Topic: Minuteman Project and Jim Gilchrist | |
I stay on top of what is happening with this group as there were some
real internal battles going on. It appears the people that "hijacked" Jim's MMP website and took over the bank accounts are probably going to jail and Jim is still in the drivers seat. Whew! It has been interesting and scary, at the same time. In case you don't know, the MMP (minuteman project) is the organized group of civilian volunteers (vigilanties?) who are protecting the US/Mexico borders from illegal boundry crossings in several states. For more information go to Jim's site at: The Minuteman Project site is being rebuilt now with a notice up to viewers at If you have not been seeing this guy around he has shown up on a lot of news programs including Bill O'reilly. I signed up some time ago to get the newsletters to stay on top of the developments. Please read a few of the articles at Jim's site listed above. What are your views (OHpinions) on this group of folks? Do you think they are helping? Or are they a bunch of rednecks getting kicks out of this? |
I guess I should have made a different title.
This is about illegal aliens crossing the US/Mexico border and the US citizens keeping watch to prevent that happening. Verb ![]() |
The Mexican Border is totally out of control. Not only are Illegal
Aliens coming across in droves, God knows what else is coming into this country including drugs and possibly terrorists. Now I see where a group in the U.S. has received over a million dollars from the U.S. Government and is teaching Illegal Aliens how to avoid deportation. All of this has to stop. I am not against immigration but I am against anyone who enters this country illegally no matter what their intentions are. The Minutemen proved that by being on the border and merely reporting the illegals they saw they cut down on illegal immigration in the areas they patrolled. |
Well bigsis you watched me get slammed at that other place when i spoke
up about illegal mexicans. I was accused of racism and also a member of the KKK because of the location of the USA i live in. My feelings on this stand. If you want to come to america then for gods sakes come on! but be sure to do it legally. The minute they hit the border and cross over to america they are KNOWINGLY commiting a crime. Billions are being spent on border patrol. Our streets are flooded with drugs, gang violence, property values depriciate and vandalism is rampant. Jobs are stolen and our welfare system is going broke supporting the illegals. Our schools are overcrowded, our citizens who ARE LEGAL americans are being literally raped financially with our taxes going up constantly. Here in TN an illegal mexican can go to DMV and obtain a LEGAL drivers license. ![]() ACCOUNTS. Lets just validate criminals and thats OK??! Out of the few illegals caught and detained are run thru the computers and 25 or MORE out of 100 are VIOLENT CRIMINALS. Rapists, MURDERERS, DRUG dealers, and its our tax dollars shipping them BACK over the border only to have these scumbags hop the border within hours. The local national guard here in my area was called to duty where? the border patrol and the illegals crossing here in america. What can we do? HOPE FOR MORE citizens like the minutemen. My honest to god feelings on tending to the borders is to shoot to kill. No questions, no warnings, just shoot them. Isnt that what the mexican authoritys would do to US if we crossed their borders ILLEGALLY? you betcha they would and do. The most violent street gang has just hit my area. The M13s. We have our own war raging here in america and its called ILLEGAL MEXICANS. I dont mean to offend any members here at jsh. These are my honest to god feelings on this. Its time to put a stop to illegal mexicans crossing over tearing up our country and destroying our lives. ![]() |
Wow! Illegal ALIENS, (not limited to those of Mexican nationality), do
pose some notable difficulties to the American stability and way. However, I know several who simply wanted a better life for their children. They have acclimated extremely well and are quite appreciative for the opportunity to send their children to school, have enough to eat and enjoy indoor plumbing. I know what the pros and cons are. It's not all good, but it is not all bad. Shoot to kill?? Really?? WOW!! |
Let them fight for it in their own country, Lily, or apply for legal
immigration status. Did you know many of the Minute men are from this group of legal immigants? People who came an obtained their citizenship the proper way, and now feel cheated by the idea of someone sneaking over. |
The Bush's want to give amnesty to these illegals. His daddy made over
800,000 instant Americans once, and now his son wants to allow more to become Shake-n-Bake Americans.(sounds cheap, aye?) Im with GF, and say bull****........enough is enough, if we are going to allow this to continue, why not just invade, and annex the whole damn country of Mexico? (Not......)but at least then the whole country can feel what we in the South feel...Hell we could make 5 or 6 new States, they have oilfields, and we could allow all the industries to move there and still collect taxes from them.( could this be why there is no support for this idea from our leaders?) We could collect taxes from every Mexican in Mexico too. Surely, since they are such good, wholesome American minded, and quality citizen's, they wouldnt mind. (irony) LOL |
Fanta, I feel as you do in many respects, but I totally understand Lily
too. I don't pretend to understand the 'legal' aspects,the how's and when's or even if there is a limit to who we allow to become "legal aliens" or for how long they can remain until we decide, or they decide, to become nationalized. To allow only those in who have something to offer our society, like some kind of technology degree, or other valued field of study, is rediculous. But by the same token, the flip side, I agree 100% that fighting within your own country for what's right and fair is the best thing. If the fight is a worthy one, there will be those, like Americans who would help in that battle, as the British, French, Canadians and others have assisted us in past internal struggles or as aly's in external ones. I have had many friends consider moving to Canada and applying for citizenship, for only one reason - no,two reasons. One being out of fear for their safety and the other being their regretful opinion or lazy attitude that they do not want to stay here and fight for the rights that would make this country more equitable. But just like those Jews that had the forsight to remove themselves from their native Germany before harm could get to them, I can only wish my friends well and hope they will never regret their decision. We can not haphazardly kill poeple for wanting a better life. I don't know what the answer is. Patrols are good but only if done within the legal system. IN THE END if we expect others to fight within their own country for what they want, then we have to be prepared to fight within our to make our local, state and federal governments do what we want. |
First of all I didnt say anything about who is let in or not, but there
does have to be a limit to how, and when they become American citizens. You cant allow everyone to come here. Second, We are not Nazi Germany, and are not talking about genocide.( comparisons dont fit) I am talking about politicians who take an oath to uphold the laws of this country, and the constitution, who first ignore the laws, for whatever reason. They should be charged with a crime. (they would a soldier who also takes a similar oath, and then violates it.) Second, the same politicians, using the authority of the highest courts in the country, continue to strike down and block, States, when they tackle the problems of illegal immigration on their own, and then contradict theirself by saying the states dont have the authority, because immigration is the authority of the federal gov., and states are acting outside their jurisdictions. |
The bill, to make new immigration legislation, Is nothing more than a
stall tactic. What good will new laws do when they wont enforce the current laws. It will take ten years before this happens in congrees, they think. By then they can grant more amnesties, increasing the pop of latino's, making us a minority and increase the vote for more leaniant legeslation. |
Did you know, that we did once conquer Mexico. We went from the coast of
Nicgarugua to Mex City, in 12 days. The American Generals reported that it would take to many Americans to defend against foreign invasion, because the Mexican population seemed not willing to defend the country for theirself. Step forward to the second world war. Have you ever heard of Mexican troops involved in any battle against Nazi Germany, or Japan? The greatest threat to freedom in the world, and they are no where. Wait, I did here of them letting the Nazi's scout their shores along the gulf coast searching for siuitable U-boat bases. The Germans could not locate a suitable place, is the only reason this didnt happen. Other than that, I have not been able to find any Mexican gov. involvement in WWII. |
The current situation in Iraq, The US said if an illegal immigrant would
voulunteer and serve 4 yrs, then they, and their family would become instant US citizens. I thought this was fair, but do they flock to the recruitment Stations? NO, you would think with 11 million of them taking advantage of this country to benefit their lifes. they would be lined up around the block. I heard last week that the military was lowering their enlistment standards so they could meet their recrutement goals. Oh well, I quess yall are right, we should give them free citizenship. They will make fine american citizens... |
Wow, some great comments. I agree that Bank of America and any states
that give out drivers licenses to illegal aliens should be fined or SOMETHING for every infrigement. It is impossible at this stage of the game to put a real number on the amount of illegal aliens in this country as the INS is so underfunded, understaffed, and since it is a gov agency, inadequate at it's job. Now, so far, as everyone knows, I am a flag waver of the highest and vocalist sort (big mouth) about this type of thing. Everyone is welcome, if they do it by legal means and PAY TAXES like the rest of us do. Let's get back to the minuteman project though. Did any of you go look at Gilchrist's site and see what has been happening??? Let's try to comment on that now... OK? Thanks to everyone for your comments - you are a great bunch of folks... Verb ![]() |
Thats exactly what i said Lily. Shoot to kill. You can shugar coat the
conduct of crossing our borders illegally by saying "people want a better life for their children"..gee!! SO DO I. Its a shame mine is losing valuable benefits he should be entitled to but wont get thanks to these ILLEGALS. When an illegal alien crosses over into america they KNOWINGLY are commiting a crime. Sorry but honestly I am SICK of seeing our economy and COUNTRY DESTROYED thanks to this crap. |
god bless ya fanta!!!
![]() good ol george dubbya has a grandchild who is mexican. There ya go. |
Go look there.... |
WOW! now whats happening with his site being hijacked along with all the
damages he has endured my thoughts turn to pooooor ol bill gates and our government with MICROSOFT. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The USCIS (old INS) released this doc on April 5th which states that
133,000 H1-B petitions were received by that date. Read it here: and then of course, the USCIS site is here: and the first link listed is the statement about the number of legal applications. So of 150,000 expected apps - 135,000 were received. They do state that there could possibly be more than one app in an envelope so the numbers are not set in stone. But it is interesting that employers do this for many of the educated illegals. So out of the millions of illegals this many applied to become LEGAL. Off subject again on my own thread... sheesh. |
"It's the Economy Stupid!!!"
That old electoral campaign rallying cry of a certain cigar smoking Ex. That could very well be the cruncher with the inmmigration issue too!!! Immigration is among the most controversial political issues in the United States. Savior of the U.S. economy for some, others view it as both a social and economic burden. According to the Department of Labor, at least half of the nearly 2,000,000 crop workers in the United States are illegal aliens. The cheap labor they provide is crucial to the $30-billion U.S. farm industry. Overall, there are an estimated 10,000,000 illegal aliens in the United States. Dan Griswold, director of the Center for Trade Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, a research organization in Washington that advocates free market policies, says these workers take jobs few native-born Americans are willing to take. In addition to picking lettuce in the hot sun, they scrubb floors or toilets in a discount store in the middle of the night, gardening, construction, cleaning homes, that sort of work," When the ECONOMIC PUSH meets with the SOCIAL 'UNEASE' AND 'DISCOMFORT' SHOVE, Labor economists say the flow of immigrants provides the U.S. economy: ... with a more flexible labor force that keeps industries growing while delivering lower prices to American consumers. The importance of immigrant labor to the U.S. economy, reported to amount to some 10B$ a yearm, was underlined earlier this year when President Bush used his State of the Union address to outline a guest-worker program that would grant temporary work permits to laborers already here. It's decidedly moving towards liberating immigrants entry, not limiting it!!! Making 'illegals' LEGALS, vs the unspeakably IRRESPONSIBLE 'shoot and kill' vomit. However unfair, or undemocratic, this an issue that is controlled by the Almighty Economic God. And government, especially the US, always sways unconditionnally on the Economic God side! So maybe the US constitution says "WE THE PEOPLE", but the God of Economy, through its White House Servants reply : " ... WE'll see!!!" |
I was listening to the radio the other day about how the MMP are putting
guards on the Canadian border. Because now they're flying mexicans into Canada. It's easier that way then they cross down from there. Well that is how the 9-11 terrorist got in here. If the Canadians would increase their security that might help us. |