Topic: why would a God have the "need" to create
Krimsa's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:33 AM

God created them

Thats a load. Human females give birth. Your mother "created" you spider. Give credit where it is rightfully due.

God is the first cause. If God hadn't created the universe and humans, then my mother wouldn't have existed to give birth to me. And my mother didn't create me, I was created though a complicated biological process designed by God.

On that other thread, we have debunked this theory and picked it to death. God is not the first cause because something had to generate the first cause. One first cause can not be exempt from this process. The bones have been picked clean.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:35 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 12/06/08 11:52 AM
double post

no photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:44 AM

It is impossible for a perfect being to be vain

Well explain why your god is vain, jealous, difficult, angry and resentful. All of these emotions are incompatible with a supposedly omniscient being. Yet entirely compatible with a bunch of agenda driven males. huh

God isn't vain, jealous, resentful or difficult (what?).


If I said "If humans are evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?", you wouldn't be able to contain yourself in correcting me. But you don't give it a second thought when Christians tell you over and over that you have misunderstood a scripture. You have argued that the original words shouldn't matter and we should only go by the English translation. Your attitude is of one who is afraid of the truth, one who is willfully ignorant to what the Bible really says. You have no reason to be afraid. Jesus said "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.".

But say you hear the truth of what the Bible says and you still reject it? Then I wish you well. But I think it's very telling that you so willfully avoid hearing the truth of what the Bible says. That you will so willingly ignore exegesis done by Christians but swallow whole any lie told by a known liar who has a burning hatred of Christianity. That shows an incredibly closed mind. Now I'm sure you will react in anger to this and that's fine. You will insult me and threaten to report me to the moderators. That is fine. You will probably bring up things that have happen or that you pretend have happened in the past and try to use those to discredit me and that also is fine. But I hope that you will think about why you are so completely closed minded when it comes to Christianity and the proper exegesis of Christian scriptures which has been accepted for hundreds or thousands of years by Christians, Jews and theologians.

no photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:46 AM

God created them

Thats a load. Human females give birth. Your mother "created" you spider. Give credit where it is rightfully due.

God is the first cause. If God hadn't created the universe and humans, then my mother wouldn't have existed to give birth to me. And my mother didn't create me, I was created though a complicated biological process designed by God.

God is not the first cause. We already picked that theory apart to death on another thread. You can not not have a "First Cause" without something creating a first cause. Why should one cause be exempt from this? Its been picked clean.

Then the universe doesn't exist. There is no credible scientist who doesn't believe in an infinitely old first cause. NONE. Many don't believe it was God, but some natural force, but you cannot deny the existence of a first cause.

So tell me, if there was no first cause, where did the universe come from? How does it exist, if there was nothing to cause the universe?

no photo
Sat 12/06/08 11:57 AM

according to Christians God is everything and everything is God and from God and that includes Humans keep getting Jesus mixed up with Yahweh

No, Christians don't believe that. You are confusing Pantheism with Christianity. They are two totally different religions.

"Spidercmb" ok...I'll agree with you God is not everything

no photo
Sat 12/06/08 12:04 PM

according to Christians God is everything and everything is God and from God and that includes Humans keep getting Jesus mixed up with Yahweh

No, Christians don't believe that. You are confusing Pantheism with Christianity. They are two totally different religions.

"Spidercmb" ok...I'll agree with you God is not everything

Okay, I'm glad we can agree on that. Now when you can agree with me that God exists and is perfect, then we will be getting somewhere.

no photo
Sat 12/06/08 12:13 PM
Edited by funches on Sat 12/06/08 12:14 PM

according to Christians God is everything and everything is God and from God and that includes Humans keep getting Jesus mixed up with Yahweh

No, Christians don't believe that. You are confusing Pantheism with Christianity. They are two totally different religions.

"Spidercmb" ok...I'll agree with you God is not everything

Okay, I'm glad we can agree on that. Now when you can agree with me that God exists and is perfect, then we will be getting somewhere.

"Spidercmb"....I never once denied that God didn't exist but he's clearly not perfect ..he makes mistakes all the time ..even God admitted he was sorry for creating Man ..since Gods don't make mistakes then God is not a God

Krimsa's photo
Sat 12/06/08 12:28 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 12/06/08 12:31 PM
Spider stop bringing up the past. I told you I am over that crap and I am willing to let it go if you are. If you keep bringing it up, you risk angering me all over again so cool it. I am telling you this one time.

Everything I discuss on these forums is taken directly from scripture. No Im not listening to a bunch of extended exegesis that is generally not even topic related and is copied an pasted on forum.

If you wish to explain some of this, do it in your own words and speak directly to the scripture.

Joshua 6

6:18 And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.

6:19 But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD.

Keep yourselves from "the accursed thing". Whatever that is. And be sure to save all the silver and gold for God!

no photo
Sat 12/06/08 01:09 PM

Spider stop bringing up the past. I told you I am over that crap and I am willing to let it go if you are. If you keep bringing it up, you risk angering me all over again so cool it. I am telling you this one time.

"Spidercmb" you going make "Krimsa" turn green grow muscles and turn into the Hulk ......

don't make her angry won't like it if she gets angry

Krimsa's photo
Sat 12/06/08 01:14 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 12/06/08 01:16 PM
Well honestly I couldn't even turn into Bill Bixby. blushing bigsmile

no photo
Sat 12/06/08 01:20 PM
6:19 But all the silver, and gold, and vessels of brass and iron, are consecrated unto the LORD: they shall come into the treasury of the LORD.

wow the lord has a treasury? think he will help bail out The Big Three Automakers or kick us down with a couple of Trillions to balance the budget

I mean what does God "need" money for anyway he like use it to bribe people to come to Heaven or give money to the Vatican to help settle those sex-abuse cases

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:50 AM

Then the universe doesn't exist. There is no credible scientist who doesn't believe in an infinitely old first cause. NONE. Many don't believe it was God, but some natural force, but you cannot deny the existence of a first cause.

So tell me, if there was no first cause, where did the universe come from? How does it exist, if there was nothing to cause the universe?

"Spidercmb" ..the religious and the big bang theorist never ponder "first cause" of where the Universe came from beyond that of God or The One Singularity

there are many theories where the Universe could have came from ..the elements that formed the Universe may have came through a black hole or worm hole from another Universe

as you walk travel through-out life everything you do eat or walk you destroy millions of microscopic Universes where you yourself exist as God ...the same could be said about This Universe may exist as a speck of unnotice dust among millions of other unnotice Universes

martymark's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:45 AM
funches, hmm, I had this long winded thing all about creation vs. other ideas all ready for ya to examine. now it's gone. Guess I need a faster computer. I mean this one is just so old and boring that I am just getting bored with the same old thing over and over again. So since I need a new one to have more fun interacting with the people here in my little world of internet bliss on mingle2, I guess I will get one, or just build another one. I'll let ya know when I get a new one, maybe I will be able to keep my thoughts about me long enough to speak them into being on the www! later man, have a good daybigsmile

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:50 AM
huh offtopic

martymark's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:52 AM

huh offtopic
well, get back on topic then!smokin

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:20 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 12/07/08 08:21 AM
Its funches deal. Im not all that involved with it anymore. Its lost interest for me in the time being at least.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:40 PM

Oh darlin' Funches God doesn't make sense to you still? surprised slaphead frustrated sad
You always are thinking too much negative stuff...

I am glad I was created most of the time aren't you?
I'm glad you're here too!
You are very entertaining!


Thinking of U...



ah my little Georgian peach cobbler ..too negative? ...but as they say.. 2 negative makes 1 positive

You gorgeous silly man!


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:42 PM

huh offtopic
well, get back on topic then!smokin

Kiss me you fool!

no photo
Tue 12/09/08 10:10 AM

funches, hmm, I had this long winded thing all about creation vs. other ideas all ready for ya to examine. now it's gone. Guess I need a faster computer.

"MartyMark" mean the one about how everything had to have had a creator and just couldn't have popped out of nothingness

but yet you would find yourself at odds how to explained rationally how that same theory doesn't apply to God

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/09/08 10:14 AM
It would appear that he deactivated. His brain must have imploded from all of your questions, funch.