Topic: People are weird 2..homophobia.. | |
So I'm the parking lot at the moment sitting in my car waiting for my mom to finish grocery shopping. We went to a traditional hispanic grocery store earlier today and I noticed a lot when I walked in...
When I walked in I noticed that many middle aged women stopped what they were doing and looked at me like i was diseased because I was wearing ****ies Shorts and a fitted Aeropostae tee with some indoor soccer shoes a slick back ponytail with a lip ring and a cocky walk i always wear. i overheard a little girl asking her mom in curiosity if she could dress like a boy too because she hated dresses and she didnt like playing with dolls, her mom shot me the dirtiest look and asked the little girl if she wanted to go to hell the daughter frowned and sad she didnt. the mom told her thats where i was going because i liked girls and that i was brought into the world to procreate. I was honestly fascinated with their conversation she didnt know i was still around i had moved over to the following aisle. the girl didnt understand. I could tell that her mothers word hurt her and they hurt me because I knew she was gay. she reminded me of me at her age, i dont care for this womans opinion of blibical bs. she preaches what she likes but shes betraying her own god by judging. those hateful words she uttered to her daughter will always haunt her. I'm used to being looked at when i walk into these stores once a week every wednesday. However I had a woman about 29 with a child come and talk to me and apologize for the other womans remarks. I smiled and told her there was no need. that peoples ignorance isnt worth blowing up over. she smiled and said she liked my reaction toward the incident, to which i replied by saying, "people fear what they don't know and I'm confident and proud to be who I am. Sexual preference doesn't define an individual. As long as I live who I am without hurting anyone I don't believe I'll go to hell, but then again I don't believe in hell." she gave me the nicest smile and and asked for a pen which i always carry because idk when ill b called in to work so i handed it to her she took my hand wrote her name and number on it and told me that she wanted to get 2 know me, i smiled and said yeah said that id text her later today, she said that would be fine and that her husband was a trucker n never home and that i could come over if I ever wanted. at that moment i frowned and said to her "ignorance can be changed through knowledge but cheaters never change." and walked away. My life might as well be a reality show. |
So I'm the parking lot at the moment sitting in my car waiting for my mom to finish grocery shopping. We went to a traditional hispanic grocery store earlier today and I noticed a lot when I walked in... When I walked in I noticed that many middle aged women stopped what they were doing and looked at me like i was diseased because I was wearing ****ies Shorts and a fitted Aeropostae tee with some indoor soccer shoes a slick back ponytail with a lip ring and a cocky walk i always wear. i overheard a little girl asking her mom in curiosity if she could dress like a boy too because she hated dresses and she didnt like playing with dolls, her mom shot me the dirtiest look and asked the little girl if she wanted to go to hell the daughter frowned and sad she didnt. the mom told her thats where i was going because i liked girls and that i was brought into the world to procreate. I was honestly fascinated with their conversation she didnt know i was still around i had moved over to the following aisle. the girl didnt understand. I could tell that her mothers word hurt her and they hurt me because I knew she was gay. she reminded me of me at her age, i dont care for this womans opinion of blibical bs. she preaches what she likes but shes betraying her own god by judging. those hateful words she uttered to her daughter will always haunt her. I'm used to being looked at when i walk into these stores once a week every wednesday. However I had a woman about 29 with a child come and talk to me and apologize for the other womans remarks. I smiled and told her there was no need. that peoples ignorance isnt worth blowing up over. she smiled and said she liked my reaction toward the incident, to which i replied by saying, "people fear what they don't know and I'm confident and proud to be who I am. Sexual preference doesn't define an individual. As long as I live who I am without hurting anyone I don't believe I'll go to hell, but then again I don't believe in hell." she gave me the nicest smile and and asked for a pen which i always carry because idk when ill b called in to work so i handed it to her she took my hand wrote her name and number on it and told me that she wanted to get 2 know me, i smiled and said yeah said that id text her later today, she said that would be fine and that her husband was a trucker n never home and that i could come over if I ever wanted. at that moment i frowned and said to her "ignorance can be changed through knowledge but cheaters never change." and walked away. My life might as well be a reality show. ![]() ![]() |
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![]() ![]() hey wait a minute that's me ![]() |
lol no it happened because people here are very homophobic. i just wanted to make it more visual...
Yeah. People can be retarded. To figure.
lol no it happened because people here are very homophobic. i just wanted to make it more visual... you're quote said it best people fear what they don't know and some are easy to judge.
Hey quick question, what gave you the impression she was hitting on you? or was that a judgment call? at that moment i frowned and said to her "ignorance can be changed through knowledge but cheaters never change." and walked away.
Many lives on here are like a reality show...join the crowd.
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Are you saying the Mom with the kid is gay and doesn't know it?
![]() And, are you implying that the second lady was wanting to KNOW you in the Biblical sense because of the phone # swap, as opposed to getting to know someone whom she might fear? ![]() I wonder if people think I'm gay since I dress like a shlub. I DUNNO!!! I guess it's always something!! Like Rick Nelson sang, "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself". Oh, I'm single so I do have to please myself!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Reality of it is some can not see beyond what they have been taught. To many live within the past of how our parents and grandparents seen the world. It is only when one can see the world with and open mind that they will see there are many types of people within it. To each their own we should not judge what we do not know!
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Are you saying the Mom with the kid is gay and doesn't know it? ![]() And, are you implying that the second lady was wanting to KNOW you in the Biblical sense because of the phone # swap, as opposed to getting to know someone whom she might fear? ![]() I wonder if people think I'm gay since I dress like a shlub. I DUNNO!!! I guess it's always something!! Like Rick Nelson sang, "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself". Oh, I'm single so I do have to please myself!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hummm sure she was saying the little girl is gay. And the one that gave her phone number to her was in fact hitting on her and that woman was married therefore she cheats on her husband that is the way I took it. |
Yeah the little girl was gay but shes a child. but she really did remind me of myself and that really hit home.
the lady was coming on to me you dont say that to a lesbian and tell her your hubby is hardly home unless you want sum nookie. well lol thats true! being gay is not about the way u dress.. but since i dress boyish im more out there |
lol im 21 and hispanic..but ignorance sucks
Her smiling at me the way she did and leaning towards me and writing her number down the way she did and throwing the fact that her hubby is never home made it clear of what she wanted.
Exactly! right on the nose :)
AMEN! I agree completely.
Lets break the tradition and be who we really are. as long as we dont hurt people or ourselves |
![]() ![]() you just have to take the good with the bad when dealing with people, you seem to have a good head on your shoulder. ![]() ![]() I can invite any female over for dinner or to hang out without it ever crossing my head (nookie, hey I sound kewl now) ![]() ![]() |
lol no it happened because people here are very homophobic. i just wanted to make it more visual... ![]() ![]() |
I try. It's my parents view to morals are very important to them and me.
lol no she didnt just want to be friend, i wouldnt have minded if thats all she wanted but i could tell she wanted more you could see ther hunger in her eyes |
lol like shorts have anything to reallt do with it..
people can b soo lame sometimes ;) |