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scttrbrain's photo
Tue 05/27/08 01:58 PM
I thought a heater was a gun or a joint.noway Learn something new every day.

Good evening star. Have I told you I enjoy reading you? Good sense of humor.


star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 05/27/08 02:06 PM

I thought a heater was a gun or a joint.noway Learn something new every day.

Good evening star. Have I told you I enjoy reading you? Good sense of humor.


flowerforyou ((((((KAT))))))flowerforyou
It was that last hit of acid so many years ago that kept saying "avoid the red dragon, you only have two brain cells left". One was humor and the other was intelligence.laugh I have to live with humor.:tongue:

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 05/27/08 02:24 PM

laugh blushing Nah, just a cow walking through the pasture of life trying to avoid stepping in a pile but when I do I scrape it off my hoof and moooove on.laugh :tongue:

ohh, you are just sooo modest flowerforyou


play those blues!!!smokin

Britty's photo
Tue 05/27/08 02:40 PM

Good Morning everyone......




I am all about the laughter and the lighter side of life. I know at least for me...That it takes way more muscle to frown then to smile....I give all the credit of no wrinkles to never frowning....and if I feel a frown coming on.......I leave the situation...gigglesnort.

I look forward to getting to know the star_tin-meister better....bring on the laughter......

I might even have to post some funny religious humor.....yea we can laugh

God Bless


Well darn. I am all backwards then; it isn't until I smile that the wrinkles show. Around my eyes and mouth. Look pretty good til I laugh or smile. Then poof...there they are.


Well, keep laughing anyway.

:smile: flowerforyou

Britty's photo
Tue 05/27/08 02:50 PM

I'm sorry to break the 'heavenly' ideal but I'm a bit confused. Yesterday was memorial day and there were several comments about people having a wonderful and joyous day off, but no comments about reflecting of what memorial day is.

There was, at the very least, a soldiers prayer, with at least one resounding amen.

Then of course there was what happened right here in the community - a war - an armed conflict the weapons of which were hateful, aweful, lie-filled WORDS.

But in this little piece of heaven nothing happened here at all yesterday.

My question is this - to all those here, and all those who HAVE been her and took part in that war yesterday, who took part in the 'JOY' of an extra day off -


Just curious!

PS - I'm not debating, I'm not going to argue - my purpose, in this post was to make you think, just like so many posts you all made in this thread. But I don't see the good that has come from all the thoughts this thread was supposed to provoke.

For myself, I tend to remember these types of days on a personal basis.

I tend the family plot (at a local cemetry) for a friend who is busy looking after his sick mother. His Dad served in the Army during the war. Not having family here, that is one way I acknowledge this American holiday.

The other things I do for friends, I prefer to do quietly.


feralcatlady's photo
Tue 05/27/08 03:11 PM
Ok stupid me......

I thought a heater was a heater.....and he liked smoking appliances....I knew a fag and spleef but never heard that one....well golly ding dang...I guess I can take the guards off the coffeehouse fridge.

laugh laugh laugh laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 05/27/08 03:13 PM

Good Morning everyone......




I am all about the laughter and the lighter side of life. I know at least for me...That it takes way more muscle to frown then to smile....I give all the credit of no wrinkles to never frowning....and if I feel a frown coming on.......I leave the situation...gigglesnort.

I look forward to getting to know the star_tin-meister better....bring on the laughter......

I might even have to post some funny religious humor.....yea we can laugh

God Bless


Well darn. I am all backwards then; it isn't until I smile that the wrinkles show. Around my eyes and mouth. Look pretty good til I laugh or smile. Then poof...there they are.


Well, keep laughing anyway.

:smile: flowerforyou

I heart ya chica.......and besides the good Lord, the Word and God....laughter is the best medicine....

winnie410's photo
Tue 05/27/08 03:17 PM
hello and God bless! speaking of cigs...on sunday it will be 5 months since i quit completely! a lot of prayer helped me through it all. have a great week everyone!

Britty's photo
Tue 05/27/08 03:22 PM

Hi Winnie,

good for you. flowerforyou Keep up the good work.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

God bless.

flowerforyou :heart:

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 05/27/08 04:05 PM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Tue 05/27/08 04:06 PM

I'm sorry to break the 'heavenly' ideal but I'm a bit confused. Yesterday was memorial day and there were several comments about people having a wonderful and joyous day off, but no comments about reflecting of what memorial day is.

There was, at the very least, a soldiers prayer, with at least one resounding amen.

Then of course there was what happened right here in the community - a war - an armed conflict the weapons of which were hateful, aweful, lie-filled WORDS.

But in this little piece of heaven nothing happened here at all yesterday.

My question is this - to all those here, and all those who HAVE been her and took part in that war yesterday, who took part in the 'JOY' of an extra day off -


Just curious!

PS - I'm not debating, I'm not going to argue - my purpose, in this post was to make you think, just like so many posts you all made in this thread. But I don't see the good that has come from all the thoughts this thread was supposed to provoke.

Di: Understanding your anger but I personally would have brought it up on its own merit instead on the back of a holiday for our military men and women. flowerforyou I called my son and daughter who are out of state, my youngest just getting back from Iraq, and thanked them as I do every year. They thanked me also. I took my oldest son and his fiancee to a movie and spent time with them. I am a veteran of eight years and all three of my children are veterans. My father served in the Korean war and his father in WW1. We don't celebrate Memorial Day. We recognize it and the men and women who gave of their time and sadly many who gave their lives and we recognize it without the fanfare of the Rose Parade. It is not a happy holiday for me as many people see it. I understand where you are coming from and thank you.flowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 05/27/08 04:50 PM

hello and God bless! speaking of cigs...on sunday it will be 5 months since i quit completely! a lot of prayer helped me through it all. have a great week everyone!

Hey winnie how are ya....Congrats on the no smoking....proud of you...

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 05/27/08 04:51 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Tue 05/27/08 04:52 PM
Happy to see you all here, though I'm not sure all are accounted for. But I hope everyone will be. Battles can sometimes take a toll.

I found the following informative. After what I saw yesterday on the thread that no longer exists, I thought the following might be an appropriate lesson to review.

No debate, feel free to discuss it, I'll listen.


Series: The Power of Words

Leslie Basham: The enemy of our souls loves it when we engage in slander. Here's Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: The word that is often translated "slander" in the New Testament is also the word from which we get the English words "devilish" or "diabolic."

Leslie Basham: It's Tuesday, August 19; and you're listening to Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Satan is sometimes called the accuser. When we accuse others we're acting just like him. Let's find out more as Nancy tells us about some evil twins, gossip and slander.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: I saw an episode of I Love Lucy not too long ago that gave a demonstration of something that the Proverbs talks about much and that is the whole area of gossip.
We've been talking about the tongue and how our tongues have power to wound or to heal. We've been looking at the verse in Proverbs 18:21 and I've encouraged you to memorize at least the first part of this verse.

Post it in different places where you'll see it throughout the day. That phrase that says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."

And we've been looking at many different aspects in the Book of Proverbs, there's a lot all throughout the Scripture about the tongue; but we've been focusing specifically on what Proverbs has to say about the tongue.

We come today to this whole subject of gossip which is prominently referenced in the Book of Proverbs. And I think about an I Love Lucy episode where Lucy was on the phone with a friend and they were talking about Betty.

When Lucy got off the phone, Ricky said to her, "Lucy, gossiping is wrong."

Lucy said, "Who, me, gossiping?"

Ricky said, "What do you call what you were doing on the phone?"

And Lucy said, "Well it wasn't gossiping. I prefer to think of it as a mutual exchange of vital information. Anyway, she was gossiping. I was just listening and that isn't gossip."

Well, the Scripture has a lot to say about this thing called gossip. And it is one of the characteristics that we see in the Book of Proverbs that is not harmless.

It can, in fact, be deadly. Gossiping words can wound, can destroy. We're going to see that the mouth of the foolish is a mouth that speaks words of gossip.

Now slander is something that's closely related to gossip. There is a bit of a difference between them.

Joe Stowell has a wonderful book called The Weight of Your Words. And he suggests that slander is the open, intentional sharing of damaging information.

"Gossip, on the other hand, is often done," Dr. Stowell says, "in the context of idle or careless chatter." Both of these are very damaging and dangerous.

Gossip, we can fall into when we're just not thinking. It may not be intentional, just in the context of a group of women. We get together and start talking about things we've heard or seen or experienced or heard from others. And in that context of careless chatter, we can end up sinning with our lips.

Now the word "slander" means "to blemish" or "to fault" or "to speak against." It's interesting that in the New Testament (the original language, as you know, in which the New Testament was written was the Greek language) the word that is often translated "slander" in the New Testament is also the word from which we get the English words "devilish" or "diabolic."

You say, "What's the connection between slander and devilish or diabolic?" There's a real close connection because who is the original slanderer? Satan is. He's the accuser of the brethren.
And so in the King James, the word "diabolic" or diabolos is translated slander. If you have an NIV it's translated "malicious talkers." It means the same thing, to say words about another person that are malicious.
We learn in 1 Timothy 3 [:11] one of the qualifications for the wife of a deacon (one of the spiritual leaders or spiritual servants in the church) is that she is not to engage in slanderous, literally diabolic, or malicious speech.

Do you know that if you're a slanderer that you disqualify your husband from having a place of spiritual leadership in the church? As a wife you can so sin with your lips that your husband is not free to serve God in ways that he may be otherwise qualified to do.

When we slander we are really using the weapons and the instruments and the methods of the devil himself.
Proverbs 10:18 says: "Whoever spreads slander is a fool." And as I read that verse I have to ask myself the question, "Have I been foolish?"

And I know the answer is yes, at many points. In things that I have said about another person that either are not true or may be true but are malicious and are designed to pull down and pull down that person's reputation.

Destructive words. Proverbs 16:27 tells us: "An ungodly man digs up evil, and it is on his lips like a burning fire." He digs up evil. He's receptive to evil things that he hears about other people.

And those things are on his lips like a burning fire. He's got to get rid of them. He's got to share them with others. That ungodly man, it's a word that means "scoundrel." This is an ugly way to use our tongues. And his words are incendiary. They burn like fire. They blaze out of control.

As I meditated on these verses, I thought back to a few occasions when I had been a victim of someone saying things that weren't true, a victim of slander.

And I remember back to one particular instance; it was probably about 20 years ago. But if I think about that situation, I can relive it as though it were yesterday.

It hurt so deeply at the time. The memory of it is still painful. Someone just carelessly (I don't think there was an intent to be malicious in this case) came to conclusions that were not true and shared them with others.

It hurt my reputation, it hurt my pride and God used that instance in a way that was sanctifying in my life. I can look back on it and thank the Lord for what He taught me through it.
But now I'm instructed as I think back on that occasion and a few others and I have to trust my own reputation to God. But what have I done to the reputation of others.

I was in a meeting not too long ago where we were talking about various ministries and Christian workers. Somebody's name came up, somebody that I actually respect very highly, a great servant of the Lord.

But there are some aspects of that person's view of the Scripture where I have a different understanding of the Scripture. For some reason I felt compelled in that setting, and it was not necessary, but I just felt compelled to say what I knew.

And I realized as I got out of that meeting that I had put that other servant of the Lord in a bad light. I had not helped their reputation.

And it wasn't a situation where, by speaking what I knew, it was going to enhance the cause of Christ or that it needed to be said. I was just saying something that I knew, that didn't need to be said.

I got out of that meeting and I was so convicted that I had slandered that person's reputation that I got on my cell phone, before I left town. I was on my way out of town and I got a hold of the first person I could who had been in that meeting.
I said, "I was so wrong. I should not have given that negative report of that other servant of the Lord. Their works can speak for themselves but I didn't need to point this out. Would you please forgive me?"

And I couldn't get hold of the others at the moment but I felt I needed to address it so when I got home, I wrote a letter to the others who had been in that meeting and again sought forgiveness for having slandered the reputation of that servant of the Lord.

If you will deal with these issues as they surface you'll find that it puts a restraint on your tongue because I don't want to have to write those kinds of letters very often.
I don't want to have to make those kinds of calls very often. I've had to make them more often than I'd like to admit. If you'll deal in humility with those things as God convicts you, then you'll find God uses that to bring your tongue under control.

And so we need to be asking as we speak, "Is this a good report? Is it kind, is it true, is it necessary?"(Philippians 4:8).

You know, we're going to move on in the next session to the twin or cousin of slander which is gossip. But before we do I'd like to just part on that verse we started with from Proverbs 10: 18 for a moment. "Whoever spreads slander is a fool."
Now you know what Proverbs has to say about fools: There's very little hope for a fool.

Now there are different kinds of fools. There are those who have gone so far in their foolishness that there is no hope for them.

But there are others who are willing to turn from their foolish ways and to be instructed. And when they do, they are no longer foolish but they become wise.

Perhaps as we were talking about slander, you realized, I've been a fool. I've spread things; I've given evil reports, negative reports.

Some of you have been a fool in spreading slander about perhaps your own husband. And it's within the context of our closest relationships that we often fall into these kinds of sins of the tongue.

Can I just say as a wife it is so important that you give good reports of your husband. That isn't to say that your husband is glorified or sanctified or perfected.

I'm sure he's not. And some of your husbands may have some very serious spiritual issues. But it is so important that when you speak of him to others that you speak with reverence.

God will honor that--that you honor your husband with your words, that you honor your parents, that you honor your pastor.
Your pastor has shortcomings and faults and failures as do your parents, but it's so important, when we speak words about these people, particularly those that God has put in positions of authority over us, that we speak words that reverence them and honor them and in no way slander or damage their reputations.

Leslie Basham: Why is it that we're most prone to speak evil of those who deserve our greatest respect?

Nancy Leigh DeMoss has been giving us a great definition of slander today. And I can't wait to hear what she has to say about gossip tomorrow.

Nancy addresses all these issues in a new booklet called The Power of Words, a four-week devotional study on speaking with wisdom and grace. It will help you understand what the Bible says about the words we speak.

It provides questions for reflection and evaluation of your own heart. To get more information, just give us a call at 1-800-569-5959 or get more information on-line at Revive Our Hearts.com.

Over the coming days if you notice God starting to change the way you control your tongue, would you write and tell us about it.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Father, Your Word is like a mirror. It shows us things that we can't see about our own hearts.
And as I've looked into the mirror of Your Word, I've been convicted that many times I have spoken foolishly by speaking slanderously, by giving negative reports, evil reports, and sometimes reports that aren't true--that have damaged the reputations of others.

Lord, we come to You this morning to seek Your forgiveness and to ask You to heal our foolish hearts, to repent of our foolishness and to ask You to give us wise hearts, to give us words and hearts that are pure and speak good reports and true reports and reports that are kind and words that are necessary.
Cleanse us, Lord. We need Your forgiveness and we need Your grace to speak words that minister grace to others, that minister health and wholeness and healing. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Leslie Basham:

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 05/27/08 04:58 PM

Happy to see you all here, though I'm not sure all are accounted for. But I hope everyone will be. Battles can sometimes take a toll.

I found the following informative. After what I saw yesterday on the thread that no longer exists, I thought the following might be an appropriate lesson to review.

No debate, feel free to discuss it, I'll listen.


Series: The Power of Words

Leslie Basham: The enemy of our souls loves it when we engage in slander. Here's Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: The word that is often translated "slander" in the New Testament is also the word from which we get the English words "devilish" or "diabolic."

Leslie Basham: It's Tuesday, August 19; and you're listening to Revive Our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Satan is sometimes called the accuser. When we accuse others we're acting just like him. Let's find out more as Nancy tells us about some evil twins, gossip and slander.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: I saw an episode of I Love Lucy not too long ago that gave a demonstration of something that the Proverbs talks about much and that is the whole area of gossip.
We've been talking about the tongue and how our tongues have power to wound or to heal. We've been looking at the verse in Proverbs 18:21 and I've encouraged you to memorize at least the first part of this verse.

Post it in different places where you'll see it throughout the day. That phrase that says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."

And we've been looking at many different aspects in the Book of Proverbs, there's a lot all throughout the Scripture about the tongue; but we've been focusing specifically on what Proverbs has to say about the tongue.

We come today to this whole subject of gossip which is prominently referenced in the Book of Proverbs. And I think about an I Love Lucy episode where Lucy was on the phone with a friend and they were talking about Betty.

When Lucy got off the phone, Ricky said to her, "Lucy, gossiping is wrong."

Lucy said, "Who, me, gossiping?"

Ricky said, "What do you call what you were doing on the phone?"

And Lucy said, "Well it wasn't gossiping. I prefer to think of it as a mutual exchange of vital information. Anyway, she was gossiping. I was just listening and that isn't gossip."

Well, the Scripture has a lot to say about this thing called gossip. And it is one of the characteristics that we see in the Book of Proverbs that is not harmless.

It can, in fact, be deadly. Gossiping words can wound, can destroy. We're going to see that the mouth of the foolish is a mouth that speaks words of gossip.

Now slander is something that's closely related to gossip. There is a bit of a difference between them.

Joe Stowell has a wonderful book called The Weight of Your Words. And he suggests that slander is the open, intentional sharing of damaging information.

"Gossip, on the other hand, is often done," Dr. Stowell says, "in the context of idle or careless chatter." Both of these are very damaging and dangerous.

Gossip, we can fall into when we're just not thinking. It may not be intentional, just in the context of a group of women. We get together and start talking about things we've heard or seen or experienced or heard from others. And in that context of careless chatter, we can end up sinning with our lips.

Now the word "slander" means "to blemish" or "to fault" or "to speak against." It's interesting that in the New Testament (the original language, as you know, in which the New Testament was written was the Greek language) the word that is often translated "slander" in the New Testament is also the word from which we get the English words "devilish" or "diabolic."

You say, "What's the connection between slander and devilish or diabolic?" There's a real close connection because who is the original slanderer? Satan is. He's the accuser of the brethren.
And so in the King James, the word "diabolic" or diabolos is translated slander. If you have an NIV it's translated "malicious talkers." It means the same thing, to say words about another person that are malicious.
We learn in 1 Timothy 3 [:11] one of the qualifications for the wife of a deacon (one of the spiritual leaders or spiritual servants in the church) is that she is not to engage in slanderous, literally diabolic, or malicious speech.

Do you know that if you're a slanderer that you disqualify your husband from having a place of spiritual leadership in the church? As a wife you can so sin with your lips that your husband is not free to serve God in ways that he may be otherwise qualified to do.

When we slander we are really using the weapons and the instruments and the methods of the devil himself.
Proverbs 10:18 says: "Whoever spreads slander is a fool." And as I read that verse I have to ask myself the question, "Have I been foolish?"

And I know the answer is yes, at many points. In things that I have said about another person that either are not true or may be true but are malicious and are designed to pull down and pull down that person's reputation.

Destructive words. Proverbs 16:27 tells us: "An ungodly man digs up evil, and it is on his lips like a burning fire." He digs up evil. He's receptive to evil things that he hears about other people.

And those things are on his lips like a burning fire. He's got to get rid of them. He's got to share them with others. That ungodly man, it's a word that means "scoundrel." This is an ugly way to use our tongues. And his words are incendiary. They burn like fire. They blaze out of control.

As I meditated on these verses, I thought back to a few occasions when I had been a victim of someone saying things that weren't true, a victim of slander.

And I remember back to one particular instance; it was probably about 20 years ago. But if I think about that situation, I can relive it as though it were yesterday.

It hurt so deeply at the time. The memory of it is still painful. Someone just carelessly (I don't think there was an intent to be malicious in this case) came to conclusions that were not true and shared them with others.

It hurt my reputation, it hurt my pride and God used that instance in a way that was sanctifying in my life. I can look back on it and thank the Lord for what He taught me through it.
But now I'm instructed as I think back on that occasion and a few others and I have to trust my own reputation to God. But what have I done to the reputation of others.

I was in a meeting not too long ago where we were talking about various ministries and Christian workers. Somebody's name came up, somebody that I actually respect very highly, a great servant of the Lord.

But there are some aspects of that person's view of the Scripture where I have a different understanding of the Scripture. For some reason I felt compelled in that setting, and it was not necessary, but I just felt compelled to say what I knew.

And I realized as I got out of that meeting that I had put that other servant of the Lord in a bad light. I had not helped their reputation.

And it wasn't a situation where, by speaking what I knew, it was going to enhance the cause of Christ or that it needed to be said. I was just saying something that I knew, that didn't need to be said.

I got out of that meeting and I was so convicted that I had slandered that person's reputation that I got on my cell phone, before I left town. I was on my way out of town and I got a hold of the first person I could who had been in that meeting.
I said, "I was so wrong. I should not have given that negative report of that other servant of the Lord. Their works can speak for themselves but I didn't need to point this out. Would you please forgive me?"

And I couldn't get hold of the others at the moment but I felt I needed to address it so when I got home, I wrote a letter to the others who had been in that meeting and again sought forgiveness for having slandered the reputation of that servant of the Lord.

If you will deal with these issues as they surface you'll find that it puts a restraint on your tongue because I don't want to have to write those kinds of letters very often.
I don't want to have to make those kinds of calls very often. I've had to make them more often than I'd like to admit. If you'll deal in humility with those things as God convicts you, then you'll find God uses that to bring your tongue under control.

And so we need to be asking as we speak, "Is this a good report? Is it kind, is it true, is it necessary?"(Philippians 4:8).

You know, we're going to move on in the next session to the twin or cousin of slander which is gossip. But before we do I'd like to just part on that verse we started with from Proverbs 10: 18 for a moment. "Whoever spreads slander is a fool."
Now you know what Proverbs has to say about fools: There's very little hope for a fool.

Now there are different kinds of fools. There are those who have gone so far in their foolishness that there is no hope for them.

But there are others who are willing to turn from their foolish ways and to be instructed. And when they do, they are no longer foolish but they become wise.

Perhaps as we were talking about slander, you realized, I've been a fool. I've spread things; I've given evil reports, negative reports.

Some of you have been a fool in spreading slander about perhaps your own husband. And it's within the context of our closest relationships that we often fall into these kinds of sins of the tongue.

Can I just say as a wife it is so important that you give good reports of your husband. That isn't to say that your husband is glorified or sanctified or perfected.

I'm sure he's not. And some of your husbands may have some very serious spiritual issues. But it is so important that when you speak of him to others that you speak with reverence.

God will honor that--that you honor your husband with your words, that you honor your parents, that you honor your pastor.
Your pastor has shortcomings and faults and failures as do your parents, but it's so important, when we speak words about these people, particularly those that God has put in positions of authority over us, that we speak words that reverence them and honor them and in no way slander or damage their reputations.

Leslie Basham: Why is it that we're most prone to speak evil of those who deserve our greatest respect?

Nancy Leigh DeMoss has been giving us a great definition of slander today. And I can't wait to hear what she has to say about gossip tomorrow.

Nancy addresses all these issues in a new booklet called The Power of Words, a four-week devotional study on speaking with wisdom and grace. It will help you understand what the Bible says about the words we speak.

It provides questions for reflection and evaluation of your own heart. To get more information, just give us a call at 1-800-569-5959 or get more information on-line at Revive Our Hearts.com.

Over the coming days if you notice God starting to change the way you control your tongue, would you write and tell us about it.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Father, Your Word is like a mirror. It shows us things that we can't see about our own hearts.
And as I've looked into the mirror of Your Word, I've been convicted that many times I have spoken foolishly by speaking slanderously, by giving negative reports, evil reports, and sometimes reports that aren't true--that have damaged the reputations of others.

Lord, we come to You this morning to seek Your forgiveness and to ask You to heal our foolish hearts, to repent of our foolishness and to ask You to give us wise hearts, to give us words and hearts that are pure and speak good reports and true reports and reports that are kind and words that are necessary.
Cleanse us, Lord. We need Your forgiveness and we need Your grace to speak words that minister grace to others, that minister health and wholeness and healing. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Leslie Basham:

Thanks Di.smooched I am sorry. You are right. I can only try and will try to be more Christ like. :cry:

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 05/27/08 05:45 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Tue 05/27/08 05:45 PM
Amen...thank You Di flowerforyou and Star_Tin drinker

i agree, so i will join you in prayer ...:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

" Cleanse us, Lord. flowerforyou
We need Your forgiveness and we need Your grace
to speak words that minister grace to others,
that minister health and wholeness and healing. :heart:
I pray in Jesus' name. Amen. " flowerforyou

flowerforyou :heart: drinker :heart: flowerforyou :heart: drinker :heart: flowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 05/27/08 05:59 PM
Once again not sure why you put here Redy but as is your right ok. And I agree with the whole piece....

wouldee's photo
Tue 05/27/08 06:18 PM
greetings allflowerforyou :heart:

Galatians 2:20. ONE OF MY FAVORITES.love :wink:

Resoundingly crystal clear to me in light of the Holy Spirit happening upon me so many years ago.

I have learned, and grown much, but this one was and is and will always be a vital part of who I am in Christ. He didn'twait for me to grow in knowledge of His Word and His Way and His Truth to move through me with the power of His Spirit in the beginning, and yet, it is still a refreshing one to have brought to my mind from time to time.

I never tire of it.

"I am crucifed with Christ nevertheless I live ; yet not I , but Christ lives in me:
and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God,
who loved me,
and gave himself for me."

What more be said?
flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

The mystery of our fellowship with God is known to us beloved.blushing

But the world does not understand us.

We don't always behave as we should as children and brothers and sisters in the Lord.

But still, the world at large is confused by us.

They cannot discern who we are by our words but by the Spirit. Is the Spirit moving, or just us?

We are in one accord in the Spirit, but not when we let the flesh rise up.

I mention this because it has come to my attention that another thread has been removed from the forum today.

That makes three in the last two days that I am aware of.

Just getting home from work, I see that the "God Squad" is being blamed for this.

Also, that Christians are behind it, in the minds and words of others in these threads.

I had been chatting with others in these threads too and will never know the responses that could have come from my conversations either.

And another, I am not sure what it was titled, but it is gone too. Maybe there are four, I am not certain at all.

But what concerns me is that we here and elsewhere in JSH and OPY that are identified as Christians are bearing the brunt for these threads being deleted, in the hearts and minds of the others, and not knowing what makes us tick, they will assume that we are conspiring against them and at war with them.

we are the ones that are not understood.

They are all on the same page. They are where we once were. We need to remember that.

They cannot see, hear, feel or know what we can.

It is a mythical delusion to them.:wink:

We owe it to ourselves to be careful and sensitive of their perspective.

We also need to be mindful that they will backlash and kick at us all, not discerning individuals from the whole, and that what one does and says, may very well affect how we all are perceived.

We are seen as being in lockstep. We know we are not, but they see it that way.

I do my level headed best to be on topic and clear and keep things of my discourse in balance, and yet, I am a mystery to most.laugh

I know that others cannot peg my motives and intentions, but such as I am, I reflect that which the Holy Spirit also asks of me in keeping the secret that discernment directs the saints to recognize who is sincerely seeking Christ and who is not. Know what I mean?

The Mind of Christ is given us for a purpose, but giving insight into what is God's is not fair to God.

Nor is it fair to the saints.

We have a right to exercise discernment and know when a heart is genuinely changed or not by what is on the tongue and in the behavior of one coming to Chrsit and finding Him.

We cannot tell all.

Let us remember that we are sharing Christ, but Christ will share himself with whosoever He will as it pleases Him too.

In the meantime, we will be misunderstood and mligned and villified because what makes us tick is not what makes the world tick.

It is good to share with others knowing that they have no comprehension of how easily we have yielded to God in Christ, and yet struggled as the world does to grope for the mercy and grace and peace of the Lord.

We've all been there.

Others are still there.

Romans 13 would fit well.:wink:

grace and love and peace to all.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Britty's photo
Tue 05/27/08 06:45 PM

Romans 6:8-10 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)

8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:

9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.

10 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God

flowerforyou :heart:

madamx7316's photo
Tue 05/27/08 06:58 PM

maybe someone can help me with this, to put things in perspective here...thanks :cry:

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 05/27/08 07:37 PM
The Anima Christi

Soul of Christ, sanctify me
Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water from Christ's side, wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within Thy wounds hide me
Suffer me not to be separated from Thee
From the malicious enemy defend me
In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come unto Thee
That I may praise Thee with Thy saints
and with Thy angels
Forever and ever

wouldee's photo
Tue 05/27/08 07:59 PM

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