Topic: Minuteman Project and Jim Gilchrist | |
'mysteriousMAN' :
It's obvious you haven't had a chance to READ my post, just above yours. If you had, I'm certain you would have understood the point that more and more Americans are getting, about the exact nature of the deadlock in the US illegal immigration issue. If you had read my post, you might have gotten from it that your governement has no intention of doing anything to stop illegal immigration, on the contrary, they working on opening it up!!! If you had read my post, I'm sure you would have refrained from making these unfortunate, unfounded and illguided 'shoot form the hip at anything comments', which just make noise, and don't ever land anywhere. YOUR BORDERS ARE UNCONTROLLED, AND YOUR GOVERNMENT REFUSES TO CONTROL THEM. You would want us to believe as you seem to, that your nation, the most powerful nation in the world, CANNOT HANDLE the illegal entry of a few Mexicans into your contry?!?!?! It's certainly NOT because it CAN'T!!! But it absolutely is because it WON'T!!! But again, I forgive you for the unfounded 'hip shooting noise' and insults. You most likely hadn't had time to read my post. If you had, you would have understood the point, I'm sure!!! ... and would have turned your metaphorical 'guns' on your own governement, instead of the so accomodating canadian scapegoat you turn to so often. Load'em up 'mysteriousMAN'!!! ... but AIM at the right target next time!!! |
Voil shug...this goes waaaaay further than just the economy here in the
USA and that CRAP spewed about how illegal mexicans do the work the lazy gringos wont. BULLCRAP. You ask any american about the illegals that have invaded our towns. Let me say in my lil town the MS13's have decided to start their GANG BANGING GARBAGE. Our streets are destroyed, our kids are being murdered for a street corner and not getting access to cross the street. DRUGS are rampant and i am talking this wasnt happening 10yrs ago when i moved here. Not many mexicans/illegals found. NOW ITS NOTHING BUT. Property taxes have SOARED, property vandalized on an hourly basis, car jackings, murder, rapes, the list of violent crimes is thru the roof. Now our welfare system is being bankrupt by the illegals here and for one american i am SICK OF IT. RECENTLY not far from my front door a "tyson chicken" factory was raided. 5 and 6 YEAR OLD CHILDREN...ILLEGAL MEXICAN CHILDREN were found WORKING in this plant right along side their PARENTS. FINALLY they are beginning to enforce the laws but i feel its not enough and too late for alot of the damage being done hourly here. They are now invading canada. It will be interesting to hear your thoughts on this same subject 10yrs from now when they have invaded and start to destroy your government. Just my honest to god OHHHPINION. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Voil please go to the A&E website and check out the recent documentary
on BORDER PATROL IN AMERICA. America continues to go BROKE trying to keep the border patrol agents going. Its become a real epidemic. I am not pointing fingers about canada vs the usa but PLEASE! your information is waaaaaay off on this one voil! ![]() |
If there is a "true" war on terror, then why are our borders open?
After all, if you buy this governments story about 911, 19 guys with box-cutters completly kicked our asses. they kicked 1 Norad 2 Airforce 3 Dept. of Defense 4 The president's circle 5 The stock market (shorts were done on the airlines) 6 The CIA 7 The FBI 8 Americans, those that were killed 9 The media, they have no clue 10 The American people as a whole then they surly can row a boat, cross the open borders and do more damage, no? open your brain and think. JUST WHY ARE THE BORDERS LEFT OPEN? |
voil, I read your post. I guess just because you put it up makes it so.
I notice you didn't say I was wrong, so I must be right about your country lax security. By the way we put the Army National Guard there. As far as aiming at the right target this thread is about the Minuteman Project, which is what I posted Not what you posted. Get your sh@t right. |
Here's a question Mysteriousman. What happens when one of these good
citizens kills someone? They are not duly appointed officers of the law. |
Her's one for you. WHO SAID THEY"RE SHOOTING AT ANYONE? My post is about
the MMP guarding the border, NOT SHOOTING ANYONE. |
Also the MMP are UNARMED. Get your info straight.
Did I say 'shoot' at any time? I looked back and what I said was kill.
Guns don't kill people do. People don't need a gun to kill. |
Just because you Canadians have a LAX security system there don't try to
throw this back on me. You deal with it. Now what going back to your SILLY post is the MMP are NOT ARMED, and they are there to report not stop. The presence of a group of people make them move on or stop. |
I am not throwing anything back on you. However I will agree with Voile
that you seem to harbor a strong resentment towards Canada. |
the borders are a joke, and the joke is on you and innocent others that
get victimized by illegals with their drugs, vandailizm, driving without a license, DUIs, and destroying anything that resembels Amerika. Its by design. It is, after all, a war on TERROR. and hundreds of thousands of people have died for $$$ and the tax payers pay for the ELITE to carry out make belive wars. and you buy it, hook, line and sinker. Did you know that Colt and other gun manufactures of guns made and produced guns for both us and our enemies in WW2? the joke is on the tax payer and the true criminals are our governments. |
Maybe if Canadians would Tighten up your Security then terrorist will
have a harder time comming in. Besides I was just saying what I heard on the radio. What if I don't agree on what a canadian has to say then I have a problem. GROW UP. |
lick the boots as you see fit, most do.
the real terrorists is this government that lies to us and uses young
people to fight wars, and denies treatment to them once they come home.... go put another "support the troops" sticker on your care and remember what the evil infamous Kissinger said. He said that soldiers were nothing but worms, to be used.... Bush wanted him to head the 911 commission, and he was a hero, right? dude. turn your TV off and use your head. |
Gee remember Agent Orange?
How about Depleted Urainium in Iraq? its all for killing. the drug war the war on communism the war on poverty the war on facism the war on terrorism a boogie man around every corner, while this government lies and keeps the borders open. gee, my 13 year old step daughter figures it out. |
Our Leaders are PUPPETS
go to or or just use your head |