Topic: NeoCon
Winx's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:56 PM

Ok guys, unlocked Please debate the topic not the poster



Thanks for what you did here, Mark.flowerforyou

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:21 AM

Conspiratorial Nutjobs have an issue in their sad pathetic lives. They are missing something so they need to create some ficticious grand event to make it far more exciting and involved, like they are some grand enlightened hero figure, to feel better about themselves and their meager position in this world.

What a sad state that is to be in.

Anyone who digs for and discovers the truth of world politics are called names like "conspiratorial nutjobs" in order to attempt to discredit them. But the truth will not be hidden.
There are too many who know the truth. You are not one of them.

Have a nice life.frown


Waiting for being directed to this grand wisdom you were supposedly teaching me in the one liners you've been tossing about thus far.

Definition... that the irrational hatred of Jews is on the rise. Anti-Semitism is on the rise.

The idea that anyone should deal with terrorists & nations who harbor them is the real atrocity here.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:26 AM

I don't support it. It has played a major part in every world war on earth. There is more of an agenda involved besides merely the existence of the state of Israel. It that was the only objective, it would have been achieved by now.

What? Zionism has been at least a partial cause of every world war on Earth? And there is more of an agenda than just Israel?

The Zionist Jews going to control the world and rule us all?

That is beyond ridiculous. I knew taking you seriously was pointless.

I don't believe I said that the Zionist Jews are going to "control the world and rule us all." These are your words, not mine.

And it is not my job to educate you and frankly I don't care what you believe or whether to take me seriously. You are very young, you should spend some time finding the real truth.


Oh, I suppose you are going to 'teach me' with all this great wise teachings that you've written at great lengths about already? By the way, where would they be exactly?

When you say "There is more of an agenda involved besides merely the existence of the state of Israel." what do you mean with that? you know what I mean by irrational hatred & lies believed. Freedom run amok is freedom to destroy this country too.

Talk about lies... lies that come from paranoid conspiracy theories that is. More evil deceptions without proof.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:38 AM
flowerforyou Why is it the U.S. job to protect Israel?:smile: They should fight their own battles for a change.:smile:

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:41 AM

An intellectual and political movement in favor of political, economic, and social conservatism that arose in opposition to the perceived liberalism of the 1960s


Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:48 AM

flowerforyou Why is it the U.S. job to protect Israel?:smile: They should fight their own battles for a change.:smile:

Why shouldn't the US partner with peaceful nations? That is all we were doing & why this shell game with the mid east for oil is happening at all. If the mid east govts. & their people would have worked it out there would be no problem. Why haven't they since the 70's found peaceful solutions for themselves instead of the way they are doing it?

It's very sad that they have wasted so much time with death & destruction instead of creating a great society. All the nations have to tread lightly instead for what? Phoney peace & economic devastation? So let's try to see all the angles...not just the ones that justify a one sided view.


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:57 AM
flowerforyou Israel is NOT a Christian nation.laugh They are a different religion.flowerforyou Did you know that?huh By the way, There is NO Christian nation.:heart: Not yet.:heart: But there will be:heart:

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/05/08 04:10 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 07/05/08 04:12 AM

flowerforyou Israel is NOT a Christian nation.laugh They are a different religion.flowerforyou Did you know that?huh By the way, There is NO Christian nation.:heart: Not yet.:heart: But there will be:heart:

Israel is a nation as well as a religion.

It's not only factual but biblical... It's in the OT...what God calls them to be.

His nation of people. never answered the more important question. How's that for picking & choosing? LOL

:smile: :heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 07/05/08 04:25 AM

flowerforyou Israel is NOT a Christian nation.laugh They are a different religion.flowerforyou Did you know that?huh By the way, There is NO Christian nation.:heart: Not yet.:heart: But there will be:heart:

Israel is a nation as well as a religion.

It's not only factual but biblical... It's in the OT...what God calls them to be.

His nation of people. never answered the more important question. How's that for picking & choosing? LOL

:smile: :heart:
flowerforyou If they are indeed HIS people then why do they need us? flowerforyou If this is true then HE will see to their needs.flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 07/05/08 05:52 AM

flowerforyou Why is it the U.S. job to protect Israel?:smile: They should fight their own battles for a change.:smile:

Because the Zionists are very strong in the US .
They put you in power and then you work for them .

no photo
Sat 07/05/08 05:52 AM

flowerforyou Why is it the U.S. job to protect Israel?:smile: They should fight their own battles for a change.:smile:

Because the Zionists are very strong in the US .
They put you in power and then you work for them .

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/05/08 06:37 AM

flowerforyou Israel is NOT a Christian nation.laugh They are a different religion.flowerforyou Did you know that?huh By the way, There is NO Christian nation.:heart: Not yet.:heart: But there will be:heart:

Israel is a nation as well as a religion.

It's not only factual but biblical... It's in the OT...what God calls them to be.

His nation of people. never answered the more important question. How's that for picking & choosing? LOL

:smile: :heart:
flowerforyou If they are indeed HIS people then why do they need us? flowerforyou If this is true then HE will see to their needs.flowerforyou

Oh are you saying that Israel should not have friends with nations?

no photo
Sat 07/05/08 07:46 AM

flowerforyou Israel is NOT a Christian nation.laugh They are a different religion.flowerforyou Did you know that?huh By the way, There is NO Christian nation.:heart: Not yet.:heart: But there will be:heart:

Israel is a nation as well as a religion.

It's not only factual but biblical... It's in the OT...what God calls them to be.

His nation of people.

:smile: :heart:

That is ridiculous. You, as a Christian, are being taken for a ride. You send your sons to die for Israel, a nation whose religious half rejects your Jesus and the other half is atheist. Israel is not a Christian nation. They are one step away from being a ruthless dictatorship. Why don't you move there if you love it so much.

no photo
Sat 07/05/08 08:00 AM

flowerforyou Why is it the U.S. job to protect Israel?:smile: They should fight their own battles for a change.:smile:

Because the Zionists are very strong in the US .
They put you in power and then you work for them .

How true. The shadow government exists. They are the men with all the wealth. They bribe, and they extort and they blackmail people in high places. Presidents, generals etc.

It is a very secret society. It is not a conspiracy theory. If you follow the money, you will always find them.


Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 09:42 AM

flowerforyou Why is it the U.S. job to protect Israel?:smile: They should fight their own battles for a change.:smile:

Why shouldn't the US partner with peaceful nations? That is all we were doing & why this shell game with the mid east for oil is happening at all. If the mid east govts. & their people would have worked it out there would be no problem. Why haven't they since the 70's found peaceful solutions for themselves instead of the way they are doing it?

It's very sad that they have wasted so much time with death & destruction instead of creating a great society. All the nations have to tread lightly instead for what? Phoney peace & economic devastation? So let's try to see all the angles...not just the ones that justify a one sided view.


Israel is not, nor ever have been a peaceful Nation.
They were Terrorists protected and supported by the US!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 09:45 AM

flowerforyou Israel is NOT a Christian nation.laugh They are a different religion.flowerforyou Did you know that?huh By the way, There is NO Christian nation.:heart: Not yet.:heart: But there will be:heart:

Israel is a nation as well as a religion.

It's not only factual but biblical... It's in the OT...what God calls them to be.

His nation of people. never answered the more important question. How's that for picking & choosing? LOL

:smile: :heart:

Israel is not a religion either!noway noway

Most Israelis are not even good Jews!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/05/08 09:52 AM
Many Jewish Israelis feel that being Israeli (living among Jews, speaking Hebrew, in the Land of Israel), is in itself a sufficient expression of Judaism without any religious observances.

This conforms to some classical secular-Zionist ideologies of Israeli-style civil religion. While many in the Jewish diaspora who otherwise consider themselves as secular will attend a synagogue or at least fast on Yom Kippur (the holiest Jewish holiday), this is not as common among secular Israelis. In 2007, a poll by the Israeli Democracy Institute found that only 27% of Israeli Jews say that they keep the Sabbath, while 53% said they do not keep it at all. The poll also found that 50% of the respondents would give up shopping on the Sabbath as long as public transportation were kept running and leisure activities continued to be permitted; however only 38% believed that such a compromise would reduce the tensions between the secular and religious communities.

Oceans5555's photo
Sat 07/05/08 09:59 AM

You may surprised to know that Jesus is a highly honored prophet of Islam,

Your intentions may be good, but it is a blow to Christians. Jesus Christ is not a prophet, He is our Lord and Saviour.


Yes, that is correct. Christians generally believe that Jesus is a God, or has the attributes of God. Muslims do not, while they do accept him as one of the more important prophets.

It seems to me that the teachings of the prophets is the most important thing about them. Personally, I don't need to see Jesus as a God to appreciate his teachings.

I don't think that anyone is going to be 'saved' or not saved, and think it highly unlikely that there is an afterlife, or a Heaven or Hell. Muslims, as do Christians, do believe in these things.

But the teachings of wise people, whether Christians or Muslims, or Buddhists, etc., can always benefit me and the society I am a part of, and I am quite willing to learn from anyone, anytime, and anywhere.

It's a good world! I wish ALL people in the world could live free from the physical, economic, or psychological oppression that makes life hard for them.


Oceans5555's photo
Sat 07/05/08 10:04 AM

Israel is NOT a religion. It is a nation. It is a nation that was created for the Jewish PEOPLE. Part of its laws, especially that covering family law, is based on a conservative branch of Judaism, and opposed to the beliefs and customs of other Jews.

Citizens of Israel INCLUDE Muslims and Christians, and folks of other religious persuasion.

I hope this clarifies things a bit...


Oceans5555's photo
Sat 07/05/08 10:05 AM
The US should choose allies that help the US.

The US should avoid getting locked in with alliances that endanger our security and our economy.
