Community > Posts By > Jon85213

Jon85213's photo
Fri 08/21/09 01:43 AM
know this is slightly off topic but an interesting question none the less. may have even been covered already. why is there sexual reproduction still when asexual reproduction is more efficient? i am no way equipped to answer that. wouldnt know where to start? any ideas from anyone else? All I have found is the ability to weed out some diseases but yet there are other species who thrive with asexual reproduction so is an interesting question.

Jon85213's photo
Thu 08/20/09 10:06 PM

Did we forget about rotting in hell ?.

the idea of the post is to say what your beliefs say about those who do not believe the same as you. nothing about who is right or wrong.

Jon85213's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:54 PM
sounds like we all are pretty much in agreement. for a date here and there it doesn't matter but for a relationship we prefer someone who thinks as us. Well the saying still holds true in a relationship you can be happy or you can be right. belittle someone about their faith. likely you are not getting laid that night. make up sex is another issue, lol

Jon85213's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:50 PM
east mesa here

Jon85213's photo
Thu 08/20/09 01:26 AM

Basically, you've had 2 arguments against evolution.
1. evolution is an impossibilty and can never work.
2. evolution works to adapt life to new a conditions but never fundamentally changes an organism.

Both are wrong. We know for a fact that species do indeed change. We've seen animals change in nature. We've caused species to change on purpose. If you don't know specific examples of this, I don't know what to tell you.
So, number 1 is definatly wrong.
Now, if you conceed that species can and do change, at least a little bit, you must also conceed that with enough time, a bunch of little changes will indeed add up to a big change.
So, number 2 is definatly wrong.

Simple logic.

Of course, if you believe the Earth is flat, less than 7000 yrs old, ect, this won't work for you. If that be the case, why bother arguing anything having to do evolution?

there are still people who believe the earth is flat.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/19/09 11:06 PM

If you have not accepted Christ as your Savior you are domed. Sin is there everywhere you turn and as a human you can not avoid it.

don't take it personal they are not criticizing the religion. its the spelling. domed does not equal doomed. just a word of advice for everyone. spell check and proofread before posting. it helps. may want to clarify it a bit more.

For example had you said non-believers which have not accepted Christ as their savior are sent to hell for eternity. This is because sin, as defined in the Bible, is everywhere and can not be avoided.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/19/09 04:07 PM
While researching various religions I have come across something interesting that is hardly addressed. Fist most sites indicate what happens to a person who believes that particular religion. what I find that is not talked about is what happens to those who do not believe. So i pose this question to everyone. According to the religion you practice what happens to the person who has lived a good life and dies but does not believe your religion?

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/19/09 12:27 PM
religious views are extremely important. no matter what we believe we will look for people who share our views. This is where we feel most comfortable at. This is where we can open up the most. 2 discussions always will start an argument religion and politics. to date someone with different views while entertaining will often not have any long term value. would it be likely a conservative christian republican will date a liberal atheist? maybe once but not likely to have a lasting relationship.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/19/09 12:14 PM
just a question for all the single parents who can not find dates. what are you doing different then before you had kids? What do you look for in the person? Has that changed? What do you really value? Say someone took your kids for the weekend? (relative or friend) What would you do during that time? Who would you call? What would you want to have happen? That first thought that came into your head( The one you likely will not admit) can give some insight on who you really are?

For some of us we already have it all worked out. Going to go hook up with this person. or goto the club or bar and meet someone. If the first thought was to do what you used to do before you had kids then likely you are still looking for that shallow person that bailed out on you when things got a little tough. or that you hooked up with for a one night stand. In all reality do something different. That is the only way you will find someone different.

Reality nice guys or girls do not exist in the way they think they do. Reality if they were as nice as they claimed to be why would they handle rejection so hard? Granted there are some people that treat people well and do things for others. But that often is just to buy friendship. I treat you well in hopes you do the same. if you don't then i do not want anything to do with you. Does anyone else find this happening or is just me?

Also one other warning when dating a single parent with little kids pay attention to where their focus is. if they pay more attention to you than their kids. run away as fast as you can. big warning sign. their good parent act is just an act.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/19/09 11:55 AM
Okay you said he went out of town for three weeks. you didn't specify what or why so all sorts of questions raise. First have you tried to call him? Second did he say he was leaving you? Third is it possible he is in the hospital somewhere? Have you contacted his family at all? Maybe they know something you do not. If what you said is all the facts it sounds like you are looking for a reason to leave him without it being your fault? I hope there is just information left out because if there isn't you two have some serious issues you need to work out.

Now if he did just bail one word of advice don't bring guys into your kids lives until it is serious. Date them for awhile. find out who they are. that way you don't leave your kids with a child molester. because to tell you the truth you are prime target for child molesters. "single parent who is hurting and desperate for a role model of the opposite sex."

You do not need to be in a relationship with someone for your child to have a positive role model. That is where friends come into play. Make friends with other single parents. it helps.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/19/09 01:26 AM
i think this is the longest az thread i have seen in awhile. im amazed.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/19/09 12:29 AM

You are presuming that Darwinian theory is supported by DNA. Nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality - it is Darwinian theory which is keeping DNA science from advancing. It's rediculous how much money is wasted pursuing Darwinian theory with zero success in the results. Billions of dollars. Yet, everyone screams because there isn't enough being done to radicate the diseases running amok. And those screaming the loudest are the ones who support the massive waste of resources used to the research and chasing of fairytales.

Halleluyah!!! You have proved, without a shred of doubt, that arguing CAN be done with absoulutely no regards to facts, to knowledge, to logic, even to spelling.

This is the greatest breakthrough in philosophical conventions since Plato's "Republic", in which the "Socratic method" was shown as it developed. Your way of putting down words is a new paradigm of Biblical proportions. Well done, lad.

how is that something new? politicians have been doing it for years. Have you not seen "thank you for smoking?" If not i so recommend you go out and rent it. basic principle of the movie. you do not have to be right. you just have to make the other guy look wrong.

Jon85213's photo
Mon 08/17/09 08:12 AM
Edited by Jon85213 on Mon 08/17/09 08:54 AM

depending on which translation you are using Provers 13:24 means the same

The message-
24 A refusal to correct is a refusal to love;
love your children by disciplining them.

24 He who spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.

New Living translation

24 Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children.
Those who love their children care enough to discipline them.

Todays NIV

24 Those who spare the rod hate their children,
but those who love them are careful to discipline them.

Arabic Life Application bible
24 مَنْ كَفَّ عَنْ تَأْدِيبِ ابْنِهِ يَمْقُتُهُ، وَمَنْ يُحِبُّ ابْنَهُ يَسْعَى إِلَى تَأْدِيبِهِ.

As you can see the main theme of this verse, no matter which version you read, is that to not do any discipline is to not show any love.

As far as what works for your child will work for your child. This thread keeps going on and on with the same thing. If you truly believe your side to be right make an argument for the other side. Are there any real benefits. what do studies show. It might amaze you what is found out. Did you know long term effects vary depending on race? Take a look. the studies are there. Just to give you a hint. Physical punishment affects whites more than it affects minorities. If you want the studies i will see if i can find them otherwise just do an advance search in google "long term effects of spanking" only search *.org sites (reputable sites for studies end in .org or .edu)

If memory serves there is also a scripture that is along the lines of ..when a child mis-behaves he should be taken to his fathers house and didn't add that one.

There is a difference between hitting and discipline..that is what this thread keeps coming back to.

I think you are referring to Deuteronomy 21:18-21. Yes it does say that when you pull it out of context. lets look at what it says.

18-20 When a man has a stubborn son, a real rebel who won't do a thing his mother and father tell him, and even though they discipline him he still won't obey, his father and mother shall forcibly bring him before the leaders at the city gate and say to the city fathers, "This son of ours is a stubborn rebel; he won't listen to a thing we say. He's a glutton and a drunk."

21 Then all the men of the town are to throw rocks at him until he's dead. You will have purged the evil pollution from among you. All Israel will hear what's happened and be in awe.

The context that you forgot was they had disciplined him and he still would not change. Now I think this is also referring to adult children. not little children. How often are little children referred to as drunks. Also the answer was not that they kill them but bring them to the elders to decide what to do with him.

Remember there was a different time. There was not stock market. no desk jobs. the family survival depended on all able bodied people working. That is why it also says he who will not work should not eat, not he who can not work. So lets exchange this to a modern day story and see if you see it still as wrong.

A 25 year old living in his parents basement refuses to stop cooking meth in there. The 25 year old has also been watching child porn as part of his addiction. His parents discipline him(non-violent) for sake of argument and he still refuses to change. they have done everything they know how so they turn him over to police. well the 25 year old is convicted of child pornography and attempt to manufacture a controlled substance. he is placed in General population in prison where he is then murdered. would you fault the parents for this?

Short version but illustrates the point that the decision to murder was left up to the community. not the parents. had the parents decided to murder on their own choice without consulting the community they lived in they themselves would been punished with murder as part of the commandments. also remember there was no paxil, Zoloft or all the assortment of drugs we have available now.

Jon85213's photo
Mon 08/17/09 01:30 AM
take some you time. find out who you are. I know at 18 i thought i had it all figured out. i see now i was way off. Don't run and jump into a relationship just to be in one. hold off for 6 months on sex. amazing how much of the things that you will see if you haven't slept with them. once you sleep with someone you overlook a lot of red flags.

Jon85213's photo
Mon 08/17/09 01:11 AM

so how do you handle a kid who is adhd and ODD? what is the best way to discipline them? Basically they fly around the house from one project to the next and if you try and punish them they zone out real quick or if they do pay attention they blow you off because you are trying to discipline them? just to top it all off he is almost 13 and has not had any discipline for most of his life. parents actually tell him he does not need to listen to other adults yet they do nothing to correct his behavior. any suggestions? seriously this is a real life situation. therapy has only scratched the surface. medication is not an option unless you are going to force it down his throat and keep him from vomiting it back up.

Are you making this stuff up to bait people?

ADHD and ODD children are special situations. Spanking won't make it better.

So then you add no discipline and 13 years old and parents like that? If that is the case, I feel sorry for the child.

wish i was making it up. but it is a true story. the hard part is for every step forward parents undo it. so i end running in circles. i have just about given up because when the parents are working against you there is little you can do. should i also add the fact of an unstable environment. lots of moving around and such. sometimes two to three times a year. and issues of the parents. its a Jerry springer episode waiting to happen, lol.

on a side note this does actually happen a lot. one parent will be on board with doing things different. and the other parent will sabotage everything to prove that it doesn't work. usually see this in blended families and marriages that happened as a result of a pregnancy. i think parenting should be one of the most important talks before any wedding plans.

Jon85213's photo
Sun 08/16/09 08:53 PM
Edited by Jon85213 on Sun 08/16/09 08:58 PM
so how do you handle a kid who is adhd and ODD? what is the best way to discipline them? Basically they fly around the house from one project to the next and if you try and punish them they zone out real quick or if they do pay attention they blow you off because you are trying to discipline them? just to top it all off he is almost 13 and has not had any discipline for most of his life. parents actually tell him he does not need to listen to other adults yet they do nothing to correct his behavior. any suggestions? seriously this is a real life situation. therapy has only scratched the surface. medication is not an option unless you are going to force it down his throat and keep him from vomiting it back up.

Jon85213's photo
Sun 08/16/09 03:59 PM
Edited by Jon85213 on Sun 08/16/09 04:12 PM

just going to provide the link. came across this. its an argument mathematically why evolution is not possible. kind of interesting. not to familiar with algorithms anymore. only used simple algorithms before. and that was 20 years ago when programing in pascal. nothing as complex as this so any comments?

also in response to the definition of faith faith is belief in anything according to so belief in something that is testable is faith. does that work for you? Only you can answer that. i have had to many weird things happen to me that science and logic can not explain.

Just a few other questions to Arcamedees. What made the friend an ex-friend. also want to suggest a thought. could it be possible that you have seen proof for God's existence but choose to dismiss it as coincidence or just your imagination? i know i did in the past.

I've seen such proofs before. They've all been flawed in their assumptions. Funny thing about higher level math, w/ enough a "assumptions", one can make virturally anything equal anything. I've seen the proofs of 2+2=1, 2+2=3 ect. But to be fair, I will take a closer look later. However, I stand by my original assertions that if it were true, we wouldn't see any changes in any species, which we most certainly do.

Just because you can't explain something doesn't necessarily mean it's of the devine. It just means you can't explain it.

The friend became an ex-friend because of conversations like this.
Which is why I don't engage in these types of conversations in person.

Of course it's possible. Although, I think it unlikely. Unlike most people, my ego isn't threatened by being wrong. And I would tend to think that if a god wanted me to know him, he would've given me something I couldn't dismiss.

one other question if you do not believe in religion why hang out in a religion chat board?

as far as things that cant be explained for one others actions. i have seen a judge argue an entire case for a man in family court when he is pro women having all the control. i have seen peoples hearts stop multiple times in one day(8 times 3-4 minutes each time) and they come out of it with nothing wrong. normally more than 4 is terminal. previous record in the area was 5. i have experienced knives(not dull, razor sharp) that do not cut. guns that do not fire(never had a misfire). ive seen people stop drug use with no withdrawal effects at all. i could go on with so many other things that i have seen but that will take time. those are a few of the things i have experienced.

Jon85213's photo
Sun 08/16/09 02:19 AM

I like it when there is no pain in the one I love.

my guess is if she is telling you there is no pain

she is trying to keep you from worrying so much

i have ever had any pain reliever remove the pain

but yes it does relieve the severity

hope yer feeling better E

i have had that. caused me to injure myself worse because i forgot i had an injury.

Jon85213's photo
Sun 08/16/09 02:17 AM

Did you read the rest of the chapter or just the one verse. He is describing the end times. The way i read it all the things he is describing will take place in one generation. In other words once it starts that generation will not pass away. Does anyone else think this?

In that, we read of the only parable, we must learn what that word means if we want to be able to dig deeper, the only parable where there is an instruction to 'learn' it.

So when we see the fig tree, Israel, coming back into view (He both scatters and gathers), The Lord's view, we can dig back and see what kind of figs there are. And we find both good and bad figs. And this has to do, also, with Israel becoming a nation again in one day. That happened only one time since they were set aside at the end of Acts, 1958.

Isa 66:8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.

Perhaps the question might now be, how long is a Biblical generation?

wasn't it 1948 they became a nation again? As for the biblical generation question you can refer to Psalm 90:10 " We live for seventy years or so (with luck we might make it to eighty)" This is from the message version. so if Israel became a nation in 1948 end of the generation would be 2008-2018. but if it was 1958 than it would be 2018-2028.

But remember what the verse says is that generation will not die off until these things have come to pass. and for a generation to be alive just one person has to be living. with advances in health care it is possible to not take place until 2050 or so. like Christ said no one knows the day or hour. but when you see these things be ready. so stop worrying when it will come and be ready.

Jon85213's photo
Sun 08/16/09 02:03 AM

proof of God means that God doesn't exist?

That's doublespeak if I ever heard any.

And then a personal attack to boot?

Ohhhh Arcamedees, that is just so terribly sad.

"Fraud and Falsehood only dread examination. Truth invites it" - Thoomas Cooper (1759-1839)

I'm guessing you're new to Earth. On THIS planet, there's this show called South Park. You should check it out, it's pretty funny. There's a catch phrase that one of the characters says every week, right after one of his buddies gets killed. "You bastard!"
What's terribly sad is either you have no sense of humor or you're so out there, so to speak, that all references to popular culture will go over your head.

humor and sarcasm rarely come through well on message boards. sad part of technology is the most important part of communication(non-verbal) is often lost.