Community > Posts By > piffs

piffs's photo
Wed 03/21/07 07:21 PM
two italian men... so read with an italian accent. :0) one of my

piffs's photo
Wed 03/07/07 03:11 PM
I don't think you have to say a thing, just act accordingly. I'm sure it
has and will come up in conversation the pregnancy and the baby, so if
you're looking forward to the birth of that baby, then show her that in
a natural way not in a way that might be exaggerated. When the time
comes when she needs to know, she can ask if she is not sure of the
answer yet. And if you get to know her in person and you happen to be
around when that baby comes, you will have a sublime oportunity to show
her your true intentions if you haven't made them clear by then.

piffs's photo
Thu 03/01/07 05:58 PM
dude, i'm a guy and even I got that one. she wants you, man.
i'd just try and have her sort things out with her current boyfriend
first though. but hey, if you're really into this girl, i'd keep
spending time with her. sometimes girls, and ladies correct me if I'm
wrong, but girls like to make sure before leaving one for another. maybe
she's trying to spend time with you to get to know you better and find
out if you're a good choice. so give her that chance and that time.

let me tell you a story about a friend of mine. this cute super smart
girl has a bf. he's not currently living in the states. we ... sorry,
they go workout together pretty much every day. he makes her laugh all
the time, he doesnt put his moves on her like the other dudes, he never
calls and let's her call every time. he likes her but doesn't make it
clear and doesnt act on it so that he respects their relationship. so
the more he does that, the more she's into my friend. it's clear she
knows she shouldn't but she just spends more and more time with this
dude. eventually things start happening, first she wants to talk about
things, then she tries to stay away, but they end up kissing. she'd
convinced her bf to move to the us (they're not originally from here).
he agreed so she feels bound to that compromise. over the next couple of
months they become really envolved. really. in the end, she won't make
up her mind, my friend gets away from this mess, she falls in love with
him but still stays with other dude and he ends up moving here. my point
is, it's hard for a girl to leave her bf, even when things are not going
too well. let her make that first move, let her bring it up, let her
confess she likes you first, and keep your guards up until she leaves
the guy for good. ultimately it might save you some heartaches.

piffs's photo
Tue 02/27/07 02:41 PM
Actually speaking in tongues should mean that, under the inspiration of
the holy ghost, anyone listening to your teachings would understand you
in their own language. just think about it, if you're trying to spread
the word of god and everyone listening speaks a diferent language, how
can you reach them all if you speak in a language no one else
understands or only very few can translate? so it got turned the other
way round to create the dependence on the translator. so now you have
one person who holds all the "power". and whatever he or she says is
being spoken will become the word of god. why would god need
translators? prophets maybe, but prophets plus translators?
There are many phenomena experienced in religious cerimonies and acts of
faith. People will often feel overwhelmed, ecstatic, experience
convulsions, a sense of fulfillment, they'll feel like laughing
hysterically, they'll start crying profusely, they will feel love
towards those around them, they'll experience hallucinations, they will
even start talking gibberish. It's mostly a group effect mixed with
certain chemical temporary or more permanent imbalances in the body, and
it has similar causes to those experienced by otherwise calm individuals
when acting as part of a mob. Of course the consequences are totally
different. But the interpretation should be careful.
Speaking in tongues is something completely different and it seems to
happen way to frequently these days...
I'm not a religious person anyway and I totally respect all your faiths
and beliefs.

piffs's photo
Tue 02/27/07 01:53 PM
she leaves make-up at your place in the hopes you might start using
it... :0)

piffs's photo
Tue 02/27/07 12:44 PM
twisted not twicked

piffs's photo
Tue 02/27/07 12:42 PM
This is clearly something written by the "Banana Industry". A lot of it
is true, and a lot twicked facts. And a lot can be applied to so many
different types of food it's ridiculous to make such claims.
But yes, eat your bananas, they're good for you. The only thing they're
not good for are rain forests and the wild life. But that's a different

piffs's photo
Mon 02/26/07 03:13 PM
don't name somebody else's poem.

piffs's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:11 PM
find someone who is in the same situation as you. it will be easier than
having someone who doesn't know you and never met you want to try and
get things going with you knowing you do have a baby. a baby is a great
thing but you have to understand it's not easy to start a relationship
with anyone let alone someone whose life is partially conditioned by
another person - the baby. not to mention having to accept a baby one
did not father - and that's a long anthropological discussion.
focus on yourself and your baby for now. if you're not at peace with
yourself and your life, you won't be showing that positive appealing
attitude that guys like to see in a woman. spend time with friends,
things will happen naturally.

piffs's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:56 PM
has to be larger and dont post pics of people or things who are not your
or you.

piffs's photo
Mon 01/22/07 06:55 PM
has to be larger and dont post pics of people or things who are not your
or you.

piffs's photo
Mon 01/22/07 05:51 PM
your brain plays tricks on you when it doesn't know what to make of the
rush of hormones runnig through your veins. you get to see a very little
part of that person through words, sometimes you talk on the phone,
perhaps you saw a picture that you liked and usually that's the first
step. So you start by liking the way she looks and in your mind that
means she is right for you, that she is smart, she is caring, she might
be a good companion. You imagine how she dresses up, you think about her
in your social context. it all seems to connect because there is not
much room for more or for things to go severely wrong. you look forward
to those moments so you're in the right mood when you talk to her. all
seems perfect and you very much want it all to be perfect. you want
things to be right so much that the fact that you can't be together, or
havent been together yet makes it seem even more desirable. we always
want what is unattainable, what is hard to get, what is not available to
all. same principle applies to advertisement, right? last chance to win,
last days of sale, lowest prices today and tomorrow only! you feel like
this is it, you don't want to pass it up, you want to secure it, make
that purchase, buy that ring, move to a different state to be together.
And it all happens so fast. Weeks after you first spoke you already feel
in love. sometimes it happens in the same week, a couple days later.

it's all real but your interpretation is wrong. what you feel is real in
the context it happens. and because it happens the way it happens, it
may change once the context changes. once you meet, it all changes. you
get to see the person face to face, hear their voice, and the image you
created of that person is confronted with the real thing. a major part
of it is body language, which is crucial in attraction. you never got to
see that body language, sometimes you even feel like you dont understand
her words anymore.

So keep all this in mind when putting your feelings into perspective.
Dont make any bindig decisions until you have met in person and have
spent quite some time together. and by that i dont mean a week vacation
together or she visiting you for a week at your town. i mean live your
day to day life but now including the new person somewhere in it. do you
still match? then invest in it. above all give it time and a fair
chance. and if it doesnt work, well nothing went wrong, it's just that
there were a few missing parts all along.

have fun and stay safe!

piffs's photo
Mon 01/22/07 05:38 PM
no not all good man are gone. but to be honest, if you seem like a good
guy from the beginning you will get nothing, you will get friendship at
most. what sparks a woman's attention is not the tender nature of a man,
it's the edge, the feeling that he's not available and that if she
doesnt try to get his attention he might be gone for good, that he has
options, that he is sought after by many. and this is not just me
talking, there are rivers of data from psychological studies supporting
it. so if you want to get a woman, benice inside but know how to spark
her interest. once she makes a solid connection with you, she will have
time to discover your tender nature.