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Topic: Palin vs. Biden
Tromette's photo
Sun 10/05/08 06:47 PM

All I know is I hope Tina Fey does another skit tonight,you betcha!!

Thanks for reminding me.bigsmile

your welcome from josephine six pack!!:banana:

Did you notice that Tina Fey didn't even have to change much of anything that Palin said at the debate to make it hilarious? Palin is a moron, and someone should introduce her to the letter "g."

Redshirt's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:16 PM
Evening Tromette... was wondering where you had been.

me2g's photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:48 AM

All I know is I hope Tina Fey does another skit tonight,you betcha!!

Thanks for reminding me.bigsmile

your welcome from josephine six pack!!:banana:

Did you notice that Tina Fey didn't even have to change much of anything that Palin said at the debate to make it hilarious? Palin is a moron, and someone should introduce her to the letter "g."

I thought the best part was the look on Queen Latifa's face after the Fey responsesohwell noway slaphead offtopic frustrated hilarious!!

Winx's photo
Mon 10/06/08 09:05 AM


putting a political sign on the front lawn is no different.

It is pushing ones' personal views on ones neighbors.

it may offend half of them.

Chances are, that is the case, seeing that half of the country appears to disagree with Obama.

But then, the messenger IS the message, in both cases.

You can't have it both ways and be credible.


It does NOT offend my neighbors. My neighborhood is full of Obama signs.

Half the country disagrees with him? He's ahead in the polls.:wink:

If I had a McCain sign, I would be insulting my neighbors.

Also some of your friends. :tongue: Then again would defend your right to speak your mind. bigsmile

My friends know that I always speak my mind.laugh

My friends have been known to occasionally push me off my soap box (when they dare) laugh

laugh drinker

Winx's photo
Mon 10/06/08 09:07 AM

All I know is I hope Tina Fey does another skit tonight,you betcha!!

Thanks for reminding me.bigsmile

your welcome from josephine six pack!!:banana:

Did you notice that Tina Fey didn't even have to change much of anything that Palin said at the debate to make it hilarious? Palin is a moron, and someone should introduce her to the letter "g."

I thought the best part was the look on Queen Latifa's face after the Fey responsesohwell noway slaphead offtopic frustrated hilarious!!

She sure mimicked exactly what I was feeling.laugh

Tue 10/07/08 03:37 PM
I'm dirty, mean and mighty unclean
I'm a wanted man
Public enemy number one
So lock up your daughter
Lock up your wife
Lock up your back door
And run for your life
The man is back in town
So don't you mess me 'round

'Cause I'm T.N.T. I'm dynamite
(T.N.T.) and I'll win the fight
(T.N.T.) I'm a power load
(T.N.T.) watch me explode

t22learner's photo
Tue 10/07/08 04:34 PM
Bon Scott is rolling in his freakin' grave.

Tue 10/07/08 05:07 PM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Tue 10/07/08 05:08 PM


Winx's photo
Tue 10/07/08 05:56 PM

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 10/07/08 06:00 PM

Maybe because McCain is 72 and has had recurring cancer.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

That sure is funny.

I hear Osama…I mean Obama has recurring Militant Muslim disease. .

Now thats Funny!!!!!!!!!!!

thing is one of the above is true, the other is not.
so... oops

Prove that it's not true...you can’t because it is true.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing is he.

Osoma ...Obama

It’s all perception you see???

To help quell the myth of Obama's Muslimism (yes I think I made up that word but you get the point), and I will also state that I'm undecided but do research before I make accusations.

This is what I found..

Was Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a "radical Muslim who migrated from Kenya to Jakarta, Indonesia?"

No. Though Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. was raised a Muslim, he had lost his faith and become a "confirmed atheist" by the time he attended college, according to his son. Obama's parents separated when Barack was two, his father moving not to Jakarta, but to the United States, where he attended Harvard. Eventually he returned to Kenya.

Did Obama's mother go on to marry another Muslim named Lolo Soetoro who "educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools?"

Yes and no. When Obama's mother remarried, it was indeed to an Indonesian man named Lolo Soetoro, whom his stepson describes as a "non-practicing" Muslim. But it was his "secular" mother who supervised his education, Obama has written, sending him to both Catholic and Muslim primary schools after the family moved to Jakarta. There is nothing on record to indicate Obama attended a madrassa (Muslim religious school) run by Wahabbists, and in any case it's unlikely his mother would have chosen to expose him to such an extreme form of Islam given her stated abhorrence of religious closed-mindedness and her stated goal of giving him a well-rounded education, including in matters of faith.

(Update: CNN has tracked down the school in question, the Basuki School in Jakarta, which a deputy headmaster described as a "public school" with no particular religious agenda. "In our daily lives, we try to respect religion, but we don't give preferential treatment," he told CNN. A classmate of Obama's described the school as "general," with students of many religious backgrounds attending. Obama entered the school at the age of 8 and attended for two years.)

Is it true that "Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim while admitting that he was once a Muslim?"

Once a Muslim? When? Unless I missed it while skimming Obama's two books and sundry news interviews, the senator has never mentioned being a Muslim at any point in his life. Yes, he lived in a Muslim country during part of his childhood and briefly attended a Muslim school there, but he certainly wasn't raised a Muslim and has never been, so far as I have been able to determine, a practitioner of that faith.

That anyone, let alone a sitting U.S. senator with designs on the highest office in the land, would conceal being a Muslim for twenty-odd years while going through the outward motions of practicing Christianity (or vice-versa, for that matter) is a bizarre accusation. I would be tempted to dismiss it as paranoid lunacy if it weren't so obviously a crass, politically-motivated smear.

Is it true that when Obama was sworn into office he used the Koran (Qur'an) instead of the Bible?

No. According to news accounts Barack Obama placed his hand on his personal Bible during his Senate swearing-in ceremony, which was conducted by Vice-President **** Cheney. Those making this allegation have apparently confused Obama with Congressman Keith Ellison, who actually is a Muslim and was sworn in on January 4, 2007 using a copy of the Koran.

no photo
Tue 10/07/08 06:45 PM
The Senator's first name, Barack, is a Swahili name that has its origins in the Arabic language. The original Arabic root of the name (B-R-K) means "blessed." In Arabic, the root word is used in many other phrases to denote blessings and to describe people who are blessed:

* Mabruk! = "Congratulations!"
* Barakallah feek = "May God bless you"
* Barakah = blessings from God (feminine version of the name)

Senator Obama's middle name is Hussein, which was his grandfather's first name. The name, of Arabic origin, means "good" or "handsome one." It is common in Muslim cultures for children (both boys and girls) to have a middle name which directly connects them to their father or grandfather.

Senator Obama's surname is not uncommon among the Luo tribe, one of the three largest ethnic groups in Kenya. They speak the Dhoulou language.

source: http://islam.about.com/od/us2004election/f/obama.htm

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 10/07/08 07:12 PM

All I know is I hope Tina Fey does another skit tonight,you betcha!!

Thanks for reminding me.bigsmile

your welcome from josephine six pack!!:banana:

Did you notice that Tina Fey didn't even have to change much of anything that Palin said at the debate to make it hilarious? Palin is a moron, and someone should introduce her to the letter "g."

lol the woman is a hockey puck.

Lynann's photo
Tue 10/07/08 07:25 PM
My real first name is Wyn. It's a very old Celtic or Welsh name meaning balanced and fair. My friends often joke I am neither.

Given my genetic ancestry and my name I suppose you could say I am not a Christian and beleive in human sacrifice! After all my parents honored my ancestry when they named me a pre-Christian name. They embraced the traditions of my family and my DNA.

They gave me another name as well. My middle name is Ann reflecting my mother's family's Catholic traditions and beliefs. Does that mean, given some power, say the presidency, I am going to cede power to the Pope and fire up another Inquisition?

I'd tell you all my last name too but given the level of hatefulness on this board I think I will keep that back.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 10/07/08 07:32 PM

My real first name is Wyn. It's a very old Celtic or Welsh name meaning balanced and fair. My friends often joke I am neither.

Given my genetic ancestry and my name I suppose you could say I am not a Christian and beleive in human sacrifice! After all my parents honored my ancestry when they named me a pre-Christian name. They embraced the traditions of my family and my DNA.

They gave me another name as well. My middle name is Ann reflecting my mother's family's Catholic traditions and beliefs. Does that mean, given some power, say the presidency, I am going to cede power to the Pope and fire up another Inquisition?

I'd tell you all my last name too but given the level of hatefulness on this board I think I will keep that back.

I too have Celtic roots as I am Irish Scott's.My name is french and means the supplanter.My adoptive parents named me after Jacqueline Kennedy.My middle name Marie is also a catholic name.
If I was running for President they would probally try to tie me in with the IRA and Whitey Bolger lol As for the the Catholic part,I have talked to priests so I would probally have associated with known pedophiles.
I am also part native american so I would be accused of kow-towing to the gambling lobby.

no photo
Tue 10/07/08 07:33 PM

Maybe because McCain is 72 and has had recurring cancer.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

That sure is funny.

I hear Osama…I mean Obama has recurring Militant Muslim disease. .

Now thats Funny!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, that was so racist, might as well have said, "White power!"

no photo
Tue 10/07/08 07:40 PM
Palin is the devil in disguise. For some of you dim witted people, this is not good. Two facts that made me disrespect her, besides her ability to sneak around and avoid any question given to her... The first offense was when she tried to ban 'Harry Potter' Books from a library in Alaska. When he plea was laughed at, she tried to have the librarian fired that was working at that particular library, but that didnt work, but she is still trying, and the second is when she made it so that rape victims have to pay for the rape kit. How messed up is that? She is basically saying, "Maybe you shouldnt have been a whore, you deserved it, now pay up, cuz I'm your F ING pimp!" Now tell me you have respect for her, I dare you. Dont believe me, look it up for yourselves. McCain is a senile old bastard as well.

Winx's photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:04 PM

Palin is the devil in disguise. For some of you dim witted people, this is not good. Two facts that made me disrespect her, besides her ability to sneak around and avoid any question given to her... The first offense was when she tried to ban 'Harry Potter' Books from a library in Alaska. When he plea was laughed at, she tried to have the librarian fired that was working at that particular library, but that didnt work, but she is still trying, and the second is when she made it so that rape victims have to pay for the rape kit. How messed up is that? She is basically saying, "Maybe you shouldnt have been a whore, you deserved it, now pay up, cuz I'm your F ING pimp!" Now tell me you have respect for her, I dare you. Dont believe me, look it up for yourselves. McCain is a senile old bastard as well.

Those things are unforgivable!!

no photo
Tue 10/07/08 11:30 PM

Palin is the devil in disguise. For some of you dim witted people, this is not good. Two facts that made me disrespect her, besides her ability to sneak around and avoid any question given to her... The first offense was when she tried to ban 'Harry Potter' Books from a library in Alaska. When he plea was laughed at, she tried to have the librarian fired that was working at that particular library, but that didnt work, but she is still trying, and the second is when she made it so that rape victims have to pay for the rape kit. How messed up is that? She is basically saying, "Maybe you shouldnt have been a whore, you deserved it, now pay up, cuz I'm your F ING pimp!" Now tell me you have respect for her, I dare you. Dont believe me, look it up for yourselves. McCain is a senile old bastard as well.

Those things are unforgivable!!

Thank you!

no photo
Wed 10/15/08 03:19 PM
I guess I was the topic stopper, lol.

Tromette's photo
Thu 10/16/08 11:20 AM
What's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and Sarah Palin's vagina?

Not everything that comes out of her vagina is retarded.

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