Topic: Minuteman Project and Jim Gilchrist | |
Oh Yea,, The minutemen are a fine example of their patriotic brothers of
yesterday. They are as fine American specimen's, as exist anywhere, including the boys in Afganistan, and Iraq. They are only doing what the Federal Government wont, and that is an American. (By God)!! They have my support, thats a fact!!! |
I would never in a million years say let's "go back" but I do remember
when national news & global news was a radio broadcast that caught the attention of people (the masses in general) for 10 to 30 minutes a day or a WEEK. It was news, no more. People were left to form their own opinions, do what they could to help the cause (victory gardens and such during WWII) and go on with their lives. People of different sects (religions/races) came together to make a better community - the one in which they lived. Communites took care of their own problems with town meetings, organizations and they cleaned things us up with husbands of garden club ladies who complained about trash in the gutters downtown and the citizens DID something about those things. They cleaned it up or they found the funds in the town's budget to hire someone to do it. OR they donated their time to do it. Shop keepers took responsiblility for the sidewalks outside their stores to keep things nice and run off the deliquents or called the cops when even a scuffle began. The old days. The people (public) took responsibility for any problems that arose. They had a voice and they used it, putting aside petty (mostly) differences to make a real difference in their own towns. NOW - we have national/global news blasted out of the TV and on the internet 24/7 in multiple streams that are ALL ABOUT opinion and not facts. "Here is my take on it" is not news, just entertainment (if you can even call it that). Our children have grown up not knowing or realizing what "community" means. It does not mean jump on some bandwagon to get a top US official canned or impeached. Will that truly make a difference in anyone's day to day life? The communities that stretch along the US/Mexico border are the first communities hit hard by immigration. But of course that problem has spread to the entire US and into Canada too. IF more communities would have NOT looked the other way stating that it is "someone else's responsibility" (the fed's) we would not have this problem today. Leaving things the way they are by passing the buck up the ladder has led to a situation that is already way out of hand and has been growing for generations. Take a few steps BACK (not in time) as of TODAY and see what one man, who organized a few citizens in a few towns is doing about COMMUNITIES coming together to protect and defend their ways of life. Of course there will be incidents. There are always incidents. Do those incidents need to be broadcast to the entire world? When that happens, outsiders get waaaayy too much say in what happens to those people. It should be a local matter, not a national one. It is not up to you or me to say "this guy did wrong" in a particular incident. It is up to folks in those communities to take these issues in hand and make the decisions that are right for them. The fact that it becomes national/global news muddies the waters and brings in opinions that actually, at the end of the day, do not count for squat. If we lived in one of those towns we would feel differently. It leaves our young people wringing their hands, turning their heads fifty different ways wondering who is right and what stance to take on a subject (not this one in particular) that does not even begin to touch their lives. Community is where action should be taken. Unfortunately no one seems to know what "community" means anymore. (Did I say that already?) In my most humble OHpinion, I think those folks are doing the right thing for their communities and ultimately for the country. Perhaps the "powers that be" will take the hint. And yes, I know all about the corporations, groups and all that, but putting that into perspective, I would rather see my country be a safer place to live and that includes my own community. |
Very well said Verb
Compelling message on COMMUNITY!
Food for thought verbatimeb. |
Here is what is happening to community Action!
Laws Against Illegal Immigrants Published: 1/20/07, 2:25 PM EDT By The Associated Press (AP) - A glance at how some local laws targeting illegal immigrants have fared in places where they are being fought in court: _Hazleton, Pa.: Federal judge blocked enforcement pending March trial. _Valley Park, Mo.: State judge blocked enforcement pending March trial. _Farmers Branch, Texas: State judge blocked enforcement. City Council to vote on repeal; might place revised measure before voters. _Escondido, Calif.: Federal judge blocked enforcement. City Council killed ordinance but might craft replacement. _Riverside, N.J.: Lawsuits filed in state court. Township has yet to enforce ordinance. _Cherokee County, Ga.: Federal lawsuit filed. County agreed to delay enforcement. Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may |
God Bless The Minutemen!!!!
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actually there are two daniel. this one and very relevant.
MONEY (the economics) DRIVES EVERYTHING!!!
The money equation could start explaining the whys of illegal immigration into the US, helping to direct our actions to the cause (WA), vs the symptom ('Illegals') of the problem. It might be as simple as this: Add: Widespread abject poverty and starvation in Mexico after US corporations relocated their cheap-labor plants from the US-Mexico border to Asia, plunging millions of low-wage earning Mexicans into poverty (living near teh border because the pants were there). Add: An extremely porous, under-enforced US-Mexico border. Which WA has no intention of enforcing! Add: LOW-wage pressures on the 'commodity' segment of your US GNP, and US employers anxious to keep their commodity farms or manufacturing business 'open', for more profits, and willing to exploit the poverty and fears of illegal immigrants to do so, with the full collaboration of your government. Add: The federal government anxious to curry favor with , and garner votes from, business owners and the Hispanic community...thus, willing to under-enforce borders and immigrations laws, and ignore illegal hiring by employers. Add: In the late '80's, your SSA had tagged at 189billion$, the correllation between 'illegals' (contribute but never collect), and employers SSA contributions. Today, SSA has become dependent on taking in $7 billion annually of contributions from illegal immigrant workers who will never receive benefits from the system. EQUALS: Millions of illegal immigrants working for low wages and in poor working conditions, grateful for "scraps to fall from the US table of prosperity," per Dr. Groody. EQUALS: Wealthier US businesses, and a much-richer Social Security Administration, neither which reimburse local and state authorities and taxpayers for the costs (education, health care, law enforcement and more) associated with illegal immigrants. EQUALS: And a very angry US citizenry, who vilify immigrants for being here, rather than blaming the business owners who hire and exploit them, the US government which lets them enter the US and profits greatly from them, and the Mexican government which is happy to see them immigrate out of their country. "Our nation virtually posts two sign on its southern border: 'Help Wanted: Inquire Within' and 'Do Not Trespass," says Pastor Robin Hoover of Humane Borders. "Without the help of immigrant labor, the US economy would virtually collapse. We want and need cheap immigrant labor; in order for it to be that cheap it must be 'illegal', but we do not want the immigrants." |
Voile. I have to agree with Mysteriousman here. Your last post deals
with the economics of the illegals not with the topic of the post which is the MMP. |
MMP, has the popular support, but like the popular support it garners, it's dealing IMO with the symptom (illegals) and not the cause (WA & the Economy)! I have plentifully questionned MMP's effectiveness and counter-effectiveness earlier in this post, and suggested to AIM the energy in a different direction, and have been arguing for that different direction! (we're on page 6 'karma') P.S.: Who is that Mysteriousman you referring to? Never heard of him!!! |
He's the guy who's been responding to you earlier. He had a pic up from
the movie 'Apocalypse Now' |
Also well aware of page number. I spent some time discussing subject as
well. |
Here were the questions asked by the post owner:
"...What are your views (Opinions) on this group of folks?" Commented volumes on that "... Do you think they are helping?" Commented on that! NOT HELPING! Aimed at wrong target! and went on to argue for the right target IMO! "...Or are they a bunch of rednecks getting kicks out of this?" Commented on that! If you still believe I'm 'off' topic, explain please! Otherwise, I would appreciate to hear what your opinion, or thoughts are on the thread! |
Voil, Do you renounce the mysteriousMAN?
Dont quit review these two bills up for adoption. Call your Senators and
represenetives. Tell them which one you favor. White House plan • Allows illegal immigrants who pass background checks to get three-year "Z-visas" and continue working after paying $3,500 in fines and $3,500 for each renewal. • Allows illegal immigrants who obtain Z-visas a chance to become legal permanent residents and eligible for citizenship after paying up to $10,000 in additional penalties. • Bars holders of Z-visas and temporary workers from bringing families to the United States. • Allows a new temporary guest worker program and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants only after certain "triggers" are met, including 570 miles of fences and vehicle barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border. Senate 2006 bill • Allowed illegal immigrants who have been in the country five years or more to remain, continue working and eventually become legal permanent residents and citizens after paying at least $3,250 in fines and fees, plus back taxes. They also must learn English. • Required illegal immigrants in the U.S. between two and five years to go to a point of entry at the border and file an application to return. • Required those in the country less than two years to leave. • Created a new temporary guest worker program. • Authorized 870 miles of new fences and vehicle barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border. Source: Associated Press • Print this But the clock is ticking on attempts to compromise |
Lets make them compromise.......
Dont allow another year or ten go by, Call now... We can win... |
I like the white house plan. Please dont throw stones...LOL
Heres a link to the article, A pep talk for my friends who aggree
something needs to be done. BRB, I have to call Heath Shuler... |
Read them both, four times to be sure, and I prefer the White House
Plan. |
Here is what is happening to community Action!
Laws Against Illegal Immigrants Published: 1/20/07, 2:25 PM EDT By The Associated Press (AP) - A glance at how some local laws targeting illegal immigrants have fared in places where they are being fought in court: _Hazleton, Pa.: Federal judge blocked enforcement pending March trial. _Valley Park, Mo.: State judge blocked enforcement pending March trial. _Farmers Branch, Texas: State judge blocked enforcement. City Council to vote on repeal; might place revised measure before voters. _Escondido, Calif.: Federal judge blocked enforcement. City Council killed ordinance but might craft replacement. _Riverside, N.J.: Lawsuits filed in state court. Township has yet to enforce ordinance. _Cherokee County, Ga.: Federal lawsuit filed. County agreed to delay enforcement. Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may |