Community > Posts By > WallaceStevens
TBrich, you are very kind to offer your insights, especially with Mary Ellen Copeland, I did look over her know there are many different forms of healing, some say, manual labor can bring you brain benefits with repetition and release and others say that you need to be in a position to heal yourself such as giving up addictions and what other vices keep you from reaching your full potential as a person.
There is something seriously called electromagnetics that effect the overall state of mind, and mine is under attack with direct energy. I would like to think that I can begin healing once the hold over me is stopped, so, I will keep this in mind. The body is electric and there are mis-firings like mine that happen and can only be aided by strong medication. I will stick to the medication, and try to engage in uplifting activities such as worship in church and hopefully it will give a general glossing to the effect of medication. |
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thanks, yeah, it is from the keeps me from having an inner voice, its really hard to pray.
I have a male friend who I want to start going to church with, plus I'd go with my kids, or maybe even my mother, but I'd like to go out of town cuz I like to be anonymous. |
Yes, you should be okay to go to church on your meds. ![]() Are the meds giving you a flat affect or any problems? Thanks, yeah I can tell you know about the sz. I have flat affect yes, but also lack of emotion or ability to really engage and feel connected, sometimes poverty of speech. I'd like the church attendance again for fellowship and worship and the teachings, I am very isolated. As far as a personal relationship with the savior, I'm not sure if I'm able to do that with thinking I'm talking to myself in delusions and voices again. I can try, though. It scares me. |
No, I'm not going away, if that's ok...I still want to be here. I just was never expecting to broach this topic with anyone from a personal level. If you guys wanna keep talking
about mind control, go ahead. |
First of all, I've already told my kids that if they cause incurable brain damage to me due to years of electromagnetic
torture to the head, I don't want to live. period. Don't feed me ice chips, ok? I've decided not to proceed with this post any further because I don't need to prove myself to you people, and also, I should only really talk about my personal story with people I trust and who will shower me with love and acceptance. thanks for understanding. |
The Cold is in your Head!
lol, I'd say, here in Iowa, if its 50 degrees,
a lot of women have clothes on the line. |
Yeah, all the television networks are watching me and many other targets; all the radio stations DJ's, all the reporters,
a lot of Hollywood; yeah, these people are actually all IN on it, they are given the ability to know, so I guess they have decided to use it somehow. Its actually an open secret. |
all along the watchtower
cool as hell, man. everything you say is an understatement, like its all just now happening as I'm reading this.
I love it. Here's to you! (I'm drinking red wine tonight since its so cold out) |
Thanks for telling me about that.
My first clue that I was a target was because of the static on my phone; the static is so loud, sometimes I can't hear the other person. It took me some reading to realize this is telephone surveillance, its done through satellite. They also use data surveillance on me, all of my computer and writings, done through satellite as well. Yeah in 1994, when the internet came out, things got drastically worse for all of us, because now its a whole communicating system between satellite and computer, plus cell phone towers, the world is totally set up to target just about anyone and everyone. |
Actually, I'm a little put off by the Cathy and Mark story,
since, no, I didn't ever get the man that came and rescued me and married me like she did. Anyway, there is not a whole lot I can do once I went on psych, no one believes me, the police, my family, the congresspeople. We shall see what happens with Barack Obama. |
thank you for clarifying the topic and for addressing my concerns which I understand now to be taken more as impulsive in attempts at getting out of almost daily chronic head
pain and sexual attacks. I'm still learning a lot too. |
How would you feel?
ok...I was just using that as an example.
New Member
Edited by
Wed 01/14/09 08:54 AM
Probably because they haven't gotten over their last crush
or obsession with a guy that they couldn't get, and wanted. |
What you hate most in others
Condescending people who are sarcastic or bitingly opposed to you in an evil way.
How would you feel?
its all getting the blessing from the same God. doesn't matter the religion, except
maybe for Catholics which is 3 entities in one God: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, though yes I suppose it doesn't belong in the work place unless maybe he really has a fear of death, of dying at work, and want to circumvent that ending, or superstitious too, my mother actually buried a statue of a saint in her yard for luck in selling her house...and it worked! |
Like whom?
I'm already on 9mg of invega,what do you want them to do, put me in the hospital until I come to my senses? Lose my kids, lose my house...haven't I lost enough? I wanna know how this guy knows about me, don't you want to know? |
What I would like to point out, is that this person, Norslyman, responded to my other post Can schizophrenics benefit from religion? he posted about the usefulness of flower essences, so I viewed his profile and sent him a quick email thanking him for the info, and he never emailed me back. Then, shortly afterward, he posts this: How to create a mind controlled sex, yes, I think this guy knows something about me that I've been trying to get my hands on now for coming close to 15 years. These people exist out here in the real world, they are watching me just like the media is and the radio people are, and I'm so sick of them dropping clues and then running away--- listen, asshole, if you have information, you are obligated to bring it forward to me and to a court of law! All you people watching think you can just tap into this and walk scott-free, I'm so sick of you!
I just really wish that in the last 8 years, the Christians would
have started this country over. What happened? Why didn't that happen? I've paid every price for this ignorant country, and hard-pressed to be smart, to be intelligent, all folly! I wanna know why David Jeremiah didn't start our great country over...why? |
listen, honey, I'm only crazy cuz they made me crazy.
You don't gotta believe it, ok? But if you felt this head pain, you'd be perplexed to say the least. And the sex, its something out of this world, its makes me cry and it leaves bruises on my inner thighs. |