Community > Posts By > newie2az

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Wed 02/04/09 08:42 AM

I really have to wonder where bush supporters were these past 8 years, they must have heard only what they wanted to hear. It's amazing what they seem to have missed. Must be a magic trick...

Magic trick no, seems status quo after the last election. That huge block that didn't listen at all, and only voted on what they saw.

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 08:02 AM

So, hypothetically, if I'm the headmaster of a private school, is it my right to decide that no black students are allowed in join?

I think this sort of discrimination should be illegal whether a school is public or private. ...

Considering you started with that particular hypocritical example, just shows that you don't understand the question here. I thought it was about being fair to everyone, and there is nothing fair about the way blacks discriminate against whites, and anyone else when convenient, with their black colleges, BET, Chocolate News... As long as blacks discriminate the way they do, I will call BS on their racism just like that of any other group. And these types are REALLY crawling out of the wood work these days. The election was a perfect example of just how much racism and discrimination blacks are more than willing to dish out, and then lie claiming they are the ones being discriminated against.

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Sun 02/01/09 07:55 AM

It's definitely sending the wrong message to children and teaching them to be close minded. Is that what we really need? More people growing up to be close minded and homophobic?

That is exactly the point to turn out close minded religiously brain washed phobics of one kind or another, and the legal right to do it. I am sure there is a more pc way of putting it.

Phobias indicate fear..I don't think most christian people fear Homosexuals, I know I don't...I find it un-natural, since nature is driven by the need to reproduce itself...and they cannot do that...But you are more interested in calling people names and demeaning them for their beleifs while patting yourself on the back for your unbrainwashed mind and openmindedness. At least be fair and consistant in your belief, hipocracy is ugly.

Do you also find couples who don't have kids to be unnatural? Since they're not reproducing?

I'm not demeaning anyone. I'm saying I think it's sad to be so close minded and to be able to teach kids that by expelling some because of sexual preference. If you think that's perfectly fine and normal.. then it's your right. Just as it's my right to be amazed that people still think that way.

And here I am amazed that anyone still uses that crap about accusing anyone of not believing people are born gay, and that it is basically a birth defect (has to be, if gay were in any way normal or natural it would end the species, no brainer people) as being homophobic. I COMPLETELY disagree with a lot of things, especially your attitude, but sure as hell not afraid of you, or any of them. That is just the way dems/liberals operate. Only liberties allowed, especially freedom of opinion, are for their ideas. Pretty much the opposite of liberal. And all this tolerance gays try to demand, where is their tolerance for anyone not like them?

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:51 AM

It is sad that this private school chose to take their homophobia out on children that are there to learn. While I do understand that people have the choice whether or not to go to private schools such as this one, I can't understand how people would think it's ok to expel a student based on their sexual orientation. It's definitely sending the wrong message to children and teaching them to be close minded. Is that what we really need? More people growing up to be close minded and homophobic?

My question in all of this is how did they even know the kid was gay? Overly promiscuous in school? THAT should get kids booted from any school. As a parent of a teenager (second time LOL the other is a LOT older) I am sick to death of what goes on in schools, and how the rules of decent conduct seem to have all but evaporated. I say, there should have been no reason to even mention or disclose the sexuality of any kid, because there is no place for that in any school. Only sexual anything that should be going on is the lessons in health class.

Ok, yeah, and I am sick of those perv boys coming after my kids just because she bloomed into a little hottie LOL So I have a short fuse on this one maybe LOL

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:43 AM

its called presbyopia.

its a time in your life when your vision changes and your near vision decreases. you find yourself holding what you are reading, farther and farther from your face just to focus.

it comes with age and effects everyone after 35 at a different time in their life.

its time to have an eye exam and see if you need progressives.

LOL Nope, these are the lenses they gave me on my last exam,(heck, I even went in and complained about it and got a different prescription) and yeah, they have been this way since day one. Don't think you can come down with an affliction like that in a half hour or less.

dude no offense but i have no idea what you're talkin about. my comment was a reply to the OP.

Sorry, the way the posts fell, looked like you were responding to my question. Don't get bent LOL

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 09:03 AM

What ever happened to FREEDOM OF CHOICE?

Wow all this going on in the Obama administration... you think it would have stopped after Bush left...

They still have free choice..they can either choose to go there or choose not to...

I believe that religious schools are extentions of Chruches and share their right to establish their own rules and bylaws..just like All black schools and all girls schools..all muslim schools

So if they want to establish an all gay school, go to a church that will help you establish one..pretty simple huh??

That DOES sound like the most reasonable solution. But, they weren't exactly reasonable on the marriage issue, so I don't expect it on this one.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 09:01 AM

its called presbyopia.

its a time in your life when your vision changes and your near vision decreases. you find yourself holding what you are reading, farther and farther from your face just to focus.

it comes with age and effects everyone after 35 at a different time in their life.

its time to have an eye exam and see if you need progressives.

LOL Nope, these are the lenses they gave me on my last exam,(heck, I even went in and complained about it and got a different prescription) and yeah, they have been this way since day one. Don't think you can come down with an affliction like that in a half hour or less.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:54 AM


Some peoples ability to lie to themselves is just amazing.

Or is it believing the lies of others...

EXACTLY what I thought when all the racists and sheeple elected the biggest liar in history. Barry had Bush beat before he was even elected, but none of those morons cared what the end result was, just that they got to vote "black". Now THAT was sickening, the way they rejoiced, paraded and flaunted their racist hate.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:51 AM

You can't lay the blame just at Obama's feet. Remember, he's carrying the Globalists ball, the ball Bush handed off to him.

Don't get me wrong, I am the last person to defend Bush, but it is becoming old really fast with the way everything barry does is being excused and blamed on Bush. Seriously, just what has come out of that scum bag's mouth since he was elected is plenty to have him up for impeachment, treason and attempted murder, so it is getting pretty hard to really see a difference between the two of them.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:45 AM

one more thing you said what happened to freedom of choice (your absolutly right)
what happened to the PRIVATE schools choice

it works both ways

Some people just don't like it when others are allowed their rights. And keep in mind people, California already shot down the gay "marriage" BS, so what would you expect?

Yes, the private schools should have the right to allow or disallow anyone, and they do, keep in mind that we already have "black" colleges and clubs. Are you trying to imply that they should be forced to open their enrollment along with these other private schools?

This is pretty much the same issue as when they passed the non smoking laws and stole the rights of small business owners to decide who could do what in their establishments. That was wrong. If these schools can afford or don't care about the loss of tuition from gays, that is their perogative.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:40 AM
As did we all I imagine, hehehe

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:36 AM

is there really anyone who listens to drug addict rush.

About as much as barry. Both are just as credible.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:28 AM
Uh, I doubt you have NEVER violated the law, most everyone has at one time or another. Since he didn't really hurt anyone, so doesn't seem to be a real vicious type, and it WAS so long ago that even the statute of limitations has tolled by now, I would chalk it up to "young and dumb", (like I was when I got conned into getting married at 18 LOL) and figure it was a learning experience, especially if he never did it again.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:25 AM
I know that as a kid I had to wear my glasses all the time. As I got older my vision was improving, to the point where they kept lowering my prescription. That was cool. But now, I have these contacts, and while I can see distance just fine, forget trying to thread a needle, have to remove them to see the minute stuff I work with. Now how does that one work???

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:12 AM
And where in the hell did you get that I was trying to insult you? I backed you on your legalize marijuana posts.

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 08:11 AM

And just how is anyone supposed to have any fun with a pissy piece of work like you screwing it up?

Hey, I was just padding along and I saw the fire hydrant. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

LOL Famous line of drunks and crazies (seemed like a good idea at the time) when trying to explain how they ended up ? in ? over ? LOL

geez krupa, you sure got crabby when you got kicked off that other site. Chillax, get a grip and quit looking for drama.
(and now picture me sticking my tongue out at you).

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:31 AM
And just how is anyone supposed to have any fun with a pissy piece of work like you screwing it up?

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:27 AM
Aw krupa, no gonga this morning to lighten your mood?

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:25 AM
Oooooooooo and the control freak rears its oh so ugly head. LOL

no photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:19 AM
I did hear in the news that one big wig over there is actually telling the TRUTH (how dare he? LOL) Telling them all, can't remember if he was sunni or ****te, that their fighting amongst the sects was their biggest problem, and trying to stop it. Always said it would have to be internal, they aren't going to listen to anyone else.