doing that ...probably one of the reasons why they are "The Chosen Ones"
Jesus was God in the Flesh. leading by example, not asking us to do anything that he would not do himself. If you have seen the son, you have seen the Father is in the bible, call him emmanuel, meaning, God with us.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:32 PM

GAWD, did someone call me, sorry I was busy trying to figure out why all these people are so worried about whether or not I exist. I can only come up with one answere. There must be alot of guilty consciences on earth. Guess it's time for a meteor shower again. But wait, this time around the diasours will thrieve again. Well thats good, that will keep the few humans busy enough to not make up any B.S. about what thet should or should not be doing! Yep that its, people witht to much free time cause they won't get out and be productive must be the real problem. Maybe if a few of the new one get eaten up by the dinasours, the rest will not allow themselve to become complciant about doing something for the preservantion of the hunam race. Yep, we'll try that one this time around, People and dinasours at the same time. That will be a lot of fun to watch, thanks Shakes.

Evangelical Christians do not accept that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old and so therefore they reject the notion of the ages including the entire Mesozoic period which would include the Cretaceous and Jurassic. This means that according to their beliefs, dinosaurs would have either never existed and are a vast conspiracy perpetrated by our scientists, paleontologists and public school teachers, or else they think that these highly predatory carnivores existed alongside man much like Raquel Welch in the classic film, "1 Million Years BC"
I'm a Christian, and I believe the earth is far more that 6-10 thousand years old, it is very old. very, very old. There was an earth age before the creation of genesis of mankind on the sixth day and the man adam, eth ha adam after the seventh day of rest, then he formed eve from adams dna, remember, on the sixth day, God created mankind, male and female he had created them.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:34 PM

GAWD, did someone call me, sorry I was busy trying to figure out why all these people are so worried about whether or not I exist. I can only come up with one answere. There must be alot of guilty consciences on earth. Guess it's time for a meteor shower again. But wait, this time around the diasours will thrieve again. Well thats good, that will keep the few humans busy enough to not make up any B.S. about what thet should or should not be doing! Yep that its, people witht to much free time cause they won't get out and be productive must be the real problem. Maybe if a few of the new one get eaten up by the dinasours, the rest will not allow themselve to become complciant about doing something for the preservantion of the hunam race. Yep, we'll try that one this time around, People and dinasours at the same time. That will be a lot of fun to watch, thanks Shakes.

Evangelical Christians do not accept that the Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old and so therefore they reject the notion of the ages including the entire Mesozoic period which would include the Cretaceous and Jurassic. This means that according to their beliefs, dinosaurs would have either never existed and are a vast conspiracy perpetrated by our scientists, paleontologists and public school teachers, or else they think that these highly predatory carnivores existed alongside man much like Raquel Welch in the classic film, "1 Million Years BC"
Dinos are very real krimsa, those that don't think so are in the dark for lack of a better word. Not all Christians think the world is 6000 years plus old, Many know that is is lots older than that.

tribo's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:37 PM

Jews have been known to be incredibly stubborn

Stop it! rant

A good topic to debate would be...do Jews go to heaven?

No Jews dont even accept the invented premise of a heaven as far as I understand. But of course they are just being stubborn and insistent on having their own ways and centuries old beliefs. grumble They have an "Olam Ha-Ba" or Afterlife.

well lets look at this - suppsedly jesus, the apostles and thousands of jews who accepted him at petecost plus all the old testament beleivers were jews/Israelites - so if that is true then yes there would be jews/Israelites in heaven according to the book.

tribo's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:41 PM
Edited by tribo on Sat 11/29/08 07:35 PM

Dont forget he also tried to kill off his creation in the flood. That would lead me to believe that he created humans to be something for him to play with and once his toys were no longer fun, he chose to destroy them.

These religions are all very similar to the Greco/Roman pantheon as they originated in the Mediterranean. The only difference there is many God/Goddesses as opposed to a singular male deity.

"Krimsa" God probably got bored with the angels first and had a war and killed many of them and will need humans to replace those angels for the war God will have with Jesus ..because Jesus's philosophy of Love is in conflict with God promises of Hell and it has to result in another war in Heaven

what no angels were "killed" funch, they were cast out of heaven - get your facts straight at least - gheeesh!!

"Tribo" wasn't the fallen angels known as the Nephilim all killed in the great flood

yep that's my point "fallen angels" you were saying that they had warred in heaven not destroyed on earth by a flood. they weren't fallen till they battled in heaven not earth - and none were killed either times - angels are immortal they have no flesh to kill off, there spirits.that's a biblical fallacy!The offspring were the men of reknown, they were killed in the flood - not the fallen angels.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sat 11/29/08 08:32 PM

Dont forget he also tried to kill off his creation in the flood. That would lead me to believe that he created humans to be something for him to play with and once his toys were no longer fun, he chose to destroy them.

These religions are all very similar to the Greco/Roman pantheon as they originated in the Mediterranean. The only difference there is many God/Goddesses as opposed to a singular male deity.

"Krimsa" God probably got bored with the angels first and had a war and killed many of them and will need humans to replace those angels for the war God will have with Jesus ..because Jesus's philosophy of Love is in conflict with God promises of Hell and it has to result in another war in Heaven

what no angels were "killed" funch, they were cast out of heaven - get your facts straight at least - gheeesh!!

"Tribo" wasn't the fallen angels known as the Nephilim all killed in the great flood

yep that's my point "fallen angels" you were saying that they had warred in heaven not destroyed on earth by a flood. they weren't fallen till they battled in heaven not earth - and none were killed either times - angels are immortal they have no flesh to kill off, there spirits.that's a biblical fallacy!The offspring were the men of reknown, they were killed in the flood - not the fallen angels.
I think those "men of reknown" were where we get so many of our myths, mythology and such, other gods that men worshipped and stuff.

tribo's photo
Sat 11/29/08 08:52 PM
Edited by tribo on Sat 11/29/08 08:52 PM

Dont forget he also tried to kill off his creation in the flood. That would lead me to believe that he created humans to be something for him to play with and once his toys were no longer fun, he chose to destroy them.

These religions are all very similar to the Greco/Roman pantheon as they originated in the Mediterranean. The only difference there is many God/Goddesses as opposed to a singular male deity.

"Krimsa" God probably got bored with the angels first and had a war and killed many of them and will need humans to replace those angels for the war God will have with Jesus ..because Jesus's philosophy of Love is in conflict with God promises of Hell and it has to result in another war in Heaven

what no angels were "killed" funch, they were cast out of heaven - get your facts straight at least - gheeesh!!

"Tribo" wasn't the fallen angels known as the Nephilim all killed in the great flood

yep that's my point "fallen angels" you were saying that they had warred in heaven not destroyed on earth by a flood. they weren't fallen till they battled in heaven not earth - and none were killed either times - angels are immortal they have no flesh to kill off, there spirits.that's a biblical fallacy!The offspring were the men of renown, they were killed in the flood - not the fallen angels.
I think those "men of renown" were where we get so many of our myths, mythology and such, other gods that men worshipped and stuff.

could be Tom, can't say for sure, but as to giants I'd say this is true, and maybe some demi-gods like Hercules etc.

Maikuru's photo
Sun 11/30/08 12:57 AM
Edited by Maikuru on Sun 11/30/08 12:59 AM

I see what your saying now, sorry for the confusion. I have studied many religions and faiths. As a Taoist I personally believe in the concept of the transfiguration of the Tao/Wu-Chi into the ten thousand myriad things or everything in our universe as it were. The One creates two: Yin and Yang. The two created the greater and lesser four. The four produced the eight trigrams and the eight trigrams created the sixty four heaxgrams this continued on into the creation of the ten thousand myriad things-our universe. What is Tao? you might ask, I cannot in words define the Tao. You find it spoken of in every faith in some form or another. Semantics really. What you call God I go as far as to compare Tao with your christian ideologoical view that is called a god or holy spirit. For me all comes from this and will return to this. From nothing comes everything and in everything there is nothing. I not sure what version of the Bible your faith derives from but if you read in Genesis you will find that God before creation took counsel with God before creating all things. If i am not mistaken this counsel would indicate a conference with others with the self that was God. Father, Son and holy ghost or perhaps even the angels or more. I respect your views and as i see it my views and your views do not conflict. All is One and One is All. Everything is connected. I am you. You are I am. Creation in my view is a collective effort of the one source.

"Maikuru" the Tao still comes down to that basic question ..why would "The One" have a need to create the yin and the yang unless there were conflict within "The One"

Who says there actually had to be any kind of conflict? I think the fallacy in your arguement is that you assume there was a condition in which there was a conflict that required creation. Think about it, your stating that there was even a need, who ever said creation was nesscary, perhaps you need to consider the viewpoint of an artist. Why would he create a painting? Becuase of some personal conflict he was having? Of course not the reasons could be numerous but in the case of an artist he was simply inspired to paint something. Your problem is that you are assuming what can not be assumed unless you were there at the time of creation.

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:49 AM

Did you ever read your Bible,
shake your head,
and think to yourself,
based on what I've been taught in church,
many of the things I read
just don't seem to fit or make sense?
lay aside conventional church teaching
and consider what you are about to read.

You will be amazed.

Based on the following,
all of a sudden,
everything you read in the Word of God
will become clear.
It fits!
It makes sense!

"SharpShooter" so do you mean that it has become crystal clear to you why you should stone adulterers and unruly children to death

I suppose there may be some type of morbid benefit in being able to induce oneself to commit pre-meditated murder

well, God demands the death penalty for murderers and adulterers, I have no problem with that, If we did that without fail, people would see and these things would cease to exist amongst us.

"SharpShooter" the death penalty????..come on now don't try to sugar coat it ....if you agree that adulterers should be "stoned to death" then do you also agree that unruly children should also be "stoned to death"

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:55 AM

Jesus was God in the Flesh. leading by example, not asking us to do anything that he would not do himself. If you have seen the son, you have seen the Father is in the bible, call him emmanuel, meaning, God with us.

"SharpShooter" according to Christians Jesus is God in the flesh not according to the Jews ...to call jesus God is to lessen the God... for example ....can God create a rock so heavy that Jesus can't lift ...the answer is yes ...which means Jesus was no God...and shouldn't be worship as God

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 07:30 AM

Dont forget he also tried to kill off his creation in the flood. That would lead me to believe that he created humans to be something for him to play with and once his toys were no longer fun, he chose to destroy them.

These religions are all very similar to the Greco/Roman pantheon as they originated in the Mediterranean. The only difference there is many God/Goddesses as opposed to a singular male deity.

"Krimsa" God probably got bored with the angels first and had a war and killed many of them and will need humans to replace those angels for the war God will have with Jesus ..because Jesus's philosophy of Love is in conflict with God promises of Hell and it has to result in another war in Heaven

what no angels were "killed" funch, they were cast out of heaven - get your facts straight at least - gheeesh!!

"Tribo" wasn't the fallen angels known as the Nephilim all killed in the great flood

yep that's my point "fallen angels" you were saying that they had warred in heaven not destroyed on earth by a flood. they weren't fallen till they battled in heaven not earth - and none were killed either times - angels are immortal they have no flesh to kill off, there spirits.that's a biblical fallacy!The offspring were the men of reknown, they were killed in the flood - not the fallen angels.

"Tribo" everyone supposely have an immortal spirit... humans, angels Nephilm etc. ...humans and Nephilms were killed in the flesh ...so how do you kill an angel that has no flesh ...you "unmake" them ...and that is what God did to the fallen ones that he kicked out of Heaven

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 07:39 AM
Edited by funches on Sun 11/30/08 07:39 AM

Who says there actually had to be any kind of conflict? I think the fallacy in your arguement is that you assume there was a condition in which there was a conflict that required creation. Think about it, your stating that there was even a need, who ever said creation was nesscary, perhaps you need to consider the viewpoint of an artist. Why would he create a painting? Becuase of some personal conflict he was having? Of course not the reasons could be numerous but in the case of an artist he was simply inspired to paint something. Your problem is that you are assuming what can not be assumed unless you were there at the time of creation.

"Maikuru" aren't you assuming the same thing about the creation of the "Yen and the Yang" unless you are saying that you were present at the moment of creation ...also an artist creates because of a conflict they have within themselves or why would they have a "need" to ...besides an artist is controlled by "want" and "need" a God or "The One" supposely don't have such desires hence the topic of this thread

tribo's photo
Sun 11/30/08 07:44 AM

"Tribo" everyone supposely have an immortal spirit... humans, angels Nephilm etc. ...humans and Nephilms were killed in the flesh ...so how do you kill an angel that has no flesh ...you "unmake" them ...and that is what God did to the fallen ones that he kicked out of Heaven

show me where he "unmade" the fallen angels? it say's he cast them out of heaven, jesus said he saw satan fall from heaven - so wheres the "unmaking" your speaking of? Why is satan called the "god" of "this world"? if they could be "unmade" why didn't god do or say so? you can't detroy matter - god knows that - therefore the most he could do is was not allow them in his presence anymore. - thus the "expulsion".

The "nephelim" were the offspring of the fallen angels and humans - thet were flesh and blood, therefore killed in the flood supposedly. But not the angels themselves.

hunky62's photo
Sun 11/30/08 07:50 AM

why would a omnipotent omniscience omniscient omni-whatever entity lack in it's existence that it would have a need to create ...the addiction of "want" and "need" are for those that lack control over themselves or their environment ..so why would a God have the need to create ... .... this is one of those questions that when asked no believer seem to be able to answer it

It's simple...HE got tired of masturbating to internet PORN...LOL

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