Topic: Evangilism
Dragoness's photo
Tue 05/06/08 01:41 PM

I take notice of one thing as I read these differnent forums. First of all most of the big hit ones are religious. Why? People love to argue! Something deep down inside of causes a indescribable feeling when they get their point accross flawlessly.

I am a christian so I must say to other christians. People it is casting pearl before swine in here to think you can change anyones mind in here by a few pixles of your typing sense. The world is only out for one thing and that is getting it's point made. You will exahaust yourself for hours with these people online and get nowhere.

A relationship must first be made in witnessing to someone BEFORE exhaustive evangilism. Otherwise the person listening (or reading for that matter) cannot see how YOU live your life. The fruits of the spirit must be manifest and seen. So please don't give the world opportunity to begin an argument leading other's astray ignore them. Nothing they say can stand against the wisdom of the Lord!

1 Corinthians 1:18
For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God

noway laugh laugh laugh laugh huh

Lance1205's photo
Tue 05/06/08 01:47 PM
Those things you all encountered goes against everything Christ was about. It sadens me to see socalled christians doing it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/06/08 01:51 PM

Those things you all encountered goes against everything Christ was about. It sadens me to see socalled christians doing it.
Its not really that bad and I hav't "encountered" "anything" and Ive never had a bad experience with religion.flowerforyou I merely find it amusing to tell others about this hick place i grew up inlaugh Is not so bad, just silly sometimesflowerforyou Its my friends and familylaugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/06/08 01:52 PM
flowerforyou Im just pointing out some of the absurdities not bashing.flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 01:57 PM

flowerforyou Im just pointing out some of the absurdities not bashing.flowerforyou

Help JSH nice's Mirror..get him!!! Someone has an incling that he is "bashing"!! HURRY!!! noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

RUN MIRROR RUN!!!! noway drinker drinker laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

Lance1205's photo
Tue 05/06/08 01:58 PM
I understand and it is absurd! Almost laughable except for those in which the right was taken. The ignorance of people sometimes is sadly humoring!

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/06/08 01:59 PM
flowerforyou I think the word "Christian" and "Evangelical" mean different things in different parts of this country.flowerforyou Ive noticed that most of the Christians from outside the Bible Belt are much more liberal and rational in their views.flowerforyou I think these differences may be why there is so much conflict.flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:05 PM
I was almost murdered once for my faith.

I have endured many assaults.

The Lord has delivered me unscathed, in every case.

He has turned many gangsters and many self destructive and destructive souls from the errors of their ways and done so through me.

He has personally touched them with His Holy Spirit and they turned to His love, and not away.

That is not apparent here.

Here, there are words.

Where sin abounds, grace does more abound.

And though insults may abound, and offenses, nevertheless, Christian soundness prevails.

It is unfortunate that the interaction of our words are filtered and distorted through manipulation.

One can only hope that the errors of false teachings may be discerned and that truth shall continue to prevail.

Welcome to the task at hand of teaching that churchianity and Christianity are two different things.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:07 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 05/06/08 02:08 PM

I was almost murdered once for my faith.

I have endured many assaults.

The Lord has delivered me unscathed, in every case.

He has turned many gangsters and many self destructive and destructive souls from the errors of their ways and done so through me.

He has personally touched them with His Holy Spirit and they turned to His love, and not away.

That is not apparent here.

Here, there are words.

Where sin abounds, grace does more abound.

And though insults may abound, and offenses, nevertheless, Christian soundness prevails.

It is unfortunate that the interaction of our words are filtered and distorted through manipulation.

One can only hope that the errors of false teachings may be discerned and that truth shall continue to prevail.

Welcome to the task at hand of teaching that churchianity and Christianity are two different things.

flowerforyou I realized that long agoflowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:13 PM
Edited by WhyBother on Tue 05/06/08 02:14 PM

Welcome to the task at hand of teaching that churchianity and Christianity are two different things.

No such things..period. God did not make those did. Man made "religion", God did not.

Religion is man's attempt to put God within thier understanding.

So IF such things exist, it was done by man, NOT God. And you can rely on man's viewpoint as much as a sheep can rely on a starving wolf to protect it while it sleeps. noway huh

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:15 PM
I have sustain this point for so long. Proselytizing or trying to convert with just words other people who don't want to hear anything about christianity. It's just a biggest waste of time.
I firmly try just to post sharing threads where I share some good experiences in my life as a christian. I don't care if nobody answers. If just one person read one of my thread, and the single person got some hope or a smile in his/her face my mission has been accomplished. Just God knows that.
I have to recognize that even though I firmly try just to share. I always ended up in some debate because there are some people who just don't respect and like to ridicule other people's beliefs.
(Just to clearfy things, I'm also using "they," "them," and "their." not to generalize on nonbelievers, just as a matter of speech)
When that happens even though I technically know is a waste of time, I need to say something. I can't be passive when what I love the most is being bashed.
Who can be passive when he/she sees that his/her parents or children are being attacked?

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:20 PM

so you call everybody pigs and that's ok because you're a cristian...
see why I love religion?
You guys are such tools.

You missed the point entirely. That is exactly what he meant too.

What he is saying is talk is cheap...people have to SEE God in us. Now don't you feel silly? LOL

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:21 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 05/06/08 02:21 PM
flowerforyouEvery religion has to prosyletize(in some fashion)flowerforyou Its perfectly normalflowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:22 PM
tin_star_gover wrote:
On a lighter note I can understand how you could be irritated by the same thing happening to you being atheist.

I’m not an atheist and never have been. flowerforyou

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:22 PM

flowerforyouEvery religion has to prosyletize(in some fashion)flowerforyou Its perfectly normalflowerforyou

I think that is a misinterpretation.
Let see if you and me have a conversation, and i tell you the things we do at church, and how good i feel about it.
Am I proselytizing?

anoasis's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:23 PM

Abra! It happened!flowerforyou You claim that you are annoyed when people proseltyze. I have seen it twice in 49 years. The first time was at the airport on my way to boot camp in 78 and two Moonies wanted to sell me a paper flower. The second was an hour ago while I was in the parking lot loading materials for a job and two bike riders told me they were missionaries for the Church of Latter Day Saints. I said Thanks but I am not interested. Did they beat me with a bible? Point their finger and scream that I was going to hell? Look down their noses at me? Nope. They smiled, said "thank you" and "God bless" then rode away. flowerforyou I can hardly bear the pain they inflicted upon me and didn't even know I was a Christian. Be strong young man. You can do it too.flowerforyou


I have been saying the same thing for a long time around here. Most of my life was living as a non-Christian in the Bible belt and none of the stuff the people around here weep and gnash their teeth about happened to me.

I lived in South Carolina for six years where there is are as many churches as there are convenience stores and it never once happened. Amway folks were a different story though. laugh flowerforyou

Wow I don't know where you live. I have lived in NC and SC and they prayed at government meetings "in jesus name" and people were hired because they were christian, companies flat out advertised that they only hired christians, I had 7 day adventists come by at least weekly... the 7th day adventists didn't bother me.

But being at my place of employment, a secular government agency, and being required to attend meetings that began and ended with prayers to jesus bothered me. Noticing that the holders of the 6 highest positions in the agency all attended church of christ churches that bothered many of us. So we left. I do have a friend who still works there. She is Church of Christ. She feels like her career is a shoo-in. She doesn't think it's right, but admits that she has every reason to believe she will be favored because of her church.

i don't really care to dwell any further... but all this does not mean I "don't like" christians. How stupid. I once had my purse stolen by a hispanic man. a friend asked me if i hated or feared hispanics now? Of course not. just because people have something in common doesn't mean that they are all the same or act the same in any other way.

By the same token the opposite is true. You saying that something doesn't happen just because you personally have never experienced it is ridiculous. If you haven't had cancer I'm happy for you, that doesn't mean that cancer doesn't exist.

I respect your right to discuss your religions. All of them. But when you say something incredibly arrogant and self-centered like "this never happened to me, therefore it doesn't happen" that is obviously ridiculous.

Think. Peace.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:28 PM

Abra! It happened!flowerforyou You claim that you are annoyed when people proseltyze. I have seen it twice in 49 years. The first time was at the airport on my way to boot camp in 78 and two Moonies wanted to sell me a paper flower. The second was an hour ago while I was in the parking lot loading materials for a job and two bike riders told me they were missionaries for the Church of Latter Day Saints. I said Thanks but I am not interested. Did they beat me with a bible? Point their finger and scream that I was going to hell? Look down their noses at me? Nope. They smiled, said "thank you" and "God bless" then rode away. flowerforyou I can hardly bear the pain they inflicted upon me and didn't even know I was a Christian. Be strong young man. You can do it too.flowerforyou


I have been saying the same thing for a long time around here. Most of my life was living as a non-Christian in the Bible belt and none of the stuff the people around here weep and gnash their teeth about happened to me.

I lived in South Carolina for six years where there is are as many churches as there are convenience stores and it never once happened. Amway folks were a different story though. laugh flowerforyou

Wow I don't know where you live. I have lived in NC and SC and they prayed at government meetings "in jesus name" and people were hired because they were christian, companies flat out advertised that they only hired christians, I had 7 day adventists come by at least weekly... the 7th day adventists didn't bother me.

But being at my place of employment, a secular government agency, and being required to attend meetings that began and ended with prayers to jesus bothered me. Noticing that the holders of the 6 highest positions in the agency all attended church of christ churches that bothered many of us. So we left. I do have a friend who still works there. She is Church of Christ. She feels like her career is a shoo-in. She doesn't think it's right, but admits that she has every reason to believe she will be favored because of her church.

i don't really care to dwell any further... but all this does not mean I "don't like" christians. How stupid. I once had my purse stolen by a hispanic man. a friend asked me if i hated or feared hispanics now? Of course not. just because people have something in common doesn't mean that they are all the same or act the same in any other way.

By the same token the opposite is true. You saying that something doesn't happen just because you personally have never experienced it is ridiculous. If you haven't had cancer I'm happy for you, that doesn't mean that cancer doesn't exist.

I respect your right to discuss your religions. All of them. But when you say something incredibly arrogant and self-centered like "this never happened to me, therefore it doesn't happen" that is obviously ridiculous.

Think. Peace.

Exactly, someone takes their limited experience and tries to shove that onto other people like as if it has any validity.

Thanks DD drinker

((((( Anoasis )))))

spqr's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:40 PM

so you call everybody pigs and that's ok because you're a cristian...
see why I love religion?
You guys are such tools.

Toolslaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh You are 41? Do you still say "dude"?laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Yep...and skateboard pools, rock climb, scuba dive. Got a problem with that dude?

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:43 PM

Abra! It happened!flowerforyou You claim that you are annoyed when people proseltyze. I have seen it twice in 49 years. The first time was at the airport on my way to boot camp in 78 and two Moonies wanted to sell me a paper flower. The second was an hour ago while I was in the parking lot loading materials for a job and two bike riders told me they were missionaries for the Church of Latter Day Saints. I said Thanks but I am not interested. Did they beat me with a bible? Point their finger and scream that I was going to hell? Look down their noses at me? Nope. They smiled, said "thank you" and "God bless" then rode away. flowerforyou I can hardly bear the pain they inflicted upon me and didn't even know I was a Christian. Be strong young man. You can do it too.flowerforyou


I have been saying the same thing for a long time around here. Most of my life was living as a non-Christian in the Bible belt and none of the stuff the people around here weep and gnash their teeth about happened to me.

I lived in South Carolina for six years where there is are as many churches as there are convenience stores and it never once happened. Amway folks were a different story though. laugh flowerforyou

Wow I don't know where you live. I have lived in NC and SC and they prayed at government meetings "in jesus name" and people were hired because they were christian, companies flat out advertised that they only hired christians, I had 7 day adventists come by at least weekly... the 7th day adventists didn't bother me.

But being at my place of employment, a secular government agency, and being required to attend meetings that began and ended with prayers to jesus bothered me. Noticing that the holders of the 6 highest positions in the agency all attended church of christ churches that bothered many of us. So we left. I do have a friend who still works there. She is Church of Christ. She feels like her career is a shoo-in. She doesn't think it's right, but admits that she has every reason to believe she will be favored because of her church.

i don't really care to dwell any further... but all this does not mean I "don't like" christians. How stupid. I once had my purse stolen by a hispanic man. a friend asked me if i hated or feared hispanics now? Of course not. just because people have something in common doesn't mean that they are all the same or act the same in any other way.

By the same token the opposite is true. You saying that something doesn't happen just because you personally have never experienced it is ridiculous. If you haven't had cancer I'm happy for you, that doesn't mean that cancer doesn't exist.

I respect your right to discuss your religions. All of them. But when you say something incredibly arrogant and self-centered like "this never happened to me, therefore it doesn't happen" that is obviously ridiculous.

Think. Peace.
drinker drinker drinker RIGHT ONdrinker drinker drinker

spqr's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:44 PM
Edited by spqr on Tue 05/06/08 02:44 PM