Topic: evolution vs creationism | |
Let see if I can help in this conversation.
Say Ford wanted to build a new car, one that is so complex and awsome that it would take many life times (if all) to figure out just 1/4 of how all the car systems worked. In order for that to happen it would take the most brilliant engineer ever to build such a machine. Man hasn't even began to know the depts of the human mind and never will. Why because it was created by the most brilliant engineer ever. For those that don't know his name its GOD. Enough said. ![]() |
what she said.
fanta.. do you really think that someone who believes in creationism is
doing so because of blind faith? ive already given you the math, a few of the thousands of refrences, ect. there is sound science behind creationism, unlike evolution. |
You're shooting bullets through water, claiming that you've 'killed' the water! Creationists havfe invented themselves to be the 'guns' to Evolution Theory 'Water'. Their 'ammo' is 'fuddle duddle arguments', disguised as science. I mentionned way back that in the opinion of MANY: 'belief-faith-dogma', as absolutely no ties with 'fact-material-temporal-knowledge'. I don't care how much 'amo' you've got, the rising water will flood you before you kill 'it'!!! (AMMO will only FILL the bottom, and force the water to RISE!!!) To devote your energy to killing water is pointless, and the worse part is that there's seems to be a need to point it out over and over again in this post. People will move on. Darwin's Evolution Theory is just that: a 'THEORY ON EVOLUTION'. You are disturbingly trying to convince all, that it is 'THE LAW OF CREATION'. Ruffled that you are, that it 'attacks' your beliefs!!! You're confusing, 'law' and 'theory', 'evolution' and 'creation', 'scientific approach' and 'spiritual journey', 'the material' and 'the sacred and mystical'. The confusion is such, one would swear 'Satan' 'itself' is working overtime here!!! Let's try and fight confusion with confusion. Maybe it will nullify! Here's a riddle: "... It's not because you 'disprove' something that never claimed to be that which you've 'diproven', ... that something else, which has no tie whatsoever with the first 'something', becomes 'TRUE' or 'PROVEN'!!!" With all due respect rambill79! |
So true Voil,
Faith is what it is. One chooses it, it is not given to you, and it is not an intrinsic part of our nature nor is it written within our DNA. This is why there have been and are so many different belief systems. While it may be natural for a particular belief to follow a heritage, it still can not stand up to scientific tests, that is why it is called a belief and not a fact. Science begins with theory. It is obvious to anyone that science has proven truths that have progressed, enhanced and even changed the atmosphere of humans and our world. This science that has evolved thruths through so much theory has become something that many depend on, and like religion, it is often misinterpreted, misread AND a changing and evolving thing, again just like religion. We can all agree to disagree about our beliefs and still uphold each one’s right to have their belief. We can even disagree in discussion about the “theories” that have been set forth in science but in the end these are theories and how much weight, in faith, we put on the religious side of the scale versus the faith we give to the science side of the scale is in direct relation to how that scale tips. Until TRUTH, proven logically within the limitations of scientific testing, is determined there is no right or wrong. If I had 3 wishes, as one silly topic asked recently, my first wish would be that every living person in the world, of sound mind, could finally adhere to what is stated above. We’ve had such enthusiastic conversation and there are so many good people here. I would be content to live in a world where this type of conversation could finally have an end in agreement, the kind of agreement, that allows us to agree to disagree. An amicable end would allow for new beginnings of these conversations without anger, without fear of retribution, a safe place for all to have and hold their beliefs as sacred, without infringement on any. NOT TO GET TOO MUSHY HERE – but this does bring up a fearful amount of what a governments involvement should be, when and if one’s religion affects the lives of others adversely. OH MY, the big picture gets in the way again. LOL ![]() ![]() |
whatever voy.
sounds to me like voy is the one preaching.
Again rambill79...
... CONFUSION!!! Someone arguing a different point of view than your own, does not make a preacher out of him!!! and when I say : '... with all due respect 'rambill79'!', that means I never intend to direct my arguments at you 'rambill79'. I argue for a position that is neither 'for' or 'against' your own position rambill79. It is rather the 'manner' in which your position is presented, that I argue as impertinent, or erroneous! As for you personnally, you can have the position you wish on the subject, I respect YOU regardless. I invite you to the same respect of others, and ask that you refrain from suggesting that '...I might be preaching!'. Give me your disagreeing or agreeing arguments, and let's keep the ball rolling. Preaching I certainly I'm not. I don't agree with the premise you've presented, which opposes Creationism and Evolution, and I have documented that, and that alone, extensively. Here in it is in a couple of sentences: 'God as the creator of all things' as a belief based on one's faith, and in faith as such, is untouchable. It stands on its own, without any need to be defended. 'Darwin's Therory of Evolution', as a theory based on the scientific approach, and suggesting an evolutionary dimension to life itself, does not require 'belief' or 'faith'. It reqires study of facts, understanding of those facts, and mastering a level of scientifically validated knowledge about those facts. Nowhere is the Theory of Evolution claiming to be some sort of 'law of creation'!!! Yes, it questions as a hypothesis, 'the origin of species', but again that is an hypothesis, even further from law than theory. Science will never be based on faith, and faith will never based on science. It doesn't matter how far one pushes his arguments, nor how many people he convinces with his arguments, when the PREMISE is ERRONEOUS, so are the arguments!!! This is what brought a famous wise philosopher to claim: '... IT MATTERS LITTLE THAT THEY ARE SO MANY TO BE WRONG, IT DOESN'T MAKE THEIR PREMISE AND ARGUMENTS RIGHT!!! Again with all due respect to you rambill79. |
still dont see why creationism has to by its name be considered a faith
based belief. science in my opinion shows clearly that creationisn is the only logical possibility. faith has little to do with my feelings on this. |
why is there a vs evolution was made from God....scientists try to
seperate the two all the time but it was all apart of 1 there is no 1 side unless the story is told from an athiest or that sort of person(lost sheep) |
okay yesterday it was 0 to l, and the monkeys were ahead. today it is l
to 0 and the creationists have the forum. |
creationism is not only faith based it may well start that way but if
you've ever had the holy ghost inside you, you would know that he exists, just like the wind you can't see but you can feel. You have to have experienced this feeling to understand it. |
You can see the effects of the wind as well
Ok for the sake of argument, let's consider this.
It is fact before any single god that many gods were worshiped. It is fact that there were and still are many religions in the world, many of them do not worship the same god and worship many gods and some practice a philosophy of life. These are known facts. In a very logical way, in fact it can be argued in a scientific manner that this is proof that the human species has always sought to find solice from the questions it can not answer by putting it into a supreme beings hands. It free's the incapable mind from having to continue to find the answers. You may not agree with the psychology of that statement but you can not disclaim the fact that humans have, and will continue to, create, and worship gods and religions. There is no proof, no matter the religion, that creationism is even probable, much less a science. Unless you or anyone can prove scientifically, with no faith involved, that one of the hundreds of thousands of religions to date is correct. |
>> still dont see why creationism has to by its name be considered a faith based belief.
rambill, i would agree that there are some people who made a sincere effort to take rational/skeptical approach to the question of humanity's origin, and STILL come to the conclusion that creationism was a better explanation than evolution. Personally, I think that most (or all?) such people are only looking at 'evidence' and 'arguments' which were carefully selected for them by others, for whom creationism was the foregone conclusion (but i know that i could be wrong). Their personal process may have been unbiased, but they were unknowlingly heavily biased by the selection of 'evidence' and the spin given to that 'evidence'. Further, I think these people (such as you, it seems) are the exception. Can't we agree that most creationist have the Bible as their primary basis for their belief in creationism? And for these people, faith (such as their faith that the Bible is God's literal word...) is the basis for their belief? |
Thanks for your counter argument 'rambill79':
And here is what you wrote: "... still dont see why creationism has to by its name be considered a faith based belief. science in my opinion shows clearly that creationisn is the only logical possibility. faith has little to do with my feelings on this." There are a large number of 'creationism' versions. And THAT in itself would become the first major puzzle for scientifics: which 'creationist' version are we talking about??? And why would ONE particular version be 'THE ONE' amonst them all. Hindus have jut as strong a belief on the word of the Vedas, the oldest preserved Indo-Aryan texts (their equivalent of the book of Genesis, in the Bible). How could scientist 'materialise' that theirs is THE TRUTHS OF ALL TRUTHS, and how would youfeel about that, if it were imposed on your beliefs??? "There are hundreds, if not thousands, of creation myths among the peoples of the world. Many Christians object to having their beliefs called myths, but a myth is simply a story which is (or has been) considered true and sacred by a group of people. Other cultures believe their creation myths for exactly the same sorts of reasons that Christians believe theirs." Their is no suppremacy of beliefs!!! And science certainly couldn't help change that. So which one is THE ONE, of the several Christian versions: Flat Earthers While very fe in numbers, there are still people who litterally believe in the 'word' as it is in the Bible. And that word is 'fat earth', so it is flat. So much for science (observation) Geocentrists Very few of them also, these accept the sperical earth, but haven't made to the sun as the center of our planetary system. It is Tom Willis, a Geocentrist 'creationist', whom has pushed for the now 'unconstitutional' Kansas educational reform of banning references to evolution, earth history, and science methodology, from its schools curriculum. Young Earth Creationists Young Earth Creationists (YEC) claim a literal interpretation of the Bible as a basis for their beliefs. (Omphalos) Close to YEC, they simply offer something about the earth had been created by God with and 'OLD LOOK AND FEEL'!!! (put that through your scientific approach!!!) Old Earth Creationists (Gap Creationism) (Day-Age Creationism) (Progressive Creationism) (Intelligent Design Creationism) Evolutionary Creationists Theistic Evolutionists Methodological Materialistic Evolutionists Or which one is THE ONE of the several Non-Christian versions: Raelians Panspermia Catastrophic Evolution Islamic Creationism Vedic Creationism (Hinduism) American Indian Creationism American Indian Creationism based on the 'Kennewick Man'. Or which one is THE ONE, of the Creation Beliefs of Other Cultures Cosmic Egg (example: Finnish) Separation of Earth and Sky (example: New Hebrides) Creation from a Primordial Being (example: Norse) Earth Diver; Dualism (example: Huron) Emergence (example: Lipan Apache) Creation by Spoken Word; Repeated Creation (example: Quiche Maya) If these are not beliefs based on truths, founded on words or myths which groups of people chose to believe, there is no end to establishing as THE ONE!!! In your Constitution, you and all citizens of America are afforded the Freedom of worship, or religious practice. As a perfect corrolate of that constitutional right, your Supreme Court has ruled 'unconstitutional', the notion that 'creationism' be called a science, or be offered as a part of any science curriculum. If your Surpreme Court did not stand and defend YOUR constitution, America would be today, the last place on earth, WHERE THAT EARTH WAS FLAT, AND THE SUN STILL REVOLVED AROUND IT!!! Remember 'rambill79', you may not agree with 'me', but I'm not the only one you need to deal with in your arguments. How do you handle YOUR SUPREME COURT position??? Or, all your other fellow Christians whom don't subscribe to YOUR version of 'creationism'??? Or yet, these other religions, whom believe in other books, other words, other myths, or stories which they consider just as you do, to be THE truth??? Or yet the Pope, 1950—Pope Pius XII rejects Biblical literalism Calling evolution an “open question,” Pope Pius XII rejects literal Biblical creationism as the sole explanation for biological origins, acknowledging the importance of scientific principles in conjunction with spiritual faith. Or Pope John Paul's II declaration that “evolution is no longer a mere hypothesis” as “a fundamental church teaching” which advances the evolutionary debate. Or, VATICAN OBSERVATORY DIRECTOR, Father George V. Coyne, SPEAKING ON EVOLUTION: “science and religion are totally separate pursuits.” “Science Does Not Need God, or Does It? ( Or yet again the Archbishop of Canterbury: in a Tuesday March 21, 2006 article in The Gardian: " The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has stepped into the controversy between religious fundamentalists and scientists by saying that he does not believe that creationism - the Bible-based account of the origins of the world - should be taught in schools. "I think creationism is ... a kind of category mistake, as if the Bible were a theory like other theories ... if creationism is presented as a stark alternative theory alongside other theories I think there's just been a jarring of categories ... My worry is creationism can end up reducing the doctrine of creation rather than enhancing it," he said. (,,1735730,00.html) Again 'rambill79', don't get me wrong, I am not saying you or anyone else cannot believe in what you chose. I'm only saying that beliefs are not today, were not in the past, and will never be in in competition or in the same arena as science. Someone whom believes, can be a scientist. But science in itself has NO DIRECT RELATION with faith, belief or religion. That is the ONLY WAY a person can simultaneously BELIEVE in a particuler version of creationism, and subcribe to the therory of evolution!!! |
well, so the monkeys lost big time.
suede you can see the effects of God entering peoples souls as well.
yep Fed, like a blind man receiving his sight
Fedman wrote:
>>> creationism is not only faith based it may well start that way but if you've ever had the holy ghost inside you, you would know that he exists.... Fedman, do you believe that the existence of the Holy Ghost requires that evolution theory is 'wrong'? Is it possible for a person to have the Holy Ghost in them, and for that person to also believe that the biblical creation passages were metaphorical and that evolutionary theory is possibly valid? |