Xkonstantine125x's photo
Tue 03/17/09 12:32 AM

Awwwwwwwwwww Im going to cry.......:cry: flowerforyou brokenheart

No emo gypsy <3

It could always be worse.

I'd fight for her,but after 6 years of me being the one who's always fighting for both of us it gets old.

Love is a battlefield and if my significant other isn't there by my side, then we're both fools.
yes.....I guess its time to turn another leaf and go on....flowerforyou

Exactly. I just want her to be happy.

I'm just focusing on my career at the moment, but so many things remind me of her and her beautiful son.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Tue 03/17/09 12:30 AM
Edited by Xkonstantine125x on Tue 03/17/09 12:33 AM

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Tue 03/17/09 12:29 AM

So you two dated since you were 15?

Is she your first serious relationship?

Love is not a battle...nor a battlefield.... sometimes it just fades.

Yeah we dated since we were both 15 on and off. Our history is a long troubled one with so many obstacles beaten.

She was, I dated many girls before her but she taught me what love was. for 2 years we remained simply friends and she never moved on, i never knew that. but i fell for her again.

it didnt fade, I made my first mistake ever in 6 years and didn't get a second chance.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Tue 03/17/09 12:23 AM

Awwwwwwwwwww Im going to cry.......:cry: flowerforyou brokenheart

No emo gypsy <3

It could always be worse.

I'd fight for her,but after 6 years of me being the one who's always fighting for both of us it gets old.

Love is a battlefield and if my significant other isn't there by my side, then we're both fools.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Mon 03/16/09 11:53 PM

That's very beautiful, and heartfelt, and she's also been blessed to have had you in her world.

Time.... time will help you move on...it's so very special, what you have written.

Thank you, well we're friends now. I'm okay with that shes been in my heart for over 6 years now.

I wish time qouldn't take so long lol.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Mon 03/16/09 11:47 PM

Late at night I think of you wonder if you’re really moving on with your life. Sometimes life isn’t what we expect and I’m starting to believe that there is such thing as bad timing. Although I’ll never confess my feelings to you without a cause and although I’ll never try to revive what we had I have to admit that I do miss you. I miss the way you kiss me how you cradle my face in your hands and kiss me so intensely. I miss how you fit perfectly with me. I miss you sleeping in my bed with that smile on your face. I miss looking into your beautiful black eyes and seeing them sparkle. I miss the text messaging and staying up all night talking about our future together.
I miss the plans even the talk of the wedding. I felt I was over you but unfortunately sometimes alcohol makes me think and wonder and when I wonder, it mostly consists of thoughts of you. I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t met someone else who can strike that with my mind and heart. I still believe you’re the one and it bothers me so much but at the same time it feels so right. How am I supposed to go against that? How do I say no when my heart and mind say yes?
How can I walk away when looking at our pictures brings so much happiness and sadness at the same time? I don’t think you understand how great this love is. How do I know it’s love? Because it is unselfish. What really matters to me is you being with the one you love and that person loving your son.
I highly doubt anyone will ever love you the way I do, and in a way that’s comforting to me because I now know I loved you to the fullest extent that my heart could love. You will always bring a smile to my face even though you will never know why. Its funny how there are periods of time where I am okay and I’m pretty sure I’ve moved on, but then out of the blue my feelings come back stronger than ever.
I don’t know if it’s me trying to convince myself to move on or what the deal is. It does drive me insane though. The only reason I want to move on is because down the road I don’t want to meet an amazing girl and have you in the back of my mind. That wouldn’t be fair to her and I don’t want a replacement for you. I want a new story with someone a clean slate in a sense, but it’s so hard to even attempt to reach for that when you’re constantly on my mind.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Wed 03/11/09 02:34 AM

Lots of people fight for this country. I do, I'm sure you do, and I am keenly aware of gays in the workplace. I know several of them. The fact they fight for their country just like you and I do, doesn't make them special or a better class of citizen.

It's so sad to me that people are really so insensitive about this issue.

''The fact they fight for their country just like you and I do, doesn't make them special or a better class of citizen.''

I wonder what it makes you though, when you can't even consider that it should at the very least make them equal to you, and that they should be allowed the same happiness you have in the ability to marry legally. It just floors me that so many straight folks are so inconsiderate. They are so outraged by gays fighting for the right to be equal to the rest of us, and yet if one of 'their' rights is taken away they would be floating balloons over everyone's houses to get it back all the while still denying gays the same thing.

I will never understand this. Using it's a right, it's a priveledge, you act as if gays are aliens, these are tax paying citizens just like yourself, how can you in good conscience deny them the same thing you have...

exactly! we fight for this country, we pay our taxes, were citizens just like everyone else. how can we deny 1 group a basic right and claim "equality" for all?

it's bogus and intolerant.

Just because you don't agree with homosexuality it doesnt give you or anyone else the right to decide for them.

like ive said before if domestic partnership had the same benefits as a marriage we wouldnt be here.

even then marriage is about love, no one tells you who to fall in love with it just happens.

i didnt sit at home on a saturday afternoon playing nintendo and decided to be a lesbian.

but i am and thats what god made me.

i want to get married one day and have a family, even adopt a child deserves a loving home and im sorry but love isnt based on gender.

there are third world countries who are more tolerant about these issues and i find that pretty pathetic.

lets fight for real unjustice like people procreating for welfare, people marrying for us documents, things that CAN actually be changed, because sexuality is WHO you are NOT WHAT YOU DECIDE TO BE.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:50 AM

indifferent A little tidbit of information that some of you may not know. There is no official language of the United States.

I always find it amusing when I read or hear people b!tching about other people not speaking "our language." Especially since many of those born and raised here can't speak English properly either.


LMAO agreed. and isn't that the truth

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Tue 03/10/09 11:49 AM
You know you're in America when..

everyone you pass by says "hey, how are you?" and keeps on walking.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Sun 03/08/09 11:45 AM
I agree.

There really is no equality.

Freedom for all, yeah right.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Sun 03/08/09 12:45 AM
lol amen!

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Sun 03/08/09 12:43 AM
well if domestic partnership had all the benefits of a marriage we wouldn't be making such a big deal.

Domestic partnership is too confusing for everyone

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Sat 03/07/09 03:03 PM
Thank you! :)

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Sat 03/07/09 03:02 PM
Well when we don't have basic rights, we have every right to do something about it.

It's our rights as American Citizens.

That's more saddening than anything.

Intolerance is sad, love isn't.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Sat 03/07/09 02:59 PM
Yeah unfortunately, what really gets under my skin is the group who's majority voted for it.

Especially when they know what it's like to deal with discrimination.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Sat 03/07/09 02:58 PM
Yeah over 50% of "sacred marriages" end in divorce.

Marriage is about love, not procreation.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Sat 03/07/09 02:49 PM
I can't believe it wasn't overturned. It's stupid how can we decide who we let marry and who we don't want to marry?

Prop 8 is seriously one of the dumbest propositions ever.

I'm so disappointed.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:36 AM
I'm def. not an expert ive been wrong. I'm just sure of this.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:28 AM
actually i wrote what i was wearing because i make it obvious im gay. im not bothered by being looked at and labeled because they are right.

im not angry with people for that because i do make it pretty clear about my preference.

my posting was about the mothers comment i just didnt want to make it short.

on top of that i wasnt judging. i know what i was talking about and i saw the childs pain when i looked into her eyes.

the difference is that i know that look of pain personally, she was just conufused because as a child she doesnt rly understand.

Xkonstantine125x's photo
Thu 03/05/09 10:25 AM
thats not the same thing. i know for a fact she was gay. it wasnt just observance it was also my gaydar.

ive met plenty of tomboys who were straight and i knew they werent gay.

i have some experience in this.

i know what im talking about.

for her sake i wish she wasnt gay.

I just hope her mom respects it.

my mom told me to rot in hell now she accepts it, i know in heart she doesnt but she tries to convince herself that she does.

that hurts me, because ive told her that she doesnt have 2 accept my lifestyle.

i dont want her to lie about her real opinion.