You Want It Over Where?
A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. He passed a sign that said "low bridge ahead." Before he knew it, the bridge was right ahead of him and he got stuck under the bridge. Cars were backed up for miles. Finally, a police car pulled up. The cop got out of his car and walked around to the truck driver, put his hands on his hips and said, "Got stuck, huh?" The truck driver true to his nature said, "No officer,... I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas!" |
Elementary, my dear Watson!
lmfao. wilfen i always look for your jokes man, they always make me laugh unexpectedly. good on ya. The least I could do in return for you protecting this great land of ours...hats off to you as well. |
HEY!!! Winx posted this joke just two days ago!!!!
Still funny though. |
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Elementary, my dear Watson!
Sherlock Holmes and Watson were camping in the forest. They had gone to bed and were lying beneath the night sky. Holmes said, "Watson, look up. What do you see?" "I see thousands of stars." "And what does that mean to you?" Holmes asked. "I suppose it means that of all the planets in the universe, we are truly fortunate to be here on Earth. We are small in God's eyes, but should struggle every day to be worthy of our blessings. In a meteorological sense, it means we'll have a sunny day tomorrow. What does it mean to you, Holmes?" "To me, it means someone has stolen our tent." |
Hey umm...
An elderly gent was invited to his old friend's home for
dinner one evening. He was impressed by the way his buddy preceded every request to his wife with endearing terms - "Honey," "My Love," "Darling," "Sweetheart," "Pumpkin," etc. The couple had been married almost 70 years and, clearly, they were still very much in love. While the wife was in the kitchen, the man leaned over and said to his host, "I think it's wonderful that, after all these years, you still call your wife those loving pet names." The old man hung his head. "I have to tell you the truth," he said. "I forgot her name about 10 years ago." |
A little old lady answered a knock on the door one
day, only to be confronted by a well dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner. "Good morning," said the young man. "If I could take a couple of minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners." "Go away!" said the old lady. "I haven't got any money!" and she proceeded to close the door. Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed it wide open. "Don't be too hasty!" he said. "Not until you have at least seen my demonstration." And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure onto her hallway carpet. "If this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Madam, I will personally eat the remainder." "Well," she said, "I hope you've got a good appetite because the electricity was cut off this morning." |
Test for Dementia
I'm only bad at math. its ike college all over again. Do they have English courses at Ike College? |
Kimbo Is A Fraud !!!!!
He got beat because he ate a punch. He may be a bum, but I bet you wouldnt call him that to his face. Elite XC is like the WWE of MMA. The only reason he was promoted the way he was, is because he was the only thing Elite XC really had going for them. Now that hes not only been beat, but shown to look like a fool, elite xc will go bankrupt. If anything, he should get into boxing, and not mma. Hmmm......I thought the UFC was the WWE of MMA? They seem to have the best fighters, their own reality show, the sellout crowds...but I guess as a fan and not a know the real deal. And by the way...I am 6'2...300lbs of muscle with a black belt in TaeKwonDo and Jujitsu....I would not only tell him in his face, but dare him to do anything about it. Ha Ha are quick to judge. To clear things up....what I meant as far as Elite XC being like WWE, is that its almost just for show. As in the spectacle known as Kimbo. He's 34 and has never fought mma in his life, yet because the fans want to see him fight, Elite XC will pay him,and keep paying him, and keep putting chumps in front of him to make sure he wins. Well obviously it didnt work this time. Elite XC is already in a huge amount of debt. So now that their biggest draw has flubbed, where will they go now. And as far as calling me a fan....sir you are mistaken. 5 years of Muay Thai training along with a purple belt in Gracie Ju-jitsu. ....and a 6-2 Amatuer Muay thai record along with a 4-2 mma record. So maybe you shouldnt shoot off at the mouth before you get your facts straight. But I do have the right to voice my own opinion on MY topic don't I? So in the the veiled threats for your kids or the white belts in your class...because they are the ONLY ones who will listen to them. |
Kimbo Is A Fraud !!!!!
that is awesome would just be funny to see Kimbo doing it cuz he was "the real deal" and all that i wish nothing but the best for him and would never knock him for what he did....but he is what he is and can never get past that well said |
Kimbo Is A Fraud !!!!!
get an education?? culd you see big a** Kimbo Slice sitting next to you in biology class?? LMAO he is nothing more that a bouncer that fought bums and looked good....when all he can do is throw a powerful (but slow) punch i don't see him as a boxer either though....he is just too rough around the edges...not as refined as he needs to be to box with heavyweights I can see it...I'm a big guy and I went back to school at 30 and got my degree. |
Kimbo Is A Fraud !!!!!
well something must be said for guys who can just naturally scrap. he isnt one of those though, he punches like an old man. god bless him for trying though? lol Like I can't knock Kimbo.....He's a 34 year old thug who saw an opportunity to get off the streets....I would have done the same thing for as long as I could, LOL! |
Kimbo Is A Fraud !!!!!
He got beat because he ate a punch. He may be a bum, but I bet you wouldnt call him that to his face. Elite XC is like the WWE of MMA. The only reason he was promoted the way he was, is because he was the only thing Elite XC really had going for them. Now that hes not only been beat, but shown to look like a fool, elite xc will go bankrupt. If anything, he should get into boxing, and not mma. Hmmm......I thought the UFC was the WWE of MMA? They seem to have the best fighters, their own reality show, the sellout crowds...but I guess as a fan and not a know the real deal. And by the way...I am 6'2...300lbs of muscle with a black belt in TaeKwonDo and Jujitsu....I would not only tell him in his face, but dare him to do anything about it. |
Kimbo Is A Fraud !!!!!
It was bound to happen sooner or later. The overnight sensation formerly known as Kevin Ferguson aka Kimbo Slice has FINALLY been revealed as a fraud.
I can't say that I blame Kimbo. The former homeless thug that became the King of the Internet Street Fighters was just taking advantage of an opportunity that allowed him to stay out of crime and feed his kids. Anyone in his situation would have done the same thing. The blame should fall on Elite XC and CBS for trying to fool America. As a fellow martial artist myself, I resent Elite XC and CBS for still perpetrating the myth that MMA is nothing more than organized Tough Man competitions. MMA is a very disciplined and organized sport with its roots in ALL forms of martial arts, including JuJitsu, Judo, and Wrestling. The sports has grown because of the dedication, dedication, blood, sweat, and pain that its participants have paid to make it possible. And to think that you can take a guy who has no claim but beating up bums for money and make him a headliner on prime-time TV by just hyping him up is an insult to everyone who not only participates, but who are fans of MMA. Kimbo got beat because he is a bum, period...It takes YEARS to get to the level and abilities of the Randy Coutoure's and the Chuck Liddell's. And the travesty is that Kimbo fell for the WEAKEST move of all....feint with a kick and throw a's like the FIRST move you learn in any martial art! Kimbo's fifteen minutes are up....he should take his money, get an education, and learn how to make that money grow (diversify my brother!) because after that display Saturday night, he will NEVER, EVER be on any pay per view or free television event again. |
There is of course an issue with racism still, but it only becomes an issue to me when someone brings it up. I am a white man with my own life to lead so im not going to spend much time worrying that black people have to deal with this. All i can do is not be racist myself. Apart from that i probably live inside a bubble and dont really appreciate the extent to which people of other cultures have things more difficult than myself. Until we can get ALL sides to accept and deal with it, racism will just keep rolling, rolling, rolling....keep them racists rolling......sorry, Rawhide is on.... Ok, what am i supposed to do? Seriously? Because i really have no idea what i can do, except be a good citizen and respect all people. I dont shy away from black people or people from any other cultures. I live in a extremely multicultural area (London) and never have any problems with anyone because of their race. Am i supposed to go out with a placard protesting against racism? I really want you to educate me now. Second, no one asked you to be an activist....All that was asked for was your opinion and you gave it. It was appreciated. So I really don't understand why you are getting so bent out of shape? This is merely a discussion and personally, I don't really care if you carry a placard or a banner. |
Someone once asked me "What's your race?"...I said, personally I like the "Indies 500" ![]() My Race was the Big Wheel vs the Green Machine after school...Green Machine....Green Machine.... |
There is of course an issue with racism still, but it only becomes an issue to me when someone brings it up. I am a white man with my own life to lead so im not going to spend much time worrying that black people have to deal with this. All i can do is not be racist myself. Apart from that i probably live inside a bubble and dont really appreciate the extent to which people of other cultures have things more difficult than myself. Until we can get ALL sides to accept and deal with it, racism will just keep rolling, rolling, rolling....keep them racists rolling......sorry, Rawhide is on.... I believe all people know its there ,my son is taught to respect all people though he does think girls are icky(he's 8) |
There is of course an issue with racism still, but it only becomes an issue to me when someone brings it up. I am a white man with my own life to lead so im not going to spend much time worrying that black people have to deal with this. All i can do is not be racist myself. Apart from that i probably live inside a bubble and dont really appreciate the extent to which people of other cultures have things more difficult than myself. Until we can get ALL sides to accept and deal with it, racism will just keep rolling, rolling, rolling....keep them racists rolling......sorry, Rawhide is on.... |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That's part of the problem. If prejudice was so rampant, Mr. Obama wouldn't be in the position he's in. That fact alone has the hatemongers quivering because they can see that they're out of buisness soon. I choose to believe that racism has evolved over the years and it is no longer 'neanderthal' with lynchings, public beatings, separatism, etc. I believe that racism affects me in only one way now: economically. I have many opportunities to succeed today that my parents didn't have and I am grateful, but I don't stand a chance against a closet racist who I have to go to for a job, a house, a loan, a car.....get my drift? |
There are so many ways this can go and somone said once on here. You have your white and you have your whit trash, you have black and you have your black trash. It don't matter what race you are your always going to have good and bad people sorta speak and you will always have people that will blame others for there problems when it is actually they'er own falt for some of the situations. Do i think it will always be a problem. YEP! look at this world and anyone tell me that it is actually getting better and prove it.Then maybe i might believe ya. |