Community > Posts By > puggirl7

puggirl7's photo
Tue 03/31/09 05:10 PM
life can suck! especially when you are hit with bad news and bad weather every other day!flowerforyou

puggirl7's photo
Tue 03/31/09 05:02 PM
i was told i was ugly in front of all my classmates by a boy in my science class, he quoted! that i was sitting at his desk, but that was were the teacher wanted me to sit! i feel the scars of the mean words spoken over me!i was humiliated! also i had a crush on a boy in the ninth grade his name was robert and all the girls made fun of me because i liked him! words hurt!the boy in my science class quoted this to me ''get out of my seat'' you ugly looking thing!!i went home and cried to my mom, because the teacher did nothing to correct him for being mean!o well i hope his life turned out miserable! what comes around goes around!!pitchfork

puggirl7's photo
Tue 03/31/09 10:28 AM
Does he know that you are in love with him and love him so?
does he know you dream about him at night?
does he know you would stick up for him and to the very death fight!
Does he know how lucky he is to be a star?
Does he know you carry a torch for him from where you are!
Does he know you are the other half to his whole
the very woman to complete him heart and soul!
does he know you care, does he see you in his visions, does he see you desiring him upon your bed, does he know how he could hear your voice carried by the wind into his head!
you are my friend and i'm happy for you
does he know, your love for him is true?
does he know?

puggirl7's photo
Tue 03/31/09 10:10 AM
flowers i believe in love at first sight! don't allow anyone to tell you different!to where you have to settle, and never know the one you were meant to be with!

puggirl7's photo
Tue 03/31/09 09:58 AM
this is why i don't share with most people because only a few understand how lonely high school can be for girls that never got to go to any of the events or asked out by a boy or get to wear a prom dress!those years were painful although i try to get past all of it. i just want to be loved and i'm tired of waiting! i was married for nine years to a man that was an alcoholic, i loved him for himself and i thought he loved me!then he left me for another woman and told me he never loved me after i gave him nine years of my life! it's just that things have not exactly fallen into place for me, and i was one of the unpopular girls in school!my older sister was very beautiful and she was daddy's princess! my older brother was his prince! me and my younger brother were the runts!i never got asked on a date until i was 35 years old!instead of getting married like i dreampt of i had to go out into the world and work!most of my girlfriends from school were getting married to their high school sweethearts,i feel as if i was cheated!all i want to be is married once again! i feel like i have a right to vent about this!i have been handed all the SERMONS!people don't know!i secretly pray that i will find mr. rightnow!i'm entitled to feel the scars, now i'm ready to move on!ohwell

puggirl7's photo
Mon 03/30/09 08:33 AM
''Why do beauty queens poised with grace
have all the boys they can date,
just because they have popularity
and a pretty face!
why do rich girls come in first in society
go to college and are members of a sorority?
they get the best men, the football hero, the fraternity
brother, they get to be his and wear their pin.
the song by janis ian is true! i learned the truth at seventeen too!
that the best of love and riches belong to the beauty queen.

this was written about my painful years in high school, i know a lot of teen girls felt the way i did, i'm considered the ugly duckling in the family and it hurt a lot, to compete with the girl with clear skin smiles and poularity with the boys!in this day and time there is still that competitive spirit among girls in high school. i never got to go to the prom, never asked out, but ended up home alone watching tv with dad and mom!!:cry:

puggirl7's photo
Sun 03/29/09 02:40 PM
When i think about his handsome face, his tall stature, his manners and grace.

i find myself longing more and more for him!
when i think about the blue in his bedroom eyes
i think about the ocean he surfs and the azure color
of the skies.
i find myself longing to be his love
i find myself yearning to be by his side
and being the kind of woman he has always desired and dreamed of!
he is the kind of man i so long to have with me
i pray each night for this to come to pass and this love i want dearly!
my dear jonathan, you don't know, how i long for you, i'm longing for him and nothing less! he is the one i love and long for hopelessly! i won't take no for an answer, i will just sit and wait, longing for him, the true love i anticipate!

puggirl7's photo
Sun 03/29/09 02:22 PM

puggirl7's photo
Sun 03/29/09 02:20 PM
flowerforyou good poem,i like how you express your feelings!it is so very true about friendship!nicely put!

puggirl7's photo
Wed 03/25/09 08:10 AM
:smile: thanks for understanding! most people cannot relate to this pain unless they have been through it themselves!i feel kinda cheated!and all people do is preach that it is gods will for me to be alone!!thanks again!flowerforyou

puggirl7's photo
Wed 03/25/09 07:46 AM
Why do you think i'm on this site!
hoping i can still have the dream
of being someones wife
of becoming a real bride
and wearing white!
i believe in the garden of eden
adam and eve and love between
men and women.
i believe in paradise still
most people may disagree but marriage
is part of the plan in Gods will!
No matter what secular society might say
i don't believe in the word there is no way!
it just seems a little harder to find love
like mom and dad had back in the day!
so why do you think i'm on this site
hoping oneday my life will turn around when i once again say ''i do''and finally get my gown of white!!

puggirl7's photo
Wed 03/25/09 07:37 AM
I did not mean to bring anyone down, this is just the way i feel! i watched my sister and everyone else in my family have the dream weddings and that was my goal in life!so i write about the pain!!:cry:

puggirl7's photo
Tue 03/24/09 07:49 AM
Everytime i see a family,
husband and wife, and newborn baby
it makes me sad to see the faces of
the blessed ones living happily.
Oh how i prayed, oh how i wished i had this kind of
happiness, i missed the mark, this is what i alway's wanted
all has been denied and delayed
it is way to late for me.
now i am a bitter shell of a woman on her own
living unhappily!
i live in the now getting served up whatever is dished
out to me.
you see! all my fruitful years were ripped away
by an illness in my mind, diagnosis ''bipolar insanity''
all the blessings i should have had were replaced by numbing
medication,it ruined my body, and living happily was out of the question, love became harder to find all because i went out of my mind!
i live unfulfilled because the dreams of hearth and home were killed.
i never had the dream wedding, never was the one to wear the gown or be the lovely bride.
i never had the blessing of feeling a newborn babe kick inside.
easy for some who never knew this longing! don't hand me a sermon or preach about what i had to say! noone can relate to this pain, so i live unhappily today
all the best things in life and blessings have skipped me over, leaving me angry, empty and dry!
All i ever hoped for has left me
all my dreams smashed, now i sit with the tears i cry
why God why?
the years are gone by
i'm not happy,i sigh
i'm ''unhappily''all there is to do is die!!

puggirl7's photo
Sun 03/22/09 01:25 PM
What is a twin flame?
Two hearts, good chemistry
the other half of the coin
two that are the same.
what is a twin flame?
you will know when destiny
and universe are in motion
to set things right.
you will know in your heart
when it's love at first sight.
Twin flames become joined as one
two hearts that knew from the very beginning
that they were to be
so much in common, so much passion for each other
as the fire continues to burn bright
never to be incomplete,never to be lonely
twin flames now and for all eternity.

puggirl7's photo
Sun 03/22/09 01:07 PM

I hate the wind fiercely howling against my window pane.
i hate the dark clouds
coming off the horizon
stirring up
the calmest sea and causing torrential floods and rain

i dread the storm the weatherman
anticipates, hurricanes, tornados, and severe thunderstorms
to stir up fear, dear God spare me!it's just not safe living
I am one that hides from the sound of thunder as it rages
because i was told it was the good lord angry about my sins as he
looks into his book of life and turns the pages.
I hate the storm, i only wish sunny days could last and mild
weather always be the norm.

puggirl7's photo
Sun 03/22/09 12:35 PM
good write! flowerforyou

puggirl7's photo
Sun 03/22/09 12:33 PM

puggirl7's photo
Sat 03/21/09 03:55 PM
Spring is in the air, birds and bees are mating everywhere
everyone is a couple, everyone is in a pair.
i am alone sitting upon a parkbench, watching the lovers pass me by
holding each other in loves clench.
it is not fair that love is in bloom
everywhere, it is not fair that spring has to bring me sadness
and dispair.
i say to myself ''why me'' why do i have to watch others enjoy
the rapture of love that spring shall bring!
so what!!! spring is in the air, it's no fun not to have that someone to share it with, it isn't fair!!!sad :cry:

puggirl7's photo
Wed 03/18/09 07:32 AM
I just wanted to introduce myself! i am new here and i hope to meet new people, maybe hopefully someone to hang with!:smile:

puggirl7's photo
Wed 03/18/09 07:21 AM
it makes one feel greatful for their blessings! good write!flowerforyou