Topic: the REAL POLL
scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/09/08 07:54 PM

i just feel its a tragedy to have two people no matter who...not have the same rights because of their sex. is that not discriminatory? descrimination is based on sex, religion, race, etc....

hell i dont know...thinkin outloud here :tongue:

Sweetie , I see homosexuality as an act outside nature laws .
When a man and a woman have sex ; they will have children ...etc . What does a man gets when he has sex with a man like him ?. Some it what you want . What does a woman gets when she has sex with another woman ? it ....
.. what you want . When you put kids in a gay relationship home , you influence them to be gays . This is reality the same way we see the sun above us and screw all statistics and let logic and common sense rule for once and for all . Add to that this non sense homosexuality education for kids in schools :
I have no idea why these kids have to learn about a life style that billions of people disapprove of it all around the world .
I saw a program on CNN where pedophiles in jails were saying it is their right to have sex with children . As a majority are we going to give in to every minority who comes with new life style ?. Laws are made from common sense and logic . If nature approves of a homosexual behaviour then how come we had men and women for all these years . If we have only homosexuals , it will be the end of the world : a man can not make a man pregnant
and a woman can not make a woman pregnant .

Whats your point? Children? Hmmmmmm...people get married all the time...and never have kids. So what?.......Does the heart have no home other than your view of home?


no photo
Mon 06/09/08 08:37 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/09/08 08:39 PM
Sam53 writes:

If nature approves of a homosexual behaviour then how come we had men and women for all these years . If we have only homosexuals , it will be the end of the world : a man can not make a man pregnant and a woman can not make a woman pregnant.

huh Wait!..... I’m trying to imagine you with a brain.


I guess I don't have as much imagination as I had originally thought. huh grumble

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 06/09/08 11:38 PM

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou for miguel

Feral cat, you need to give those flowers to your husband. He might be out late though.meeeooowwlaugh

you are such a sick person.:angry:

no photo
Tue 06/10/08 02:50 AM

Sam53 writes:

If nature approves of a homosexual behaviour then how come we had men and women for all these years . If we have only homosexuals , it will be the end of the world : a man can not make a man pregnant and a woman can not make a woman pregnant.

huh Wait!..... I’m trying to imagine you with a brain.


I guess I don't have as much imagination as I had originally thought. huh grumble

JB :
They want to get kids involved in this life style and we say keep the children out of this mess : schools , adoptions ....etc .grumble grumble .

no photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:00 AM
Edited by sam53 on Tue 06/10/08 04:08 AM

Whats your point? Children? Hmmmmmm...people get married all the time...and never have kids. So what?.......Does the heart have no home other than your view of home?

Pedophiles ,drug dealers , mafia ....etc have hearts too . Are we going to allow them to change our decent ways of life just to please them ?. Come on ,be real and see life as it is and not as some media and other corrupt folks see it .

Britty's photo
Tue 06/10/08 04:52 AM


Well so far the poll indicates that it is only Christians who would vote no. Though not all Christians would vote no.

What is it in the Christian faith that allows some Christians to take a beleif meant to teach that person alone, how to conduct their own affairs, and then use that information to judge another?

And worse than that, they would back up their own judgement by determining that those they have found guilty are not worthy of the same treatment under the law as they would expect themselves?

good question, Redy.

If I were there, myself, I would answer that accordingly.:wink:

But I am not.

You didn't ask for qualifying answers.

Even in doing so, agendas cannot be assumed to be or not be the imposition.

As you know, the subject of constitutional law is a very complex one.

Partiality and preferential treatment by decree creates new minorities.:wink:

It is certainly an uphill battle for the glbt community.

There are too many reasons for me to say no in response to your question #2.

But it has nothing to do with judgements about the rights of others. It has more to do with my own being abrogated.:wink:

Let's leave it at that and assume rather that my answer was nobly tendered in sincerity and simplicity, not as a duplicitous insult to you.


flowerforyou :heart:

Well put.

Yes and No questions rarely, if ever, get the whole truth. I hate them myself. The answers are not given without much thought, care or concern, or understanding, but simply the truth as asked.


Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:28 AM

Whats your point? Children? Hmmmmmm...people get married all the time...and never have kids. So what?.......Does the heart have no home other than your view of home?

Pedophiles ,drug dealers , mafia ....etc have hearts too . Are we going to allow them to change our decent ways of life just to please them ?. Come on ,be real and see life as it is and not as some media and other corrupt folks see it .

When dealing in propoganda to advance a personal agenda common sense and facts are irrelevant samdrinker

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:30 AM
Edited by Redykeulous on Tue 06/10/08 07:32 AM
OH Sam,

Your thought processes are not logical.

Sir - if it takes a homosexual to 'influence' another to become a homosexual, where did the first ones come from?

Are REALLY honestly concerned that the worlds population could at some point all be "influenced" to become homosexual?

Currently, Indiana is, for the most part, a disaster area. Sam, if you are in desperate need of food or shelter or clothes, I could direct you to some really great places, but unfortunately for you, you would have to decline, I'm sure. Because they have been infiltrated with gay and lesbian volunteers - sorry Sam, who knows what they put in the water or how you could be influenced. Don't try the Salvation Army or the Red Cross becasue even their Godly roots do not prohibit them from accepting homosexual volunteers.

I guess if you are ever in need you will just have to sit in your boat and hope your God has willed a decent end for you.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:35 AM
Maybe, your God has a sense of humor, Sam and you and Fanta will end up spening your last many days adrift alone together.

You could speak of your mutual disgust and hate and all your reasons for your bitterness and wouldn't it be 'funny' if at the end God said - "and so in your final days, you have give your testament. Your judgement will be forthcoming!"

MMMM - actually this could make an interesting movie.....laugh

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:37 AM
By the way Fanta - what did you earn your degree in? Any good job possibilities in your future? Good luck!

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 06/10/08 07:53 AM
Just so my absence will not be considered some kind of win or conquest to SOME, I would like to let you all know that I will busy for a while.

I have to go help all my GLBT friends as we work side by side with SOME straight people, the ones who could care less about who you are when you are saving lives.

Just so you all know there are no surveys or quizes and those who are helped are free to return to their Sam and Fanta lives, obliviuos to whom they owe a debt of graditude.

But I absolutely will not be spreading any influence, other than what comes from my heart. flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:00 AM

Sam53 writes:

If nature approves of a homosexual behaviour then how come we had men and women for all these years . If we have only homosexuals , it will be the end of the world : a man can not make a man pregnant and a woman can not make a woman pregnant.

huh Wait!..... I’m trying to imagine you with a brain.


I guess I don't have as much imagination as I had originally thought. huh grumble

JB :
They want to get kids involved in this life style and we say keep the children out of this mess : schools , adoptions ....etc .grumble grumble .

I'll bet you don't know that people are born homosexual. They aren't "influenced" to become one later. I'll bet that a lot of people don't know that there are children being born today who are both sexes, and that doctors are making to decision whether they will be male or female with a surgery right after birth.

I'll bet you didn't know that. smokin Sam, get a clue.


Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:03 AM
Actually there are studies showing that homosexual behavior is non-existent in some societies. In a few they did not even understand what it was as it didn't exist.
In other societies like Greek and Italians where it is widely accepted, the occurrence of homosexual behavior is rampant.
Even here in the US it is a much likelier occurrence in cities than in suburbs or rural communities, but has been on the rise since becoming a media topic.

In 1970, only 1 in 10 homosexuals when asked said they were born homosexual. In the 80's 35% said they were born homosexual, and today almost all say it.

Everyone knows that the choices a child makes in life are directly related to the environment they grow up in, (ie home)
and the adults that they look up to as role models.

I would say many but its actually only a few, of those who say they support the homosexual law changes, only say it with a bleeding heart and not with facts or knowledge related to the topic.
Half of those can be caught contradicting what they say on a thread like this with comments they make in parenting threads and others where the topic involves another lifestyle they dont agree with.

Half of your comments redy follow standard documented propaganda techniques describe in many educational studies done on propaganda. Like the one where you claim me and sam are loners. LMAO
Besides having no knowledge to support your ridiculous statement you are trying to isolate our comments as far from norm. Knowing very well that our logic is sound and far more mainstream than yours.
You also often follow another propaganda technique which is band standing. You gather with and lean on 4 or 5 other people here in an effort to make it look like you have a multitude of followers. LMAO
Count them, it matters not that they each post the same untrue propaganda 20 times each a day, there are still only 4 or 5 and they are probably influenced by a personal connection rather than an informed or correct logic.
Get a life! There is more to life than a sexual preference!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:11 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Tue 06/10/08 08:11 AM
Yes babies are born with both sexes not much but it does happen. But then if the bible was true to to what it really says you would know Adam was created with both sexs the same as the Angels are.

Being born a homosexual. That we are being told. We are beleiving a very small group of scientists that claim this. They draw big pay checks now too I bet.

Why do women feel the need to wear a string up thier but in public while we tell our children or at least to stay away from sex.

Why do we need porn sites? Why can't we make them illegal?

No we won't do these things. Not because a majority of the population would vote to outlaw this stuff. Because to much money is being made. Thats what all this non sence boils down to. Money= Power.

I would like to see a reputable report explaining how they found this Gay gene. It is not thier. Some one post the report that shows how they found this gene Ok....Miles

Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:13 AM

By the way Fanta - what did you earn your degree in? Any good job possibilities in your future? Good luck!

None of your buisness!bigsmile


Dont need luck. I have skill, expeience, a high GPA, and common sense! :wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:19 AM

Yes babies are born with both sexes not much but it does happen. But then if the bible was true to to what it really says you would know Adam was created with both sexs the same as the Angels are.

Being born a homosexual. That we are being told. We are beleiving a very small group of scientists that claim this. They draw big pay checks now too I bet.

Why do women feel the need to wear a string up thier but in public while we tell our children or at least to stay away from sex.

Why do we need porn sites? Why can't we make them illegal?

No we won't do these things. Not because a majority of the population would vote to outlaw this stuff. Because to much money is being made. Thats what all this non sence boils down to. Money= Power.

I would like to see a reputable report explaining how they found this Gay gene. It is not thier. Some one post the report that shows how they found this gene Ok....Miles

Ive posted all the info before stating that the report was found to be flawed Miles. No other scientist has been able to duplicate the results.

Of course that doesnt stop the GLBT from flooding the net with the first statment even though it has been proven to be false.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:22 AM
Ive posted link after link. They just ignore them and continue with the propoganda, attempted ridicule, bandstanding, and name calling.

I just watched a thread get locked for less than what redy said to me and sam a minute ago!

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:33 AM

Ive posted link after link. They just ignore them and continue with the propoganda, attempted ridicule, bandstanding, and name calling.

I just watched a thread get locked for less than what redy said to me and sam a minute ago!

good morning Fanta...drinker

Oh, that is just par for the course, Glen...flowerforyou

nothing is ever ever fair around here...huh noway huh

tribo's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:42 AM
you might try thinking about gaining back the freedom's we've already lost before trying to bestow new freedom's on any basis.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 06/10/08 08:53 AM
Thanks Fanta.. Have a Great daydrinker drinker drinker Miles