Community > Posts By > LilOlMeFromSD
"not ashamed of my looks"
I think that's a good thing, right? |
"I like the theather, good music and a peaceful athmosphere." Turns out the "Written Lisp" is NOT just an urban legend. (wiping tears from eyes) Omg, that one made me laugh so hard my tummy hurts! |
"I dont realy know how to describe myself."
Adjectives, man. Start with adjectives! |
"Watching nasacar fishing an the lakes."
I thought NASA was supposed to be exploring space, not the local pond. |
"sex is a pain in the ***..."
A) You're doing it wrong. B) Turn around. |
"Im not scared to tell a lady that she looks good on a bad hair day"
Men fear this? |
"The way I see it, the world is so big, and so beautiful, with so many interesting people to meet, to spend all our time thinking about rebellious things like money."
I wouldn't be concerned until your money actually begins organizing a revolt. THEN I would be worried. |
"I like to meet people in the flesh to talk about myself it seems more honest"
Nudity + narcissism (does not) = Honesty |
"she must be drug free that means no drugs." Did 'drug free' ever mean anything else? At one time, it meant "No Parking." They had to change it, it was confusing. (ROFL) Thank you for clearing that up for me, Lex! |
"I would like to meet a local lady who is not afraid to meet in the flesh."
Look, the last time I tried that I was arrested. |
"I'm a horse dog person."
It's a horse. It's a dog. It's...what the hell are you? |
"The real deal not someone that is all about them selfs NO BAR PERSONAL THEIR HEADS GET FULL OF CRAP"
It's not true unless you have pictures. |
"Fun outgoing, real, funny. can carry a conversation"
Can I get that in writing? |
"i was born and raised in so ca. so i have a very good sense of humor"
I think the people in the other states might be a little offended by your claim. |
"someone that i can spend thim with"
Thim...ble? |
"she must be drug free that means no drugs."
Did 'drug free' ever mean anything else? |
"do not want a cheeter bean there"
Um, is that like a vegetarian cheetah? |
"i am not rich not well edgucatided,"
Please, tell me you are joking. |
"I like to cook,hang out over the river, or at the lake,or just sit in front of the fire."
Like...from a tree?? |
"average single man work for the state out here on work related business"
Would that be the state of Confusion? Or, Colorado? |