Community > Posts By > nogames39

nogames39's photo
Sun 05/10/09 01:16 PM

ipods suck an mp3 player...ipods dont let u put ur mp3s on them....but cheap lil mp3 players do happy :)


Having an iPod, is exactly as having that pretty girlfriend that everybody says is hot. She is certainly looking that way. But, she is a real b!tch, when it comes to relationships. You will never ever be happy. Not even close to happy, you'll never ever be able to just be and enjoy life. That is how iPod really is.

Like an above poster, I find the iPod to be extremely restrictive, and very dumbifying (is this even a word?). It allows and disallows certain things. It requires you to use special usb cables and special "management" software.

Well, guess what. There is no need for an iPod to have a special usb cable. It could do just fine with a standard usb cable, the one you can find anywhere, so you never would need to carry the dumb cable around, and, to buy it in the first place. The only reason that aPPLE decided to use the special cable, is to make you spend more money.

Secondly, there is absolutely no need to use any stupid "management" programs. Any cheap mp3 player (well, most of them), will allow you to simply move your music to and from another device. It's that simple, the functionality is already in USB. The only reason aPPLE decided to use that stupid iTunes, is so that you keep your eyes closed and remain unaware, that there are a ton of free music download services, and a million of high quality ones where you buy any song for about 9 cents (kind of competes the sh!t out of iTunes, doesn't it), and their music doesn't come with any DRM crap.

So, I simply threw away the iPod, and am using el cheepo mp3 player that does what I want, how I want, and when I want.

nogames39's photo
Sun 05/10/09 12:58 PM
As for the slavery, I realize this too. The modern slavery chains aren't made out of iron, but out of you beliefs that it is due to the goodness of your owner (government) that you even exist yourself.

Your slavery is that you are not allowed to make any more choices. Everything is decided for you. All you have is an illusion of choice, which is at first predetermined by the propaganda you believe, and secondly is limited by legal framework secondly, and thirdly, anything you do is dried down by extorting everything you possess or earn, except the liabilities, which your dimmer brothers mistake for assets.

Unlike the slaves of the past, today, they don't even raise their heads. There is no fire of freedom in their hearts. They are humans only by a biological similarity. Modern slaves are completely deserving of their situation.

nogames39's photo
Sun 05/10/09 12:50 PM

Wouldn't that require the Republicans and Democrats to work together? How likely it that?

They are one and the same, can't you see that? They make you say slightly different things, but they both lead you to slavery.

Republican party never had any reason to exist, but now, it is found itself to have the same goals with Democratic party.

They are the two cops (good cop, bad cop), both of them have inextinguishable hate for you and are trying to destroy you.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 09:20 PM
Hmmm. I always thought that me being in a locker room protects the girl from seeing me and losing her control.

If she wants to try her luck, she's welcome to take a look, any day she decides to enter my locker room.

What's the big deal?

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 09:16 PM
I don't know what's the deal with "relaxing". I hear it all the time.

One of my buddies uses that exact phrase. I accept, I just don't really get it, that's all.

The life isn't too hard to be so tired of it. It's quite interesting and so much fun. I just can't find a reason to "escape".

I guess, I'd never know how much fun this is... Oh well. In next life, may-be?

(BTW, I support anyone's right to use ANY drugs.)

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 08:53 PM

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 08:29 PM

1. trisexual

One who is attracted to men, women, and horses. Often a person who has failed with both genders opts to be a trisexual so that they can make love to a horse while also being able to date if the time ever comes. Bestiality and bisexuality in one ugly mesh.

I loves my man.
I loves my woo-man.
I loves my horse.

this has to be a joke.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 07:57 PM
The robbers have a different definition of "fair". Always had, always will have. It is a required rationalization, so that the robber can too, feel like an honest man.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 07:50 PM
Edited by nogames39 on Sat 05/09/09 07:53 PM
Thomas, in 1930-es, FDR's whores went bank to bank. Each bank was closed for a "holiday". An actual reason for a holiday, was to meet with FDR's agents and empty the deposit boxes of Americans behind their backs.

Each deposit box was opened, and the gold was removed, if any. Then the agent placed back the amount of fake fiat paper money, that corresponded to the gold standard rate back then. $20.62 for each ounce of gold stolen.

Then the banks reopened, after "the holiday". After that, FDR made an announcement that all gold was fairly exchanged at the gold to dollar exchange rate.

So, if you had 100 ounces, then you'd go to your bank, only to find your gold missing, from a bank safe deposit box! Inside, you'd find $2062. If you were a pro-government punk, you'd think at this moment: - "Not too bad, after all, I still have the 100 ounces of gold worth of paper money!". He-he.

Now, after the announcement, FDR immediately changed the exchange rate to be $35 per an ounce of gold. So, in a flash, you now only have not an 100 ounces of gold worth of paper money, but only 59 ounces of gold worth of paper money. Now, that was a change they could believe in!

This is how FDR "LOVED" Americans.

Beware. Obama is nothing different from FDR.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 07:41 PM
Looking so closely?

Only if you expected his balls to be the size of berries, you'd have to look close to notice there isn't anything at all.

I always gave a man a benefit of a doubt. Just like now. I expected balls of still, size 12 or larger, and was shocked, when a picture appeared almost blank. Something was a miss!

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 07:06 PM



No balls?

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 07:03 PM
Umm.. let's be honest here. A snake's head is a lot more visually appealing than that of a fish. Except, of course, that the cooked snake's head will have weirdly popped out eyes, whitened and dangling on a yellow nerve.

But, this snake's head was uncooked. This is important. This tells us of the aesthetic taste of the snake planting individual. Since he (or she) apparently though that the uncooked snake looks scary, he (or she), must be perverted.

The article is missing an information if the snake was an adult or a youngster. If it was, indeed, a youngster, then it might have been marinated in lime and mint, stuffed with hot mustard and bacon. Crunchy!

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 06:50 PM
You mean if you only used Firefox? It does for you on the internet forums, what Microsoft Word does for you in your office, - underlines incorrectly spelled words. (Of course the people who work for Mozilla, are about 16 times smarter than those working for Microsoft, since Firefox does not insist on capitalizing your every new line, unlike Word).

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 06:43 PM

Snake head in the broccoli at an american restaurant.Well in Britain we have a **** head surrounded by vegetables he's called Gordon Brown

Nice one! Thanks!rofl

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 06:25 PM
Gold is a useless shiny rock, a barbaric relic of the past. Just make sure you've got enough paper with president faces.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 04:02 PM
You know, I did check him out. Seems to be rather a good entertainer, than an economist. Just my 2 cents.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 04:01 PM
Bernanke, a "head" of the FED, is now have trapped himself and the FED, and has no hope of ever getting out of this trap.

He printed so much more fake money, and all that is sitting waiting when is it going to be a bit safer to be lent. Here is the thing, though: Bernanke made a mistake. He printed too much.

Bernanke is a wannabe. Just like Obama, he never ever run anything real. He was always a bookworm, an organizer, a brown-noser, but never a real man. He never lifted anything heavier that the miserably small thing that his woman secretly despises.

And now, the wannabe has gotten himself a muscle car. Look at him!
He is all in a chrome steel monster, smiling snugly and trying to make a "no fear" look.

Don't you just want to walk up and punch him in the face? I know I do. Just to see him crying. Just to see what is he going to do next. Just to hear his voice break as he drops into excuses. I do feel strange satisfaction from seeing a brown nosing bureaucrat crying of his own impotence.

But he has floored the beast now. He "gave it" to the monster, for the first time in his life, never ever before touching anything meaner than a soccer-mom's van. Half a century old, bald on top and silver in beard, he had finally got enough balls to do what any 16 y.o. does, - to man up.

And now, he is scared. He had never known what terrible power a muscle car holds hostage under that pedal. Now, that he released it playfully, he realized he doesn't know how to handle it. In fact, he had just realized that he never really wanted to be in this mean car, and on this dusty street. It is all too mean, and too rough for him. He'd rather participate in some more academic discussions on the true reasons of the great depression.

So, he is swirling around right there, and about to get in a way of a tractor trailer. His efforts did not lighten up the economy. The tires spun. And now, if he lets it go, he is going to lose it. If he keeps at it, he is going to lose it later. If he raises the reserve requirements, he will destroy the remaining confidence in markets, and the wall street will collapse. If he doesn't, the banks will let it out and the streets will run dollar into a gutter.

Do you wish him best? I don't. I know, I am not perfectly holy. I know I would enjoy seeing a sucker being put in his place, where he belongs. I am whistling, and cheering up a crowd. I think he will do the worst, I think he will make the fatal mistake.

But then again, I hate bureaucrats. He should have stayed in that as$ he was brown-nosing. Go, bennie! Floor that beatch! Show it who is the man.

(I know. His powerful friends will lend him a hand, and he'll get out alright, just as by magic. But I can dream, can't I?)

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 01:07 PM

.......if you can tell me why I have not been able to log into my MSN for the last two days now. And please do not tell me it is because it is a Microsoft product.

It keeps trying to reconnect but never does. And the troubleshooting option does not even come up.

So... you want the answer, but don't want it to be the truth?

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 01:00 PM
Edited by nogames39 on Sat 05/09/09 01:04 PM
Look, creativesoul, I am losing my interest here. It is not an engaging discussion when an opponent just keeps denying the existent knowledge and the reality itself, in favor of unproved (actually disproved) ideas.

More then that, I find your method to be fallacious.
You say that because the crisis did not happen at the time of the FED creation, it therefore does not follow from the FED presence. Hmmm... Except that this is of course, a fallacy. For instance, if you start smoking, you will eventually destroy your body, but it will not happen at the time you smoke your first cigarette. If I use your logic, then I must proclaim that no one died as a consequence of picking up smoking, since it did not happen at that time.

Do you realize the fallacy in your judgment?

Further, you disregard that we have had several serious economic crashes, all due to the existence of the central bank, spread all over the time period from the very creation of the bank to current time. Do you not know about those? If you do not, then why are you discussing this? If you do, then why are you pretending that FED did not ruin the American economy?

But, obviously, this isn't going to change your mind.

Why should I continue? You won't learn anything anyway, because you do not want to.

nogames39's photo
Sat 05/09/09 12:48 PM

karma's a b*tch

Lol, bigsmile drinker

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