Topic: Evangilism
wouldee's photo
Tue 05/06/08 05:10 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 05/06/08 05:13 PM

I can only assume by your evasiveness that your hidden agenda is true, rabbit.

I am questioning you, not your God.

Elsewhere, you have declared differently than this claim.

Are you confused?

quote the source of your knowledge, please, that such a name is attached to Zeus.

In the light of day does truth shine, Rabbit.

I cannot understand you if you seek to be only misunderstood.

Why do you need to concentrate on my religion. Why don't you just concentrate exclusively on yours. Show the joy that your religion brings you but don't ever try to debate this which you do not understand.

I do rabbit.

But you are also operating from a hidden agenda and concealing your deceitfulness again with ill intent designed only to inflame and sarcastically make very insulting and pointed remarks from positions built around jest and not sincerity.

You can never expect to be taken seriously when your disrespectful intentions are at the core of your bashing.

You are creating the very consternation that you would transfer onto others

You lie to conceal your motive.

Your point is well taken.

You are to be taken seriously as nothing more than a nuisance and an offensive insult to anything that suits your fancy to mock.

learn, grow and be at peace.

credibility may come when you have earned trust as a truthful man.

By virtue of your own behavior, none of what you say can ever be trusted.

I wonder if the mods like this coming from you.

Your protestations earlier in the day have certainly escaped being discerned for the venomous threats that they are.

Your own words cited in my most recent post in this thread testify against you, rabbit.

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 05:22 PM

I can only assume by your evasiveness that your hidden agenda is true, rabbit.

I am questioning you, not your God.

Elsewhere, you have declared differently than this claim.

Are you confused?

quote the source of your knowledge, please, that such a name is attached to Zeus.

In the light of day does truth shine, Rabbit.

I cannot understand you if you seek to be only misunderstood.

Why do you need to concentrate on my religion. Why don't you just concentrate exclusively on yours. Show the joy that your religion brings you but don't ever try to debate this which you do not understand.

I do rabbit.

But you are also operating from a hidden agenda and concealing your deceitfulness again with ill intent designed only to inflame and sarcastically make very insulting and pointed remarks from positions built around jest and not sincerity.

You can never expect to be taken seriously when your disrespectful intentions are at the core of your bashing.

You are creating the very consternation that you would transfer onto others

You lie to conceal your motive.

Your point is well taken.

You are to be taken seriously as nothing more than a nuisance and an offensive insult to anything that suits your fancy to mock.

learn, grow and be at peace.

credibility may come when you have earned trust as a truthful man.

By virtue of your own behavior, none of what you say can ever be trusted.

I wonder if the mods like this coming from you.

Your protestations earlier in the day have certainly escaped being discerned for the venomous threats that they are.

Your own words cited in my most recent post in this thread testify against you, rabbit.

Rabbit shows by example his unique perspective about what is going on.

He makes his point very well. His agenda is not hidden to those who can see.

He has truly shown me the error of my ways.

I shall direct my attention to my own spiritual truth hence forth or until someone treads on me.

You, Wouldee, should thank Rev. Rabbit, for he has removed a thorn from your side where you were only rubbing it into the wound.

I will leave you all to your religions.


no photo
Tue 05/06/08 05:32 PM is not our place to point out what rabbit or anyone else, does or doesn't do.

No matter what their agenda or reason for posting .

It just occurred to me today.....
Let people do what they want.

The battle is not ours.. but the Lords.flowerforyou

Let's just lift up Jesus.....
God will do the rest.flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 05:41 PM is not our place to point out what rabbit or anyone else, does or doesn't do.

No matter what their agenda or reason for posting .

It just occurred to me today.....
Let people do what they want.

The battle is not ours.. but the Lords.flowerforyou

Let's just lift up Jesus.....
God will do the rest.flowerforyou

Amen, MorningSong.

It is called the Law of Allowance.


no photo
Tue 05/06/08 06:01 PM

"churchianity" finds people also reading the bible...and sometimes even not.... these churches are under the guidance of man's own interpretation of doctrine ,rather than Holy Spirit led interpretation.
As they gather together in a church building for a church service .
Their main emphasis is on becoming members of that particular church , rather than lifting up Jesus.

And Some people who join the churchianity church, may sit in that church pew for 80 years, and never know jesus at all..cause all they were taught , in order to become a christian is... they just have to join a church and become a member..and that is all that is required to become a christian.

Christianity, on the other hand, ALSO read and study the bible, and they also meet in a church building...but true christians have the Holy Spirit to leading and quiding them, and not man's own interpretation .

Christians lift up JESUS in that church, not churchianity.
And the power of God is found in these real LIVE christian churches..versus the churchianity churches..where only dead religious practices are found.

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 05/06/08 06:20 PM

I was almost murdered once for my faith.

I have endured many assaults.

The Lord has delivered me unscathed, in every case.

He has turned many gangsters and many self destructive and destructive souls from the errors of their ways and done so through me.

He has personally touched them with His Holy Spirit and they turned to His love, and not away.

That is not apparent here.

Here, there are words.

Where sin abounds, grace does more abound.

And though insults may abound, and offenses, nevertheless, Christian soundness prevails.

It is unfortunate that the interaction of our words are filtered and distorted through manipulation.

One can only hope that the errors of false teachings may be discerned and that truth shall continue to prevail.

Welcome to the task at hand of teaching that churchianity and Christianity are two different things.

drinker flowerforyou smokin flowerforyou drinker

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/06/08 06:36 PM
The battle is not ours.. but the Lords.

Let's just lift up Jesus.....
God will do the rest. flowerforyou

What's wrong with Jesus that you have to lift him up?

I thought he was resurrected and doing just fine?

I hope it’s nothing serious. flowerforyou


Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 05/06/08 06:55 PM
wabbitt whats funny is what you are saying is more truth than fiction. study them out and see who fits..shalom>>Miles

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:03 PM

wabbitt whats funny is what you are saying is more truth than fiction. study them out and see who fits..shalom>>Miles

Thats what frustrates me so. They can only see it as a lie. Why would I just sit around lying. There is no purpose to it. I do make jokes and use sarcasm at times. Maybe I need to use more smilies at those times.

However I took that religion seriously when I was in it. I took the the comandment of "not lying" and lost my religion as I followed it to its natural end. I couldn't just bend the words in the Bible to fit my own personal views.
Now so many people here that follow that religion really don't care what the book says. It doesn't even seem important to them to make it make sense. It kind of blows my mind.
I'm getting side tracked but I think you are right.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:23 PM

However I took that religion seriously when I was in it. I took the the comandment of "not lying" and lost my religion as I followed it to its natural end. I couldn't just bend the words in the Bible to fit my own personal views.
Now so many people here that follow that religion really don't care what the book says. It doesn't even seem important to them to make it make sense. It kind of blows my mind.

This is precisely the way I see it too.

It was my desire to be as honest and truthful as possible that forced me to abandon it. I would have to lie to myself, and lie to the "God" to continue to pretend that it actually makes any sense.

Truth and honesty led me to the conclusion that it can't possible be true.

I am sorry if other people found that insulting. It's my truth. I'd have to lie to claim that the Biblical story can be made to make sense. From my point of view it's irreparable inconsistent as a story. Even today, as firm as I know this I'm still driven to try to give it one last chance. But it's utterly hopeless.

It ultimately comes down to a God that has to appease its own self to save its own creation from sin which is nothing more than the breaking of rules that this God himself made,.. etc, etc, etc.

It's utterly absurd to me that having man commit murder of a divine being would earn them the right to be forgive.

It's just totally impossible for me to even begin to justify this story. Such a God would be utterly absurd.

And if anyone is insulted by that I'm sorry. That's my “God's honest truth!”

And yes, I'm allowed to use the word "God" because I'm a pantheist, not an atheist.

For me the pantheistic picture makes perfect sense and is entirely infallible. Only I didn’t turn to the pantheistic picture and learn about it as a religion. I just intuitive understood what “God” means to me, and then later I discovered that “Pantheism” is that generic label used to describe the idea that God is everything.

There is no dogma or doctrines that go with pantheism (though some people do try to sell it as a ‘religion’). I won’t say that I agree with everyone’s use of the word ‘pantheism’. I just use it to mean, All is One, “The entire universe is a manifestation of God”. I have my own philosophy of precisely how it all works. And I see no self-inconsistencies with it at all. None.

I'm also not trying to 'proselytize' pantheism. I don't care whether anyone believes in it or not. And if you want to say that it's silly and absurd, that's fine too. I won't be offended. I just offer the idea as food for thought for anyone who is interested.

Nothing more, nothing less. flowerforyou

To me it is a beautiful idea - so naturally I like to share it with anyone who might be interested.

willfen's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:25 PM

I am a christian so I must say to other christians. People it is casting pearl before swine in here to think you can change anyones mind in here by a few pixles of your typing sense. The world is only out for one thing and that is getting it's point made. You will exahaust yourself for hours with these people online and get nowhere.

Similar to what you are trying to prove right now?

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 05/06/08 07:30 PM

I can only assume by your evasiveness that your hidden agenda is true, rabbit.

I am questioning you, not your God.

Elsewhere, you have declared differently than this claim.

Are you confused?

quote the source of your knowledge, please, that such a name is attached to Zeus.

In the light of day does truth shine, Rabbit.

I cannot understand you if you seek to be only misunderstood.

Why do you need to concentrate on my religion. Why don't you just concentrate exclusively on yours. Show the joy that your religion brings you but don't ever try to debate this which you do not understand.

Right back atcha. I will hold you to that. flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 05/06/08 08:05 PM

tin_star_gover wrote:
On a lighter note I can understand how you could be irritated by the same thing happening to you being atheist.

I’m not an atheist and never have been. flowerforyou

Oops! Sorry abra. blushing flowerforyou

star_tin_gover's photo
Tue 05/06/08 08:20 PM

Abra! It happened!flowerforyou You claim that you are annoyed when people proseltyze. I have seen it twice in 49 years. The first time was at the airport on my way to boot camp in 78 and two Moonies wanted to sell me a paper flower. The second was an hour ago while I was in the parking lot loading materials for a job and two bike riders told me they were missionaries for the Church of Latter Day Saints. I said Thanks but I am not interested. Did they beat me with a bible? Point their finger and scream that I was going to hell? Look down their noses at me? Nope. They smiled, said "thank you" and "God bless" then rode away. flowerforyou I can hardly bear the pain they inflicted upon me and didn't even know I was a Christian. Be strong young man. You can do it too.flowerforyou


I have been saying the same thing for a long time around here. Most of my life was living as a non-Christian in the Bible belt and none of the stuff the people around here weep and gnash their teeth about happened to me.

I lived in South Carolina for six years where there is are as many churches as there are convenience stores and it never once happened. Amway folks were a different story though. laugh flowerforyou

Wow I don't know where you live. I have lived in NC and SC and they prayed at government meetings "in jesus name" and people were hired because they were christian, companies flat out advertised that they only hired christians, I had 7 day adventists come by at least weekly... the 7th day adventists didn't bother me.

But being at my place of employment, a secular government agency, and being required to attend meetings that began and ended with prayers to jesus bothered me. Noticing that the holders of the 6 highest positions in the agency all attended church of christ churches that bothered many of us. So we left. I do have a friend who still works there. She is Church of Christ. She feels like her career is a shoo-in. She doesn't think it's right, but admits that she has every reason to believe she will be favored because of her church.

i don't really care to dwell any further... but all this does not mean I "don't like" christians. How stupid. I once had my purse stolen by a hispanic man. a friend asked me if i hated or feared hispanics now? Of course not. just because people have something in common doesn't mean that they are all the same or act the same in any other way.

By the same token the opposite is true. You saying that something doesn't happen just because you personally have never experienced it is ridiculous. If you haven't had cancer I'm happy for you, that doesn't mean that cancer doesn't exist.

I respect your right to discuss your religions. All of them. But when you say something incredibly arrogant and self-centered like "this never happened to me, therefore it doesn't happen" that is obviously ridiculous.

Think. Peace.

A: Move
B: get a gun and start shooting.
Where did I say it doesn't happen because it never happened to me? Conjecture? Drawing conclusions that don't exist? My point is that when someone states that Christians are always in their face with fire and brimstone is itself absurd. Yes there are some backwoods inbred barefoot and pregnant KKK bumper sticker gun rack in the old Ford truck areas of this county but if someone lives there do not assume the rest of the country is just as backwards. flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:25 AM

The battle is not ours.. but the Lords.

Let's just lift up Jesus.....
God will do the rest. flowerforyou

What's wrong with Jesus that you have to lift him up?

I thought he was resurrected and doing just fine?

I hope it’s nothing serious. flowerforyou


oh Abracadabra....:wink:

You are so funny!!!laugh laugh laugh

say what you will , laugh

but in my humble yet observant opinion :wink:

You are absolutely & thoroughly obsessed drinker :heart: drinker

with Our Lord Jesus Christ :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

I pray that the peace that passes drinker

all understanding flowerforyou

dwells in your Heart today and everyday.....:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:38 AM

The only true God is Zeus. He is the only one that can save your soul. If you want to KNOW what is real then you only have to worship Zeus. Zeus is the Alpha and Omega.
flowerforyou I mean no offense, but according to mythology wasn't Zeus a serial rapist?flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 01:19 PM

The only true God is Zeus. He is the only one that can save your soul. If you want to KNOW what is real then you only have to worship Zeus. Zeus is the Alpha and Omega.
flowerforyou I mean no offense, but according to mythology wasn't Zeus a serial rapist?flowerforyou

Just like the alien dracos, and the fallen angels who took human women for wives.

Zeus was probably one of them.

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Wed 05/07/08 05:44 PM
E vanga who?

angelinboots's photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:59 PM

Welcome to the task at hand of teaching that churchianity and Christianity are two different things.

No such things..period. God did not make those did. Man made "religion", God did not.

Religion is man's attempt to put God within thier understanding.

So IF such things exist, it was done by man, NOT God. And you can rely on man's viewpoint as much as a sheep can rely on a starving wolf to protect it while it sleeps. noway huh

I made religion and some men have even turned christianity into just another religion(hence churchianity)...but God did not intend for man to turn Jesus into a did that.

But just because some have turned christianity into just a religion, doesn't mean that the truth of christianaity is any less real...and stil out there...cause TRUE christinaity is about lifting up Jesus.. and relationship with God.

TRUE Christians just meet in a church "building" to FELLOWSHIP and WORSHIP as christians in One Accord......but we are not lifting up religion when we go to church and worship....we are lifting up Jesus.

We join JESUS when you become a christian..not a religion...although again.... there are those christians that have turned christianity into just another religion....and their MAIN focus , is on having you joining their "CHURCH", instead of joining Jesus.

And usually as a result, a lot those "churches" are DEAD, and are the reason So many are turned off by the true meaning of Christinaity..cause they associate christianity with DEAD "churchianity".
(Now please don't confuse to mean that, just because true christians ALSO meet and fellowship in a church BUILDING, that all christians are the same.
NOT !!)

Again..true christianity is lifting up Jesus , not religion.... and is about RELATIONSHIP with God.

Now..before everyone starts condemning churchianity now...gotta add this also...churchianity is waking up..and the hunger in the hearts of the people in these dead churches , are crying out to know the real God..not just "churchianity" anymore...and there are CHANGES dead religion is NOW falling away..and people are starting to come worship and lift up Jesus..and not denominationalism or churchianity any more.

God is bring people OUT of DEAD churches, but also moving IN the dead chirches and WAKING THEM UP!!!

God is DRAWING OUT...and bringing His people together in ONE worship and lift up Jesus..NOT fead religion anymore!!

Jesus is the REAL REASON behind Christianity..not relgion.
Jesus came to Save Mankind....NOT to bring us just another relgion.

True Christianity is about relationship and worship of our God, our Lord, our Saviour.
Not about religion at all.
:heart: :heart: :heart:

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou beautifully and rightly said. I would wish all could understand ohwell :heart:

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:56 PM
True Christianity is about relationship and worship of our God, our Lord, our Saviour.
Not about religion at all.

If that were only true.

True Christianity is a religion. To deny that is really ridiculous.

Just because you are ashamed of the bloody history of the Church, and the hypocrisy of "Churchianity" the abuse of power by organize religion, you try to divorce yourself from all of that negative stuff and start a new religion.


It still requires you to believe in the Bible, and the story of the crucified savior with no real evidence or proof that any of that ever happened.

You cannot deny your church and take Christ and the Bible out of it and ignore the question we are asking you to answer. That is the flakiest cop out I have ever seen.