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Topic: evolution vs creationism
Redykeulous's photo
Thu 04/05/07 09:54 PM
Wow Voil, I don't think there's more that any theorist could add to that
one! The people here have spoken, bring me water and I will wash my
hands of it now!

Later folks!

no photo
Sat 04/07/07 06:23 PM
does it really matter who the creator is? allah, budda, ect? my point is
that there must be a creator. not sure why that is so hard to swallow.

no photo
Sat 04/07/07 06:34 PM
OK rambill79,

You're almost there!!!

That's what we've been arguing all along!

There must be a creator!!! is a matter of faith!

And as long as it is a matter of faith, all can believe in a creator of
choice, ... never having to provide proof for it!

Leave it at that, and everybody is happy!

Mix it up with science, and you reduce faith to mere matter.

Nobody wants that!

no photo
Sun 04/08/07 08:29 AM
....is it faith to accept the immense orgisination on the world/ its not
faith, its a fact. is it faith to accept the mathematic odds against
even single celled organisms creating themselves?
is it faith to recognise that almost every so called missing link is
either a fraud at the least misrepresented? Is it faith to recognise
that a LOT of scientists are starting to call into question this
evolutionary theory? is it faith to recognise we know about as much
about how the human brain works as when we thought the sun was a hole in
the roof, and are expected to believe that this most complicated
machine we know of was created by a series of accidents of nature? i
think a person can recognise there must have been a creator by using
scientific analysis. . It appears to me that as soon as someone says
creationism, that it is assumed they are not basing thier decision on
science. I am saying that is not true, that a perfectly good case can be
made for a creator using your own scientific data. i havent seen a
single example of data that contridicts the biblical creation theory.
how many thousands of pices of data contradict evolution? My origional
statement stands... it takes more faith to believe in evolution.

no photo
Sun 04/08/07 08:45 AM
Well rambill79,

Sounds like the verdict has fallen!


While a tad surreal, it was still a fun post!


RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:22 AM
I evolved from goo from my mom and dad.

Duffy's photo
Mon 04/09/07 04:28 PM
ah so who is ahead this week, the monkeys or the believers

no photo
Mon 04/09/07 04:38 PM
Whispers to Duffy: 'I think they are negotiating an acknowledgment of
separate domains...'

Duffy's photo
Mon 04/09/07 04:51 PM
ah so who is this whispers business to duffy.....separate domains....u
mean they are giving up and saying lucy did exist, but god had a hand in
it? nope, i don't believe it.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 04/09/07 07:21 PM
According to your defintion on creationism; it is either something that
is created from nothing, or something 'new' made from something that
exists. Since everything is made from *energy*, and energy can never be
'created' or 'destroyed', logically it has to be the latter.
First of all, I don't belive that creationism is all based on faith
totally. Technically, All of our thoughts brought into existence are a
form of creationism. They are born from the thought processes of our
mind.(Just because a man invents, flower or whaterever, does not mean
that he invents bread.)
Second of all, evolution is also learning from (and the learning
of)'your mistakes', and choosing a different course of action the next
time the problem arises.
Soooo, as this "nut..." (I) have said before, they both exist and go
hand in hand.
All of this is all really according to each, different, peoples
understanding. It is all of this discusion that I absorb with an open
mind, gaining more understanding, witch brings forth another form

netuserlla's photo
Mon 04/09/07 07:28 PM
Oh, and thanks for the great post Rambill79.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:28 PM
Who wants to lead the closing prayer? Oh I will - just sing along with
my picture - can I get an Amen?

no photo
Tue 04/10/07 04:10 AM

crazysillygirl's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:39 AM
lmao....i said ass and i believe in god ...lol...

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:45 AM
am i missing something here original postby author

Is anyone religious enough to believe that we evolved from some goo in a


is that not the oppisate of what religion teaches

or are they saying that man invented time measurement and a second can
be as a day and a day as a second

and even tho evolution is not taught in religion god used it as to
create earth and the life upon it

just curious

inquiring mind wants to know

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 04/10/07 07:05 AM
adj4u - I think the comment was meant to be facetious as the argument
line followed a course that led us on a journey through theory and
ultimately into how much faith you put in your religion and weather that
religion involves a higher power, a creator or is invested in the
science that man has created.

In the end it can only be opinion based on one's determination to view
one above the other.

An end which started no different than it's beginning, with the
exception that we have all learned a geat deal and have all, for the
most part, been respective of each others thoughts and ideas.

I think it would be a great meeting of minds to find us all in the same
place at the same time, with a couple of internet access PC's at our
disposal. What discussion we would have - who wants to chip in for room

Thanks all! Someone start a new thread, let's get going again.

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/10/07 07:12 AM
well lif god is a fair and just god

would god not have to follow the rules that god made

such as the rules of science

just a thought but hey what do i know

Duffy's photo
Tue 04/10/07 08:45 AM
well i am going to close the argument by saying that the creationists
versus the evolutionists are 0 to l on any given day, and then, it turns
around 1 to 0, and neither one is winning, so it is a draw.

no photo
Tue 04/10/07 09:04 AM
i heard the other day from my friend he said that god created
animals/humans/species that evolve in their environment... if that makes

Duffy's photo
Tue 04/10/07 09:05 AM
yup it makes some sense.

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