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Topic: Just pissing me off................
scttrbrain's photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:42 PM
The only dangerous thing I see JB is that she has this huge following that will do whatever she thinks is good for them.
Thus dangerously able to cause mass changes in mind thoughts. Now most is good but, she has the ability to do what most cannot do......cause many to change what they normally would think on their own to hers.
She has the ability to make people follow her belief. To make people vote differently. People to change their own religious beliefs while not being aware while doing this.
There is many negative tones to her strength to the masses.
Believe me...I have a lot of adoration for her...for the good she has done for the world.
But, the danger isn't there. It is really in the unknown. What she could do if she so chose.


no photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:44 PM
apparently she poses a threat to the christians

Not necessarily to Christians, but to Christianity and other religions. All Religions in general who claim to be the only way to God are in danger of being exposed or at the very least... challenged.


no photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:44 PM

The only dangerous thing I see JB is that she has this huge following that will do whatever she thinks is good for them.
Thus dangerously able to cause mass changes in mind thoughts. Now most is good but, she has the ability to do what most cannot do......cause many to change what they normally would think on their own to hers.
She has the ability to make people follow her belief. To make people vote differently. People to change their own religious beliefs while not being aware while doing this.
There is many negative tones to her strength to the masses.
Believe me...I have a lot of adoration for her...for the good she has done for the world.
But, the danger isn't there. It is really in the unknown. What she could do if she so chose.


hummm sounds like you just described Jesus

no photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:48 PM

The only dangerous thing I see JB is that she has this huge following that will do whatever she thinks is good for them.
Thus dangerously able to cause mass changes in mind thoughts. Now most is good but, she has the ability to do what most cannot do......cause many to change what they normally would think on their own to hers.
She has the ability to make people follow her belief. To make people vote differently. People to change their own religious beliefs while not being aware while doing this.
There is many negative tones to her strength to the masses.
Believe me...I have a lot of adoration for her...for the good she has done for the world.
But, the danger isn't there. It is really in the unknown. What she could do if she so chose.


"What she could do if she so chose..."

So they fear her simply because she has power. And they fear her because she no longer agrees with the idea that there is only one way to God.

Yes she is powerful. I agree with that. But I don't see her using that power to invade third world countries or appoint herself Queen of any of them and enslaving the citizens; or doing anything else that looks remotely "evil."

I think George Bush is dangerous, and he has proven that.


no photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:50 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 05/29/08 03:52 PM
If Oprah was out there starting a Christian ministry gaining converts to Christianity you can bet she would not be called "dangerous" she would be worshiped like a goddess... and praised by all the Christian Churches.

The Pope himself would make her a saint.

Tell me it ain't so. bigsmile


no photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:56 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 05/29/08 04:00 PM
She has the ability to make people follow her belief. To make people vote differently. People to change their own religious beliefs while not being aware while doing this.

Now to address specifically the statement you made above.

No she doesn't.

Because people have a will of their own.

She cannot MAKE anyone follow her. Nobody can. People cannot MAKE YOU vote differently.


Are you admitting that people in general don't think for them self?

Yes she can influence people, but people will make up their own minds. People will decide for themselves. People can think after all. They are NOT a bunch of hypnotized zombies.

People CAN THINK. People can reason. People can decide for themselves.

I have faith in people to do that.


no photo
Thu 05/29/08 03:57 PM
I patiently await rational reasonable arguments to any and all of what I have stated here.

Bring it on.


no photo
Thu 05/29/08 04:03 PM
Christians are not perfect....they just expect everyone else to be...

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/29/08 04:05 PM

If Oprah was out there starting a Christian ministry gaining converts to Christianity you can bet she would not be called "dangerous" she would be worshiped like a goddess... and praised by all the Christian Churches.

The Pope himself would make her a saint.

Tell me it ain't so. bigsmile

flowerforyou I think your right about that J.B.flowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 05/29/08 04:09 PM

The only dangerous thing I see JB is that she has this huge following that will do whatever she thinks is good for them.
Thus dangerously able to cause mass changes in mind thoughts. Now most is good but, she has the ability to do what most cannot do......cause many to change what they normally would think on their own to hers.
She has the ability to make people follow her belief. To make people vote differently. People to change their own religious beliefs while not being aware while doing this.
There is many negative tones to her strength to the masses.
Believe me...I have a lot of adoration for her...for the good she has done for the world.
But, the danger isn't there. It is really in the unknown. What she could do if she so chose.


"What she could do if she so chose..."

So they fear her simply because she has power. And they fear her because she no longer agrees with the idea that there is only one way to God.

Yes she is powerful. I agree with that. But I don't see her using that power to invade third world countries or appoint herself Queen of any of them and enslaving the citizens; or doing anything else that looks remotely "evil."

I think George Bush is dangerous, and he has proven that.


Whoa...wait a minute...I am not talking about religion or Christians. I am simply speaking of her power over people.


scttrbrain's photo
Thu 05/29/08 04:14 PM
Okay...okay...she doesn't make them do anything. And if you really think that so many of these people are not worshipping her...better think again.
She can do no wrong to them. I have been on her web site.I have even been in her message boards. I found myself wanting or even needing to watch her show. I was addicted. Couldn't wait to see what was next to do. I finally quit watching her so devoutly. It was oprah this and oprah that. I am not weak by any means...but if it can happen to me to that extent..it can happen to those that have no life.
She influences them...there...better?:wink:


MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 05/29/08 04:21 PM

Okay...okay...she doesn't make them do anything. And if you really think that so many of these people are not worshipping her...better think again.
She can do no wrong to them. I have been on her web site.I have even been in her message boards. I found myself wanting or even needing to watch her show. I was addicted. Couldn't wait to see what was next to do. I finally quit watching her so devoutly. It was oprah this and oprah that. I am not weak by any means...but if it can happen to me to that extent..it can happen to those that have no life.
She influences them...there...better?:wink:

flowerforyou Oprah is a master of the Law of Attractionflowerforyou

no photo
Thu 05/29/08 04:50 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 05/29/08 04:53 PM

Okay...okay...she doesn't make them do anything. And if you really think that so many of these people are not worshipping her...better think again.
She can do no wrong to them. I have been on her web site.I have even been in her message boards. I found myself wanting or even needing to watch her show. I was addicted. Couldn't wait to see what was next to do. I finally quit watching her so devoutly. It was oprah this and oprah that. I am not weak by any means...but if it can happen to me to that extent..it can happen to those that have no life.
She influences them...there...better?:wink:


Yes, and her influence is dangerous why? Dangerous to what or who?

Personally I very seldom ever watched her.


Admiration and love can sometimes be defined as "worship." I see nothing wrong with worshiping someone. It is just admiration, adoration, respect and love.

If we would love and worship each other as we do our concepts of God, the world would be like heaven on earth.

Perhaps then, people think she is dangerous because they perceive that people are "worshiping" her and theirs is a jealous god who wants all the worship to himself?

Could it be the age old commandment, "Thou shalt not have or worship any other God? Is this what people are worried about?

Or are they worried about her endorsements of a black man for president? Or are they worried about her new spiritualism vs. the only one way to heaven by Jesus Christ idea?



star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:01 PM

Christians are not perfect....they just expect everyone else to be...

Nope, you got that wrong simple. Christians are not perfect...... but everyone expects them to be. :wink:

no photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:22 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 05/29/08 05:24 PM

Christians are not perfect....they just expect everyone else to be...

Nope, you got that wrong simple. Christians are not perfect...... but everyone expects them to be. :wink:

I think not.

I just expect them to be at least as perfect as I am. laugh laugh


star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:37 PM

Christians are not perfect....they just expect everyone else to be...

Nope, you got that wrong simple. Christians are not perfect...... but everyone expects them to be. :wink:

I think not.

I just expect them to be at least as perfect as I am. laugh laugh


laugh laugh laugh I am! laugh laugh
<<<<<< Your smile is prettier than mine though.blushing

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:39 PM
Ok, so theres one christian whos mad about christian bashing, and 3 pages later we have pagans and wiccans and oprah.

God help us all laugh

no photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:40 PM

Christians are not perfect....they just expect everyone else to be...

Nope, you got that wrong simple. Christians are not perfect...... but everyone expects them to be. :wink:

I think not.

I just expect them to be at least as perfect as I am. laugh laugh


laugh laugh laugh I am! laugh laugh
<<<<<< Your smile is prettier than mine though.blushing

You're just a dog with pink lips and two teeth.

Isn't anyone interested in my debate? Guess not huh?
What happen to the original poster?
What happen to the original person who bashed Oprah?

I guess I'll just get back to work cleaning my house then.

Buh bye see ya later tonight dog!

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:44 PM

Christians are not perfect....they just expect everyone else to be...

Nope, you got that wrong simple. Christians are not perfect...... but everyone expects them to be. :wink:

I think not.

I just expect them to be at least as perfect as I am. laugh laugh


laugh laugh laugh I am! laugh laugh
<<<<<< Your smile is prettier than mine though.blushing

You're just a dog with pink lips and two teeth.

Isn't anyone interested in my debate? Guess not huh?
What happen to the original poster?
What happen to the original person who bashed Oprah?

I guess I'll just get back to work cleaning my house then.

Buh bye see ya later tonight dog!

Just a dog? I am paper trained I'll have you know! Oops..... so much for that. blushing

wouldee's photo
Thu 05/29/08 05:45 PM


I have no problem with others beliefs, I just find the Christian bashing a little harsh. I tend to not speak up when someone groups ALL of us Christians together in the same group of people. Some of which I will note show a certain lack of tolerance, but please remember, not ALL of us are like that and it shows your ignorance to place a negative thought on a group of people, many of which you dont know and have failed to try to know. Some Christians or Some people might think like that but it is not ALL of us.

Thank you.

The problem is that what you see as christian bashing is not really christian bashing. Not all the time anyway. I know what post you are referring to because I saw where you first posted about being upset but out of respect I won't bring in specifics. Although that post wasn't bashing christians. It was more against Christianity. and yes there is a difference.

Bashing Christians is more targeting out people and because of their beliefs.

Going against Christianity is going against an idea and saying why you don't agree with it. Which I wouldn't really consider bashing anyway as much as general discussion. I have seen so many people on here complain that people are bashing christians just because they don't agree with the christianity faith and that is not the case. I know it seems similar but Bashing Christians and attacking the ideals of the Christianity faith are two totally different things.

Not at all. I disagree.

We love Jesus.

and those that take the time out of their day to bash Christianity are bashing Jesus.

He happens to be an intimate friend of mine and I wear His tears.

His wisdom leads me to sorrows over those that cannot fathom the courage to endeavor into the hope of his calling.

But that is one thing.

Taking the time to run Him and the faith down is another.

there can be no separation between bashing Chritsianity and Christians. We are one.:wink:

But bashing churchianity is another story.bigsmile

Best leave that to Christians to do.

We know how.laugh :wink:


flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

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