Topic: Why do some men...
Amagurl's photo
Tue 08/19/08 03:00 PM
LMFAO....see guys keep their options open.

Peccy's photo
Tue 08/19/08 03:28 PM
huh huh I have no ideahuh huh

Mrtap's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:29 PM

LMFAO....see guys keep their options open.

yes we do :banana: :banana: :banana:

sparkleplenty424's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:55 PM

is it because of fear of rejection?are some men really that afraid to approach a pretty woman?
well, they sure aren't approaching the unpretty, I can vouch for that.

Who are they approaching, then?

boneyjoe's photo
Tue 08/19/08 07:02 PM
there self's??????

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 08/19/08 07:05 PM
:smile: You have hissed my mystery lectures; you have tasted the whole worm.:smile:

Jtevans's photo
Tue 08/19/08 07:07 PM

think that a woman is out of their league by how she looks?
Because Generally men know themselves better than ANY woman can. We know how we are, what we're interested in, and what we don't like. honestly when i look at a woman and say shes out of my league, its because I can pretty much read a person just by the way they act over a course of five minutes.
We know which ones will give us the time of day, and which ones won't.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Laugh all you want.
Its all True.

i have to agree with Wonder

euphoriaholic's photo
Tue 08/19/08 07:22 PM

I have observed that in a given social group, most men want the same few females, & they know that the competition for the "beautiful" women is going to be high, so the insecure men don't try, the think "she's out of my leauge". Instead they "settle" for someone they are not as attracted to & are forever dissatisfied with what they have, always hoping to "upgrade".

They often whine that woman don't want a "niceguy" but they are referring to the few beautiful women that they are attracted to, not the average women. They don't notice "nice" either.

The beautiful women are also very aware of the competion for them, & they don't have to be nice to men. They can hold out for the one that has the confidence to approach them & is willing to accept thier spoiled behavior in order to parade thier trophy around & keep the other men jealous. These beautiful women seem to be looking for upgrades also, the know thier beauty has a value.

So to me the question is, do you want a life partner who values you, or do you want to compete forever to catch & hold a trophy?
Well said littlehen

no photo
Tue 08/19/08 07:47 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 08/19/08 07:51 PM

I have some simple rules.

1) If you are hot, I will talk to you.

2) If you are smart, I will talk with you.

3) If you are both, I will hold your books on the way to class.

4) If you are neither, I will answer you if you speak first. This is just because you may know someone who falls under rules 1, 2 or 3 .... and because I'm not really an ass, I just play one on the interweb.

good answer.

Ill talk to anyone, a lot of people think I am either 1) crazy 2) on drugs 3) both

In fact one of my favorite things is to randomly start up conversation with anyone around me.

There is no doubt I have my moments, but if your hot there is a high probability I will try to make you laugh at me or with me, or again at me.

It can be casual . . . it must be casual. And to be quite honest if you give a s@%t about the out-come then your setting yourself up for rejection.

You will know if that person has any attraction to you usually very quickly.

The problem I have found is that most people dont have much in the way of a sense of humor, and im not going to judge the general populace for depth just by observation . . . but I will say it appears to be a trend that poeple judge a book by its cover.

I am far more attracted to intelligence then looks, don't get me wrong looks bring me over, intelligence keeps me there.

120557's photo
Tue 08/19/08 07:52 PM
If I look at thier life style that they profile and see that they live a higher class than I am willing too, Then I don't even consider them. I like my life style plain and simple. Don't need the bar scenes or going out all the time.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Tue 08/19/08 08:09 PM
You think you know, but you have no idea, :wink:

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 08/19/08 08:21 PM

is it because of fear of rejection?are some men really that afraid to approach a pretty woman?
....times have changed. And not for the better. Times were that a rejection was cute and your freinds ribbed you a little. Today women are mean, spiteful, and vengeful and asking a pretty girl for a dance involves being ridiculed about everything from your looks, your dress, to your penis size, and your mothers bad habits. Basically guys are not intimidated- they're just sick of the bullsh!t.

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 08/19/08 08:28 PM
Rejection I can handle. I'm king of the rejections. Its total spiteful mean shutdowns full of insults that make me also the king of the comeback lines.

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 08/19/08 08:33 PM
Edited by longhairbiker on Tue 08/19/08 08:38 PM
Fake eye color. Fake boobs. Fake fingernails. Fake eyelashes. But wants a real man. Uh huh.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 08/19/08 08:44 PM

is it because of fear of rejection?are some men really that afraid to approach a pretty woman?
....times have changed. And not for the better. Times were that a rejection was cute and your freinds ribbed you a little. Today women are mean, spiteful, and vengeful and asking a pretty girl for a dance involves being ridiculed about everything from your looks, your dress, to your penis size, and your mothers bad habits. Basically guys are not intimidated- they're just sick of the bullsh!t.

Sick of the bullsh*t involved with all the rejections...I couldn't have said that better myself LHB.

There are only so many times a guy is willing to " take a shot " or " just go for it " and wind up getting looked at like he has the fuc*ing plague, before he just says " Screw the whole deal " and pretty much just gives up on approaching someone who is attractive to him.

When a fella is 99% assured of what the outcome will be, based on prior experiences, then the remaining 1% chance of a different outcome becomes something that simply isn't worth the abuse.

How many gamblers do you know that would take a bet on 99-1 odds against? Only the really BAD gamblers.

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 08/19/08 08:47 PM
Amen brother.

alonenotlonely's photo
Tue 08/19/08 08:47 PM
Experience. Just like sizing up a boxer or a runner or a good dog. Out of your leagues doesn't mean you can't get them, but it usually means you may not want to keep her very long. She may just be out of your league. HA

Tanzkity's photo
Tue 08/19/08 08:52 PM

is it because of fear of rejection?are some men really that afraid to approach a pretty woman?

Its simple they are intimidated and they probably dont think that they can hold up to your standards..............we are all cursed if you are too pretty, too intelligent, too confident, and high self-esteem = no man

no photo
Tue 08/19/08 08:56 PM
in all honesty looks don't mean a thing to me. If the personality is there she is all the wonderful things you can think of.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 08/19/08 09:00 PM
I'll just say this....

If a guy has enough ego to stand up to the abuse he has to take in the rejections, and it doesn't really bother him, then more power to him.

I'm simply not that guy. That doesn't make me " insecure " as so many women want to classify the guys who are like me.