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Topic: NeoCon
Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/11/08 03:15 PM

So, if the NeoCons support stopping global warming, as Rupert Murdoch is a HUGE supporter of the green movement, what does that mean? George Bush has jumped on this green bandwagon as well.

So.... exactly whose side is the "green" movement on? NBC has now bought the Weather Channel as well, and NBC is the biggest advocate in all media for the "green" movement.

Isn't it funny that the biggest opponents of NeoCons here are also closely allied to them on a common cause of 'saving the world'.

I find it hilarious.

Don't you just love it! To see the open hostility from the libs because other than BUSH bashng they have nothing in the way of REAL solutions to our problems. Grrrr.... laugh


Not true. I have lots of solutions but we must get Bush and his kind out of the way to do the betterment that this country needs.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/11/08 03:18 PM

I have not seen anything that would amount to evidence that bin Laden was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks, and quite a bit that suggests -- suggests -- that he wasn't. This is something that I know a bit about.

Friends who are in a better position to know think that it is more likely that one of two other groups carried out the attacks.

'Confessions' of al-Qaida operatives may not be all they seem to be. There is a lot of evidence that al-Qaida personnel (and those of other groups) have prepared stories to tell their interrogators if they are captured, stories that are designed to mislead counter-intelligence agencies.

Al-Qaida became far more credible around the world when the US fingered them for the Sept 11 attacks. My guess is that are better off now for the accusaion than they would have been without it. And if indeed it was carried out by others, those others are breathing a lot easier now with the counter-terrorism forces chasing themselves around trying to find bin Laden.


where did you get this crap from...some off the wall left wing rag? It's lies like this that is going to get us killed. You should be ashamed.

It's really disgusting how far you people will go to spread lies that put everyone in harm's way.


No different than the lies of Bush and his "friends" that have got hundreds of thousands killed.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 07/11/08 03:23 PM
I have heard the conspiracy theories on 9/11, I question them with the same verocity that I question the Bush lies and manipulations of the American people.

Who really knows? And who really knows will never tell. So we will be in the dark on this one. One thing Bush definitely has done better than any of his predecessors is keep his **** quiet. For as much of idiot as he is, he is not so stupid.

no photo
Fri 07/11/08 03:27 PM

I have not seen anything that would amount to evidence that bin Laden was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks, and quite a bit that suggests -- suggests -- that he wasn't. This is something that I know a bit about.

Friends who are in a better position to know think that it is more likely that one of two other groups carried out the attacks.

'Confessions' of al-Qaida operatives may not be all they seem to be. There is a lot of evidence that al-Qaida personnel (and those of other groups) have prepared stories to tell their interrogators if they are captured, stories that are designed to mislead counter-intelligence agencies.

Al-Qaida became far more credible around the world when the US fingered them for the Sept 11 attacks. My guess is that are better off now for the accusaion than they would have been without it. And if indeed it was carried out by others, those others are breathing a lot easier now with the counter-terrorism forces chasing themselves around trying to find bin Laden.


where did you get this crap from...some off the wall left wing rag? It's lies like this that is going to get us killed. You should be ashamed.

It's really disgusting how far you people will go to spread lies that put everyone in harm's way.


No different than the lies of Bush and his "friends" that have got hundreds of thousands killed.

If there is any justice at all , the whole Administration should be brought to justice .
If you kill one innocent person , you get the death penalty , yet their orders kill even millions , and nothing happens to them .
This is the new slavery and tyranny of this century .

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:57 AM

Hi, Quickstepper.

Several comments are needed here.

Muslims do not have an irrational hatred of Jews (nor of Americans, for that matter). They do, as do non-Muslims, look askance at what Israel has done to the Palestinians, and of those who look askance, some are willing to try to help the Palestinians, as are some non-Muslims. For example, many Christians and some Jews are actively working to force Israel to back down from its occupation and mistreatment of the Palestinians. Indeed, many Israelis themselves oppose the Likkudist program of the Israeli government these last many years.

Israeli actions in Palestine and the Middle East are a SECULAR issue; it is not a matter of religion. There are Muslim Palestinians, Christian Palestinians, and Jewish Palestinians: they have all been victimized by Israel. It is not a matter of their religion.


Uh...Muslims are not peaceful people. THEY ATTACKED ISRAEL BACK IN THE 70's OR THERE WOULD BE NO PROBLEM.

Israel is not the oppressor here. Anyone who lives in reality knows that. there's teny tiny Israel then there's the rest of the mid east. come on... REALITY CHECK...

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:01 AM

It is amazing to me how many so called "people of faith" are duped by the right to support war and killing and domestic spying and outing of covert CIA agents, etc... They con you with phony "family value" issues like "pro-life" (is war pro-life?) and "protection of marriage." They scare you with the "boogeyman" of terrorism and Islam. It's this gullible segment of the electorate who are responsible for 7 years of the worst president in the history of this country. In thanks, they've given you record budged deficits (your grandchildren will pay) dead soldiers and $4.00 gas to enrich their corporate friends. Congratulations.

So what? Our govt. does what it takes to protect our people & our interests that includes OUR FREEDOMS. So what's your gripe?

What I see hurting us more are the lies being spread by lefties for a corrupt election year win./ It's sad how bankrupt DEMs have become. Just when I think they can't stoop any lower.... noway noway

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:03 AM

Quickstepper, you may wish to read some background on the creation of Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I recommend:

Menachem Begin, THE REVOLT (paperback)
David Ben Gurion, MEMOIRS
Theodor Herzel, THE JEWISH STATE, especially the first edition if your local library has it.

Regarding negotiating with terrorists, you might want to read up on several events that have occurred publicly in the last couple of weeks:

1. Israel's negotiations with HAMAS
2. Israel's negotiations with Syria
3. The US's most recent negotiations with Anbar tribal leaders
4. The US's negotiations with "Axis of Evil" North Korea

These are instructive because Israel and the US have been the greatest asserters of the (fallacious) notion that "You can't/shouldn't negotiate with terrorists."

While many Americans fell for this, despite history being replete with examples of successful negotiations with terrorists, the two governments that most asserted it in fact do regularly 'negotiate with terrorists', and often with good results.

I hope you will follow-up on the reading recommendations; I think you will find those books interesting and helpful in actually understanding the conflict.


Yes well you don't have to tell me that the thugs are taking over. I hope you lefties are satisfied with that...you caused it with your "talking on BOTH sides of your mouth" politics.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:07 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 07/12/08 06:08 AM

So, if the NeoCons support stopping global warming, as Rupert Murdoch is a HUGE supporter of the green movement, what does that mean? George Bush has jumped on this green bandwagon as well.

So.... exactly whose side is the "green" movement on? NBC has now bought the Weather Channel as well, and NBC is the biggest advocate in all media for the "green" movement.

Isn't it funny that the biggest opponents of NeoCons here are also closely allied to them on a common cause of 'saving the world'.

I find it hilarious.

So talk about them... bring ideas out... Bring it on...
Don't you just love it! To see the open hostility from the libs because other than BUSH bashng they have nothing in the way of REAL solutions to our problems. Grrrr.... laugh


Not true. I have lots of solutions but we must get Bush and his kind out of the way to do the betterment that this country needs.

So bring it on...I'd love to hear them...

What are you FOR...

t22learner's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:13 AM

It is amazing to me how many so called "people of faith" are duped by the right to support war and killing and domestic spying and outing of covert CIA agents, etc... They con you with phony "family value" issues like "pro-life" (is war pro-life?) and "protection of marriage." They scare you with the "boogeyman" of terrorism and Islam. It's this gullible segment of the electorate who are responsible for 7 years of the worst president in the history of this country. In thanks, they've given you record budged deficits (your grandchildren will pay) dead soldiers and $4.00 gas to enrich their corporate friends. Congratulations.

So what? Our govt. does what it takes to protect our people & our interests that includes OUR FREEDOMS. So what's your gripe?

What I see hurting us more are the lies being spread by lefties for a corrupt election year win./ It's sad how bankrupt DEMs have become. Just when I think they can't stoop any lower....

"So what?" Classic response.

As for "what you see," that's limited to what FoxNoise tells you what to see.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:17 AM

It is amazing to me how many so called "people of faith" are duped by the right to support war and killing and domestic spying and outing of covert CIA agents, etc... They con you with phony "family value" issues like "pro-life" (is war pro-life?) and "protection of marriage." They scare you with the "boogeyman" of terrorism and Islam. It's this gullible segment of the electorate who are responsible for 7 years of the worst president in the history of this country. In thanks, they've given you record budged deficits (your grandchildren will pay) dead soldiers and $4.00 gas to enrich their corporate friends. Congratulations.

So what? Our govt. does what it takes to protect our people & our interests that includes OUR FREEDOMS. So what's your gripe?

What I see hurting us more are the lies being spread by lefties for a corrupt election year win./ It's sad how bankrupt DEMs have become. Just when I think they can't stoop any lower....

"So what?" Classic response.

As for "what you see," that's limited to what FoxNoise tells you what to see.

Here then...I have the perfect solution to your problem...go be a slave in the sudan... or better yet go live in a nut in haiti...

Go! You ,like to suffer? Go then...

You still aren't saying how you would fix whatever it is you think needs fixing.

What are you FOR???

t22learner's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:23 AM

What are you FOR???

I'm for ending this wretched war and spending money on rebuilding this country on sustainable energy. Our infrastructure is becoming like that of a third world country and needs repair.

I'm for every American having healthcare.

I'm for educating our people.

I'm for human rights.

I'm for corporate responsibility. I'm for personal privacy and no domestic government spying.

That's just off the top of my head.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:30 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 07/12/08 06:37 AM

What are you FOR???

I'm for ending this wretched war and spending money on rebuilding this country on sustainable energy. Our infrastructure is becoming like that of a third world country and needs repair.

I'm for every American having healthcare.

I'm for educating our people.

I'm for human rights.

I'm for corporate responsibility. I'm for personal privacy and no domestic government spying.

That's just off the top of my head.

I'm for every American having healthcare through their jobs...not some govt. controlled healthcare.

I'm for quality education with testing like they did when we went to school. Not social engineering programs that do nothing FOR kids.

I'm for human rights too...for the innocent life, the poor & widows. Help that helps them to help themselves & not one that makes an entire section of people dependant.

I'm for FREE enterprize...not what is going on today. I would like to see every lobbyist kicked out of the state houses & DC. No more shelving technology to give some corp. more money in their pocket.

There is no domestic spying as you say... that average citizens have anything to worry about.

Unfortunately, because of the volume of illegals & open borders etc etc, it's a neccessary evil...if it's really happening like you imply it is. Somehow I don't think it is being applied the way you mean it... I haven't heard of any cases where innocent people are being carried off never to be heard of again.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:50 AM

What are you FOR???

I'm for ending this wretched war and spending money on rebuilding this country on sustainable energy. Our infrastructure is becoming like that of a third world country and needs repair.

I'm for every American having healthcare.

I'm for educating our people.

I'm for human rights.

I'm for corporate responsibility. I'm for personal privacy and no domestic government spying.

That's just off the top of my head.


Me too!

As far as Education goes. I go to school with these young-ins, and I'll tell you. Our generation was never expected to learn as much in as short a time and be tested near as much on that knowledge as today's generation. They go through more pressure and handle it with a lot more maturity than most of our generation could imagine.
I'll commend them before I'll condemn them ever again!

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:51 AM


Can I say thank you mirror mirror ?.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: waving waving

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