Community > Posts By > MikeMontana
I'm especially interested to hear more about 'Zoraster' and the faith
that emerged from it. I know bits and peices, but, not enough to be able to discuss it intelligently. Bonus points if someone can explain the Led Zepplin tie-in. |
Hey, there was a great response to my posting, and there were great
ideas mentioned: Zoaraster (sp?), Buddism, Taoism, Wiccan and so on. Please tell us what the major themes of your faith is (you know cover the basics: whats "good", whats "evil", why do they exist, whats the meaning of life, is there an 'after life' etc). Give us some taste of what it means for you, and how it affects your view of the world. Give us the brochure! As a side note: I didnt care for the "you're wrong/I'm right" taste that some posts had. So, I'm starting a new one, because I want to hear what the "great ideas" of other religons are. So feel free to add other supporting info to a post, but, unless there is a gross error, dont contradict someone else in this thread. |
Wikipedia is "open source" in the truest sense of the word. The content
is totally open to anyone to edit (as was pointed out). I've updated articles (PT Boats), and got good feedback. I'm often impressed with how timely and how detailed articles can be. Far more detailed and linked than say a stale encyclopedia set. Further, I would say that the traditional encyclopedia sets are FAR MORE subject to censorship, spin, and white-washing. I would say that the wikipedia materials represent a good averaging of the range of thoughts on a topic. And for those topics that are the subject of political/social concern aren't worth the time to read wether they be on the web or in print - because they're highly charged anyway. Wikipedia also had the distintion of being the first accessible "authoritative sources" of the new Pope - articles were published within minutes of his papacy. |
Improv Classes: Week 2
For those of you just tuning in, I decided to take Improv classes, and
last weeks post mentioned how suprised I was that its a "team" sport - you really have to rely on your team mates to give/pass lines in a way that works as a team. Room is filled with 15+ ppl, aged 25 - 45, various walks of life. Slight majority female. This week was like being in grade school. For highlights: we did silly games like "follow me". The game goes like this: A team of 4 stands up and is given some idea to mime. Person 1 does some mime action. The next person repeates it, and adds to it. And so on. Sounds silly, but it was fun, and it drove home the point that you gotta pay attention, have to interpret and build on what the prev ppl did. After that silliness, we did "circle time clapping". You clap, turn to the person on the right, and synchronize a clap. They turn and do the same. Damn was it tough to get 'syncd'. The purpose was to learn to follow the lead, and give a lead. Lastly, we did "Yes And...". The toughest of the night. Pairs of ppl take the stage. Person #1 gives a phrase "We are going shopping". Person #2 has to repeat the phrase, tack on "...and, " plus their own phrase. Now #1 repeates this phrase plus tacks on their own. This repeats for 5min. Oh, and you can never contradict, or question, the phrase given to you. It was hysterical because things just went off into complete silliness, and it was really hard because your first inclination is to "object", but the lesson is to learn to accept what was given and work with it "as-is". |
This board is heavily weighted with Christian themes. Understandably so
as most ppl are pro/anti christian. Is there anyone with a different faith? Buddist? Hindu? Jewish? Post here, share thoughts - start threads. Help us all learn a little bit about how you see the world. |
Would Jesus Discriminate?
ok, just to be different: I would say that Jesus DID discriminate.
How so? For one he clearly focused his parables and teachings to his audience differently, with different intentions and implications. For example, the story of the good Samaritan. The "Samaritans" were a set of "second class jewry", so for his parable to be effective he made use of the class-discrimination to make his point. His point wasnt so much the injustice of discrimination as it was the come-uppence to the "proper jewry". Look at his statement "Give unto Ceasar". This wasnt a wishy-washy evasive answer about taxation. It was considered blashphemy to have any human-likeness appear in and around the Temple. Ceasar's image was on the coin - Jesus was calling for a rejection of all things Roman, he was calling for a revolution against the Italians. Dont think so? What did he do in the market place? He had a sassy discussion with the samaritan woman at the well. He says "Get me a drink woman", and they go on with a sassy exchange. He was talking down to her - making her aware of her 2nd class status. Sure, Jesus hung out with prostitutes and the like. But not Gentiles. So yeah, I would say that discrimination was clearly present. |
I would say that its pretty clear that the political minds of the time
thought/acted/assumed that any euro-westernized country was a christian-protectorate. That is to say a country with judeo-christian fundamentals to its legal system, without specifically recognizing a religon for its civil systems. John Jay wrote his thoughts and legal opinions around these points, and his points are backed up by the usual-suspect "Founding Fathers". I would say there is nothing wrong with a theologically based civil govt. So long as its not IDEALOGICALLY based, which, a theology govt usually becomes. |
ONE Deal-Breaker
How about the "lack of response" ppl? You send them a polite email
relevant to their profile (say they happen to like cooking Italian ), and no reply at all. That bugs me. |
The War on Iran.
Interestingly, the 3rd carrier group is due to arrive on station in the
Persian Gulf within the next 2 weeks - officially to "releive" the Eisenhower. Also, please dont post a full length cut & paste of a web page. Summarize it for us, give quotes and comments, and the URL, but not the whole thing plz. |
Feel The Love
My neighbor Dave is a big NJ Devil fan. I'm a NY Rangers fan. The
Rangers have been terrible the last several years, a point that Dave loves to rub in my face. As often as he can. This year the Rangers are doing pretty well, and have made it to the playoffs. I went to one of the playoff games and the stadium was giving out these mini-posters of "Lets Go Rangers!". After the game there was a pile of extras - maybe a dozen or so. SO.... what would you do? Since I was out late the previous night, I decided to take the day off. Dave goes to work very early - 5am or so. I wanted to enjoy the Rangers Victory. Enjoy my pile of "Lets Go Ranger" posters. At my lesiure I taped one of the "Lets Go Rangers" posters to his window. Each of his windows. All of his windows - front, and back. He usually gets home at 4pm. I made sure to be outside waiting for him. Oh the reaction was PRICELESS. In his thick, North-Jersey Accent (yes, thats a very Saprano's sounding dialect), he foamed vile insults and threats to the Rangers and all of their kin, he was raging with laughter. "...paybacks Mikey! Just you wait! I'll get you!" Bring it on Davey. Bring it on - this is what "Playoff Hockey" is all about. |
Hey stinkey
I work at a small computer company, the building is in a typical "light
industrial park". The building itself is corporate dull. The offices are industrial-ugly, in the most non-offensive shade of beige. Its medically sterile. We do our best to conform to this "business blandedness" by trying to be extra polite in our wording, trying not to smirk at likely-inuendo during somebody's presentation. But every once in awhile, somebody breaks protocol. I'm in the mens room going about my business and my boss walks into the mens room. Offended by the odor, he promptly leaves. A couple minutes later, he returns, and just as quickly exits. This goes on for a few minutes. Eventually, I complete my business and go back to my cubicle of efficiency. Before I had got to my desk he sent me an email: "Hey Stinkey: What the hell did you eat? You should ho see a doctor!" then, he sent out an email to everyone: New Bathroom Procedures Due to the rude behavior of one of our fellow employees, the following policy will be enforced. Take note that it is now encumbant upon all employees to issue one courtesy-flush for every 5 minutes of toilet usage. All persons using the toilet will be required to sign in, and sign-out giving the time of usage, and attest to the number of courtesy-flushes given. Failure to comply with these policies will result in your termination. -J. Donovan The off-color and obnoxious email was well received and we had a good round of snickering. It made for a good Friday. |
VaTech: Cowards and Killings
Wow. I am surprised by the replies. I don't fault anyone for being
scared sh1tless, I would have peed my pants. I might even have been paralyzed with fear. I am bothered by the overall sense that we are, as a people, "helpless" to nut cases like this. If only 1 person had tangled with him, if only 1 person had lunged at him, then he couldnt have killed 30+ people. He killed 30 ppl in cold blood - probably most were begging for their lives. And yet, nobody else could think beyond themselves to really do something. Until we take individual responsibility to "do all that we can" when faced with a true "Life or Death" situation, then more heinous acts like this will happen - more frequently, more deadly. |
Seems like a simple question. But, now that you're an adult, why do you
hold to your particular faith? Whats made it "un-deniable" for you? I was asked that question by a muslim in Pakistan who was trying to convert me to Islam. We debated round and round on this one for a couple days. His point, which he was pretty effective on, was that we often simply assume our faith is the "correct one" because "someone told us it was correct". And if we question the source of our faith, we may find that we dont have much of a faith in the first place. Anyway, I thought it was a very thought provoking question, and I'd like to hear other ppl's thoughts. [In the end, my answer to him was "I am christian because that is how I was called, and that is how I choose to respond" - he found that acceptable enough for him to declare the 'conversion debate' a truce] |
VaTech: Cowards and Killings
"none of this could've been prevented. not if someone stood in the way, not if no one tried to stop it." Absolutely this could have been prevented. Thats my point, if I were there I woulda rushed teh guy. Even if it meant me being shot, he woulda been knocked down. Other ppl could have jumped on him once I knocked him down. It was directly preventable. I could have done it, you could have done it (but I dont think you would have). |
Are we superior?
I wanted to add, that "yeah sure animals will nurture their own young,
and maybe sorta look out for a sickly member", but, only a human will go create medicine, collect foods and see to the well being of a sickly human who is un-known. Think of Doctors, Nurses, Clinicians, etc. The ability to communicate ideas, emotions, and express them without the physical need for interacation sets us way apart. What I mean by that is we can communicate our thoughts between each other (like email) without ever actually knowing, seeing, hearing the other person. We can even communicate with ppl yet to be born (we can write a book that will be read 100s of years later). So, we're "top dog" so to speak. We have unlimited potential, for good and bad. |
Are we superior?
Until some other creature shows capacity for selfless nuturing,
compassion for illness, the ability to record thoughts and expressions for later generations, and the ability to develop efficient means of mass murder, I'd say that humans remain top of the pile. |
VaTech: Cowards and Killings
All day I've been hearing "experts" give "insight" into what went wrong
at VA-Tech. All sorts of blame pointing - at the school administration, police, gun-laws, at psychologists... Everyone wants to blame someone in "authority" - someone "should have known", "the signs were all there, someone failed". Then I hear the usual empty statement "... he was a cold blooded murderer, a coward". At that moment the two statements came together. Who failed? You and I failed. In the sense, that nobody, NOBODY got up to take this guy down on his rampage. Everyone was, understandably, hiding for their very lives. But, in the course of 2 hours, 30+ ppl died, and nobody stopped this guy. How can a campus filled with hundreds of ppl, NOT have a single person who would rush this guy, even if it meant dying in the process? Why? Because we are a nation of selfish cowards. Understandably, nobody wanted to die being a hero, but, selfishly, and cruely, everyone thought that their lives were more valuable than someone elses. How else can you explain the failure to act - THIRTY+ ppl had to die, and out of the campus with hundreds of ppl directly involved, nobody stopped him? He even had time to go mail a letter. Reload his guns. Check out the campus. Walk around some. Still, nobody acted. Sure, LOTS of ppl called the police, but at some level its a deflection of responsibility to act. Yes, let me say it directly. If you (a complete stranger to me), and I were in a room, and a gunman came into the room, I'm gonna hide. I'm gonna cower. I'm gonna save my skin. And I'm going to do what I can to save YOUR life too. And when the moment is available, I'm going to rush the guy, and if I get shot doing it, at least YOU will have the chance to finish the rush. At least YOU will have 1 less bullet to worry about. I only hope and pray, that if I'm in such a situation, that more than one person thinks like me - and that mindset will save dozens of other potential killings. Isnt it better that me & a like-minded person take the bullet and end the gunman, rather than letting him rampage for 30+ more killings? Who is with me? Who values their neighbor's life as much as their own? This is precisely the reason why 9/11 succeeded - not enough ppl stood up to this. Same thing with that nutcase in the Utah shopping mall last x-mas... [Incidently, all 3 involved muslims] Over and over, these gunmen succeed because everyone thinks that THEIR own life is more valuable than any potential strangers - they feel its better to let someone else take the risk. The failure to act, is a kind of implicit-complicity to the crime. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke (1729-1797) </rant> |
This video shows a really *simple* way to 'steal' a flame from a zippo
lighter, and "snap" it back into the lighter. Worth seeing: I'm going to try this one on the kids and see how they react |
Purity Balls?
"Purity Balls?"
Whats that? Are they blue? What happens when you lose your marbles? |
Adam isnt the father of us all. According to the Bible lots of people
were created before Adam. Adam is the FIRST MAN that God revealed himself to. Even if you dont agree that Gensis Chapter 1 & 2 preceed Adam, then look at Cain's words when he got caught murdering "I'll be banished, I'll be miserable, ppl will kill me..." And he got special dispensation from God, "Nobody will touch you..." and he went off into the other lands and married. Clearly, intentionally, undoubtdely, there were other ppl! |