Community > Posts By > Jon85213

Jon85213's photo
Sun 08/16/09 01:59 AM
Edited by Jon85213 on Sun 08/16/09 02:55 AM
just going to provide the link. came across this. its an argument mathematically why evolution is not possible. kind of interesting. not to familiar with algorithms anymore. only used simple algorithms before. and that was 20 years ago when programing in pascal. nothing as complex as this so any comments?

also in response to the definition of faith faith is belief in anything according to so belief in something that is testable is faith. does that work for you? Only you can answer that. i have had to many weird things happen to me that science and logic can not explain.

Just a few other questions to Arcamedees. What made the friend an ex-friend. also want to suggest a thought. could it be possible that you have seen proof for God's existence but choose to dismiss it as coincidence or just your imagination? i know i did in the past.

Jon85213's photo
Sat 08/15/09 02:18 PM
Edited by Jon85213 on Sat 08/15/09 02:53 PM
figured since we were on this topic i might as well pose this question. What would you do if you knew children you had cared for were being abused(This could be a niece or nephew or another family member). No borderline definition of abuse but clearly abused according to CPS website. but by reporting it you risk the chance of loosing all contact with the children. would you still report it? or would you do something else? If so what else would you do?

Jon85213's photo
Fri 08/14/09 11:55 AM

wish i could take percocet. i have such a tolerance because of so many injuries percocet is like taking vitamins now.

i hear ya

i am taking vicodin an addition to another pain med

and anti inflammatory

and have been for 10+ years

if i get to sleep more t han 3 hours at a time i feel very lucky

i was getting a hard time from a lot of (so called) friends and a doctor or too till i went in for a sleep study (because i could not sleep) and i had around 200 incidents of pain interruptions (an hour) per the sensors and some sleep apnea interruptions as well

i guess they are different readings on the print out

i still get crap from a couple people but hey that is their issue (i tend to stay away from negativity so i stay away from them to the best of my ability)

after the sleep study and the discovery of the pain incidents they (doctors) have had me in for multiple mri and xrays (none of the docs give me a hard time now) a couple even said i do not know how you can even walk my answer usual is

painfully but ya do what ya can till ya cant

so if nothing else does me in the pain meds probably will eventually

(i guess i got carried away sorry)

but anyway

hope you are feeling better Eileena hugz n stuff

i would wish this on no one not even my worst enemy

drinker flowerforyou waving

I have been switched to methadone and it has worked wonders for me. It is a strong pain reliever but safer than most pain medications. it works on the opiate receptors but is not opiate based. on top of it physical withdrawls are more or less non-existant. On top of it you do not get the buzz like you do with other pain medications. no groggy feeling just relief. also sleep is a deeper sleep. you may want to look into it. talk to your doctor to see if it is an option.

Jon85213's photo
Fri 08/14/09 11:47 AM

:smile: The "antichrist" was the Divine Emperors of the pagan Roman Empire.:smile:

:smile: All of the biblical prophecies were fullfilled about 2 thousand years ago:smile:

flowerforyou Jesus said himselfflowerforyou

"Verily, I say unto you, This generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled" Matthew 24:34

Did you read the rest of the chapter or just the one verse. He is describing the end times. The way i read it all the things he is describing will take place in one generation. In other words once it starts that generation will not pass away. Does anyone else think this?

Jon85213's photo
Fri 08/14/09 11:32 AM

it true we need to see the signs
:smile: What signs?:smile:

check this out. this was in a post about global warming kind of interesting of what is a possibility to happen in a few years

Jon85213's photo
Fri 08/14/09 01:29 AM


In the unlikely event that you somehow missed all the pro-creationist propaganda that suggests evolution & the 2nd law are incompatible, and actually came to this question on your own, by thinking a bit about what you've learned of the 2nd law --- then I apologize to you for suggesting that you might be the 'idiot' promoting this view.

See, I assume you aren't in the process of writing a book nor giving lectures on the topic. And if you were, I would hope that you would look into the matter a look more deeply first. But for an everyday student to think that they -might- be an incompatibility - its a fair question, a fair issue to raise. Its when someone believes they are qualified to write books or give lectures and STILL thinks there is merit to this 'argument' that I see a very serious problem with either that person's honest or their knowledge of the topic. So I hope you are not offended by the strong negative feelings I have towards people who write books, give lectures, or create websites promoting such absurd interpretations of the 2nd law.

There is no mystery if you consider how the sun plays into the energy/entropy balance of the earth (and all living things on it).

The main issue i have even more than anything is what the theory of evolution does not explain which is how life evolved into more complex life form just as a simple random accident. which from observations life tends to center around the median. the extreme often kill themselves off over time. for example to parents of one race usually have a child that is similar to them. they do not have a child of a different race(unless the milkman stopped by to many times) From what I get evolution is saying all parents start having children of other races by random chance. this then becomes the new generation. now using race as one trait could be skin color. could be hair color and so on. is this not what the theory of evolution says or have i misunderstood it? Does it say something different? if I am wrong please clarify so that I can better understand it.

Wow. You should find your high school teachers and smack the hell out of them for allowing you to graduate with such erroneous notions.

I could type for the next hour or so explaining just how completely wrong your notions of evolution are, how evolution really works, why it takes so much time, ect., ect..
However, I'm pretty sure you could research it faster and more succinctly on the internet. Why don't you give that a whirl?
Avoid any sites that mention God, if you want an accurate account.

Seriously, where did you get those ideas about evolution anyway?

If you didn't notice i was giving a general view. As I went on i went to more specific. as one trait such as hair color changing, could be blood type. could be so many more. but as like so many people on here they refuse to address the issue and attack the person. as far as i see it you have lost all credibility a simple general comment on no you have misunderstood, here is a generic explanation for more details check out this site would have expanded on the conversation and lead to an actual discussion.

A legitimate question was asked and you chose to ignore it and attack a person. You really need to examine your faith since your only response is to attack a person when they challenge your faith and belief system.

For anyone else i would love some clarification on the issue. lets actually have a real discussion. no well the bible said it happened so it did. expand on it do some research. there is actually a lot of scientific evidence that you can use to make a logical argument to support each side of the argument. why do we not explore that or are we afraid that the other side might be right?

How in the bloody blue blazes is what I wrote an attack? Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
Look, all I indicated is that somehow you managed to reach adulthood w/ completely wrong ideas about evolution. And in fact, was putting the blame on your high school teachers, which obviously did you a serious diservice. At worst, I was calling you ignorant of this subject, which, by your posts, you obviously are. This is NOT an insult. This is an observation. There is no shame in ignorance, only in remaining so or in accepting ignorance as ok.
Because your posts showed such a complete lack of any scientific understanding of evolution, I believe what you are asking for is the equivalent of a high school education in science with a post on this site. I'm not willing to do that and you'd be better served doing your own research.
If your enquiries are genuine, you will fine that there is no credible scientific evidence against evolution and quite a bit for it. So much so, I'm constantly amazed that there is still a question about it.
Evolution is a theory, much like gravity. Ponder that.

Oh, and if you think I have "faith", I'd say you have no idea what that is either. S'ok, I don't understand what faith is as well.

for the argument on faith i define it as belief in something that is not proven to show belief in evolution shows a faith. it is faith in science but still faith reguardless. faith is used everyday. driving a new car takes faith(faith that other drivers will follow the rules of the road)

I ask what do you consider credible evidence against it? What will constitute that? From your responses it seams any site that contains reference to religion you will automatically discredit it as being wrong. This is extremely biased. why not say unless its an ivy league school it is not credible. Or if it was published in the USA it is not valid and you can not use that. So what are your requirements for valid research besides they agree with what you beleive?

As far as the theory of gravity yes is a theory but we also can see the effects of gravity we can measure the effects of Gravity. I am also not aware of any that dispute gravity. Are there any? What actually is being disbuted in it?

So i ask a question. you say it is idiotic? Why? Are questions not the foundation of learning? Why not discuss it? What is the harm in it?

Jon85213's photo
Thu 08/13/09 11:03 PM
wish i could take percocet. i have such a tolerance because of so many injuries percocet is like taking vitamins now.

Jon85213's photo
Thu 08/13/09 06:04 PM

Some kids think they can do everything they want because they are loved . Nowadays crimes are more than in the past per capita and many parents are struggling with their children's behaviour .
I wish I can enter a kid's brain and know how he or she sees this world as some of them have crazy behaviour .The question is : if a kid is bad every day are you really going to spank him or her every day ?.

depends on the age. either way you need to find a way to reach the child before something does happen. And a child doing anything they want because they are loved well there is some truth to that. but if they are loved boundaries are put in place to keep them from what they are not ready or able to handle.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:32 PM
first i want to say i have been there. i ran the party house for 5 years. it is a tough to break away. but you can do it through Christ. That is what worked for me. nothing else even came close. What I have found that works is accountability and openness. you a brother who will get in your face about what you are doing. at the same time you also have to be open and honest with what is going on. Think about it can a blind doctor help you if you do not speak? you need someone who will be there for you when you struggle and be there for you when you are not struggling. also you can apply the 8 r's to what you are struggling with. if you do not know what they are you can read about them here

between the two it will be hard to fall. no matter what the issue lies within you and getting in a relationship will not solve the issue. often it will only make it worse.

any other questions let me know if i wasn't clear on something i will clarify it.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:03 PM
i am new as i am sure others also are so why not enlighten the rest of us?

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/12/09 10:45 PM

Whoa there Cowboy. You are assuming quite a bit of non-sense that is not in evidence to support your argument.

First of all - there's nothing demonstratable that needs 10 billion years to accomplish - and where did that number come from? Did you decide to use a nice big round number?

Where are you getting the idea that God used evolution to do anything? Perhaps it is an issue of semantics. You say "Evolution is real", I say - had you said "De-evolution is real", we'd have a basis for agreement. Otherwise, you have stated no valid premises to support your conclusions.

And this "overwhelming evidence" you speak of. Please name just ONE thing for me that is not a subjective conclusion completely devoid of empirical evidence.

The suggestion that God used evolution is in the first post. That was the question.

As for the overwheling evidence that evolution is real all you need to do is watch life forms with a very short life span. For example, flys taken into space lose their wings in only a few generations. They no longer need them in a zero the gravity enviroment.

Evolution is also why we need a new flu shot each year. The virus keeps evolving.

If you want more I suggest you read a few good books on the subject. "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins would be a good place to start. He lays it all out clearly and even goes into all the arguments that disagree with him.

Wnat more? How about this debate between Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins from TIME mag.,8816,1555132,00.html

And don't call me cowboy.

With a question on the flies does gravity alter the development because of evolution or because of the weightless environment they do not develop correct? Also do the wings disappear slowly or quickly. What I mean by slowly is each generation they get smaller. Because if they get smaller with each generating then evolution could easily be proved by bringing them back down to earth and seeing them grow back to normal. Did this occur?

the other question this post brings to mind have you read it? If so do you take his research at face value or do you scrutinize it with the same level you would any other evidence that would contradict evolution? If the answer is no then I suggest that you are being biased in research. Weighing researched should always be unbiased regardless of source. when it is not we often have faulty studies because we look to discredit the information that may disprove what we believe.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/12/09 10:24 PM

You are talking about micro-evolution & I don't disagree with you about the adaptation effect. What you didn't address is macro-evolution. Even though the flies no longer produced wings, because they didn't need them, they were still FLIES. Not something else farther up the food chain.

Deal with the question at hand, not dodging it like like a J-W at your door who can't explain their position about who Jesus really is.

Did you read the link I posted? It's all there. How about the book I recomended? It's there too in much more detail.

If evolution wasn't true we wouldn't have mordern biology.

Let's look at this from a slightly differant angle.

Artificial selection.

Animal breeders select animals to breed because they want a spacific trait. They have bred cows that are stupid, and produce lots of milk for example. They have bred dogs that can run much faster than any wolf (where all dogs came from). If humans can seletively breed animals to serve a purpose why can't nature select animals that are better at surviving? The answer is that it does! All the time!

Just read one good book on evolution and you will understand so much. Enolution is so simple and beautiful and wonderful. It is the best idea in the history of Man.

is it always the best that survive or the ones that produce more rapidly?

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/12/09 10:21 PM

I went to churchofeuthanasia - looks like a link farm. You sure its a real church? I think the web presence is fake.

Oh, and those Jedi are so silly!!! Creating a religion based on fictional stories!!laugh laugh

not sure didnt look enough into it. found a site that listed a lot of "weird" religions so just started pulling ones for examples to the earlier post. as far as which ones are legit i would have to dig into them deeper. read the faq page that is enough to make you wonder how screwed up some people really are.

So what exactly is a "legit" religion? How does one decide? And more to the point, what happens when two people disagree on the legitimacy of a particular religion?

This is the very heart of religious discrimination.

i didn't make the list so i do not know what was used for the criteria. I would speculate anything that differed from well known religions. Or they had beliefs that most would not normally associate with religion.

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/12/09 08:05 PM


I have a lot of respect for the spirit of inquiry/investigation with which you are approaching this topic. To be clear, I'm not going to sit here and say that "evolutionary theory is 'the truth' " because I don't believe that, myself.

I jumped in to argue against the '2nd law' objection to evolution because that specific objection is, to my mind, complete BS. There are many valid questions to ask about evolutionary theory - but if you are talking/listening/reading to/with someone who brings the '2nd law' objection into the conversation as if it was a serious point of any merit, thats a sign that the person has no idea what they are talking about.

I've read some Christian apologist literature against evolution, and its just a sad, sad thing that so many people are so ignorant as to take the '2nd law' objection seriously.

As for your further questions - I just spent 5 mintuese looking for a simple, straightforward, yet comprehensive explanation via google, and failed. Wikipedia strikes a decent balance.

To give a partial answer to your question, I don't think many people believe that 'evolving' to have an new skin color is something which would occur within one generation.

it was actually a professor who brought that up in one lecture is where i first heard it. his argument was the universe as a whole. ill admit there are some flaws to it but it does raise some interesting points when you do start looking into it. To me any point raised is often worth addressing to automatically dismiss them to me seams arrogant.

As far as the skin color. any trait that is unique to a race is possible, although not probable, to develop from other races. After all how different is the DNA from Europeans to Mexicans? or Asians to Blacks? skin color changing is just the amount of pigmentation that the body says to have. this happens all the time but not in the way most think. albinism is where there is no pigmentation. could it not work in reverse? Anyways it seems like we both agree that the theory is flawed. so arguing between us is rather futile. the only argument really is why we believe and that really is a whole another thread entirely. Should we start that one up. call it why do you think evolution is flawed?

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/12/09 11:22 AM


In the unlikely event that you somehow missed all the pro-creationist propaganda that suggests evolution & the 2nd law are incompatible, and actually came to this question on your own, by thinking a bit about what you've learned of the 2nd law --- then I apologize to you for suggesting that you might be the 'idiot' promoting this view.

See, I assume you aren't in the process of writing a book nor giving lectures on the topic. And if you were, I would hope that you would look into the matter a look more deeply first. But for an everyday student to think that they -might- be an incompatibility - its a fair question, a fair issue to raise. Its when someone believes they are qualified to write books or give lectures and STILL thinks there is merit to this 'argument' that I see a very serious problem with either that person's honest or their knowledge of the topic. So I hope you are not offended by the strong negative feelings I have towards people who write books, give lectures, or create websites promoting such absurd interpretations of the 2nd law.

There is no mystery if you consider how the sun plays into the energy/entropy balance of the earth (and all living things on it).

The main issue i have even more than anything is what the theory of evolution does not explain which is how life evolved into more complex life form just as a simple random accident. which from observations life tends to center around the median. the extreme often kill themselves off over time. for example to parents of one race usually have a child that is similar to them. they do not have a child of a different race(unless the milkman stopped by to many times) From what I get evolution is saying all parents start having children of other races by random chance. this then becomes the new generation. now using race as one trait could be skin color. could be hair color and so on. is this not what the theory of evolution says or have i misunderstood it? Does it say something different? if I am wrong please clarify so that I can better understand it.

Wow. You should find your high school teachers and smack the hell out of them for allowing you to graduate with such erroneous notions.

I could type for the next hour or so explaining just how completely wrong your notions of evolution are, how evolution really works, why it takes so much time, ect., ect..
However, I'm pretty sure you could research it faster and more succinctly on the internet. Why don't you give that a whirl?
Avoid any sites that mention God, if you want an accurate account.

Seriously, where did you get those ideas about evolution anyway?

If you didn't notice i was giving a general view. As I went on i went to more specific. as one trait such as hair color changing, could be blood type. could be so many more. but as like so many people on here they refuse to address the issue and attack the person. as far as i see it you have lost all credibility a simple general comment on no you have misunderstood, here is a generic explanation for more details check out this site would have expanded on the conversation and lead to an actual discussion.

A legitimate question was asked and you chose to ignore it and attack a person. You really need to examine your faith since your only response is to attack a person when they challenge your faith and belief system.

For anyone else i would love some clarification on the issue. lets actually have a real discussion. no well the bible said it happened so it did. expand on it do some research. there is actually a lot of scientific evidence that you can use to make a logical argument to support each side of the argument. why do we not explore that or are we afraid that the other side might be right?

Jon85213's photo
Wed 08/12/09 03:11 AM


In the unlikely event that you somehow missed all the pro-creationist propaganda that suggests evolution & the 2nd law are incompatible, and actually came to this question on your own, by thinking a bit about what you've learned of the 2nd law --- then I apologize to you for suggesting that you might be the 'idiot' promoting this view.

See, I assume you aren't in the process of writing a book nor giving lectures on the topic. And if you were, I would hope that you would look into the matter a look more deeply first. But for an everyday student to think that they -might- be an incompatibility - its a fair question, a fair issue to raise. Its when someone believes they are qualified to write books or give lectures and STILL thinks there is merit to this 'argument' that I see a very serious problem with either that person's honest or their knowledge of the topic. So I hope you are not offended by the strong negative feelings I have towards people who write books, give lectures, or create websites promoting such absurd interpretations of the 2nd law.

There is no mystery if you consider how the sun plays into the energy/entropy balance of the earth (and all living things on it).

The main issue i have even more than anything is what the theory of evolution does not explain which is how life evolved into more complex life form just as a simple random accident. which from observations life tends to center around the median. the extreme often kill themselves off over time. for example to parents of one race usually have a child that is similar to them. they do not have a child of a different race(unless the milkman stopped by to many times) From what I get evolution is saying all parents start having children of other races by random chance. this then becomes the new generation. now using race as one trait could be skin color. could be hair color and so on. is this not what the theory of evolution says or have i misunderstood it? Does it say something different? if I am wrong please clarify so that I can better understand it.

Jon85213's photo
Tue 08/11/09 10:07 PM

I may not be a man, but what I think a man wants would be for a woman to make him feel free. In my opinion, a woman should make her man feel like a man, and when a woman makes her man feel like he has freedom, then why would he look anywhere else, freedom to be himself, freedom to explore the life that he wants and when he has that freedom in a serious relationship, most likely he will want to share that freedom with the woman he is with.

Am I off base? or is there some truth to it?

maybe for some guys but often if a guy wants freedom why is he in a relationship. keeping a relationship growing takes work. add sex and it gets more complicated. Make him feel like he meets all your needs or teach him how to and he will not stray. when he cant satisfy your needs he feels like a failure and often will look for someone whose needs he can satisfy. Now some men may not admit this. others may not even be aware of this. So what is important is watch for the reaction. if you can train a dog, you can train a guy. if you are happy to see him when you see him he is not going to leave. but if you complain and whine all the time when you first see him well he just may start looking elsewhere because its obvious to him you are not happy that he is there. think about it.

Jon85213's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:57 PM

I went to churchofeuthanasia - looks like a link farm. You sure its a real church? I think the web presence is fake.

Oh, and those Jedi are so silly!!! Creating a religion based on fictional stories!!laugh laugh

not sure didnt look enough into it. found a site that listed a lot of "weird" religions so just started pulling ones for examples to the earlier post. as far as which ones are legit i would have to dig into them deeper. read the faq page that is enough to make you wonder how screwed up some people really are.

Jon85213's photo
Tue 08/11/09 09:31 AM

Is there a proper non-spanking punishment for a child that cannot and will not sit in a chair for a time out? Nor does this child stay in his/her room when told they are being punished. Nor does this child care that you've taken away all their toys. Nor does this child care they can't watch TV. ETC.... I don't think anyone here in this post has ever dealt with a real defiant child that will challenge everything you ask them to do. Except for Quietman's parents of course... lol

I'm serious, I've seen it over and over again. These kids make fools out of their parents. Running them ragid to try and keep up with what the kid will do next, cuz that kid KNOWS nothing REALLY bad is going to happen for what they're doing! They're just going to be told to sit, which they already know they won't be doing so no skin off their butt for it.

A time out will only work, if you're dealing with a child that already listens to you. If a child will not listen to you, they will not follow through with their punishments either. Then what???
Go to your room becomes, Oh yeah? I'll jump out the window.

All these posters of parents in here against spanking are usually female for one, that's a natural given... no offence...
But they are forgeting entirely that they are talking only of their OWN experience with their OWN children over and over again. Hey, news flash, you've got super genius kids that never needed spanking??? GREAT for you! YOUR kids are not the norm, you didn't have eoungh kids to have a well rounded opinion of this world full of defiant kids. So get over yourself and stop being selfrightous, realize your story may not always be the best example to go off of.

Ever think you may have gotten lucky with how it all went with your kids? If not, I encourage you to read the first line above again.

depends on the age of the child what can be done. for some ideas try dr lemans book have a new kid by friday. there are a few suggestions that might help. quick read you can get through it in a few hours or a week reading a couple chapters a day. not knowing all the things you have tried it would be hard to tell what to advise. one thing he does advise for situations like this is wait for teachable moments. these are moments when you have the child's attention usually because of what they did earlier. here is an example.
here is a link that explains another one of his books how to make children mind without loosing yours.

as far as being anti-spanking dr. lehman is not. what he is for is spanking in a controlled environment.
1) never when angry
2) explanation of why it is occurring.
3) always open handed
4) not more then one or two slaps on the bottom.

also dr. lehman is a parent himself he has gone through the frustration of raising children

Jon85213's photo
Mon 08/10/09 11:58 PM

What pray tell is wrong with Jedi teachings...

The writers of that tale borrowed from buddah, tao, christ and many others...

Wisdom and harmony...

in each of those...

and something greater than all of us...

yet within us...

What is wrong with teaching this...

It is a truth.

Never said it was wrong. Just was in response to all religions are from God. church of the jedi does not claim a deity but a force. there is no God in the religion. no deity of any form really. we probly could start a whole new thread just talking about the jedi religion. if you want go ahead and start a new post. could be interesting.