Topic: Evangilism
no photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:45 PM

Welcome to the task at hand of teaching that churchianity and Christianity are two different things.

No such things..period. God did not make those did. Man made "religion", God did not.

Religion is man's attempt to put God within thier understanding.

So IF such things exist, it was done by man, NOT God. And you can rely on man's viewpoint as much as a sheep can rely on a starving wolf to protect it while it sleeps. noway huh

I made religion and some men have even turned christianity into just another religion(hence churchianity)...but God did not intend for man to turn Jesus into a did that.

But just because some have turned christianity into just a religion, doesn't mean that the truth of christianaity is any less real...and stil out there...cause TRUE christinaity is about lifting up Jesus.. and relationship with God.

TRUE Christians just meet in a church "building" to FELLOWSHIP and WORSHIP as christians in One Accord......but we are not lifting up religion when we go to church and worship....we are lifting up Jesus.

We join JESUS when you become a christian..not a religion...although again.... there are those christians that have turned christianity into just another religion....and their MAIN focus , is on having you joining their "CHURCH", instead of joining Jesus.

And usually as a result, a lot those "churches" are DEAD, and are the reason So many are turned off by the true meaning of Christinaity..cause they associate christianity with DEAD "churchianity".
(Now please don't confuse to mean that, just because true christians ALSO meet and fellowship in a church BUILDING, that all christians are the same.
NOT !!)

Again..true christianity is lifting up Jesus , not religion.... and is about RELATIONSHIP with God.

Now..before everyone starts condemning churchianity now...gotta add this also...churchianity is waking up..and the hunger in the hearts of the people in these dead churches , are crying out to know the real God..not just "churchianity" anymore...and there are CHANGES dead religion is NOW falling away..and people are starting to come worship and lift up Jesus..and not denominationalism or churchianity any more.

God is bring people OUT of DEAD churches, but also moving IN the dead chirches and WAKING THEM UP!!!

God is DRAWING OUT...and bringing His people together in ONE worship and lift up Jesus..NOT fead religion anymore!!

Jesus is the REAL REASON behind Christianity..not relgion.
Jesus came to Save Mankind....NOT to bring us just another relgion.

True Christianity is about relationship and worship of our God, our Lord, our Saviour.
Not about religion at all.
:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:52 PM

Exactly, someone takes their limited experience and tries to shove that onto other people like as if it has any validity.

Thanks DD drinker

((((( Anoasis )))))

Oh dear God. Please tell me that everyone else just got struck in the head with a sledge hammer named Irony. I would laugh, but I honestly believe that so many of you are blind to the point you can't see the irony in Abra's post.

wouldee's photo
Tue 05/06/08 02:55 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 05/06/08 02:59 PM

Welcome to the task at hand of teaching that churchianity and Christianity are two different things.

No such things..period. God did not make those did. Man made "religion", God did not.

Religion is man's attempt to put God within thier understanding.

So IF such things exist, it was done by man, NOT God. And you can rely on man's viewpoint as much as a sheep can rely on a starving wolf to protect it while it sleeps. noway huh

This is precisely the difference between Chrisitanity and churchianity.

Chrsitianity rests in God for its viability and continued admiration and respect as a holy and seperate gift from God to man, and God sustains its truth.

Whereas, on the other hand, churchianity is nothing more than men using purloined advantage and privelege over other men for personal gain and benefit.

One flourishes and the other is constantly being cleansed from the face of the earth with public and open discernment by all men.

precisely my point.

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 03:01 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 05/06/08 03:58 PM
As Lance shared here....

<<<<.... Corinthians 1:18
For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God...>>>> true.
Cause unless a man is born again , his spiritual eyes are blind..and he cannot see the TRUTH.....NOR understand the things of God..and therefore the bible will appear as FOOLISHNESS to him..and understandably so..cause , until a man is born again in his spirit, he is not able to spiritually discern the TRUTH of the Word of God .

It takes spirit to fully understand SPIRIT, not INTELLECT to Understand and Comprehend SPIRIT.

I said this before, intellect(of the mind and part of the soulish realm) and spirit , are not the same... and therefore, the twain shall never meet...they are on 2 different planes.

Soul(mind and emotions and intellect and reason make us this soulish area)....Spirit.....Flesh...are three separate parts of mans being...YET still one man...
BUT still the 3 are NOT the same.
Man's flesh is not his soul...mans' spirit is not man's soul..they are separate..yet one.

Just like Father, Son, Holy Spirit are three YET are we also created a triune being....3 YET one.

Hence the reason one must be born again in his spiirt, in order to fully understand the Spiritual Word of God.

When a man's spirit is born again, it comes alive..and THEN a man's born again spirit is able to meet with God's SPIRIT....on the same spiritual plane.....and then the Word WILL FINALLY MAKE SENSE..and Be UNDERSTOOD...and become more and more clear, as man Grows in the Word a new born babe will grow .

But before that born again experience, ...the Word will appear to be nothing but contradictions and pure foolishness to man.

And we Christians were at one time just as we understand where nonchristians are coming from..:heart: flowerforyou:heart: flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Tue 05/06/08 03:23 PM
and when that occurs, no doubt about it being true will exist.

Truly, being born again and receiving the Holy Spirit is unquestionably plain and real and everpersent in the life of one so imbued and anointed.

there is no doubt when it happens, that it did happen.

That is a requirement of being a saint.

Perfection of the saint is a continual work done by the Holy Spirit personally.

Man can never usurp this.

Man can never stop this.

Man preserves this for every generation for all of mankind in every generation.

It will never change.

Christianity is very much like God.

The same yesterday, today and forever.

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 03:48 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 05/06/08 04:05 PM
One more thing....True Christianity is the ONLY Faith that speaks of One needing to be born order to be able to truly come to God....and have true fellowship and relationship with Him.

None other Faith but Christianty Lifts up Jesus as the Saviour of the World.

No other Faith says,
No man can come to the Father but by way of Jesus alone.

Either this is true...or..this is the greatest lie ever told.

What do YOU think?flowerforyou

Well....we born again Christians don't need to think about it..we KNOW.....

We Christians that are born again...KNOW this in our born again spirits to be true....that Jesus Christ IS who he says He is.....cause our spirtual eyes have NOW been opened!!

However...We did not come to KNOW this way of intellect or brainwashing, that comes with churchianity or religiousity.....

And when we are born again, we KNOW....thru the evidence of God's spirit bearing witness with our spririt..after we By FAITH, asked Jesus to come into our hearts.

When we made that DECISION of our own free will to come to the Lord, and accept him into our hearts by FAITH, God took the next step and did the rest... HE came to live in us!!
Thru HIS HOLY SPirit !!!

And folks..WHEN God STEPS into your heart..YOU KNOW He is REAL!!!
And you KNOW you have become born again!!!
You KNOW!!!!!!


When we Christians are truly born again, we don't change our mind later...and decide christianity is perhaps, not for us afterall later on.
TRUE born again christians are born into God..therefore you cannot be suddenly UNBORN!!!

Just like in the flesh ...when you are born on this earth. Can you suddenly become UNBORN..once you have been born in the flesh?

Same with becoming born again in the spirit.
Once truly born again, you CANNOT become UNBORN in the spiirt!!!

THAT is why , We ,who have truly become born again.....KNOW that we are born again. We don't have to be convinced OTHERWISE that Jesus is Lord !!

We DON"T have to read books that might revel to us that maybe we have been caught up in a lie!!]
NO !!

God does NOT leave a born again child of God in the dark....still wondering after he has been born again, if he is really and truly born again after all!!
No..God does NOT leave us wondering.....
cause..God's Spirit bears witness with man's spirit, to let him KNOW ,that he has TRULY been born again!!!

That is HOW a born again child of God KNOWS..God lets him know....... and also.. a born again 's spiritual eyes are NOW OPENED TO SEE!!!!!

Justr like when a baby comes into the world..and opens his eyes to see the world around him....So does a spiritual born again christian "see" the truth of God now.

So now..coming to Jesus is NOT about religion..but RELATIONSIP.

And all it takes is faith to believe.. to recieve.

And when one doee believe and recieve Jesus(notice I did NOT say recieve religion... but recieve Jesus).... one's life will never be the same.:heart: :heart: :heart:

JESUS said, " If I be Lifted Up, I will draw ALL men to me".

TRUE Christians lift up JESUS..NOT religion.
"Churchianity" lifts up RELIGION, and NOT Jesus.

But what the world needs is Jesus...not another religion.drinker

Jesus Christ IS Lord.

And He wants to give you..and you...and you..and you..and you...
LIFE and a life MORE abundant!! flowerforyou

But "Churchianity" doesn't teach that..they just want you to join their " church".
Nothing more.

Can we then blame the world for being turned off about our Jesus..if all they have seen is "churchianity" ,instead of true "christianity" ???


Let's let the world see JESUS in us..NOT religion in us.....sad ......

And God will do the rest.

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:01 PM

The only true God is Zeus. He is the only one that can save your soul. If you want to KNOW what is real then you only have to worship Zeus. Zeus is the Alpha and Omega.

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:06 PM

Abra! It happened!flowerforyou You claim that you are annoyed when people proseltyze. I have seen it twice in 49 years. The first time was at the airport on my way to boot camp in 78 and two Moonies wanted to sell me a paper flower. The second was an hour ago while I was in the parking lot loading materials for a job and two bike riders told me they were missionaries for the Church of Latter Day Saints. I said Thanks but I am not interested. Did they beat me with a bible? Point their finger and scream that I was going to hell? Look down their noses at me? Nope. They smiled, said "thank you" and "God bless" then rode away. flowerforyou I can hardly bear the pain they inflicted upon me and didn't even know I was a Christian. Be strong young man. You can do it too.flowerforyou


I have been saying the same thing for a long time around here. Most of my life was living as a non-Christian in the Bible belt and none of the stuff the people around here weep and gnash their teeth about happened to me.

I lived in South Carolina for six years where there is are as many churches as there are convenience stores and it never once happened. Amway folks were a different story though. laugh flowerforyou

Wow I don't know where you live. I have lived in NC and SC and they prayed at government meetings "in jesus name" and people were hired because they were christian, companies flat out advertised that they only hired christians, I had 7 day adventists come by at least weekly... the 7th day adventists didn't bother me.

But being at my place of employment, a secular government agency, and being required to attend meetings that began and ended with prayers to jesus bothered me. Noticing that the holders of the 6 highest positions in the agency all attended church of christ churches that bothered many of us. So we left. I do have a friend who still works there. She is Church of Christ. She feels like her career is a shoo-in. She doesn't think it's right, but admits that she has every reason to believe she will be favored because of her church.

i don't really care to dwell any further... but all this does not mean I "don't like" christians. How stupid. I once had my purse stolen by a hispanic man. a friend asked me if i hated or feared hispanics now? Of course not. just because people have something in common doesn't mean that they are all the same or act the same in any other way.

By the same token the opposite is true. You saying that something doesn't happen just because you personally have never experienced it is ridiculous. If you haven't had cancer I'm happy for you, that doesn't mean that cancer doesn't exist.

I respect your right to discuss your religions. All of them. But when you say something incredibly arrogant and self-centered like "this never happened to me, therefore it doesn't happen" that is obviously ridiculous.

Think. Peace.


Very good point. The same thing happens in my town. If you go against the religious right, you can be blackballed and essentially run out of town because nobody will do any business with you.

People who are of the Christian faith of course do not feel it or see it going on because they may not get a constant diet of it. They should do an experiment and pretend to be a pagan or an atheist for a few months and see what happens. Be as bold about it as you are in telling people you go to this or that church. See if you get a different reaction.

When I first came to town people here wanted to know three things. What my last name was, who I was related to and what Church I attended.

If you have local "kin folk" they judge you on the status of your relatives and their reputation in the community. If these relatives are viewed as pagans or tailor trash you are off to a bad start.

If you go to the wrong church, your community status goes up or down depending on the caliber of people that attend that church and its standing in the community, which depends on how much money it has and spends on community projects.

Most people just are not aware of these points. I'm sorry to have gotten off the subject of the original post.

The poster is correct in that you are probably not going to change anyone's mind about anything. But hopefully we will grow to learn to love or like each other anyway if we can only begin to understand people better.


wouldee's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:17 PM
Revelations 1 : 8.

"I am the Alpha and O mega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelations1 : 11.

Saying, "I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write it in a book, and send it unto the seven churches, which are in Asia ; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea"

It also is said in Revelations 21:6 and 22:13.

These sayings are held sacred to Christians and warnings are given in this book not to be altered by man.

I wonder, Rabbit, if you can quote where your source is and cite it verbatim that Zeus said these things?

Or are you lifting these remarks cavalierly to insult and defame something very dear and sacred to Christians with an alterior motive in mind?

I haven't made a judgement yet, only asking for some clarification here.

You have said this before.

I still wonder about it.

The previous tthread that you stated this gave a very clear indiication that your intent was to be argumentative.

Is that antagonism still present?

If so, why?

wouldee's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:18 PM

The only true God is Zeus. He is the only one that can save your soul. If you want to KNOW what is real then you only have to worship Zeus. Zeus is the Alpha and Omega.


no photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:20 PM
TRUE Christians lift up JESUS..NOT religion.
"Churchianity" lifts up RELIGION, and NOT Jesus.

But what the world needs is Jesus...not another religion.

Then get rid of religion.

Now tell me, if you get rid of religion where does that leave Jesus?

I don't think you can separate your "Churchianity" with your "Christianity."

You cannot divorce your Church and keep Jesus Christ. If you try to do that, then aren't you just starting another cult or religion?

In condemning Churchianity, are you also divorcing the Bible?

Or are you now taking the Bible, and Jesus and creating another cult of your very own?

You cannot walk away from the church with their savior can you?

How do you do that? Have you created your own reality with your own personal religion?

This Churchianity thing has me a little confused as to what you are talking about.


wouldee's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:23 PM

Abra! It happened!flowerforyou You claim that you are annoyed when people proseltyze. I have seen it twice in 49 years. The first time was at the airport on my way to boot camp in 78 and two Moonies wanted to sell me a paper flower. The second was an hour ago while I was in the parking lot loading materials for a job and two bike riders told me they were missionaries for the Church of Latter Day Saints. I said Thanks but I am not interested. Did they beat me with a bible? Point their finger and scream that I was going to hell? Look down their noses at me? Nope. They smiled, said "thank you" and "God bless" then rode away. flowerforyou I can hardly bear the pain they inflicted upon me and didn't even know I was a Christian. Be strong young man. You can do it too.flowerforyou


I have been saying the same thing for a long time around here. Most of my life was living as a non-Christian in the Bible belt and none of the stuff the people around here weep and gnash their teeth about happened to me.

I lived in South Carolina for six years where there is are as many churches as there are convenience stores and it never once happened. Amway folks were a different story though. laugh flowerforyou

Wow I don't know where you live. I have lived in NC and SC and they prayed at government meetings "in jesus name" and people were hired because they were christian, companies flat out advertised that they only hired christians, I had 7 day adventists come by at least weekly... the 7th day adventists didn't bother me.

But being at my place of employment, a secular government agency, and being required to attend meetings that began and ended with prayers to jesus bothered me. Noticing that the holders of the 6 highest positions in the agency all attended church of christ churches that bothered many of us. So we left. I do have a friend who still works there. She is Church of Christ. She feels like her career is a shoo-in. She doesn't think it's right, but admits that she has every reason to believe she will be favored because of her church.

i don't really care to dwell any further... but all this does not mean I "don't like" christians. How stupid. I once had my purse stolen by a hispanic man. a friend asked me if i hated or feared hispanics now? Of course not. just because people have something in common doesn't mean that they are all the same or act the same in any other way.

By the same token the opposite is true. You saying that something doesn't happen just because you personally have never experienced it is ridiculous. If you haven't had cancer I'm happy for you, that doesn't mean that cancer doesn't exist.

I respect your right to discuss your religions. All of them. But when you say something incredibly arrogant and self-centered like "this never happened to me, therefore it doesn't happen" that is obviously ridiculous.

Think. Peace.


Very good point. The same thing happens in my town. If you go against the religious right, you can be blackballed and essentially run out of town because nobody will do any business with you.

People who are of the Christian faith of course do not feel it or see it going on because they may not get a constant diet of it. They should do an experiment and pretend to be a pagan or an atheist for a few months and see what happens. Be as bold about it as you are in telling people you go to this or that church. See if you get a different reaction.

When I first came to town people here wanted to know three things. What my last name was, who I was related to and what Church I attended.

If you have local "kin folk" they judge you on the status of your relatives and their reputation in the community. If these relatives are viewed as pagans or tailor trash you are off to a bad start.

If you go to the wrong church, your community status goes up or down depending on the caliber of people that attend that church and its standing in the community, which depends on how much money it has and spends on community projects.

Most people just are not aware of these points. I'm sorry to have gotten off the subject of the original post.

The poster is correct in that you are probably not going to change anyone's mind about anything. But hopefully we will grow to learn to love or like each other anyway if we can only begin to understand people better.



I can identify with your suffering.

The opposite is true i California.

Christianity is villified predominately here.

we are the minority here and very much held in contempt.

Mostly because we will not be easily manipulated into buying into the permissiveness that is not inclusive of tolerance for our beliefs.

Some would joke about making a trade with you.

I don't think it's funny either way.

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:24 PM

The only true God is Zeus. He is the only one that can save your soul. If you want to KNOW what is real then you only have to worship Zeus. Zeus is the Alpha and Omega.

Rabbit I see your point, although others won't.

MorningSong declares her God to be the one and only true God and savior. You are merely showing her what she sounds like to you.


yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:33 PM

Revelations 1 : 8.

"I am the Alpha and O mega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelations1 : 11.

Saying, "I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write it in a book, and send it unto the seven churches, which are in Asia ; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea"

It also is said in Revelations 21:6 and 22:13.

These sayings are held sacred to Christians and warnings are given in this book not to be altered by man.

I wonder, Rabbit, if you can quote where your source is and cite it verbatim that Zeus said these things?

Or are you lifting these remarks cavalierly to insult and defame something very dear and sacred to Christians with an alterior motive in mind?

I haven't made a judgement yet, only asking for some clarification here.

You have said this before.

I still wonder about it.

The previous tthread that you stated this gave a very clear indiication that your intent was to be argumentative.

Is that antagonism still present?

If so, why?

Why do spend time questioning my God. Can't you just be happy with the God you have. Why all the persecution of Zeus. You have no right to say anything about Zeus.

wouldee's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:38 PM
I can only assume by your evasiveness that your hidden agenda is true, rabbit.

I am questioning you, not your God.

Elsewhere, you have declared differently than this claim.

Are you confused?

quote the source of your knowledge, please, that such a name is attached to Zeus.

In the light of day does truth shine, Rabbit.

I cannot understand you if you seek to be only misunderstood.

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:45 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 05/06/08 05:16 PM

I can only assume by your evasiveness that your hidden agenda is true, rabbit.

I am questioning you, not your God.

Elsewhere, you have declared differently than this claim.

Are you confused?

quote the source of your knowledge, please, that such a name is attached to Zeus.

In the light of day does truth shine, Rabbit.

I cannot understand you if you seek to be only misunderstood.

Wouldee..we are not here to question other people's beliefs.. or to question their person.....we are here only to share our faith by lifting up Jesus.

The only thing that was asked, is that there be no bashing from anyone.

It is not out job to save...or to judge...but to share God's Word only.
In a Spirit of Love.

God does the Job of Saving, not us.flowerforyou

We are to love and share..others are invited to do the same....we don't have to agree with each other....we can agree to disagree....but we can ALL still share here ...just the same.flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:51 PM

I can only assume by your evasiveness that your hidden agenda is true, rabbit.

I am questioning you, not your God.

Elsewhere, you have declared differently than this claim.

Are you confused?

quote the source of your knowledge, please, that such a name is attached to Zeus.

In the light of day does truth shine, Rabbit.

I cannot understand you if you seek to be only misunderstood.

Wouldee..we are not here to question other people's beliefs.. or to question their person.....we are here only to share our faith by lifting up Jesus.

The only thing that was asked, is that there be no bashing from anyone.

It is not out job to save...or to judge...but to share God' Word only.
In a Spirit of Love.

God does the Job of Saving, not us.flowerforyou

We are to love and share..others are invited to do the same....we don't have to agree with each other../we can agree to disagree....but we can ALL still share here ...just the same.flowerforyou

:heart: :heart: Way to go MorningSong!!:heart: :heart: :heart:

You practice what you preach. drinker

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:52 PM

I can only assume by your evasiveness that your hidden agenda is true, rabbit.

I am questioning you, not your God.

Elsewhere, you have declared differently than this claim.

Are you confused?

quote the source of your knowledge, please, that such a name is attached to Zeus.

In the light of day does truth shine, Rabbit.

I cannot understand you if you seek to be only misunderstood.

Why do you need to concentrate on my religion. Why don't you just concentrate exclusively on yours. Show the joy that your religion brings you but don't ever try to debate this which you do not understand.

no photo
Tue 05/06/08 04:57 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/06/08 04:59 PM

I can only assume by your evasiveness that your hidden agenda is true, rabbit.

I am questioning you, not your God.

Elsewhere, you have declared differently than this claim.

Are you confused?

quote the source of your knowledge, please, that such a name is attached to Zeus.

In the light of day does truth shine, Rabbit.

I cannot understand you if you seek to be only misunderstood.

Why do you need to concentrate on my religion. Why don't you just concentrate exclusively on yours. Show the joy that your religion brings you but don't ever try to debate this which you do not understand.


This seems only fair. I get your point too Rabbit. You are awesome.

I am going to abandon my quest to examine Christianity's history and past and seek my own faith and communion with my God within.

Thank you Rev. Rabbit

You have enlightened me this day!!:heart: :heart: :heart:

You too MorningSong!! flowerforyou You are awesome!


wouldee's photo
Tue 05/06/08 05:03 PM

Morningsong, that is true, dear lady.

Rabbit has said otherwise about this Zeus elsewhere.

He is being sarcastic.

he also is bashing a sacred phrase in the Holy Bible.

he knows the book he lifted it from.

he also knows what it said about lifting the words in it to change their meaning and re-direction of these words as given.

This is not as it seems.

He has been here longer than you and it is well established that he is not sincere in this jest.

Bashing and ridiculing things Christian is his deed.

I am merely pointing out his duplicity.

He does not take the mods or anyone of a different view than his seriously and respectfully, apparently.

Others, you included, need to know that Rabbit is not sincere in sarcasm.

He has an alterior motive.

Without explanation from him, it is only to inflame aand incite and insult and taunt and offend others.

He does not have any respect for anything other than his own lawlessness and deceit.

I am not bashing him.

In the "Brilliance" thread, he just siad that his ancestors created God. That post was left at 4:49pm today.

In the thread titled, " The book that your church doesn't want you to read" you can follow his postt on page 3 posted at 4:36pm today, that included in there is a point being made by him that..."if I really had "God" on my side" paranthetically.

He must be taken seriously for his intent.

i will let others judge for themselves what that intent is.

I am just revealing that he is not wqhat he seems to project.

You shall learn this over time.

learn, grow, and be at peace.