Community > Posts By > MikeMontana
Mystical Experiences
Red: That was the COOLEST story I have heard! That was really amazing.
Thanks! Sure beats my Debbie-Dissed-Me story. Anyone else? |
How can god be so great...
A parent forsee's all the bad that will happen to their child. A parent
knows full well, even before birth, that there will be many boo-boos, scraped knees, bad report cards, bad words, defiant behavior, arguments, broken hearts... all these things WE can reasonably forsee - and yet, we are fully willing to stand behind the child anyway. Even knowing these things would we choose it any other way? Would we want to construct a future so perfect that no harm will happen to our children? No. Because then it wouldnt be THEIR future. Parents have to establish a framework, offer advice, and eventually hand the reigns over. I would say God does the same for us. Lets say, for argument sake, he "Knows" the future, and could "do something" about it, but, for the reasons listed above, would he move to do something? Why should he - Creation is YOURS, life is YOURS - you have the power to make the future. Its your responsibility, for the same reasons that a parent allows their child to do something that will potentially harm themselves. |
Thanks for the clarification. I do stand by my statement that Bush is a liar based on the WMD issue. I would have supported him if he had said outright "...there is unfinished business in Iraq, containment is failing, and there is a real threat to the security of the region". |
I retract my point - I had not read DaVinci's point that he couldnt find
the stats to back him up - round of applause for an honest man! (that was sincere) |
DaVinci: I disagree with your numbers. The number of civillians killed
by US action is no where near that percentage. I think its 5 to 10k depending on how closely you slice the definition of "millitary action". Yes, I have heard wild stories of "10s of thousands per month" slaughtered by US forces. I also heard stories of "10s of thousands starving indirectly because of US forces" - simply doesnt apply. I will say that 10k civillian casualities by US forces is unnacceptable, and THAT has to be addressed. But, to stretch it into genocidal proportions is a distortion that is irresponsible. |
Interesting thoughts on Iran
Um, what happenend to b1tching about Iran??
ha ha |
How do we learn?
Red: I agree with your frustration. Interestingly, it goes both ways.
The religious conservatives would say that the erosion of religiously based morality has caused great social problems in our country. The liberals will counter that its the assertion of the conservative's views that is causing the strife and dysfunctionality in our culture. Frankly, I think its television. We all sit around and fatten our minds on the things we dont have, fatten our minds on the things we dont do, fatten our minds on the behaviors we dont dare... |
Red: I would like to add a thought, that the entire purpose of the
Bible, is that there is NO LAW upon christian ppl. Thats the WHOLE intent of the Messiah - to free all ppl (particuarly Jews) from the Law, (which according to Paul's words "was given for the sake of Sin"). So, a person 'professing' to be christian, cant cite any biblical 'law' that would be applicable. -Mike |
is there dust on your bible?
If my Torah is placed at the right of the Bible, is that offensive? If
the Torah has less dust than the Bible, is that a good sign, or a bad sign? Now, I have a real problem, where do I place the Koran - above? below? betwixt? <grin> |
How can god be so great...
Hey Hubey,
You ask the question that everyone asks themselves at some point. I will throw out my personal answer that came to me a couple years ago. Your milage may vary, exclusions and black out dates may apply, tickets are non-refundable. When my daughter was born I understood why fukced up things happen in a fukced up world, to good ppl, and to bad ppl. When we had rushed to the hospital to give birth, I had the understanding that this child could be butt-ugly, horrible person, and might even become a person worse than hitler. But, still I loved her - sight unseen. Future unknown. The ability to create life, and cherish life became the understanding moment. It isnt about being "all powerful", no more than comparing my personal "power" to give/take the newborn's life. If I thought enough about the future, and the hardships she will endure, and the chances that she might get raped, murdered, disfigured in a car accident or terrorist plot - or worse, that SHE would do these things - would I have terminated the baby? NO WAY. Chance, hope, and the unknown - thats why we love, thats why we give life, and thats why sometimes we must take life. In summary, I beleive this understanding is an insight into the mind of God. Life is given for the sake of love, what we do with it, and what we do to others, is our choice. Our responsibility. But its still a precious gift. |
I would say it gives a guide line to how you live your life. Nobody has
to follow any of its rules, unless, you do something grossly immoral. For example, from Adam till Moses, there was no "Law". There was no "dietary requirements", no list of "Thou Shalt", "Thou Shall NOT". Nope, it was very simple. Live peacefully, respectfully, and in grace. Eat what you want. As often as you want. At the moment of salvation from slavery, the Jews worshipped the golden calf and so earned the punishment of the Law. The Law, harsh, and demanding, has a deeper meaningfulness to it that reveals a great deal of wisdom. It also demands punishment, but, more importantly, it demanded consideration of mitigating factors, and scaled punishment to the offense. Brilliant, generations beyond any other civilization at the time. The Law ONLY APPLIED TO THE JEWS - the gentiles were still living in their grace as did Abraham. No rules, Life's Good. Party On! The Law was in force until the Messiah arrived. When Jesus arrived the Law was finished. Back to the "Noah Days" of law. In summary: The lesson is: Live by grace, give grace, receive grace. Fukc up and you'll be punished in a manner relative to your fukc up. Once the punishment is over, back to grace. What could be simpler? |
Who ever suggested that smoking weed was somehow "religiously immoral" ?
The only thing "immoral" would be becoming lost in irresponsible behavior (wether it be booze, drugs, sex, wait, scratch the 'sex' item) Hey you never know, maybe Paul and Silas smoked a bowl of Roman Red on the way to the Roman Forum? Who knows.... |
I'm pretty good at stirring up controversey, so here's another. I would
say that the "war" in Iraq is moral, and ethical. I even agree with ppl who say that Bush lied, and that the "WMDs" never existed. And if there's any imorality in this mess, its Bush's lie. Onto my point. From the mid 80s on, Iraq waged war with each of its neighbors. Repeatedly. The neighbors brokered a deal with the US to provide millitary protection incase Iraq tried again. We signed a deal. In the early 90s Iraq tried it again, this time in Kuwait, and we responded. We were asked to topple Saddam by the neighboring countries. Bush the First thought Saddam had "learned his lesson". During the "Desert Storm I" war, Iraq launched missiles into Israel - remember that? And they launched 39 missiles into Saudi Arabia. Iraq posed a real threat, a continuing threat, to each of its neighbors, and we had signed a deal to keep Iraq locked down for the neigborhood (this was the Clinton "Containment Policy"). The Containment Policy was failing, and expensive to maintain. Bush II inherited this failing policy, and thought it would be best to conclude his father's efforts. How convient when 9/11 happened. How convienent when the forged-Uranium Papers were "leaked". We had/have agreement, and the request, of the neighboring countries to finish the job started in the early 90s. What if we did not invade? Saddam would die eventually right? Look whats happened since his death. 10s of thousands of CIVILLIANS are being killed by their fellow CIVILLIAN citizens. How many American troops? 3000. Fact of the matter is: US Troops are keeping the lid on outright slaughter of Sunni vs Shia in Iraq. The sectarian fighting ISNT targeting US troops - look how little have been killed - 3000 in 4 years. Most casualties fell in the initial invasion - as would be expected. Without our troops there, the Sunnis would outright slaughter the Shia, on the order of 100,000s ! Since we stepped into this mess, we have the moral obligation to remain there to protect the 100,000s of civillians at risk. Is 3000 american soldiers worth 500,000 civillians? Need you ask? Yes. Our soldiers are holding back a potential genocide that would make Stalin blush. I despise Bush - he lied, lies, and will continue to do so. But, for different reasons, I accept that our presence in Iraq, to protect the civillians, is morally required. -Mike |
Interesting thoughts on Iran
I was going by Iran's own claims, and those "semi-confirmed" by the UN.
Its not the "sites" that matter, its the number of centrifuges in operation. |
Cruelty or Ignorance?
Thanks everyone, interesting thoughts.
That was "semi-serious", but, on a serious note, if I commanded my
forces into action, I'd ride with them. |
i would promise everything to everyone who would vote for me. i wouldn't
be ashamed to be contradictory. I'd sell out to whatever special interests paid for. In a word, I'd be HONEST |
Screen Names
Mine means "Mike Montana" which means "thats me!"
Interesting thoughts on Iran
Seems like we're hell bent on a millitary operation vs Iran. Seems like
Bush is going to pull it off with enough time to help the Elections. Thats the pessimistic, likely-case scenario. But, is there some merit to strking Iran? I say yes. For one, Iran has a stated national policy for the destruction of Israel. Putting aside the Arab/Jew issue, any country that has its national goal to be the genocidal destruction of another country is a real problem. Secondly, Iran probably ISNT building nuke weapons. But so what? They've gone from IAEA compliance of 300 nuke-refineries to 3000 refineries. The 300 refineries was permitted under the agreement that THEY signed. With 300 refineries, it would take 10yrs+ to refine enough explosive content. Thats assuming they were going to persue "civillian only" uses, and this plan would give them 1 to 2yrs worth of "power-grade" Uranium for generating electrical power. Seems reasonable. With 3000 refineries, the production time falls from 10yrs to about 1yr to make enough material for a bomb. Assuming its for civillian purposes, that would give enough power-grade Uranium for 50+ years. Iran has announced plans to scale the 3000 refineries to 30,000 over the next 5 years. Whats the purpose? Now, lets compare some timelines. In 1945 the first A-bomb was detonated in New Mexico. From start to finish, using 13,000 refineries of 1940s design, it took only 36 months to build enough weapons-grade Uranium for THREE working bombs. That included all the necessary efforts to figure out all the things necessary to complete the task [after all, it was a first time run!] |
NEW New York thread...
Hey all ya - I'm in Edison, NJ, but, can I come play too?
Heh, I'm in the city a couple nights a week either for classes (I'm attending Improv 101), or to catch a friend's show. I've posted the idea a couple times, but, it never goes anywhere: How about a group outing to meet & greet somewhere in NYC? C'mon ppl, I dont bite, and you're probably alot more fun in person! |