Community > Posts By > nogames39

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 12:47 PM
Why not use the scientific method?

Do we take the statement from an elephant before we can figure out what it does, how and why? Of course not, because we can't. Nevertheless, we are perfectly capable of deducting everything we want to know about that elephant.

Yet, take the FED, and your intellectual might vanishes. Suddenly, we need FED to explain us what is it they doing. Can't you see with your own eyes, without asking the FED, the perpetrator?

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 12:43 PM
I assume your question is rhetorical, and you already understand, that FDIC (nor FED) does not guarantee anything, nor was it ever designed to guarantee anything. Contrary, of course, to what we all are continuously fed by the various media and government propaganda.

I find it extremely interesting, that the main purpose of FED, while in plain sight, continues to evade even the most determined. For some reason, people do place a value in propaganda. I don't trust propaganda, may-be by some freak of nature, I don't know, but the absolute majority does.

Even when I see folks determined to find the truth, they would still predictably go and read the propaganda statements, to either:
- allow propaganda to be the center of their research, or;
- to at least influence their judgment.

Why? There is no necessity to know anything official about what FED or the state says about baking, but only to examine what we can observe, to come to a conclusion of what is the purpose and meaning of the FED.

Where is this a priori trust coming from? How to repudiate it?

Curious, isn't it?

If I hit your scull with my fist, and attempt to give you a story, would you listen? Not if you sober. You already know everything from simply observing my actions.

But turn to the dealings of the people and the bureaucrats, and the sober judgment disappears. FED tells you that it took your money away from you by force for your own good, and you listen! Why? Don't you already see it's actions? FED took the gold of every American, by physical force. You still trust anything it says? You even listen?

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:45 AM
As for the very existence of the gold in F. Knox, stop watching those cheep TV shows. It is called "movie magic". Anything can be done on the screen. It proves nothing, unless you trust the makers, but then if you do, you shouldn't need a movie, since you trust their word.

The gold was sold out, during a number of years, and it is being sold daily. Where have you been?

Look up "Gold lease rates". I believe I have personally posted at least twice on this very forum, in detail, about the mechanism of gold sales under the disguise of "leasing".

Do you see now, Fanta, why I don't want to live in a tyranny that you keep advocating? Even if I trust you personally (which I do), I still cannot trust such system.
Turns out the whole gold stock might be missing, and you wouldn't even take a notice, nor see the difference between an audit by a real auditor and that of a government thug.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:38 AM

I wouldn't mind seeing that happen, has it ever been done before? I have dial up and not time for that link, but like the idea.

All there was, an audit of FED by the government. This is exactly as devastating as an audit of Al Capone by his mother.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:36 AM
Hey Fanta, I am well armed too. Therefore, it should immediately follow to you, that I have a bridge in my possession. Want to buy it?

The presence of armed forces does not guarantee that:

1. there is something to guard.
2. that even if there was, it is not stolen yet, by the bureaucrats who control the armed forces.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:32 AM
Devastating? There is nothing new.

Listen, ANY DEMOCRAT, is capable of murder and torture. Why would I say that? Because any democrat by definition must support an armed extortion of private property, which is exactly the same thing that a street thug does.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:28 AM
Edited by nogames39 on Sat 05/09/09 10:28 AM
Alexander Hamilton was a proponent of a communism, as he supported the central bank. It is, therefore, of no consequence, whatever he did or said. His whole deal is tarnished by him advocating socialism, and even communism through central bank (as we are now being proved that the existence of central bank leads to economic crisis, and then to socialist measures), and to me, it is the question of what did he REALLY wanted to achieve. Certainly, he did not seek freedom, not independence, although he may have held a position that could have been interpreted that way. But his true intentions speak loudly by his advocacy of central bank and federal power.

He was the worst of all founding fathers, and should probably be removed from the list, and mentioned only as a contemporary or an ally of founding fathers.

An analogy: You may have a father who was documented advocating your conception in order to sell your organs. While he is your biological father, it is not in your benefit to promote his ideas.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:16 AM
Something of that kind...bigsmile

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 10:14 AM
Edited by nogames39 on Sat 05/09/09 10:15 AM

the article said they didn't know HOW the 7 died not HOW MANY

You don't know that. This could have been simply bad English. They may have wanted to say "how many have died", but it did come out as "how they died".

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 08:26 PM
Shouldn't we be democratic about it? Ask the morons? Everyone should have an equal say, even those who do not have children of their own.

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 08:24 PM

The arguement that a person who kills a terrorist is not guilty of
killing the civilian the terrorist is using as a shield, that the
terrorist who grabbed the civilian is guilty of the civilian's death is
a piece of sophistry.

It is an argument used to absolve soldiers of guilt over the killing of
civilians in order to reach their true target.

So, what is the fallacy in this argument?

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 08:18 PM
I would say that they must have died, and died before they have even become corpses!

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 08:16 PM

I am just wondering if I should stop being productive now, or should I wait for some more goodies from Obama, since it only gets better for those who don't want to work.

This used to be said of England, but I guess it fits us now as well:

America, a country where only suckers work!

Are you jealous of people losing their jobs through no fault of their own?huh

No, why? I am proud of Obama, and of my right to your money!

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 07:09 PM
Type in google: "photoshop serial", and make sure that google isn't pulling a "safe search" trick on you.

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 07:06 PM

I find it to be a matter of historical ignorance that those who favor and support the outsourcing and world market measures are often the same ones who think that this supports the idea of American capitalism, when it actually goes against it. This claim can be easily understood if one has an accurate understanding of how capitalism began in this country......

and WHY.

The 'open' world market goes against the foundation of this country's style of capitalism as it was intended to be.

Ignorance combined with wealth, greed, and power are ruining this country. Those people who defend the idea of allowing fellow Americans to fall into ruin through the rationalization of individualism which has been cloaked as capitalism need to be tried for treason against the United States of America. It completely misdirects the intention.

Take a history lesson and learn something about what it was that this country was founded upon. Read some of the letters of Alexander Hamilton concerning our intended brand of capitalism and how it was introduced. Perhaps then your perception will be more accurate, providing a basis from which to acquire an accute understanding of the complete picture of what it meant in this country. Then we can talk about the actual history behind these things which are anything other than justifying personal greed through the bastardizing of the concepts of freedom, liberty, justice, capitalism and socialism.

There is no such thing as "American Capitalism", even though you seem to think there is. Just like there is no meaning to "American Freedom".

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 07:00 PM
I am just wondering if I should stop being productive now, or should I wait for some more goodies from Obama, since it only gets better for those who don't want to work.

This used to be said of England, but I guess it fits us now as well:

America, the country where only suckers work!

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 06:48 PM
Some people didn't actually learned all they know from internet sites.

Besides, if you want a reference, copy one line and paste it into google text box. Vuala!

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 06:46 PM

What if we teach the parents all of the different apsects, and let them teach the kids what they want to?


Wait... then there would be nothing to argue about...


Nevermind, it makes too much sense.

We can't allow some kids to be smarter then others. Whatever it takes, and usually, we choose to dumb everyone down equally.

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 06:42 PM
According to late American history, Fanta.

Or, should I say:

According to late American history, Fanta! ?

And Japan was bombed to escape possible huge losses of soldiers!

nogames39's photo
Fri 05/08/09 06:39 PM

sure they will...his election was a HUGE fuggin' mistake...this guys mentor [ Saul Alinsky ]...and...his Reverend [ Wrong...I mean Wright ]...are what has shaped his life and warped his mind...his views are so left of's so so sad to watch this unfold each and everyday...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....for the 50's...:cry:

No escape now.

Reverend Wrong? LOL bigsmile drinker

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