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Topic: evolution vs creationism
daniel48706's photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:22 PM
Why do you have to be one or the other?

I believe in both. If you read the bible, it states that only GODS
people will make it into heaven right? ok, those are the people of adam
and eves lineage. Everyone else is darwin lineage. Somewhere in
revelations god supposedly states an exact number of people that wioll
make it into kingdom. So if only, say 100 people will make it in and
only those that are his to begin with.....


no photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:25 PM
bible myth.... Heaven is where? in space/ in the clouds? naw.
The meek will inherit what?
A- space
B- the clouds
C- the earth

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:28 PM
Rambill, could you please provide a source for your contention that Lucy
has been proven to be a fraud? All of my references, including the Ann
Gibbons book which just came out last year, refer to Lucy as a valid
example of australopithecus afarensis.

Duffy's photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:28 PM
well she was named for LUCY IN THE SKY...and something about diamonds
and the Beatles....personally never met the woman myself, and that is
all i know.

Fri 03/23/07 05:29 PM
lucy wuz just a name given to the ape like species scientist so
claimed....but we know daz bullshyt...dey say we evolved from
apes....how funny.....if that is da case then apes and monkeys shouldnt
even exist...because the definition of evolution or when an animal
evolves...it means to change and be no more.....so if we really were
from apes...apes should not exist...its all a bunch of bs from a guy
names darwin who believed he knew it all...and if we are the surperior
being like scientists believe....then why cant we tell our own
fate....we have no control over our lives....we just have to make the
best of thingz that come.....

rsaylors's photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:29 PM
as God had written in Ephesians ch2 verses 7 through 10:

8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from
yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can
boast. 10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do
good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

God's people are all those who put their faith in Christ alone for their
salvaion. No "i'm a good person' or "I did such and such", Christ alone
is the saving grace by which man can come to God... that's how you
become one of God's people.. or as Jesus said:

"If you believe in me you are already saved"
"If you believed in me then you would do what i say"

from other post on age of the earth:

I'm a fundamentalist Christan. I know God created the heavens and the
earth exactly as it says in genesis. I know as a fact that the word
"day" doesn't mean a 24 hour period *see work-day, a period of work* and
that morning and evening mean "beaning and end" of a day... particularly
during that first biblical day... before the SUN! I know salvation is by
grace through faith in Christ and not by our own works, so that we can't
say "hey look at what I did", so that we can do the good-work of loving
God and each other that God put there for us to do at the formation of
the earth.


this is proof that the earth is at least 300million years old. These
crystals form out of uranium then deplete. Given the amount of depletion
sense the formation of this crystal and the rate at which it
half-life(s) it's a simple fact that this crystal is over 300million
years old.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:30 PM

Fri 03/23/07 05:31 PM

lucy wuz just a name given to the ape like species scientist so
claimed....but we know daz bullshyt...dey say we evolved from
apes....how funny.....if that is da case then apes and monkeys shouldnt
even exist...because the definition of evolution or when an animal
evolves...it means to change and be no more.....so if we really were
from apes...apes should not exist...its all a bunch of bs from a guy
names darwin who believed he knew it all...and if we are the surperior
being like scientists believe....then why cant we tell our own
fate....we have no control over our lives....we just have to make the
best of thingz that come.....

Duffy's photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:31 PM
say if you question whether we came from apes or not, go visit the
silver gorillas at the San Diego zoo, and it will answer your
questions.....about where we came from.

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:32 PM
yup. gods days are a bit longer than ours.

Duffy's photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:34 PM
Sliver back gorillas that is what they are. not just silver gorillas,
and they are beautiful.

Fri 03/23/07 05:34 PM
lmao!!! @ duffy..and if yall really want to believe in darwin...then i
must say....take a good look at yourself...for then an APE is where yuh
looks must have came from....

Fri 03/23/07 05:37 PM
why dont we all grab an ape go watch a game drink sum booze and call it
a night...after all...they must be human too....it nonsense..!!

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:38 PM
Island wrote: if that is da case then apes and monkeys shouldnt
even exist...because the definition of evolution or when an animal

Nope, that doesn't happen unless the separate species are in competition
for food or territory, etc. If you want to understand how evolution
really works, read Richard Dawkins' "The Ancestor's Tale."

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:38 PM
Still waiting, Rambill. Can you back up your claim that Lucy is a

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:39 PM
lucy... was soooo not an ape skeleton tea stained with a human jaw...

maybe if you read up a little bit.. not the bible.. or
christian-modified textbooks. you may know a little more thant your
religion allows you to.

nothing bad on religion, it's great that people have something to
believe in and to bring them together, but its kind of hard to ignore
the scientific facts.. 1. Lucy, was not fraud. most ridiculous thing ive
ever hear, and 2. have you heard of the thousands of other fossils found
, A. afarensis, h. habilis, have you even given evolution the beefit of
acutally picking up a book?

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:39 PM
Darwin just put forward a theory, one which has changed and adapted over
the years to allow for the lack of evidence for it. I think if
scientists could admit to themselves the unscientific nature of thier
belief, they would be forced to accept that creationism has validity,
and by extension would have to become belivers. Thier not willing to go
there, and instead believe this story as if its gospel.
darwin himself expressed grave concerns about this theory, and
challenged the scientific community to find proof, or the lack of it in
the fossil record. No such link has ever been found, yet these people
blindly follow the theory, even though the odds against life happening
by accident and evolving are in fact astronomical. something on the
order of 10 to the 123rd power to 1

Fri 03/23/07 05:41 PM
name in animal that came from a certain specific animal
race?.......where you there 100's of years ago to claim that? because it
seems to me every scientists has his head so far up his azz...that they
always seem to have the answers...its as if they themselves were there
100's of years ago...if thats da damn case! then heck!....i went to
school with elvis!......

no photo
Fri 03/23/07 05:42 PM
A good site about transitional evolutionary forms -- in this case,
archaeopteryx, etc. --


The gist of it is:

Archaeopteryx is a bird because it had feathers. However, it retained
many dinosaurian characters which are not found in modern birds, whilst
having certain characters found in birds but not in dinosaurs. By virtue
of this fact Archaeopteryx represents an example of a group in
transition - a representative which, although on the sidelines in the
dinosaur to bird transition, an echo of the actual event, still allows a
brief glimpse into the possible mechanism which brought about the
evolution of the birds and by its very existence shows that such a
transition is possible.

Fri 03/23/07 05:43 PM
...how do you know lucy isnt a fraud?....of course the scientists are
gon claim shes real...they are only sayin that because its because their
assez we gon have to rewrite the books....and which goverments gonna
wanna do that...and finally come out and tell its people its been a lie
or a hoax?...cuz if thats the case...its people wont believe a damn
thing they ever say.....

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